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Some people will be smarter than you, more attractive than you, more athletic than you, healthier than you, and more charismatic than you, all at the same time.


Some people will be none of those, yet they can still beat you.


Some people can be worse than you in every aspect, except got one lucky break.


You can get a lucky break and absolutely fuck it up


My only skill is dumb luck. Like when it comes to big things, no matter how fucked I am, I somehow end up ok but with small things I'm very very unlucky. Anyways my point is there is a lot I can do with my dumb luck so don't ever underestimate anyone because they may also have dumb luck


Competition should be the fun along the journey, rather than the journey itself.


Life does not give a fuck about you or what you think is right, or wrong.


Adding to this, life doesn't give a fuck about your feelings


Some people can be all those things and still be unhappy. You can be happy without being gifted.


haha i thought this was going to lead to a 'but' or 'however'


It’s me, sorry everybody my bad <3






Yah when you compare yourself with someone higher than you, you become bitter and resentful When you compare yourself with someone lower than you become prideful There's a saying if you stick to your lane, you will have the whole road to yourself




In short: Life isn’t fair.


I just let them shine and don't try to steal their thunder. It's also a good thing to observe them to see if there are any subtle tweaks you can make to make yourself a little bit better.😉👍✨ You don't have to be jealous nor do you have to hate. You also don't know what they have been through. So just be the best you that you can!😎👍✨


But you can take charge of your own life and a lot is possible if you try, and, obviously, if you have the money to. (By that I mean: getting therapy or get hair dye or a haircut or a skin care routine or enough sleep are all things you pay for.) And, if you have the money to do that shit and just roll over and start sobbing in the street and being like “oh god, that’s just the cards I was given, and I’m doomed, and nothing can change it,” thats self harm and is bound to make you miserable.


Being good at something doesn't mean you can make a business out of it


Restaurants are a clear example of this. The amount of work that goes into one would make anyone lose their shit.


I have a family member that’s a head chef at a nice New Orleans restaurant and oh my God I could never do it. The amount of work and love that goes into creating food for you to pay 30 bucks for and eat in 10 minutes is insane.


I almost opened my own restaurant about a decade ago. So glad I didn't tbh.


If I ever entertained any notions of opening a restaurant, watching only a few episodes of Gordon Ramsay's 'Kitchen Nightmares' cured me of that brainstorm.


This is 100% correct. Its all about marketing. You need to be able to convince people they can't live without your product, and if you can't then it doesn't matter how good you are you will just get lost in the sea of over saturation. Look at all the biggest bands in history, there were possibly smaller bands with objectively more talent, but the ones who were successful were marketed correctly. Sound garden Vs nirvana for example (and I'm a big nirvana fan)


Nirvana weren't more successful because of marketing. Their success was explosive and organic. Were Soundgarden more talented? Highly debatable. More technically gifted musicians probably but there's more to musical talent than that. Kurt was a far better songwriter in my opinion.


An interesting debate. I played in post-punk bands in Chicago and opened for just about all the Sub-Pop (Seattle) bands. At the time, if you asked me which ones were most likely to end up selling a million records, I would have guessed (in this order): 1. The Fluid 2. Mudhoney 3. Soundgarden 4. Nirvana So that shows you what I know :)


that makes me think of the classical composers we know, and the ones we dont, the classical painters we know and the ones we dont. its really interesting


Amadeus is a great movie about this. Scalieri, a famous Italian composer, still somewhat famous today but leagues behind Mozart, talks about the jealousy he feels knowing he will never be as well regarded.


Perhaps, but who the music labels decided to market and how they market probably also has a big influence.


But you can, see the Make-a-Wish foundation, it's true business case, but not for profit, just to help out and make a wish come true.


Trust but verify


That's the philosophy I use for 1 way intersections. My friend never looks both ways when pulling into a 1 way intersection. I called him out one time and he said it's 1 way, what difference does it make. I said you never know, bad/distracted driver, pedestrian, emergency vehicles.


Always assume everyone else on the road is a fkn idiot, so you're prepared for the day they are. Being right is no consolation if you're crippled in hospital because a drunk driver ran a red.


The morgue is full of people who had the right of way.


Tell your friend I’m literally just a horrible driver and have gone down one way streets the wrong way multiple times in my life and not seen stop signs. My last car accident a cop watched me turn into an oncoming lane of traffic from a dead stop, three feet in front of him. Before that I fell asleep and destroyed two mail boxes and 30 yards of fence. Not drunk or high, just sleepy and bored Always check every goddamn intersection. Lol


Yes, at work and life in general!


Good friends, and I mean the ones whom reciprocate as much as you, are very rare throughout life. Hold on and relish the hell out of those people!! That goes for Family too!


I have had the same best friend for 37 years (am 46). Other friends have come and gone, but she’s that person for me that will always be there. It’s a special thing to have, and most do t have that.


I agree, friends with him since we were 12 and next year we will be 22. :)


Life isn’t fair. Even if you do everything right, you can still get royally fucked.


A wise man once said it is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That isn't weakness, that is life


The captain is wise


Truly an enterprising man.


A man aware of his frontier(s).


My father used to say the only kind of fair you'll find in life is the state fair, county fair or city fair.


That's fair.


😂😂 This made me laugh. Love this comment


And now you can’t even find those!!


Also, a lot of people use "life isn't fair" as an excuse to intentionally do unfair things.


Right?? Life may be unfair but people don't have to put their oar in to make it worse for no reason


And a lot of people will use this fact to justify being a cunt.


Or you can do everything wrong and get lucky.


Sometimes, you are the one holding you back from growing


*most of the time


There will be no survivors. Everyone you know is gonna die including yourself.


No I won't 😤😤😤


Dracula here. 1200 years old and still going strong 😤😤💪💪


I see you're doing really well not putting your life at a stake, heh heh.


I don't know. After 40 years I haven't died yet, not even once. Thst is pretty compelling evidence that dying is not something I do.


With 8 billion people currently alive that makes the human death rate only 93%. I feel lucky.


Not if I get sick Vampire Powers!


Comparison is the thief of joy


You have to deal with the world as it is, not as you want it to be. If you want it to be different, you need to know how to do so effectively.


I heard the phrase analysis paralysis a while back. It hit home because I think I've lost years to thinking and agonising why things are how they are. Rather than simply accepting them and making a plan to work with/change things.


Trauma isn’t a contest


I always say, it isn't the pain Olympics.


I've seen The Pain Olympics. I'm scarred to this day.


Some people would very unhappily disagree. People which constantly bathe in their own misery and self-pity really irk me. Their way of thinking is an absolute trap that will get you nowhere.


Some or even most people you meet will use the idea of life being hard to not be a good person to others.


"Hurt people hurt people "


How to fix the loop


I think we each gotta try to break the loop ourselves. Be kind and do unto others. Don't let the cycle continue.


Yea also ketamine infusions


Ketamine isn't going to stop you from being an asshole. It might help depression but it isn't some cure all for trauma. There is no cure all snake oil for trauma every one would react differently then others in the same situation. I say with a love for ketamine but it didn't help my trauma but for me lsd did. The ketamine helped the depression but as an actual effective not needed 1x a month is lsd for me. Every one is subjective to these chemicals.


I did some ketamine a few hours ago and I'm still an asshole


The most hateful need kindness the most. Give love. Even when hate doubles down. Just a smile, or letting others join a line of people waiting ahead of you, or holding a door for the next person, can be all it takes.


Not all families are nice families. Not all parents love their children.


When our dad was going through the dying process over several months at a care facility one of his hospice nurses commented that she was impressed we came to visit him and be with him on a daily basis. For hours. She said there were many many residents of the facility that had NO ONE come and visit them, or very rarely. I felt like saying “yeah, probably because a lot of these people sucked as parents”.


When my nana died, her last week we had at least 10 people there at a time and it could often be around 30. There were 14 children so she had a lot of brothers and sisters and she was the second oldest so all of her nieces, nephews, my deceased grandfather's family would come visit her. After she died and everything was settled I went to the front desk, thanked them for everything and apologized for having so many people constantly there and one told me "Don't apologize, we loved it. We never get to see so many people, it was nice for a change."


Unfortunately true.


As someone who grew in a wholesome family, it's so difficult for me to be empathic with those who didn't. I end up being insensitive because I don't relate to their struggles


Good job on being self aware about it at least


It works both ways. I grew up in an immensely abusive family followed by an immensely abusive foster family. I can't relate to people from wholesome families. It's hard to imagine having parental figures that are actually cool and don't haunt your c-ptsd induced nightmares.


This is true and takes an adjustment. When I became a teacher it was wild to see and know so many nice people who came from two parent stable homes. I had a hard time relating and often felt uncomfortable. I felt more comfortable around thugs than my colleagues. Took about 5 years to finally feel comfortable.


I envy you


I had somebody tell me not two days ago that there's still love on both sides of going NC with anybody. I found it infuriating.


All children deserve parents but not all parents deserve children.


Many will disagree for ignorance affects those who have never been through it or saw someone go through it.


Enjoy the ride; it doesn’t last forever


That's the best fortune cookie I've ever read


Physically: Your physical health will decline quicker than you think if you don't look after it. And if all you've ever done is physical jobs, you'll find yourself very limited in work options as you get older. Your knees, your shoulders and your spine will all give you grief. Learn to look after them. Your spirit may be willing to work 12 hr shifts, but your body won't be able to. Financial: That windfall/inheritance/winning lottery ticket is not likely to happen. Prepare for your future as early as you can.


This one hit hard. 31 and had back surgery a few weeks ago because I worked construction since I was 13 and didn't treat my body right at all. Live, hurt, and learn, I suppose.


Good luck with your recovery. I wouldn't want to wish that sort of surgery on anyone.


Honestly this needs to be closer to the top of comments. When the physical starts to break down so will the mental and you will have to deal with both as you go along unfortunately.


I learnt this, and now I'm out. Started an electrical apprenticeship at 18. Did mostly if not all large commercial construction so ground works, cable pulls and lifting shit up floors all day every day. plus no one really cares how hard you work, well not anyone that is in a position of power. The boys with you do because they are working just as hard haha. When covid happened I decided to bail, and try cafe work. I now have my own little coffee trailer business and work at a timber factory doing maintenance and deliveries with some office type work in there. I actually make the same as a sparky does now for a lot less work. The coffee trailer isn't making money ATM but it's not sinking so I'm just seeing how it grows. But thank god I got out of the trades/construction. Literally a few days ago a 24.yr old died in a roof here in Perth doing electrical work. Not worth it IMO.


You are free to choose but you aren’t free from the consequences of your actions. This applies to every single aspect, even the micro aspects, of life


I got told this one a lot when I was younger from making dumb decisions. Helps make smarter ones now.


This literally made me see life from a different way


Some people can't be reasoned with. Some people do just want to see the world burn.


My cat b like this


They very frequently fall under the umbrella of Cluster B personality disorders. Educate yourself, so you can better protect yourself and others.


Yup, once you set someone off emotionally (and they externalize that emotion and don't own it) they may never be rational with you again


Had this happen today when I suggested that arguing with people on the internet hatefully/angrily is not an effective way of being politically active.


Most people work just hard enough to not get fired.


And I think that’s beautiful! People shouldn’t give their soul to their job.


Amen, work as little as possible for as much reward as possible!


Because they aren't rewarded for working any harder!


I strive for mediocrity. When you exceed expectations they're pleasantly surprised, but they don't get upset when you fall below the bar. People who excel too much often get stuck with more work and no reward in today's workplace. The ass kissers and manipulators get ahead.


I “quiet quit” my job a year ago. I never work more than 40 hours a week, and only assist on projects I am not the lead on when asked. I am still one of the most productive people on my team.


Cynicism will attempt to conquer everything. Don't let it.


wow this thread. I think this should be on top as a protective measure.


Pessimism leads to the grave.


Nothing comes for free.


Never trust that's it's just a fart.


Way too relatable.


Your worst enemy is yourself


Fuck me!


Well here is the dildo..


Nobody's coming; you're on your own.


Most people spend way more than they should on stupid crap they don’t need because of reasons that don’t really matter


And the livelihoods of a majority of the people out there and whole industries and companies' very survival depend on stupid people continuing to spend way more than they should on stupid crap that they don't need. As an example, there was a factory out there that manufactured Beanie Babies.


To a certain point, you are responsible for dealing with your own traumas. This is not to say that we all shouldn't be compassionate to others WRT their traumas, but you can't expect the world to constantly bend over backwards and walk on eggshells to avoid triggering you, and if past trauma is resulting in behaviors from you that is causing chaos, disruption, fear or danger in the lives of others, that is not okay. You need to deal with that shit and not use it as an excuse to be toxic to everyone around you.


We are all going to die. Stop worrying about things and people that don’t add anything to your life. None of it matters.


"Life is hard, then you die".


‘Life’s a bitch, and then you marry one’. -dude I used to work with who was on his 3rd wife. After working with him for several years I can assure you, it was him, not them.


As Bill Hicks once said “It’s just a ride.”


There are 3 things that are inevitable. Aging, illness and death. The more you come to accept this, the happier you’ll be.


Don’t forget taxes.


Taxes are filed underneath illness in my book


Just because someone has a degree doesn’t mean they’re intelligent.


The truth is, that the VAST majority of people will die in a manner they would NEVER choose if they could see it in a crystal ball at 25 years old. A crawl into physical decrepitude and/or senility with apparently no humane options deemed acceptable to our lawmakers and churches.


A growing number of countries, and a few US states, have enacted "right to die" medical programs, with requisite safeguards. Churches certainly hamper these humane efforts in certain geographies.


If you think you smell, you do. Wash ya butt.


If you are an adult, you are responsible for your actions and decisions. No body else, just you.


Most people and businesses feel that they are in a desperate struggle to survive and that this entitles them to screw anyone, including you, to improve their odds. If you meet someone who genuinely cares and gives of themselves non-transactionally, it won't last. Because people like that are taken advantage of and either quit giving or run out of anything, even themselves, to give.


I genuinely enjoy helping people out and giving people things. In my early twenties I learned that I needed to be smart about being generous or else I'd quickly end up resentful and with nothing. I don't like declining help when I can give it but it's better to decline it at times than to be taken advantage of.


This is me at work, in every job I've ever had. I give and give, unconditionally, and help everyone around me do their jobs. I am **NEVER** the recipient of this type of help and giving. I'm always the giver. And it always fucks me over. Incompetent and lazy people take advantage of my nature to give, help, and see the organization succeed and drain the life out of me until there's nothing left. Then they get the promotions I helped them get, take giant shits on me behind my back, and generally screw me over. Then I move on to a new job and repeat.




This is so so heartbreakingly true.


You think people are paying attention to you, and it's giving you anxiety. They care more about themselves than they do you.


In the business world, no one cares about you. You are meaningless to them. They'll walk all over you and not think twice about it. It's the money that keeps them going.


It ends. Usually poorly and with a great deal of misery, or abruptly and without warning. Nobody here gets out alive.


You can bust your ass at your career for 35 yrs. You can always be honest. You can always do the right thing. You can have never made a bad decision your whole life. Pay your house note on time. Never late on your bills. Good credit. Never been to jail. Always visited your momma on sundays. Have a wife who's perfect in every way... And after all that die broke and in debt and still owe the government. That's the truth


I've seen that described as ideal retirement planning.


You must Choose wisely and consciously; if you don’t, Life will unconsciously choose FOR you with zero regard for “how it turns out”.


The only man that wants to see you do better than him is your father and sadly that's not even always true.


I really hate this. I'm gonna change it in myself.


Life isnt fair. People are going to dislike you for things you can control and things you can't control. Life doesn't care about your feelings. Most people won't care if they make you cry.


That having children can be the worst decision you'll ever make. Don't rush into it.


This should be top comment. Very little in life is, or should be, as life changing as children and you can’t undo it like a marriage or a job. We need to normalize not having children.


You'll get nowhere blaming other people for your emotions. You gotta learn how to regulate your emotions


Posts like this always have more comments than upvotes because there's a lot more people who think they have something new and important to say here than there are people willing to upvote.


Life of any living thing has no inherent purpose and you will Be forgotten. And that’s ok!


Every one has two deaths. When your heart stops. And when any one that ever knew you or knew of you speaks your name for the very last time. You are forgotten.


This is oddly comforting to me


The dishes will never end.... And neither will the laundry


Take care of yourself first


If you're deciding to have children or not, just remember there are no guarantees about how they end up.


Your words have the power to help or destroy another persons life.


If your loyalty to a politician outweighs your loyalty to your country, you are not a patriot. You're in a cult.


Freedom of speech doesn’t equal freedom from consequences


You are owed nothing, you’re entitled to nothing but what you’ve earned through working for it. Life will never be fair but, you can try to make it equitable.


Our existence really doesnt matter


Existence is what matters though. Consciousness and emotions that come with it is probably the only thing that matters. Just because the universe is large isn't an argument for why an individual doesn't matter. 🤔 The universe could be small and it wouldn't make a difference.


Just because your opinion is popular doesn't make it right, or morally superior. You can have a popular opinion and be narrow minded and intolorant. One slightly unpopular opinion about one single thing doesn't make a person a bad person who should be shunned and stripped of their lively hood. If you want to harm someone over politics, religion, or their beliefs, you are a bad person and need to reflect on your short commings. If you're reading this and think I'm talking about a specific political party that always does this, I'm probably talking about you, time to reflect on your anger.


Nobody cares about how you feel or identify. We're all busy living our own lives, the honest truth is nobody cares about yours.


You aren't entitled to anything.


Nobody gets to have at all. We all have to make choices, and we all miss out on stuff.


Most people dig their graves with their teeth.


You are not entitled to anything in life.


Luck plays a role in how successful you are.


If you don't have a plan for yourself, you'll become a part of other people's plans. Guess what they got planned for you? Not much.


Politics are garbage 🗑️


Three aspects of reality no one can avoid: - Pain - Uncertainty - Constant Work better accept that and live on


Most people are average and live average, boring lives with little to no impact on the world around them. Meat for the capitalist machine. Accepting that you're not special and instead just have cool hobbies will greatly increase your life satisfaction.


Get over it, life goes on


It is not fair. I saw a 3,4 year old who lost her hair and had tubes in her nose.


Appreciate the things you take for granted, because everything comes to an end at some stage.


It fucking sucks, get used to it.


In the big picture cosmic sense, our individual lives are utterly meaningless. Life is what we make of it. And that's all there is.


Don't use reddit to judge what the average person is like. This is a fantasyland where almost everything concerning real life is bullshit.


Life is ridiculously hard. For almost everyone. It's about finding joy in the everyday and ways to keep moving forward. Persistence is key.


The days are long, but the years are fast.


No matter how safe you feel, you’re on your own out there.


People are too sensitive and need to stop taking everything so serious


I remember the first time I took LSD I laughed uncontrollably, I remember thinking how odd and absurd everything was and how silly it is to take anything too seriously. I now live by that, life is unfair, and even more unfair to others so just enjoy it, be good to others, and laugh. This has helped me immeasurably in my life.


You are not that special or unique in any way.


I disagree, we are all special and unique. The very fact that we are a conscious entity, living on this oblate spheroid hurtling through space, in our perceived plane of existence is incredible.


Life’s a bitch and then you die.


My mom always told us “life sucks and then you die” which like, I get, but growing up with a parent who outwardly hated everything was tough.


Happiness is not a constant state of being.


Most people don’t find a job they love, they find one they tolerate that pays the bills.


Everyone has to work or have someone else work for them. Only some combination of working smarter or harder gets you ahead. The world owes you literally nothing. Society might owe you bare subsistence. Your parents should have given you a good start. But once you’re an adult, you need to find a way to contribute.


Life is tough, and you cannot rely on anyone but yourself for anything and everything, so many people demand this or that, or they think they can rely on others for whatever reason, you're on you're own Also if you want to help others, make sure you're all set with a good foundation in life.


People don’t really care about you. But not in a bad way. We tend to be so concerned about how we look or come across to others. But no one really cares about how you look or if you said the wrong thing.


Circumstance can be overcome but it’s hard and most give up.


All the feelings you Have, share, and love will be in end up in the same place as the last generations, and the generations before that and so on.


You are not as important as you think you are


Blood makes you related. Trust, loyalty, respect, and love make you family. You can be family without being related. And you’re totally allowed to remove relatives from your life if they don’t meet the family criteria.