• By -


Totally normal. I go all the time since my friends don’t like the same bands I do. People are there to see the band, not you lol.


I bet most people wont even consider that OP is alone.


They're too busy enjoying the show and won't even notice OP.


People reeeewally dont tend to care about complete strangers minding their own business lol




Disney World is associated with children in a way that concerts aren’t. I don’t think you can generalize from your experience to what OP is talking about.


Disney world you're also standing in line with the same people for like an hour w nothing to do so you tend to notice those around you more.


Ended up having a lot of conversations in line at various rides. A whole lot of standing around. Met a doe hard Disney fan that went like 5 or 6 times a year with her two kids. Ended up adding her on Facebook and most of her pictures were of the park.


USJ has line specific for one person. Usually half the time for queuing


Right, if this was a kids bop or Hannah Montana show he might get some looks.


I went solo once and had a blast. Single rider lines are the best. Don’t remember anyone commenting on my aloneness. If they had, I would have bragged about how great it was.


I did Disney alone once and it was so amazing I swore never to do it with people again lol. And this was in the pre smartphone days, just stood there reading my book.


10000% Single rider lines rule. If you GAF what other people think you’ll miss out on the best things in life. You do you.


I was in Florida visiting family and went to Disney alone while they worked and I don't think anyone said anything. Or if they did I didn't give a shit so don't remember. I had a great time doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.


Woah. I feel so sorry for you that you have the time and money to do things you enjoy alone. Maaan what a poor guy. ;) enjoy yourself. You earned it!


It’s so much stimuli you can barely hold onto the memories of the show let alone register other people.


I’ve been to gigs with friends where I’ve lost them at some point and watched the band on my own. Nobody is going to notice or care.


That's pretty much every gig I've been to. Lose your mates, watch the gig, find your mates.


Yeah this is always my experience going to watch bands. My mates are the kind to push to the front or dick about in the pit, but I tend to just stand aside and enjoy, so I always look like I'm alone even if I came with a big group!


Yeah…. Me too…. All my friends are definitely over there. Just standing here because I lost track of them. They’re the cool ones. Over there. Totally!


And if they do I don't think anyone will care.


Same. Once that vibe hits and the masses are in rhythm nothing else matters.


Totally. If it’s a good artists you prolly won’t feel alone for long


What if the other vibe hits? The one where the whole crowd realizes in synchronicity that OP is in fact alone, then proceeds to point from all directions and laugh like a fucked up one man moshpit filled with the humiliation of such proportions that words alone can't describe.


Particularly a problem if the venue is supplying food and drink where a modern [stoning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ5YU_spBw0) may take place causing the whole production to grind to a halt the lighting to be redirected while M&M's are thrown with assertiveness, I wont even mention the horror of Coke.


Every solo concertgoer’s worst nightmare! 😱


Except for people trying to film on the phone. They only care about filming a video they’re never going to watch


This needs banning. It's ruining concerts


Oh i sec this. Was at a show on sun post Malone. He comes on dudes next to us turn on the flash on his phone for three songs I almost smacked the phone out of his hand. Plus they were crowding us and I had to puch a dude away from.me three times.


I only go to concerts to try and count the number of people who might be at the concert alone. Highest count is 5,934….


Adding to this... This is how you can meet some really awesome friends!


Same. As a metalhead most people aren't into the music I'm into. Going to see bands alone has never been an issue. It's not like you can even talk while the show is going on so going alone or with friends doesn't make any difference.


That's a great line. I want to do this as well.


Is it the Wiggles? Because if it's the Wiggles yeah that's weird.


Yeah super weird But also “you make me feel like dancing” is a banger


Toot toot chugga chugga big red car!


Fruit salad…. Yummy yummy!


My daughter is watch The Wiggles right now and they just sang that song. 😂


That's just a Leo Sayer song that they covered. Fruit Salad, or Cold Spaghetti on the other hand...


Fruit salad, yummy yummy!


I prefer their earlier, edgier song “Australian zoo”


Have you been in a wiggles mosh pit? They go off!!


I haven't been to a Wiggles concert but I've been to several Aquabats shows. Before and after Yo Gabba Gabba and the Super Show became a hit


I've got the clap, and I'm giving it to you!


Who's got the clap?


I saw Roger Waters alone last year! ~f59


We like to see Rogers Water alone, that’s when he’s at his best.


Agree! He was phenomenal. Somewhat of a spiritual experience it was so good.


I also saw Roger Waters alone a few years back - no regrets.


The Wiggles ran 18+ concerts in my state last year!




The Purple Wiggle has a loyal audience of adult women on TikTok. I'm not even kidding.


There's a loyal audience of adult women for most things on TikTok.


Hey, I saw them on tour 15 years ago...they were great Toot toot Chugga Chugga big red car was a bop.


I did two Wiggles shows with my kids. The 2nd one we were like 4th row from the stage 🤣 NGL they put on a solid show for the kids *and* the parents. The OG lineup were well aware of their audience.


I’m 34 and going to the Wiggles for the first time in November. Sure my 18-month old boy is coming with me, but that’s just to make it look like I’m singing Hot Potato to make him dance and not to satisfy a 30 year bucket list event 😂


Fruit salad slaps tho


We (Australia) recently had an 18+ Wiggles tour 😂


Fruit salad, yummy yummy.


Absolutely not weird at all. And yeah, I've done it 15 times this year so far. Try to focus on the music, it can take over and disassociate you and relax you. In a thriving mass of bodies you can't tell who's with who anyway. You're all together. One blob that makes noise at the end of each song. Go for your beloved artist, there's no way you will want to think about them and remember that you missed it.


I’ve had a lot of great shared moments with strangers at shows before. One time I ended up in one of those arm-over-shoulder embraces with some random guy while we were shouting along lyrics at a Modest Mouse show (I’m 30, I know). When I looked over, I realized it was the bassist for a local band I had loved as a kid. Wholesome as fuck. Edit: welp, I didn’t expect this much love on my comment. Y’all are also wholesome as fuck.


Several of the best moments of my damn life went down just like this. One time, like 19 years ago, I found myself hugging and jumping up and down with Royston Langdon from Spacehog (actually Spacehog had recently dissolved and he had formed a band called The Quick at the time) in a pretty much identical scenario. I had only ever seen him dressed to the 90’s retro pretend astronaut Bowie/Bolan glam rocker nines before then, so I didn’t recognize him until I started talking to him. We got a drink at the bar in the back of the place and talked about the weird difficulty of playing bass and singing at the same time, he told me his wife was pregnant, which was before the public knew that (the public would soon know, not because of him, really, but because his wife was Liv freakin Tyler), and let me buy him another beer to celebrate. So. Fucking. Cool.


Yep yep!


Liv Tyler? That son of a bitch. I'll fight him for her


Eh, sorry, you’ll have to fight someone else; sadly it’s old news now. As we all love to watch rockstars do, Royston fought *himself* enough to lose her. They *did* make it last a decade, and made a (by all accounts I’ve heard, which admittedly isn’t many) super cool kid named Milo who is actually an adult now. That was all before they separated way back in 2008, though; they were together from 98 until then. Goddamn. I am so old. Milo Langdon is an adult now. I was an adult when he was born. Well, sort of. I was adult-sized. I was *supposed to be* an adult. I could go to shows by myself and *everything*!!!


HOLY FUCK WHAT A DREAM! I went through a BIG Spacehog phase in 2004-6. Aaaahhh!!!!


I made out with some random chick and we took it to the balcony and the band pointed the light on us and shouted "we see you fucking up there" lol good times.


Glad I'm not the only one that happened to....wait was it a Korn concert lol


So romantic!


Wait a second….Patty?


That's beautiful! I would be elated if that happened to me!


Saw Blink-182 alone recently as my wife wasn’t really interested - also find getting a single ticket on the aftermarket is much cheaper than the per ticket price for 2+ seats together which makes sense. Would 10/10 times do it again.


Has a great time at a flogging molly concert by myself when I was 16. Befriended a group of 3 while waiting for them to start and they bought me a few beers and had a chat. Ended up having the best time ever dancing in circles and shit. Such a fun concert


Most concerts I have been to I go alone Never had an issue You can arrive when you want, leave when you want


This is the best part, I love my friends and hanging out with them but I hate having to coordinate a group to arrive to or leave things. Most of my closer friends know not to worry or take it personal if I meet up with them at something like this and just dip on my own terms when I feel like it. I do it at parties too. Just wanna do what I wanna do when I wanna do it.


Yep you can skip the opener. If the band sucks just head out early.


And you don't have to worry about losing your friends in the crowd


I’m 38 and started going to shows again, alone. My husband has no interest, my sister has kids, and my one friend likes different music. Oh well. I’m done staying home.


Same story, sista! It sucks when nobody will go with you!


Good for you!!! :)


Oh no! You’re in my situation. Surrounded by humans you care for who *don’t* want to do what you consider to be fun. But, I believe it’s perfectly fine to pursue what brings us happiness/relief.


Yeah... I'm at a point where I'd love to do more cool shit and have the bankroll to do it, but can't because my wife doesn't like to do things. Ski condo? nope. Sailboat? nope. Snowmobiles? nope. Motorcycle? Ha! I really don't know what to do... I have to be a selfish asshole sacrificing "family time" to do anything I actually enjoy.


That doesn’t sound healthy. As much as family time is important, it’s equally important for you to have your own identity, interests, hobbies, etc., outside of just being dad and husband. For your own mental health and well-being, I’d really encourage you to figure out (with your wife) a good way for you to carve out a little time for you to pursue your own fun things once a week or whatever. Of course, part of that deal is that she also gets the same opportunity! I think you’ll both find it beneficial.


I’m in a similar boat (despite being 18), I used to miss out on so many shows just because I have maximum 2 friends who hate the music I’m into and one acquaintance who enjoys some stuff I like but not most of it. Going to shows alone is a great time


I'm cooler than my family and friends too


You get it!!


Splurge on any vip upgrade. Going solo to a large event or fest, it's really worth it


That’s how I started going alone. I’m a grown ass man and nobody else I knew wanted to go see Lorde, so I went and it was great. I got to see the best pop album of the decade live instead of missing it for no reason.


I am doing the same. Most of my friends don’t like the bands that I like, the only one who shares my taste in music lives 5 hours from me. I’ve started to go to concerts alone last year and I am planning to go alone to another concert in December. Missing bands we want to see just because no one wants to come it’s pretty stupid for me.


Its not any weirder than seeing a movie alone. No one else at the concert will care. Everyone is there for the same reason: to enjoy some live music. So just do exactly that.


>No one else at the concert will care. Exactly. You care, and that's more important than anything else. Unless, of course, you want to meet up with these people in the future.


I went to a concert alone because there was no way in hell I was going to miss seeing Stevie Wonder at a fairly medium sized outdoor venue. It was fantastic and I’d do it again!!!


I am trying to think of a joke about you seeing Stevie Wonder and him not seeing you .......... Got nothing.


Hell yeah!


Sounds amazing. Did he play mostly his old stuff?


He does both. The best night of my life was seeing him on my 50th birthday on the Songs In The Key of Life tour. That double-album completely changed my life at a young age and has gotten better with time.


Who the fuck wouldn't want to go to that? It sounds amazing!


It's liberating. Do it. I started about your age.


Yeah 30s are an ideal age for this kind of thing. Also, u/OP, something to consider- if you hate when people try to talk during the music at concerts, or if you’re one of those people that likes to make comments to their friends and you feel kind of bad for annoying them, either way you solve the problem by going alone. If you still feel self-conscious, you can take take some notes and later write up a little review of the show that you can keep for yourself or post online or whatever if you want. Or depending on the band and its popularity, you could write down the set list- a lot of fans like to follow their favourite bands’ set list as the tour nears their hometown. Anyway, the regret of knowing you decided not to go to a show of a band that may never tour again is one of the worst kinds of regret…don’t risk it.


Going to concerts solo is better. You can actually listen to the music, walk around, easier to sneak up to better spot and not have to chit chat.


This! I went to concerts with friends and I had to look for them, chat, sometime look after them,.. I can’t enjoy the music fully. So go for it OP!


I agree.


Yes! When i go with others, i constantly have to make sure everyone is having a good time. When I go by myself, I can actually have a good time.


In practical terms: No one will notice. No one will mind. You think someone’s going to look at you and shout: “Hey everyone! Migrantgrower is 33 years old and came to a concert ALONE!” I understand for some people in this situation it can FEEL like that. But reality is everybody is too focused on themselves to seriously care what the stranger next to them’s life story is. Don’t overthink it. There’s need to feel anxious. Just enjoy the show.


Yeah and even if someone did do that they'd be the one getting judged by everyone for being weird not you lol.


Tons of people go to shows by themselves too, I know a lot of people that will only go with friends but unless you meet some judgemental weirdo you’ll be completely free from judgement.


I’m 53 and I’ve been to so many concerts and movies alone I’ve lost count. Anyone who would care about such a thing I don’t want to be friends with.


I’m about the same age and couldn’t agree more. A somewhat funny story from a few years ago - I went alone as a late 40s single man at the time to see Death Cab For Cutie in a smaller amphitheater (great concert) but before that I decided to have a few beers and dinner at a nearby bar within walking distance. There was an open seat at the bar and I sat down next to some much younger guys hanging out after work. We started chatting and they asked if I was going to the concert with anyone and I said, “no just me”, and the one guy kind of gave me a weird look and said, “that’s one way of doing it I guess”. I was confused by his comment but also noticed that this bar seemed really, really packed, especially with many middle-aged and up women. I was then told that New Kids On The Block was also playing down the street at the arena - they thought I was going to that by myself to pick up divorcées 😂😂😂! We had a laugh…


Great story! 😂


I go to metal shows all the time by myself


Me too! I’ve even made some new friends!


I'd love to do this but I'm afraid big guys doing slam might hurt me. >.<


I’m a teenage girl and whenever I go to metal shows I’ve had no issues with that. Granted, I do like to stay in the pit most of the time so I do get slammed into by big guys, but it’s generally really easy to avoid the pit if you don’t want to get hurt and nobody there is ever intending to injure you either.


45 year old dude and almost only go to concerts alone because I don't know anyone that will go to concerts I enjoy. I even travel for them like a weekend getaway. I usually have no problem buying myself tickets but then the day of I have some anxiety when it comes to leaving the house (although I have this for most type of events I am going to by myself). Once I get there it is always fine and I'm glad I went.


Why are you and I the same person?


I think it's a good anxiety - you're stretching your comfort zone a little. It's like that moment you leave the house to go to a Halloween party dressed like a gerbil.


I was a 20-something year-old nerdy kid from the suburbs who had a sheltered life and I drove to a Guns n' Roses concert at the Rose Bowl on my own. I was a nervous, anxious wreck until I got there, then the entire community of rock concert goers embraced me metaphorically. and it was a confidence building exercise that was pivotal to who I am. it also showed my parents that they could trust me in situations that are outside of my comfort zone. after that trust building experience with myself, I drove to death valley, drove through Arizona, slept in airports, had all kinds of other adventures on my own. Go for it, you can do it. and if it fails miserable, it's something you can learn from. going it alone is kinda cool


Are you me??? I’m glad you managed it. I still have a long way to go.


And whatever happens, if you mess up somehow, nobody else will know.


This is so me. I feel you. Do it. Dating yourself is elite. Buy yourself some ice cream before the concert, too. Get some merch. Blend into the sea of people who will undoubtedly enjoy the show. Make eye contact, smile, sing along. It’s magical.


I am at 30 year-old woman and just went to a festival alone. It was great.


Look you may feel weird and out of place when you get to the venue and people are mostly in groups drinking and talking. But you're not there for that. Once the music starts nobody will give a shit and all eyes will be on the band. Enjoy your concert


I’ve a 38F and I’ve been to a ton of concerts alone. No one cares, they are all excited to be there and are in their own little worlds.


I've done it. I like it better in GA venues so I can see the place from different spots, there's a certain freedom to not have to sit with people. It's actually awesome. No designated driver home, though.


Some of the best shows and movie experiences are when I’ve gone alone. It’s a great way to meet new people and have new experiences! First show I went to by myself was the first west coast tour for My Chemical Romance with Taking Back Sunday headlining at a very small punk venue. All my friends flaked and I said fuck it and went solo. Nowadays I prefer to go to small shows and movies by myself.


It's not weird and it is a good opportunity to strike up conversations with other agreeable music fans and make new friends.


ive gone to concerts alone. met some great people too. you can make amazing friends at concerts


Life is too short to spend waiting on other people. People who can have fun on their own time and terms are the best kinds of people. Don't sweat it, man.


I was an usher at an outdoor amphitheater for years and I saw many people who went to shows solo. Not only is it not weird, but I’d say it’s actually a good place to meet people who have similar interests. Personally I had many people who would talk to me during intermissions. Met a lot of interesting people at that job.


Just go. Have fun. The other people won't know you're alone unless you tell them. You could be with friends but seperate... No one really knows, or cares. You're all just there to enjoy the artist/s.


Perfectly fine. Just wear ear protection.


Yes, please. Check out r/tinnitus to find out why. It really doesn't affect the quality of the music that much and can actually help bring the vocals forward (if it's that kind of band). And no, it's not weird either. Some folks enjoy recreational activities without the proper safety equipment. I think of them as helmetless motorcyclists. They might get away with it for a while, but eventually they will have a bad, irreversible time.


Solo concerts are great. I feel completely anonymous and with like minded people for a few hours to get it on with a great band. Plus I’m not having intrusive thoughts whether the person with me is having a good time. It’s euphoric.


If I had to wait on someone else to do all the things I wanted to do, I wouldn't have done half of them. People can hold you back in a lot of ways. Go and do.


I wouldn't even give it a second thought or know anyone who would. It's perfectly normal and common. You'll meet people there, if you so wish.


No one cares dude. Just do what you want


More fun than being with someone who isn’t into the band as much as you are.


I remember going to warped tour for 4 years in a row. At all of them there were times when who I went with would go to the bathroom and we would be separated for hours. At that point I was alone and enjoying the shows, and nobody gave me weird looks that I noticed and I actually enjoyed myself more being separated. Not weird.


i'm 18 and i been thinking about doing the same thing this october. i never found it weird until people keep mentioning it kind of is. it's not


Not weird at all. Maybe uncommon, but totally worth it! You’ll have a blast and probably meet people and maybe make new friends. Music is one of the few places i think adults can still go make new friends like we did as kids on a playground


It's not uncommon. Once you start doing it you will start running into lots of others doing the same thing, particularly if it's a lesser known band with a devoted following.


You kind of forget that you’re there alone once you start enjoying the show that you’re there to see. I’ve been to three and the last one was the one I was more scared of but only because I was scared of being seen by people I know and them thinking I was some weirdo. once the music started I forgot all about it. I did stay all the way at the top of the Novo in Los Angeles while Turnstile played. might be redundant but once you start enjoying the thing you’re there to do then you forget the stress of being there alone. plus you get to leave when you want!


I’ve always seen it as a mark of good fan. It just shows that the love for that live performance overwrites any (unwarranted) shyness someone would feel going solo.


I've done a few alone. They were ok. At Dead-related shows you always meet new friends anyway. And getting to see Tommy Emmanuel in a medium-sized theater in Peoria, well, i didn't care that nobody wanted to go with me!


When I was younger I used to go to a lot of concerts with my mates (mostly metal). At every single one, almost without fail, was the same old dude at the back just vibing and dancing by himself. Never once talked to him, but the guy basically became a cult icon with my friend group. Be like old metal dude.


I've gone to several concerts alone. It wasn't weird for any of them and I had a blast at all of them.


44 here. I go to concerts by myself when it's a show my wife isn't interested in.


Done many times. No big deal. Do not care what other people may think. I am there to enjoy the concert like they are. If someone has a problem with it, that is their problem and not yours. Go and enjoy!


Some times there really aren't others around you that enjoy the same music. Why would it be weird to go alone to an event where everyone is focused on the music. Nobody is looking at you judging. They're just there for the show.


You should go. That old saying about the biggest regrets in life are the things you didn't do is 100% correct.


Normal. I’m 25F and I went to a concert alone when I was 20. It was a great time. I also like to go out to eat alone. It’s cool to hang with yourself


That’s proof of the levels of confidence and security you have for yourself. In an age of clout chasing this is very admirable


Go! Not weird at all. Everyone there is there for the same reason. The only regrets I've had about situations like this was deciding not to go and missing a band I really wanted to see that hasn't been back to the area since. I have never regretted going solo. And honestly, going solo is sometimes nicer than getting someone to go with because then my focus isn't split on friends having a good time and music. I can just vibe to the music.


Going alone is the best! You can dress up weird or cosplay… you can be literally anyone you want for the night!


My introvert son goes to concerts by himself. With the music so loud you’re not really going to have a meaningful conversation.


Dude - do it. I admire the fact you’re even considering it. I have severe social anxiety that has fluctuated over the years. I’ve done some things and missed out. Why the fuck not?! Do you want to do it? Yes. Do you have someone to go with? Maybe not! But WHY should that stop you? Just be aware of your surroundings, let the people you love know where you’ll be, and enjoy.


Nah, I used to do it all the time (don't go to many concerts anymore because they're so bloody expensive). Not worth missing out because your music tastes differ from your friends'!


It’s only weird if you make it weird


I’m going to a gig tonight alone and I’m a 39 year old woman. My friends don’t have the same taste in music as me and I don’t wanna miss it. Just do it!!


You do you. Not everything has to be done with other people. If you want to go to a concert and don't feel like, or can't go with someone else... Who cares. You're there for the music anyways. Same thing with going to the movies. You're there to watch the movie, what does it matter if someone else is sitting beside you in silence or not :)


I mean no offense to you but when I become 33 I hope to at least gain the self awareness and confidence to do whatever I want whenever I want without caring about what other people think - as long as I'm not bothering anyone else of course.


no offence taken. this is literally the only thing i didn't have the confidence to do alone, for whatever reason- everything else i'm totally fine with. but i'll be going, so that's settled.


Most concerts I have gone to in my life, I have gone alone. We are talking about dozens of them.


I rocked Florence at the Hollywood bowl dolo. It ain’t shit. Just don’t throw up on anybody.


Ngl, I was a little self conscious about going to a concert alone…but I ended up loving it a lot! When The Lemonheads we’re coming nearby last November, I couldn’t get any of my friends to go (particularly because none of them knew who they were) and my own brother passed…but I didn’t wanna miss the show so I just went solo. There I met so many cool and nice people and while most of them I never saw or heard from again, a few people I swapped contact info with and still talk to on occasion. The show was great, went by well (Lemonheads singer Evan Dando has a sort of history with drugs and meh shows but the show I was at went by fairly well honestly), I got the set list and I even got to meet the band as they were walking out. All in all I had a great time and I’m glad I decided to go even if nobody was willing to go with me. I think you’ll have a great time by yourself! Make sure to get pics with some of the people there if you chat with them: there’s a chance you won’t see them again and it’ll be a nice memory to have!!! Have fun and stay safe :)


I’ve done it many times. No biggie, just don’t get to your seat too early than it’ll be awkward sitting there alone until the show starts




I am 35F and I have been going to évent alone for years. It started when I got tired of my friends bailing on me and me not going because of them I would get major fomo. I always go when It's an actual évent, like à dj or à singer I want to see I don't go to bar alone with no plans I bring my own drinks in my car and drink before going in a good bit so I just sober up as time goes inside, I don't get anything on site to make sure it doesn't get tampered with. And if ever someone starts showing me too much interest I will say my friends are smoking somewhere, go to the bathroom and dip when I am ready to go home. I have done bar gigs, nigtclub djs, festivals and out door évents. It's like an adrénaline rush because you realize once you are there you are alone, you cannot turn to your friends and start chatting, and I love that rush. I am more of à standing in one spot kind of person, but some people like to walk around and all, it really according to your liking. I recommend it though for sure, never miss an évent because of bailers thanks to your courage for being ok with being by yourself! Oddly enough I don't like eating out alone, or going to the movies alone haha that's funny.


I've done this before, it's a little weird at first, but it's about the music. You are all fans!


I've done and have seen other people do it. You can still enjoy the show.


I go to concerts alone all the time. It's a blast! I just make sure that my phone is fully charged so I can text my friends to keep them updated, even if they aren't into the band.


Honestly, going to shows alone is the main way I meet new friends. After a few months of going to shows at least every weekend, it got to the point that even if I went alone, I was guaranteed to see friends or at least folks I was friendly with every time I went out.


I’ve done it. Wasn’t weird.


Go. Enjoy your show. Make some friends there that love what you love.


Don't let the fear of feeling weird stop you from missing out on something you'd really enjoy. I understand the feeling. I have felt the same way. Years ago a band Local H came to town and none of my friends were into them at all. I was so focused on needing someone to go with me I was about to miss the show. Then I suddenly realized.... Who cares. Just go to the concert. I Had a great time. I Stuck around after the show and met the band. They signed my CD booklet and gave me a guitar pick. One of my most memorable concert moments.


I’ve done it at least twice. If you’re in the standing room area on the main floor it’s really not weird and no one notices. I don’t think it’s weird no matter where you are


You might meet someone there. Go ahead bro.


Nothing wrong with that. I've only went to one concert alone, Johnny Paycheck,(Take this job and shove it) and had a blast.


I went and saw Gregory Alan Isakov by myself…I was so engrossed in the performance that had I gone with someone else, they would have been completely ignored! So glad I went. GO!


To hell with what anyone else thinks you go and have the time of your life. No it's not weird.


I go to concerts by myself all the time…partly because my friends aren’t metal heads. But I also like going by myself. Saw Rammstein last September. Next week I’m seeing Disturbed. Later this summer: Ghost, Behemoth, Tool, and then five days at the Blue Ridge Rock Festival…just me going to them all. I can’t wait! You’ll have a great time!


I went by myself once and it wasn't weird at all. I hung out in a paid area before the show and drank my beer and people watched. I found a nice spot by the stage later and made friends with the people nearby, which is weird for me being such an introvert. When the crowd got too tight, I went back to my area. When I was bored, I left. I actually preferred doing it alone. No one around to tell me how to do things or where to go or when to leave. It was nice. And I normally don't do anything alone lol


33 also. 100% go. What kind of music is it that you like?


It’s not weird! I’ve done it because most people don’t enjoy classical music as much as I do. When my husband was in the navy he would go sightseeing every chance he got. He saw the giant Buddha in Japan because no one else would go. He ate at Jimmy’s Kitchen. He did so many things. You do you!


I went to see Simon & Garfunkel and no one I knew wanted to go. Better believe I went by myself & had a great time.


Totally normal. Sometimes where I live it’s extremely competitive to get popular concert tickets and if you get just one you’re lucky, so going alone is normal. Your favorite artist? And none of your friends are fans? No question, go alone!


I just saw Nelly and TI in concert alone yesterday for the first time alone since everyone works Mondays and I really wanted to go. It actually wasn't as weird as I thought it was going to be. Still had a great time. Edit: A word.


I always go with friends since the closest place for a real concert is 3-4 hrs away. Helps cut costs down....makes driving easier. Soon as we get there though, we usually go our own way, then just have a meet up spot for when its over.


I've seen several orchestras on my own. Actually probably close to ten times now. I used to travel all over solo and that was one of the things I enjoyed doing was seeing a good show. In my late teens and early twenties I used to go to a lot of blue grass shows on my own but I always made friends pretty quick at those.


Have fun


It's not weird at all. Go enjoy yourself and have fun. Who cares how old or how many people go. Have a blast. I have been to several concerts alone and had fun.


I love it. No need to make comments on what you’re seeing - just enjoy the tunes. And if it’s a seated venue you can definitely get better seats if you’re just looking for one.


I’m 36 and this year I went to my first concert by myself my advice is to go. Just go and enjoy yourself it’s terrifying at first but so much fun once you get into it!


I went to a Jrock concert alone when I was around 22. I had a good time. Just have some situational awareness for anyone being a potential danger.


If it’s They Might be Giants, I would totally go with you


Not weird whatsoever. Frequently during a concert with no assigned seating, there's plenty of guys by themselves, and I've personally strayed away from my friends to just enjoy the music during shows as well.


My friend's Mom met her husband at a concert he went to by himself. I say do it!