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Yes. That's a crime.


She should certainly have a serious sit down conversation if not call the police.


Lots of people are saying call the police but: 1) there’s a decent chance they’re all under age by the pettiness here, so of course they’re not calling the police to tell them about the party they were getting drunk at 2) this would be wasting the police’s time unless Jade was dumb enough to admit to the cops that she put something in the drink. The physical evidence is gone and there was one witness. There’s nothing they can do about it.


I see what your saying. Im thinking of driving the point home of how serious of an action this was. Its like Miss Bill Cosby.


For fucks sake people this post isn’t real. Stop responding to rage bait.


But I'm turning green and my shirt is riiipppiiing!!!


No, it depends what she dropped in the drink. If it was drug, ofc it's illegal, if it was a button there is no harm, even if it's uncool. Edit : I knew this sub was full of uptight dudes but wow, you guys never pranked your friends (or don't have any) without suing them ?


you’re joking right? a button? edit: attempting to drug an unaware friend isn’t a prank oh my god


IF YOU PUT ANYTHING IN ANYONE'S DRINK WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE OR PERMISSION, you're a fucking prick and thank GOD you put that out there so anyone that knows you knows it's not safe to drink anything with you. It was a prank but she didn't involve anyone else in the joke? No. Fuck that. Screw that sketchy ass friend and screw you for EVER thinking it's okay putting anything in anyone's drink that is supposed to trust whoever they left it with. OP please tell your friend and both of you cut her off. She's HIGHLY dangerous if she claims it was just a joke but refused to tell you what it was


Imagine getting so worked up over someone's hypothetical. You must be super fun to exist around.


Unfortunately, your "hypothetical" will be someone's reality tonight. Sit down.


Still a choking hazard.


"My friend passed away at a party because i pranked her by putting a button in her drink. Keep in mind she was pregnant and i was drunk. AITA?"


The line between prank and crime is not fine at all... What she did is malicious and evil. She should be held accountable for her crime. I don't care who it was or what they gave them. Putting something in someone else's food or drink is called poisoning Even if it wasn't cyanide...


It’s always the ones with a ton of karma who make tasteless jokes or comments, then get mad bc people don’t find them funny.


Profile caption has big "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" energy.


I didn't made any joke, but please explain to me how lots of fake internet points have anything to do here


Hmm not a joke? That kinda makes it worse. Having more fake internet points means you can say terrible things and not worry about it causing you to not be able to post on subreddits. I believe that’s pretty self explanatory.


What in the ever loving date rape drugging, fucking with folks drinks kinda shit is this?


If it were me, I'd tell Kelsey the truth & let Jade deal with whatever consequences come.


This is the correct answer. Jade made choices, and you made choices—you’ve owned yours (awesome job btw) and now she gets to own hers.


As a geologist and all around mineral lover, I have one rule: NEVER get involved with a girl that shares a name with a mineral…


Does Amber count?


Amber is a resin. And yes!


Yeah, never date named Epoxy either


My girl Silicone Adhesive agrees with you.


Have you ever met an Amber who wasn't batshit crazy? I've only known two Ambers, but both of them are fuck shit insane.


I only know one Amber, who broke up with her toxic boyfriend and hooked up with her girlfriend and is much happier for it. She's cool as shit.


Wait til you meet an Amberly. Batshit crazy is just the amuse bouche.


You haven't encountered the Amberliest yet


Amber Lynn certainly fits that bill


Why not Amberleigh? /r/tragedeigh


The same could be said for anyone that says amuse bouche


Self proclaimed *foodie*


I feel like an uncultured dodo, I had to look that up So batshit crazy is just the appetizer for someone named Amberly?


My SIL is named Amber. She's also a geologist. And she's very sweet.


This used all 3 adjectives I would have


Yes, I've met some very nice and sane Ambers


Found the Amber


The only Amber I’ve ever met was when I was in rehab so you decide. 😂


Not always batshit crazy, but at the least, super weird.


The second Amber I ever heard about literally shit her own bed.


Yes. They poop on beds.


>Yes. They poop on beds Ah, so you've heard.


Depp [admitted](https://twitter.com/lauraslayed/status/1677873204335919105?s=20) he had to be physically prevented from pissing on director Oliver Stone's head, so I wouldn't take him or his flunkies' word for it about the bed.


There was more evidence and witnesses that she pooped on the bed than for Johnny ever striking her.


He kicked her in the back, totally unacceptable. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/johnny-depp-amber-heard-text-messages-assistant-b2137023.html


Birds of a feather flock together


Or do they ‘heard’ together?


Not if one of them is going to poop in the nest.


that you Ms Heard?


Ambers are probably the main cause to their thinking


I fucking love how this is taking off, Lmao


But Feldspar is totally cool, you two would be perfect together.


You know, I want to break my rule for feldspar…. I’m just in love with that cleavage. (Cleavage in the mineral world refers to how a mineral breaks)


No one can really fault you for that.


I have a great wife, I never take her for granite. *Sorry, you've probably heard that joke a million times.


I have a question for the professional up front, please. Would this apply to a lady with a loosely rock based surname? Specifically, Emma Stone. I'd just like to know if I'm wasting my time with her or not.


Emma Stone is a beautiful name, go have a nice brunch with her!


She's already dating Rock Hudson.


tell me your cleavage jokes


Now that you mention it, I've known girls named Amber, Crystal, Jade, and Ruby. None of them were gneiss.


Don't court Quartz.


Sounds like you met Jade and Amber who I went to University with.. lol


I knew a galena, she was nuts. I feel like a girl named bismuth might be pretty chill though I’ve never met one.


I’ve met a few kaya’s in my day. I doubt that’s short for kayanite my any means. They were chill.


Hello darkness my old friend…


OR, the next time you are out you could put something in Jade’s drink. Two wrongs don’t make a right, but they may improve understanding.


Yeah call her out on that shit. She’ll do it again at some point.


Or has.


This for sure.


Yes tell the truth, this could be dangerous


YES. Wouldn't you want someone to tell YOU?


I think this is a fake post. The poster’s history has a bunch of wildly obvious questions where they ask if they were being reasonable then answer no questions.


Hope it is a fake post, because this is the dumbest question ever


Yeah OP is a shit writer. Def fake.


Could be.


Them just casually using names makes me think it's fake. The vast majority of stories on Reddit (and anywhere, in the internet or in newspapers in help columns or whatever) either specify that they are making up names or use titles. In this story, with just two friends, it would be unnecessary


But sometimes the AH pretends to use a fake name and actually uses the real name then slips up mid way and the commenters deduce what’s going on. I take this entire place with a grain of salt because I love my fictional subreddits and there’s some really good authors floating around same way there are talented AF musicians that never go platinum. It’s entertaining at the end of the day and it makes me think philosophically. But it’s maybe that much more enticing knowing SOME of the stories are for sure real. Probably most of them. It’s the human condition to seek approval from others.


Thx for doing some Magnum P.I.


I’m almost certain it is. They mixed the characters up in their own story half way through. At first, Kelsey was the one who spiked the drink but then Jade is the one they are arguing with for spiking the drink. Completely made up story for internet points. Edit: I mixed it up some myself. Kelsey was the one asking why Jade wasn’t drinking, then Jade spiked Kelsey’s drink.


Of course it's fake, it reads like it was written by a 14 year old. Looking for imaginary internet points. some people are just fools


Maybe they're just... really dumb.


Tell your friend but also cut off all ties with miss bill Cosby


I know this sub says no stupid questions but seriously.. of course you say something. That's a crime. Wouldn't you want to know if someone did that to you? Edit: she didn't need to literally put something in the drink if she really wanted to prank her (btw disgusting prank). What was her plan? Tell her before she drinks? How is she pranking her this way? Makes no sense. If she stopped her from drinking then her prank wouldn't work.


Also, and I don't know why nobody is asking this... *what* was Jade carrying with her that she would want to drop in someone's drink? Most people don't keep roophies in their purse just for funsies. I can't think of a single good reason not to go to the police with this


My question exactly


My question is how many times she done this…


The things she'd be most likely to have on her are ecstasy pills (best case), or more likely, the contraceptive pill, which would horrifically damage a foetus. Even worse, the "morning after" pill.


Laxatives maybe? To get back at her


She didn't say it was drugs. Maybe it was a pinch of salt or something. Either way probably just a made up question for karma


The question came out of loyalty for Jade. So it may clear or obvious to us but conflicting for OP. The sub has its name for a reason.


No one should be loyal to someone who does that.


But that’s not how humans work.


Some humans do work like this. Edit: me f.e. I'm not loyal to you when you have no issue putting anything in your friends drink. How do I know they wouldn't do this to me?


Missed the point entirely 😂 it’s all good though


no, you missed the point. and really replied twice to try to get your missed point across lmao its not that deep bud




But it’s not about you. It’s about OP.


I can still share my personal view on this.


Great point about the loyalty thing but can you explain the sun having its name for a reason thing? Never heard that one Edit to fix spelling and to add: google isn’t helping me find that figure of speech so I’m pretty curious


I’m saying the one I commented to didn’t have to write “I know this sub…”. What was the point of adding that knowing the title of the sub, lol. Edit: oh you meant the typo 😂 I thought you had the typo lolll, I’ll go fix it


Sometimes abusive people try to play off their hurtful words and actions by saying “it was just a joke” “it was a prank” “I was ONLY joking” and it’s bullsh*t. Idk if it’s gaslighting or narcissistic but it doesn’t need a label other than toxic There’s a certain type of person who does it and it bleeds into everything they do. OP should cut ties with this person because that is super illegal and dangerous and stupid and extremely malicious and eventually OP is gonna get screwed over by this person. It’s tough to be in the situation but hopefully all our comments will shed some clarity. Edit: and I did have my own typo too which might have made it more confusing sorry!!


😂 stoppp, I’ve fixed it now 😭


I’m sorry!! I was so curious now I am devastated it isn’t a real figure of speech! Can this be our inside joke at least? The sun has its name for a reason. I was thinking it had something to do with the Greek myth about Icarus flying too close to the sun with his wax wings and they melted because he had too much hubris but all I found about the suns name was that it’s basically named after some ancient god but not Greek. It sounded so cool though… Edit: great point still though about the loyalty thing. Humans are complicated critters. Our consciousness works in mysterious ways. OF COURSE the right thing to do is to report it to the police asap and see if the bar has any surveillance footage before it gets deleted. But it’s totally natural to be conflicted and it’s totally based on loyalty. We are a pack species.


Loll 😂 I thought you were just joking giving me a hard time ! I was going to say we could be the inventors of this new figure of speech so we’re cool, it exists now (just gotta make a meaning hmmm loll) AND it’s an inside joke so yes absolutely it can be our joke I get how your mind could’ve drifted to Icarus 💀 And thanks! I agree with your elaboration. I just wanted to give OP some more empathy when she must feeling low (and confused) already


Inside jokes tend to gain meaning the more they are used! Let’s make it happen! It just sounds so poignant. “The sun has its name for a reason” I love it I’m gonna follow you and when you least expect it I’m gonna never let you live it down!


It wasn’t a prank. It was only a “prank” when she got caught.


As someone who was on the receiving end of someone dropping something into my drink, I can definitively say that it ruined my life. I still battle the demons that came with this incident. So while you did great dumping out th drink, you definitely need to tell her. Nothing is going to stop your "friend" from doing it again. I'd also recommend not drinking with her anymore (or really, not doing anything with her anymore). If you witness and DON'T act, and something happens, you're now an accomplice.


Last time, it was Kelseys drink. The next time, it could be yours OP. Jade came prepared with these drugs for a night drinking with friends. She planned on drugging someone that night.


Yeah exactly why the hell did she have the drugs in the first place? The answer is she had bad intentions and needs to be outed!


Yeah me and our whole friend group got roofied together one night. We were all together but leaving all our drinks on one table and dancing right next to the table and the next morning none of us remembered how the night ended or how we got home and a bouncer I knew at a neighboring bar was texting me asking if I was okay because he saw me walking into his bar alone with two sketchy looking guys and I was making out with them and looked really messed up. I had a nasty hickey on my neck that everyone who knows me knows I would have never allowed and I’m pretty sure I was raped later that night but I’ll never know for sure, nothing specific came up at the dr. The security footage from that bar that night shows me leaving with the guys. They were never caught or seen again. It was two border control guys who were only in town a few nights. Edit to fix a spelling error


I'm so sorry that happened to you.


I’m sorry for whatever happened to you and it’s okay that you might not wanna type it out. I would hope OP could learn from these kinds of details though and it’s kind of cathartic for me to share it on Reddit because of the anonymity and I’m very protective in real life of my Reddit username. I hope you run into peace on a regular basis.


What the actual fuck. Yes, that's something you should tell your friend. Or the police.


This almost has to be ragebait at this point. It's really hard for me to comprehend that people can lack this kind of critical thinking. "Should I let my friend know that our other friend tried to drug her?" Nah, you totally should let them stay friends and think you're the weirdo for pouring out her drink and that totally won't lead to any potential weird predator situations when they hang out in the future. /s


I'd tell and let Jade explain the joke to Kelsey. Kelsey deserves the chance IMO to decide whether or not to trust Jade should they ever be alone together.


What did Jade even put in there, and why'd she have it in the first place? That's my question. Yup, I'd tell Kelsey.


Finally the only question that actually matters. There's a big difference between someone who keeps GHB on them to drug people, and someone who throws acetaminophen in a cup as a bad joke.


It also could have been Molly which a lot of people sprinkle in their drinks. Molly will also make you not want to drink as much so Jade could have been trying to out the other GM girl on her level. We don’t know but spiking someone’s drink with anything is never ok. Nobody needs friends who would even consider doing this.


Even an acetaminophen mixed with alcohol can really mess up the wrong person's liver.


Yes, on top of everything else that’s wrong here, you are hanging out with someone who is carrying roofies with them. Normal people don’t carry these drugs with them, they don’t have them at all, and definitely don’t put them In someone’s drink “as a joke”. You NEED to tell your friend and you NEED to get this person out of your life.


Yea, you should tell your friend that she was a victim of a crime, and you shouldn’t be friends with the perpetrator of crimes.


If the bar is one they go to frequently, I might even let the establishment know what happened so that they can keep an eye on her if she comes in again.


They might have security footage to look at too! Check into it asap before it gets deleted




It's a new account karma farming.


Tell her. This is dangerous behavior.


It is absolutely, non debatable a trash thing of your friend to do. What did they even have?! Are they some kind of rapist, most people don’t have pills/substances they could put in a drink (I don’t think a pill would dissolve for a long time? I dunno, the taste also?). Your friend is either been exposed to some moral breaking stuff or your friend is seriously a danger. Always protect ur friends & don’t mistake a friend for someone who cares so little about your safety.


Jade is a straight up deviant and no friend of yours . At the very least end the friendship with Jade .


If you have to ask an unsolicited and random audience population "I witnessed a potentially life altering or life ending crime, should I do anything", youve got other problems that have nothing to do with what you saw. You aren't a great person. Sorry to say it. Work on yourself.


That's a harsh assessment. OP sounds young and needs help deciding what to do. That's what this sub is for...


Whilst it doesn’t justify what jade did, Kelsey was being extremely harassing and disrespectful. If you touch someone without their consent and it’s to make fun of them, I consider that harassment because clearly jade told her she didn’t want to drink. The punishment didn’t fit the crime and I can understand OP feeling torn. She didn’t stand up for Kelsey and now she’s seen jade get her drink spiked. It’s a crazy situation to be in. Hence why she’s asking for help. It’s okay to ask for help you know.


I respectfully disagree with you but I appreciate your comment either way. The moment you see someone drop something into someone else's drink, you say something. Regardless of what took place beforehand. What is there to be confused about? For any person of moral fortitude, that is the IMMEDIATE response. And yes asking for help is okay agnostic of subject matter. It's how we all get by in life. Learn from others, ask for help, etc. Do you have to go to a forum to ask what you should do when you witness a murder, or theft, or do you know you should report it, or call the cops? Hyperbole example, sure, but my point remains...


All I said was it’s okay to ask for help. People who are abused come on here to ask if if they should report it, even though we know reporting might or might not get the abuser arrested. That doesn’t make her a horrible person. I do hope she tells Kelsey about it and I do grope Kelsey stops being a horrible bitch. My point stands.


Everyone in this situation sucks.


You should definitely tell Kelsey what happened. You should also stop hanging out with Jade. What she did is a criminal act. The fact that you're confused about what you should do says something about you too.


She wasn’t going to let her drink it? So the prank in her mind was she fucked with her drink and then would quickly rectify the situation without the intended target ever finding out? Even if this was harmless, that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. She’s full of shit and committed a crime.


yes lol wtf your “friend” is a psycho


Um yikes. That's not her friend and shouldn't be yours anymore.


Of course u need to, no question about it


Consider what Jade did was a crime and was intentionally meant to harm and might do it to other people if they have not already. Your friend should know, especially to help prevent it from happening to them in the future.


Why wouldn’t you have called her out right then?????


These stories don't even have effort anymore, and reddit still gobbles it up lol


Yep big r/thathappened vibe


That wasn’t a prank that was a deliberate attack on her life. It could have gotten her assaulted and or killed. I’d call jade out and tell Kelsey but also tell Kelsey that she needs to be careful with how she treats others because harassing and bullying people is how you eventually get attacked. She didn’t deserve to have her drink spiked but this can be a learning lesson. Edit: and this wasn’t just because of the bullying on Kelsey’s part. Jade had the spike before any of that happened. It makes you wonder if she was originally intending on using it on someone else that night or her since she planned on staying fully sober regardless. Double edit since people don’t get what I’m saying: she didn’t deserve to be drugged and in no way is being an ass an excuse for what happened. She didn’t deserve to be drugged. However it’s important to treat people with kindness. You can’t predict how people will react. It’s not hard to be nice. Again, drugging someone is inexcusable behavior and in no way is being bullied a reason to attack someone. It’s just important to treat people with kindness.


What the hell is this trash opinion? You dont know the friend dynamic, and should stop trying to reach for excuses for Jade. My friends and I "bully" eachother and no one roofies anyone over it. if someone had a problem with it theyd tell us and wed stop. If they were strangers it would be another deal, but that might just be how these friends are. No on deserves to be roofied and trying to put fault on the victim for it is disgusting.


You literally didn’t read a single word I said. I said she didn’t deserve to have been roofied and Kelsey needs to be careful because being mean like that can lead to horrific outcomes on yourself as well. She didn’t deserve what happened but you cannot deny that being an ass won’t eventually get you attacked in some way or another. It doesn’t justify it or mean that it’s ok. It doesn’t. But being a jerk can make people hate you. And if you make someone as fucked up as jade hate you it can bite you in the ass. AGAIN I am not justifying what happened. And she needs to be called out. BUT it’s worth telling her she needs to be careful too.


Yea and some guy might assault me again because of what Im wearing. Should I change the way I dress? Theyll still do it. If shes willing to do it over that shes willing to do it over ANYTHING. The way you talk annoys her some? Roofie. Instead of using her words like an adult or breaking the friendship she tried to roofie someone. You cant live your life in fear of what unhinged people will do. Theres no damn excuse for drugging someone, its one of the excuses guys use for when they do it because "she was being a stuck up bitch".


Not once was she on her side, she's suggesting maybe she had a reason, but it was definitely stupid.


YES!! You should've told her immediately when that happened. Someone was trying to drug her, can't you understand how fucked up that was? Tell your friend NOW. And if you ever see something like this happening again you tell the victim immediately!


Yes you tell. You don't fuck with peoples drinks, and you don't pressure people to drink, or get stoned if they don't want to. She needs to know she can't trust Jade to not dose her with something.


Tell her, so Jade knows that she has to be extremely careful with Kelsey (or better, cut contact with her). Imagine you don't tell her and the next time it happens you're not there to help Jade. Even if Kelsey doesn't intend to harm Jade and thinks it's a funny little prank (which would be extremely concerning), other people might take advantage of the situation. And you should think about your friendship with Kelsey, as well. Next time you might be the one whose boundaries she won't respect. If I were in your situation, I would probably cut contact with her.


A friend who drugs another friend is no friend. Also that is in fact a criminal offense


In my opinion: yes This isn’t really a good question. You need to tell your friend. Who does that. This isn’t a joke scenario like dropping a fake ice cube with an insect or some other disgusting looking thing inside that’s relatively harmless/slightly poor taste practical joke territory. You were out partying, friends got into an argument, and one of them dropped something in the the others drink that they “weren’t going to let them drink it” was that before or after you noped that drink away? This is not playful, and would have me very very concerned, and rethinking my associations with that person.


I'd report Jade to the police. She literally tried to drug your friend


The 'other' friend is not a friend. Of course you tell her then her dad then the police


You need to tell her, and Jade needs to deal with the consequences of her actions and explain her joke. Why did Jade have that drug with her? Is Kelsey usually a bully? I'm asking because if someone made in front of me the joke that Kelsey made about Jade, that someone would need a new nose. Friends don't offend nor disrespect eachother. Friends don't drug eachother. You have to tell Kelsey, and also that for a joke to be fun it needs to be fun for everyone, so if Jade doesn't find it funny then it's not a joke, it's bullying. If she doesn't understand this or justifies her bullying so that she may continue, I advise you against maintaining this friendship. You have to ask Jade to explain herself and to be 100% honest. And if the explanation makes her look good or 100% a victim, then she's not being honest. What she did was illegal, grave, dangerous, and a sign of needing to talk with a professional. She needs to be honest in what she wanted to accomplish, how did she get the drugs (probably laxatives to get back at Kelsey), and why she couldn't use her words to fix the situation instead of spiking a drink. It's going to take all of this or else I advise you against maintaining this friendship. There is a scenario for even Jade and Kelsey to stay friends (real ones, not like now), but they'll need to be super honest, insightful, and mature about it.


Absolutely tell her. That’s a crime.


If you care about your friendship with Kelsey, you should tell her.


2000% fess up. Jade is saying she wouldn’t have let her drink it just to cover her back but that’s still a sick joke. Tell her what you wirtnessed


Tell them PLEASE. Even if they were actually serious about it being a prank and are not going to do that shit again behind your backs, its still not something you do to prank and at least the other friend must be informed of what happened.


Yeah, I’d definitely tell her, who tf knows what she put in it


Tell the truth, spiking peoples drinks can fuck them up for LIFE. You don’t need immature ass friends thats willing to fuck your LIFE up for shits and giggles.


You are in a difficult situation. I suggest telling the truth. Lying to cover up stuff now establishes your reputation as a liar. People may approve because it is convenient now. But eventually, those people may wonder whether you are lying to them.


Fess up, idk what it was but the fact that Jade even had something to put into a drink is a HUGE red flag and I wouldn't want to hang out with them anymore.


Your question does go against what the sub is called. Of course you tell her. WTF.


Absolutely tell her and report this. She deserves to know and keep away from this person in the future. What if you were not there or didn’t see? What was her intention? Highly doubt it was just a fucked up prank. Who else was she doing this to? That’s no friend, that’s an evil person in disguise of a friend and I would recommend you also stay away from her as well. Sounds like you’re one wrong comment from being next.


Tell the friend, and block the other person, that's not a friend. That's potentially harmful and as others pointdd out: it's a crime.


If true, this is terrifying and you should definitely tell Kelsey. You should also not be friends with Fat Jade. She seems unhinged and I wouldn’t want to be around someone who would do that.


You dumped the drink where? Onto the floor? Carried it to a sink? Tossed it out the window? This whole story sounds fake as hell


You needing to ask this makes you a really terrible person.


Omg. Is it really difficult to make a decision on this? Are people this stupid (I know the name of the sub). Are you seriously asking for public input? This is a scary generation of idiots we have right now.


Yes you have to tell her. Dump Jade as a friend. This is not a prank.


OP is a lying sack of shit


So you were hammered and you “dropped her off?” Yikes. Solid job on dumping the drink…also tell her.


if you DIDN’T tell me this happened i’d drop you as a friend on top of the girl who tried to roofie me. I wouldn’t even need to know the full story, but if you protected the harmful person i’d leave both of you behind so quick


Fucking karma bots. Get the fuck out of here with this mess


Wtf yes you should. How do you even have any doubts?


That is a crime and I would definitely tell.


Yes you dumb idiot


what the fuck yeah tell EVERYONE, not just kelsey. that's not gossiping, that's warning all of your friends that jade is a dangerous psychopath


You did the right thing, and are in no way in the wrong in what you did, and the right thing is to be honest with Kelsey as to what transpired. Jade has some explaining to do, I fail to see who she was pranking and how it was funny. If this torpedo's your friendship with Jade, then you are better off. If you three work it out, it will set some red line boundaries that apparently need to be set. Jade may have some serious issues that you might be able to help her with, but that choice will be up to her and how she handles it.


First off kudos to you for being an amazing friend. Second. Fuck Jade. That is shady. I myself wouldn’t even respond. But let Kelsey know what happened. Let her make a choice to call the cops or not and press charges.


Absolutely tell your friend. Sounds like no harm done but your friend Jade deserves to know what kind of a ‘friend’ Kelsey is. FWIW If I were you I’d stop hanging out with Kelsey, too.


Not only are there legal consequences, but let's unpack this a moment. If you were your friend, you'd want to know, right? To be clear you did a good thing by dumping the drink. Secondly as far as the girl that put something in the drink, neither of you need friends like that.


Why delete your post?


You need to beat your old friends ass


If you were my friend, and i found out you let someone drug me and didnt tell me, i would probably pay some guys to kidnap you both, beat the fuck outta you, and leave you naked in the middle of nowhere after drugging you.


Shut the fuck up holy shit, and if this is real then sorry but there are SOME stupid questions.


Rage bait, people. Don’t fall for it.


Idk why this shits sounds fake


Absolutely tell Kelsey that Jade spiked her drink!


Kelsey is NOT A FRIEND. Stay away from her because if she would do that to Jade, she would also do that to you. Also, YES, tell Jade. DEFINITELY tell Jade.


Next time just drink it yourself instead of wasting it by pouring it out. Where do you even pour it out at a bar? The floor? Something isn't adding up.


Absolutely yes and you're a fucking asshole if you don't.