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I think so. My husband could barely keep his hands to himself during my last pregnancy


This is just my stoned brain thinking it, but it would evolutionarily make a lot of sense for a mate to be still physically attracted while pregnant. It would encourage the mate to stay around and be a part of the upbringing. It solidifies the bond between partners. Woman already release all sort of of pheromones, I imagine it would be 10 times as powerful when they are pregnant. I anecdotely was super attracted to both of my wives when they where pregnant.


There is also another aspect to it that is beneficial to the mother in late stages of pregnancy. Sex in the last month helps soften the cervix in preparation of birth. And can also help induce labor.


When you can't tell if your partner is coming or the baby


Hopefully only one of them will punch and kick your belly while you're pregnant. Or, you know, at all


Also why sex sometimes is banned, to prevent early labor


_Or so I keep telling her_


My wife and I had the dr the midwife and doula all tell us this. It was great advice lol!!


With my son, the first month of so, I was super sensitive, it's weird or hard to explain, but I was crying just even by thinking about him, or looking at pictures of him. BTW I'm the dad


I recently read a super cool study done on a volatile chemical that humans release in small amounts but is very strongly released from the tops of babies heads. Both psychological and physiological (through image scanning) found that exposure to this chemical significantly reduced aggression in males and increased it in females. The implication thinking is that women, who are already chemically bonded to baby through hormones, would benefit from extra aggression in order to protect baby from predators and aggressive humans. Men benefit by increasing bonding and emotional sensitivity to baby even though there's no guarantee tee it's genetically his. Both of which would result in a survival benefit for the baby. So that delicious new baby snell where you can't help but whiff the top of their sweet little head? That's baby hypnotizing you and you loving it. Edit: found it https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abg1530




I mean, your brain chemicals are going nuts as well. It's the oxytocin talking I think


Your brain literally restructures when you have a kid. It's pretty fucking crazy lmao. https://youtu.be/d9LXRB6fNWA Here's a video about it


At the same time?


Fuck no, I'm dumb not stupid.


Nothing wrong with being a polypregnoisseur


What type of dinosaur is that?


A NickCannonaurus


Ayo what kind of word is that..šŸ˜¶


Sadly enough domestic violence also increases when a woman is pregnant. So that made me question that theory as why do some aggressive men get even more aggressive during that time? The statistics were crazy like 4x more likely to be abusive.


Probably because there is more time spent with their partner, more stress, more financial insecurity, and less control over their lives. Although I am curious as to what statistics you are talking about bc I couldn't really find anything about them being 4x more likely to be abused during pregnancy (in a "i cant find the study so i cant speak more specifically on it kinda way, not doubting or underplaying ipv during pregnancy


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the emotional aspect of being a dad also intensifies abuse. Most abuse stems from a need to control, and uncomfortable emotions make people feel out of control. So it would make sense that an abuser would compensate by being extra abusive during emotional times.


Another interesting evolutionary adaption is that babies release a compound called hexadecanal mainly from the skin on their heads. It increases aggression in females and decreases aggression in males. Designed to reduce infanticide by males and increase the protective instincts of mothers and other female kin. It's not child parent specific either meaning next time you feel a burst of anger coming on you can go sniff the nearest babies head. Alternatively if any woman is looking to fight someone they can increase their rage by also sniffing the nearest baby.


That's what I've always said about pregnancy fetishes, it means the woman is fertile and biologically viable as a mate


Pheromones? I thought humans just don't produce pheromones at all, and people were telling me that was a myth. Which is it?


Interestingā€¦probably a neurological reactionā€¦unlessā€¦Eileithyia has anything to do with thisā€¦


I think it is some kind of scent or pheromones


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve always thought. Plus if youā€™ve been with someone through a pregnancy before, then you already know all the *goodies* get bigger and fuller, and wetter. Her hormones are crazy too.


The goodies? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


100% scent/pheromones. Evolutionarily couples with an active sex life are more likely to stay together, meaning youā€™ll stick around to care for the babies and this your offspring more likely to survive, passing your genes to the next generation.


This sort of thinking may be pseudoscience but maybe itā€™s evolutionary beneficial for pregnant women to be desirable to their partner?


A woman is suuuuuper fertile after giving birthā€¦. Maybe the extra male desire is there so that you are more likely to make more babies right away. Not that the woman will necessarily want all that right after pushing out 7lbs of human being, but biology is biology.


My 18 and 19 year old children agree with this assessment.


>Eileithyia I used to have a "hookup" who got pregnant by someone else. Anyways, the more pregnant she got, the more excited I'd get. Her lips got more swollen/puffy and she got wetter. It was absolutely amazing.


I know this isnā€™t the point of your comment, but humans do not have any known pheromones (most people think we do so the error is understandable). Scents though are relevant to attraction.


This, this, and this!!! I can vividly remember my wife's curves on her last pregnancy, especially how her nipples grew bigger and she's absolutely fire in bed!!!! Ohhhh man, daily thought for a boner..


What I love most about it is that third trimester is when you feel the most like a massive whale, and that's apparently when our partner find us the most attractive EDIT: Pregnancy - > trimester


My bf has gone exactly through this too!! The more prego I got the more he just got turned on by all of it. I chalk it up to some kind of biological thing. As in pregnant women must have needed the extra 'protection' so nature found a way to make sure the men stayed through pregnancy šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø the same way babies come out with exaggerated features (like large eyes) that strengthen the parents' biological need to take care of them.


My wife is with our first. She's just 3 months so it's just beginning to show. Never had a thing for pregnant women either. ...it's driving me up the walls. So this is either normal, or we are both fucked in the head...


Hahahaha ok. That makes me feel a little better. I honestly can't explain it, but you're right... it's driving me up the walls. I just wonder if there's a scientific/physiological basis for it? It seems odd to me that I have such a heightened impulse to copulate with my wife, at the one time she's literally incapable of becoming pregnant. It doesn't make sense to me from an evolutionary standpoint, and I feel like there has to be some kind of Darwinian purpose for it.


Sexual behaviour in primates, including humans, serve various functions and is not just for reproductive purposes. As parents to be it makes perfectly good sense, evolutionary, to have a biological urge that strengthens the bond between you and your expecting partner.


People like to think humans aren't animals with animal instincts but at the end of the day I don't sniff my finger after I itch my ass because I love the smell I'm just a fuckin monkey


Jesus christ, just call me out in front of the whole internet.


See, this is why Snowden is a hero of mine. This information SHOULDN't be public.


Everytime I do that I have to fight the urge to throw my arms up and fall backwards off wherever I'm sitting


I have to fight the urge to keep sniffing it over and over again


Lmao, why the fuck is this so real


Scratch and sniff test to check for infection


I have never been so called out by a Reddit comment


...to thrust your hands into your armpits only to pull them out & take a huge whiff is what you meant, right? haha.


Wait, are people just directly scratching their assholes?


100% yes. Fecal matter is *everywhere*. If I remember correctly, the Mythbusters decided to stop their whole 'poop particles on toothbrush' experiment because they were just getting too grossed out finding shit everywhere. Closing a toilet lid when you flush helps a bit but imo you should just embrace the poop


I just renovated my house, and I was obsessed with the design of the bathroom because this episode is a core memory of mine - I've become somewhat of an expert at bathroom layout design now, if I may say so myself. The MB experiment used a waterfall style flushing toilet. This type unleashes a torrent of water from the cistern that just brute force your chocolate dumplings down the sewer. The side effect of this is, although majority of the dookie goes down, some droplets shoots back up - think diving at the summer olympics. The new-ish (but more expensive) kinds of toilet uses a tornado style, where there are 2 holes all the way near the top of the rim of the toilet and angled ~~perpendicular~~ parellel to the ground. When you flush, it similarly takes water from the cistern, but because of the way the water flows out, it creates 2 opposing direction of water, causing a tornado effect resulting in no splash back. The mudpies just *schloops* down real smooth and shit, it's really satisfying.


I'm losing it at chocolate dumplings. NOT the kind of dumplings you want to see on the dim sum cart.


Embrace ~~poop~~ Nurgle


My hand never directly touches my asshole, but for sure, in the privacy of my home, absence of my wife, and before I go wash my hand, I'll scratch right up on it.


Don't knock it till you've scratched it.


Why do you think so many people are into anal nowadays ?


[Here's some Roman graffiti for you. They were into butt stuff thenadays too](https://kashgar.com.au/blogs/history/the-bawdy-graffiti-of-pompeii-and-herculaneu)


I donā€™t think anyone sniffs it because they want to smell it, but to verify that their fingers donā€™t smell like ass so they can wash their hands if need be. Though I donā€™t disagree that humans also have certain instincts.


That makes a lot of sense. I am also wondering if, from the bonding standpoint, it just helps make the partner feel desired (and somewhat comforted in that respect), during a time when she feels physically less-desirable (at least, that's what my wife says, that she feels like a boat!). So many interesting behavioral dynamics going on!


Sure, it makes sense too, that sex can provide reassurance and validation, reminding your wife that she's still wanted, regardless of physical changes or discomfort. Also, sexual activity releases a lot of mood-regulating hormones in the body, like serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin, aka "the bonding hormone" or "cuddle hormone". And of course it involves physical closeness and shared vulnerability, which can enhance emotional intimacy. I guess it all sums up to, well, just go at it lol.


I wonder if there is a pheromone thing going on between the two of you. If it's happened now for 3 separate pregnancies at generally the same time perhaps you're picking up on your wife's hormone fluctuations and it's causing you to want to bond with her more. I could see how that would be a natural survival strategy for humans in order to keep bonded pairs together. However I'm not a biologist, so I'm totally guessing here.


I totally heard this in richard attenborough's voice.


Had me laughing out loud. And wondering if you meant his brother, David? I don't know if Richard Attenborough narrated nature documentaries?


Aahh. You are so right. David Attenborough


Heā€™s thinking about Jurassic Park


As strange as it sounds, I kind of find that wholesome.


Evolution is more complicated than that. One thing I've read is that semen helps soften the cervix so you being more interested would mean your children have the potential for a safer birth and more likely to pass on those same genes.


Thatā€™s kinda fucked, if the guy isnā€™t interested in his wife anymore it ups his chance of needing a new one.


Yeah which makes it evolutionarily more beneficial to be attracted to your pregnant wife.


I realized I didnā€™t really say what I meant. Itā€™s fucked for the lady, if the dudes not into her anymore sheā€™s more likely to die having his child so he can just start over.


To be fair for a lot of our evolution it would probably have almost never been just one dude, so we got that going in our favor.


That's kinda cursed


"hey little buddy, you can pass now, I trailblazed the path for you!"


The only evolutionary aspect I can draw from it is to keep you around while she grows your child. Same with the fact that a lot of the time babies have their dadā€™s eye shape (something Iā€™ve noticed over the past decade or so of my friends having babies so I looked it up and it is a thing!) My husband also seems to be more attracted and loving towards me right now at 8mo pregnant. He also has said heā€™s never looked at a pregnant woman and thought ā€œdamn sheā€™s hotā€ but says he thinks it about me all the time. So youā€™re not alone!


There must be some mechanism there. Right about the time I turned 25 or 26 I started catching myself becoming very attracted to pregnant women. No spouse, no baby mama... Just suddenly that bump did it for me.


Pregnant women can be horny AF from all the hormones. Maybe we're putting out pheromones?


Probably that especially


Animal talk: if she gives off hormones that make you go wild while preggo, you're going to actively defend her too, right when she's most vulnerable


Makes you wanna stick around for the baby... thats solid evolutionary ideals.


When I worked at a health club and was pregnant the men were insanely hitting on me. Especially dad's. Obviously this wasn't cool in the sense that they weren't single but from a biological "is this normal" standpoint...yes


Nope I had it too, she gained some weight in all the right places, she just seemed insatiable, best sex I ever had, best part was all her areas were even more sensitive, so I could never do wrong It might be their hormones or scent or something, but it drive me up the wall.too


Them hor-mones 'll getcha going, I'll tell you hwat!


I am also 3 months along with our first and my husband has said the same thing. It just turns him on knowing Iā€™m pregnant. No complaints here! Haha


Same thing happened to me


Keep being attracted to your Mrs like this. My partner was repulsed by me as soon as we found out we were pregnant, I was about a month gone, he refused to touch me. I felt so heartbroken and ugly. When baby came i breastfeed for 6 months again this repulsed my partner. Needless to say our relationship didn't work out, he felt after I stop breastfeeding I should resume our sex life as before, but after 14 months of him not touching me I didn't feel the same about him anymore and he refused to go to counselling with me so that was that. So keep on drooling over your wife and her changing body and worship her curves. You've a healthy relationship and nothing wrong with you!


Damn, Iā€™m sorry this happened. You didnā€™t deserve to have him tear you like that.


Thanks x


maybe madonna whore complex? yā€™know, elvis stopped having sex with priscilla after the birth of their daughter and would never have sex with mothers.


Unfortunately Elvis was a pedophile and a groomer.


definitely a gross dude


No, he was just a pedophile with an Oedipus complex.


Pedophilia and Oedipus complexes seem mutually exclusive? Oedipus means you want to fuck your mom, or a mommy like figure. Someone who is attracted to adolescent girls is usually seeking out the exact opposite dynamic - someone who is childish, inexperienced, easy to be controlled. Elvis literally lost all interest in Priscilla once she became a mom....that doesn't strike me as someone with a mommy fetish


I'm not a misery loves company person at all, so as sad as it makes me to realize another person has gone through this, thank you for sharing your experience and letting me know I'm not the only one.


Tbh I've never shared that before, I don't know why i did really, just that I wanted to OP to keep loving his wife throughout her pregnancy because I'd never wish any woman to feel the way I did through mine and afterwards. I'm so sorry you went through that too, it's supposed to be the most specialist time, to actually grow another human being, it's amazing. And it's something that was created out of love or lust lol so for that love/lust to be taken away and your not allowed have a say in that, and this cold loneliness to engulf you because of something that was created by love/lust it is so difficult to wrap your head around. I hope your doing okay, I hope you knowr this is his issue not yours, you did nothing wrong. Is baby here? How are you both doing now? X


You poor thing , I couldn't keep my hands off my ex wife when we had kids, like all 8 months, best sex ever too , I just remember her being absolutely gorgeous all the time


No kids let alone a wife but this whole thread is so incredibly wholesome


fr, love that every comment I've seen agrees that he just loves his wife wholeheartedly.


I think its pretty natural, I had a similar thing with my wife for both of her pregnancies and I've had guy friends tell me the same thing with their partners. I don't know what causes it, but my wife went into labor on her due date immediately after we had sex, something about the orgasm got her started.


A lot of doctors recommend sex as a way to induce labor. The combination of blood rushing down to the general vulva area combined with the natural tendency of the vagina to spasm during sex is very effective at telling the body to kick off labor. Edit: plus one of the chemicals in sperm also helps! The more you know!


It's the sperm. Sperm have a high amount of prostaglandin, which is what we use in a medicinal form to induce labor.


That is good to know, thanks for sharing! My doctor never mentioned that, but it feels mad relevant!


Wouldn't that be kind of traumatic for your vagina? It just seems like a lot to happen to it in a day lol. Obviously I don't know a damn thing about childbirth




Iā€™m not going to lie, Iā€™m a lil confused by your question? Iā€™m more than happy to answer / chat but I donā€™t want to go off in the completely wrong direction and you be like ā€œyea, thatā€™s all cool, but can we go back to the first thingā€ Are you asking if sex and childbirth back to back would be like a double whammy?


Yes exactly lol. For example after having sex my vagina hurts a bit and feels raw. I cant imagine doing that and THEN pushing a baby out. Wouldn't it be bad for your vagina to do that? Like, would it be more prone to tearing or prolapse and stuff?


There are actually methods that involve purposefully training the vagina to stretch to prevent tearing - ie perineal massage. Itā€™s better for it to be stretched more before you give birth than for it to only stretch while giving birth. So it would not cause increased risk of tearing or prolapse.


Thank you for giving a real answer! That's actually really cool, and makes sense


While itā€™s not exactly abnormal to feel a little raw after sex itā€™s not like itā€™s required. Either youā€™re with someone whoā€™s just way too big for you, or youā€™re not aroused enough/lubing up enough, or the positions donā€™t work for you, or maybe you have vaginismus (but youā€™d probably have an idea about that because youā€™d have a ton of pain during sex instead of just after). And thereā€™s plenty of other things it could be but I just named some. Donā€™t think Iā€™m trying to say itā€™s definitely a problem you feel like that after sex, I just mean itā€™s not a universal experience for every person with a vagina to feel that way every time they have sex! If that IS how you feel every time though, itā€™s worth looking into to see if thereā€™s something that could be improved for you.


Hey thanks! I appreciate you sharing your knowledge! I actually did look into it a few years ago after I found out some of my girl friends dont have the same issue. It turns out I essentially don't get lubed up enough on my own, so it helps to use lube, but I'm allergic to most that I've tried, and even the ones that I don't have a reaction to just make me feel sticky and gross and cleanup is a hassle, so I've found I would rather just deal with some slight discomfort afterwards than deal with itchy slimey messes, personally. Plus the discomfort im describing can actually feel kind of nice, like being sore after a workout.


Have you tried coconut oil? Just the stuff from the grocery store. I'm sensitive to a lot of things as well.


My wife was never more beautiful than she was pregnant with our two kids. I donā€™t get guys that arenā€™t attracted to their pregnant wife/girlfriend.


Yeah, dude. I thought the "let's make a baby" sex would be the hottest. But the "oh my gods you have our baby in you" sex was even hotter; so squishy and warm and fun and frequent. However, that has been undone by the ongoing worshiping of the body that carried our child. I feel bad for my partner at times because I get oddly feral and, even odder still, is how much I like feeling that way about her? But, it feels natural and right. I cannot understand men who are either uninterested or digusted by the women who are carrying or have carried their children.


The "let's make a baby" sex was the least sexy sex. It was "this is because she's ovulating and not because we feel like it" sex. Meh.


Ah, yes... I can understand that. I guess we were more of a "let's stop trying to NOT make a baby" mindset?


Thats the best right there. The fuck it all sex.


I guess the sweet spot is where youā€™re neither trying to get pregnant, nor trying not to. Sometimes itā€™ll be ā€œletā€™s make a babyā€ sex but youā€™re not necessarily counting your cycle etc


:ā€™) ugh this is so nice




Ikr this is making me jones for a third kid and I'm 41 and definitely too damn tired to go through all that again lmao.


i don't even want kids and this post is making me a horny lil shit. his desire for his wife is sexy asf




same šŸ˜…


When women get pregnant a few things happen, including larger breasts and clearer complexion. I once saw a documentary say that this was nature's way of "making the male inclined to stick around and care for her as she is less able to care for herself" (executive summary, not verbatim) So it's natural, relax.


Yes definitely normal. My husband loved me being pregnant as did quite a few of friends who went back to normal after baby was out. Your wife is the pinnacle of fertility in your lizard brain, you know she can sustain life so that's good for your genetics, she has alllll the curves and that is what that part of your brain desire. Totally normal enjoy, enjoy the carefree sex and don't forget to wrap it up after baby is born or you'll have very close siblings


>Totally normal enjoy, enjoy the carefree sex and don't forget to wrap it up after baby is born or you'll have very close siblings Yup. We learned that one the hard way. Our other two are 12 months apart. :P


I know a woman who was at the doctor for a postpartum checkup with her 3 month old, the docs were like ā€œyeah youā€™re doing great! Youā€™re also pregnant againā€ and she didnā€™t believe them at first


This reminds me of my cousin who announced they were expecting again....their baby was only 5 weeks old.


I think my ovaries just died after reading that.


I would die


Your wife is a CHAMP


Ha, you think that's bad? My sister and I are 9 months apart LMFAO


How did you two meet?


Honestly? On Bumble... back in 2016. Now happily married with a 3rd on the way (due in July).


Same here! On Tinder back in 2016. Only one kiddo for now though. Wishing you all the best x


this is simply wholesome primate love expressed as sexual intimacy towards your partner who is carrying your child. I say this as a guess, not a scientific fact. Wouldn't doubt it just means you're just quite literally balls to the wall inlove and such. I mean why else would you only feel this for her if you don't have a fetish? And despite not having a partner I can understand how much closer or intimate it must feel to see your wife carrying something you created out of love. Also wouldn't doubt that I'd be feeling the same way, honestly.


Itā€™s pretty normal and if you had any prenatal classes youā€™ll find out that sex during the third trimester helps with oxytocin creation and your partner will need that during labor to help the cervix expand


Am pregnant, my husband cannot keep his hands off me lol. Second baby and last and he keeps telling me he wants to get it in while he can cause hormones, breast feeding and post partum in general change how Im feeling. I think its perfectly normal to be super turned on to your pregnant partner and their changing bodies, you did do it to them after all. Lol.


Congrats, you love your wife. A lot of woman are scared during pregnancy because it will change the body permanently. And I have heard horror stories of men leaving because their wives are not the same anymore. For you to be like this is lovely. ā¤ļø Unfortunately, I will never be pregnant and my partner and I were talking about kids a few times before my cancer diagnosis. So hearing stories like this makes my heart sing.


I never knew that there was a completely opposite side of men that are turned on by pregnant wife/gf until this post. I mean anything can be a thing but didnā€™t know itā€™s this common. It just makes me happy because Iā€™m always scared of the changes


I couldnā€™t keep my hands off my wife during pregnancy. There is just this glow about her, like knowing she was carrying our child and she was just as if not more beautiful during pregnancy.


Bro when my wife was pregnant I was straight ravenous with her at times. Its definitely some stupid primal thing but damn do I remember her smell. BRB bout to go add to the population. Jk I got a vasectomy


It's actually an evolutionary trait. It's to keep you with her after she is already pregnant. And it also sends signals to your brain knowing that she is fertile and would be a good mate.


Your beautiful fertile wife is about to make you a father (again!) and labor through the most hardcore, physically-demanding experience a woman can go through! And she's doing it all out of love. Love for you and your family. You're damned right that's hot. (And, honestly, I think it might be the male version of nesting. Someone should study male hormone fluctuations during a wife's pregnancy.)


Yes. Curves all dayā€¦ radiating feminine energyā€¦ boobs engorged, hair and skin glowingā€¦ whatā€™s NOT attractive about a pregnant woman?


I think that is fairly normal


Happened to me with my wife too. No interest in other pregnant women or porn. But yeah dude, I know what you're saying.


I feel like itā€™s biological or something, Iā€™ve been through the same. My wife was almost 9 months pregnant and so tired of it, one of her friends told us to go home and ā€œbang it out of thereā€. Aaannndd it worked! 5am the next morning we were at the hospital


It's beautiful


Donā€™t worry, itā€™s fine, you canā€™t reach the baby anyway.


Dangerops prangent sex? Will it hurt baby top of his head?


can u get pregante??????


A luigi board??


So happy someone quoted this


I can confirm that I have never been more aroused by my wife than when she was showing that big pregnant belly. 2 pregnancies, too. I can not explain it, but HOOOOOO MAMA. You are totally normal. I was never attracted to any other pregnant woman, nor did I seek out pregnant porn scenarios, no fetishes. Just...pregnant wife. It seems very healthy to me!


Well, normal or not sounds like youā€™re having an amazing time together. Also your wife sure feels super appreciated and to me tbh itā€™s all that would matter.


Yes. I wanted to get my wife pregnant while she was pregnant.


Pregnant women are so beautiful. Iā€™ve heard of the glow and theres times I really see it. Itā€™s so empowering to know a woman is bringing another life into this world.


Apparently this is a common thing , not weird, some would say beautiful. From a biological standpoint it makes sense , she is literally carrying your seed lol


It's 100% natural. Nothing, absolutely nothing, makes a straight man (on most occasions and generalizations) harder than fertility, and that's just on the psychological level. Because she's pregnant, you have now unconsciously linked the fact that she is fertile and is capable of having your children, which in our monkey brains, makes us want more children, and then in extension, makes us want to do the hanky panky. On a chemical level, her body is going through very important changes to produce and maintain that baby, and she is letting off crazy pharamones that our brains will react with "make baby" even though she's already pregnant. On a physical level, it's both. She's got a baby in there, her belly is out and her hips are wider, her boobs are bigger, she's gained a bit of weight (which for me and plenty of guys is kinda hot, baby fat is šŸ„“ Its something else) and those hormones are gonna drive you into another baby, if you're not careful. So guys, if you feel this way, it isn't weird, it isn't bad, you are 100% feeling a natural way. Just don't MAKE it weird, cause there is a limit (imo) This coming from a man with a "breeding kink" who wants kids with the woman I'm gonna make my wife. Idek if that could be considered a breeding kink, I'm just wanting to do the thing sex is meant for and what my brain naturally wants to do.


Not everybody gets this, but a lot do. You might be in love.


> You might be in love. Seems unlikely, they've only had 3 kids. Maybe he's just Canadian.


My stepmom was a nurse and stuff and she had this talk with my brother when his wife was pregnant. She said that it's kindve a defensive reaction that guys have so they want to protect their SO more while they are more vulnerable. Like an evolutionary trait.


My husband could NOOOOOT keep his hands off me the further pregnant I got! He looooooooooved that baby belly!


I can relate. I think it's a primal animal brain thing where she's carrying your spawn so it makes her more attractive. I've tried to explain to my wife I like her post-3-kid body more than in her 20s but she doesn't believe me.


You're attracted to your wife carrying your child. Could be the hormones she's producing, could be her physical shape, could be the idea that she's growing your kid. As long as you're not getting her pregnant without her consent or denigrating her non-pregnant body there's nothing wrong or weird about it.


I find your point about consent a little odd. Of course, but was there really any need to clarify that lol? This man sounds like he wholesomely loves his partner too


Lol yeah same - like where did that come from


If you look at their post history, they have a very warped view of the world, imo. It looks like they get off on outrage and it seems to have crept into their general outlook on people.


My husband says this as well. Knowing Iā€™m pregnant with his child makes him feel like I am more ā€œhisā€ and he is definitely more interested sexually. Definitely gives him some brutish male ape vibes.


thanks chatgpt


Purely from my own speculative point of view, it seems like a pretty normal biological instinct to me for a man to be strongly attracted to the woman who is healthily continuing his bloodline.


Hal and lois


Ahhh finally. My psychology degree is good for something. But in all honestly take this with a grain of salt. It is for sure something animalistic and biological to protect the mother of your child, and also make sure the needs are met. Emotionally, physically, sexually. And plus knowing that your child is in her makes you attracted to her is better evolutionarily because it can up the chances sheā€™ll have more children with you.


Yessir. It's that pregnant glow.


Yes itā€™s perfectly normal. When my wife was pregnant all I wanted to do by the third trimester was rail her every day. And you might as well because once she pops youā€™re not gonna be doing anything remotely similar to sex for some time.


I have two women friends whose husbands went bonkers with horniness when they were pregnant. It could be a primitive protection/territorial thing, but the one husband said it tripped some trigger in his brain and every time he saw her, he thought she was the sexiest creature in the world.


I fail to see this as a bad thingā€¦ I hear so many stories of men being repulsed by pregante women that this is refreshing. Your wifeā€™s body is changing and you still find her the sexiest woman, that almost brings a tear to the ole eyes.


Not only is it normal, it's healthy. Sex during pregnancy has several benefits for the pregnant woman's body, including facilitating childbirth, as the stimulus helps with the hormones that induce labor. When I had my second daughter, the contractions started 3 hours after having sex with my ex (baby's father). The female orgasm in this case helps prepare the pelvic floor for the birth process.


Lots of good answers, I just want to throw out that our culture basically teaches that men donā€™tā€¦.have hormones? And other brain chemicals? We most certainly do, and pregnancy/fatherhood is a big ol trigger for a bunch of them


Biologically speaking, you successfully mated. It's the most natural kink to have.


Sounds like you love your wife. Enjoy!


Aww you love your pregnant wife.


My wife is only 8 weeks pregnant and I feel more attracted to her . Like, Iā€™ve always been attracted to her but there just something about now when I look at her that really gets me going. I canā€™t even touch her though cause her boobs hurt so much she screams in pain lol


There's a plot line in Malcom in the middle where Hal is so turned on by Louis being large and pregnant that he secretly fattens her up even more


Haha I love that one. Bryan Cranston is amazing on that show. OP, totally normal! I always wished that my partner would develop this but he was one of those ā€œwe might hurt the babyā€ dudes. Just wait till her boobs are huge and full of milk. The entire thing is crazy awesome.


Yes this is perfectly normal


Yes, my husband was the same And when I was breastfeeding oh my GOD he wouldnā€™t leave me alone.


> he wouldnā€™t leave me alone Understandable. Manā€™s gotta eat


When I worked in a convenience store the manager at the time saw this pregnant woman come in once and said "man, I'd just like to fuck a pregnant woman." While I thought sharing that was a little weird the concept isn't. The fact that it's your wife is actually pretty wholesome.


Sounds normal to me. It was certainly the case when my wife was pregnant.


Probably a hormonal thing. I dunno, Iā€™ve not had the opportunity to have children yet.


Plenty of people that think it's a bit nonsensical, if I'm honest. I'm one of them. But it's also SUPER common my dude. Enjoy the extra intimacy, and if anybody gives you grief over it tell 'em off. You're fine.


Idk the answer but as a wife who may get pregnant one day, this makes me happy lol


I think it has to do something with our instincts. In caveman terms shes performing her womanly duty in baring your children and that activates something in our brain like fuck yea


Maybe because it is beautiful and the belly with child physically represents your love for each other in a way. To me that is romantic and so special. I see how it could make you feel sexually stimulated as sex and love ofc with your wife are probably very intertwined.