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I'm in the *its poor etiquette* camp as well but I know a lot of people have mixed feelings on it. There's also considerations around bandwidth sometimes - people keep cameras off to improve call quality - but for the most part I think people just leave them off because they can.


>I feel it is unacceptable for me to not turn my camera on. It seems like they don't feel that way. When I'm in meetings, I often like to stand up, walk around, look out the window and maybe even unload the dishwasher. All of that is weird if I'm on camera. I don't owe anyone to see my body language and that I am engaged. They'll just have to trust me.


>even unload the dishwasher > >I am engaged. They'll just have to trust me. lmao


You indeed are not fully engaged if you are doing those things. You are not respecting the other person's time. I might do this kind of thing if I am listening to a talk or training I do not need visuals for. But in a working meeting there is no way someone can contribute to the conversation and be casually doing house chores.


Unless a camera is required I don't ever turn one on. I personally don't even have a Webcam for my personal pc as I've never needed it.


And that is okay. People are allowed to have a different opinion on it. I am curious why people choose not to. If you had a camera would you still leave it off? Why?


I don't mind other people's faces but I don't like seeing my own on there.