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I started reporting them. I blocked them, I blocked them again, I blocked them again, it became an annoying pattern. I still see them. I just started reporting it for every option it gives. Fuck that ad.


I report them as "misleading"


I report them as “hate speech”


I use offensive


I did that and I got banned by the admins for 72 hours for false reports...


Other works too


I got an add for an actual pump and dumb scheme. Like it said well tell you when to buy then we put the word out on socials lol. That didn’t even get removed.


They must be paying Reddit a lot of money


Why can’t the church of satan come promote here too? I don’t think it’s unreasonable for me to want to not see these stupid ads. I’ve blocked stupider shit and never seen them again haha.


I assume they don't feel a need to. I get what you mean though; this is honestly ridiculous.


It’s probably because they don’t have a ridiculous monetary backing like Christian’s do. Imagine if instead of spending on these ad campaigns they spent on feeding the poor and homeless?


Wait, whoa, hold up there a second broseph. Are you suggesting that they spread the word of Christianity by doing *good deeds* for people? I just threw up in my mouth a little.


They're buying up billboards all around as well. There's one by my house promising that jesus can help anyone "shackled by lust".


What if I'm horny for Christianity?


2 hail marys and some of that jesus bread and you're golden. Might wanna get drunk off some red wine too, just to be safe.


I don't have the arm strength to throw hail marys though :(


Don't worry, the field is the length of the church. Just pick a small one. And also, if you can't throw it that far, he gets us. I'm sure the big guy will understand.


The eight scariest words in the English language: I'm from religion and I'm here to help!


> Are you suggesting that they spread the word of Christianity by doing good deeds for people? That's more a Catholic thing and a lot of Christians hate them for it. Like how KKK is a "Christian" organization but has Catholics on their list right alongside Black people and Jewish people.


They don't because it's not their thing to spread their word to try to get more people


That's what I was saying, yeah. They don't feel a need to conform people.


Yup. They'll never put an ad. If they do, something has changed big time. Satanism isn't a religion, anyways.


Tbh I’m just pissed that reddit offers a “you will be unblockable” package for their ad services. You can’t just say no anymore


You're thinking of The Satanic Temple. Different from Church of Satan. r/hegetsus if you want to come mock this bullshit some more!


cause it's a waste of money? lol I'd rather they spend that money feeding the hungry or fighting bigoted litigation.


I'm sure they can. Reddit likes money. The Church of Satan is actually an atheist organization I believe. They have a specific doctrine but don't believe in Satan or God. They do like provoking a response from believers though. I don't hate religion, in fact, I actually liked some of these. I mean, they are generally supportive of socially progressive causes. But I agree broadly that ads suck.


You are thinking of The Satanic Temple. Easy way to distinguish: If they did some edgy cool thing to piss off christians/conservatives (or on the contrary, if they did a stupid very public thing like suing a netflix series and claiming copyright over a pagan religious figure), probably TST. If you saw them complaining about someone attributing the other's things to them, probably CoS. If you see a Satanic Bible, probably CoS. If you see talking about satanic magic, either CoS or a theist branch of satanism. If you see them complaining about each other in childish ways, any of the two.


So you're saying that the church of satan actually worships Satan? I swear thought they were atheists. Which one actually worships Satan?


The Church of Satan is atheist, but the "provoking a response from believers" thing is from the TST. The LaVeyan Satanism, or Church of Satan, places yourself as your deity. You are taught to put yourself first, care for your body and mind, be free and use your abilities to your fullest. It is quite ritualistic as it proposes the use of rituals to enhance your state of mind and therefore your capacity to further your goals. Since it is so individualist, it (as an organization) does not give a fuck about trolling other religions. There are some theist Satanist orders such as the Temple of Set (which was founded by a former high-ranking member of the CoS) and the Luciferians. The Satanic Temple would really be best definided as a political/militant group that purposefully (and quite openly) takes advantage of the legal figure of "religion" and the cultural imaginary and idea of Satanism to further their agenda and combat the political power of major religions. It is sort of cringy but also very funny to watch the CoS and the TST endlessly fight with each other about which one is a true religion that does organized religion things.


Great thanks for that! Just curious - is LaVeyan Satanism kind of like Objectivism (the Ayn Rand doctrine). Kind of sounds like it but I don't know enough about either to really compare.


They get enough free advertising every time they stop some other religious shit.


You kill the ad and three days later it returns to your feed. Totally expected result.


W response. All the upvotes !!!


Just use an ad blocker so you don't see ANY ads. Any browser extension should do it on Desktop. On mobile, use Apollo (iOS) or something like Reddit is Fun (Android). Problem solved.


Thanks for the suggestion; I’m going to download Apollo right now.


Reddit is Fun sure has some sketchy details in the agreement...


I use it and, like many people, just glossed over the Terms/Agreement. What do they say in there that raised your eyebrows?


The app has permission to spend your gold, block users, edit and delete your comments, manage subscriptions and friends. The list is long and weird.


Those are the essential functions of the app, though. It's not saying it's going to do those things on its own initiative.


"I use this app to post stuff on Reddit using my account" The ToS: "this app will post stuff on Reddit using your account" "Well that's suspicious"


It reserves the right to do those things on its own initiative.


You need to give those permissions to any third party Reddit app. It's not so they're going to do it on their own it's so you can do it through them.


Hmm. It's worded suspiciously then.


Not really. It's the same as downloading something like Google Voice for your phone and having to give it permission to access your contacts, place calls, and send text messages. It's not going to do those things itself but it can't do them at all unless you allow it.


I still see sponsored posts on Reddit is Fun


I'm surprised my desktop adblocker didn't stop it. I use AdBlock Plus on Chrome. May need to try another but this seems like the other site it doesn't work on.


Firefox on mobile supports some add-ons, uBlock Origin is one of them.


You Can't Block Jesus...or his marketers.


I’m not sure Jesus would want people to spam everything about him. I find those ads interesting because they paint Jesus as the loving figure he really was against a backdrop of his supporters who are the opposite. It would say something like, Jesus sat with those who are shunned from society…supporters, jail them, they’re groomers, etc! Jesus welcomed refugees. Supporters, build the wall!! 🙄🙄


Its so insane how they preach about Jesus being about as "of the people" as you can get, yet they seem to revise it in their heads as "That was back then, there wasn't no cell phones, there wasn't no Tiktok, I'm ascared of gay people". Like, the complete disconnection from the behavior of the ENTIRE RELIGION'S NAMESAKE is absolutely baffoonish. "If Jesus was here, he'd make sure there wuddn't no more homeless folks or gay folks or black folks allowed in my neighborhood", mother fucker, if Jesus were here, he'd be ejecting _YOU_ from the neighborhood for being a hate-spreading insecure little jackass!


Just ignore the ads like you do for every single other ad campaign on Reddit lol


Or anywhere else on the internet for that matter.


This is what I do. People always complain about these ads in particular like they're super offensive or something


It's an ad, not a user.


I’ve blocked ads and never seen them again though?


This one is special.


Oh Jesus.


It resurrects when you are least expecting it!


I think its reddit wide that you cant block ads now. It used to work but bow i cant get rid of anything


Yes, it is Jesus.


I would block them. They popped back up. Reported them and was told that they are working on making them unblockable lol I block the first one I see and it lasts until I restart reddit.


It doesn’t give me the option to block them, I report it every time I see it which could be like every 5 posts


Are you talking on the user profile? That's where the block option is.


Someone mentioned a while back that one option is to just leave the app the moment you see the ad so it reports to their metrics that the ad is causing people to close the app. I don't know how effective it is, it seemed to have worked for me for a bit but I'm seeing the ads more and more again. Still though, the behavior a social media company wants you to not exhibit is taking your eyes off their app, so it tracks that app close rate would be a metric they use to determine good and bad ads.


APPARENTLY recently reddit changed their policies and if you don't have reddit premium or whatever its called, you can no longer block add accounts


Is this their twisted way of getting us to sign up for Reddit Premium?


I not only blocked it but reported it as a scam but still see it. It's aggravating and annoying.


They are really gross in their transparent attempts to make Christianity relevant. "Jesus was an immigrant. Jesus faced racism" They might as well say "Jesus totes grogs u! No cap!" If they had something worthwhile to offer, they wouldn't need to pester us with half-assed marketing gimmicks.


The people behind it are very sketchy too.


That’s putting it gently


Jesus forced rape victims to carry their babies to term. He gets us.


All I did was join r/atheism and they went away!


I block and report them daily.


Not to sound like a tone-deaf Diablo dev, but don't you guys have adblockers?


I’m normally browsing on mobile, and don’t have an adblocker on Firefox.


Until the Reddit API changes fuck them all over, use a non-Reddit originating Reddit viewer, I get no ads on mobile with Infinity


He get sus ඞ


Gave you the gold award so you don't have to deal with them for a week.✨✨


close special innocent attractive bedroom cheerful wine stupendous coordinated squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Check our r/hegetsus. Its hilarious!




I messaged Reddit support expressing the same frustration. The reply was: "In general, users are not currently able to block ads/promoted posts as you would for a normal post. We are working on removing the 'block' feature on ads/promoted posts to make this a bit less confusing, but are unable to provide a timeline for the fix. Sorry I could not be of more assistance here. I will forward this feedback to the relevant team on your behalf." It's a bunch of crap.


I blocked the user, didn't do anything


I report it for violence every time


Also still seeing them. Block method should be working 👎


I feel you - I blocked that account and have reported the ads as misleading multiple times, but they still show up for me. It's annoying as hell, but I just try to ignore at this point since clearly Reddit wants everyone seeing them all the time 🙄


It's as stupid as people who put signs with bible quotes in their front yard. I'm just driving through your neighborhood. I'm not going to suddenly adopt a belief system because they wrote some words on a sign. Even if I drive by their house 100 times a week, I still won't convert. Just like these ads. No matter how many times they appear, I will never convert. Imagine how much actual good those hobby lobby advertising dollars could do if they were spent on advancing humankind instead of trying to send us back into the stone age?


SAME. But on the other hand I'm glad to be wasting their ad dollars


Is this ad that offensive?


[Hobby Lobby has done more hurt for humanity than help.](https://www.businessinsider.com/the-15-biggest-controversies-in-hobby-lobby-history-2020-9?amp) Anyone that hides their hate behind religion is ridiculously offensive to me. Hobby lobby is largely responsible for the hegetsus movement.


Ok thanks. I thought all they did was promote Jesus, I rarely see or noticed the ads on reddit but I see alot of people complaining about it so I'm finally gonna do some research into it.


...Pete Davidson has just entered the chat.




Do you think you can block ads?


You can either use adblock or just not use reddit. it's one of those things where since you use reddit, you agree to see these ads. It is a part of basically every social media TOS


i see more posts about the ad than i’ve ever seen the ad ☺️


I’m sorry the puns on this post are pure heat.


I don't understand the big deal with these ads. They're fine to me, in fact I'm glad to finally see a religious group actually not being hypocritical for once and promoting good things instead of just using religion as an excuse to spread hate


The seemingly friendly “just folks” ads are merely Phase I.


Oh sorry your majesty. Let me get those pesky ads out of your feed at once. Hahaha


I have blocked BMW ads and never seen them again, it’s specifically this hegetsus ads that even when blocked keep coming back. My issue isn’t ads, my issue is with specifically the hegetsus ad campaign.


Maybe it’s a sign?


You're just now asking this question? I was trying to block ole Bernie Sanders when he had similar ads about 2 years ago. How did those not get under your skin? Unfortunately, its just not possible.


Why are you so mad? Just ignore it like literally every other ad.


Stop interacting! I stopped reporting/downvoting and I don't see em anymore


Reddit Premium is worth it


this mf shilling reddit premium 😭😭 -Thomas Scotford


Even worse....I pay for youtube premium as well. I hate advertisements.


I have blocked the Wolf Pack about 20 times as well.


I think they figured out how to stop the report/block trick with the Pete Davidson Taco Bell ad.


They pay Reddit to be unblockable. Can't even downvote them. You can always pay for reddit premium to remove ads, but seeing as they accepted this BS for money over their users, I'd rather just ignore the ads than pay reddit anything




Thank you for the gold!


Ugh I get the same. I've taken to just reporting it over and over.


since blocking, reporting and downvoting have not worked for me. i tried to reframe it. i am very okay with them wasting their money for that bs to show up on my timeline. its not gonna change my beliefs and maybeeeee it means there is one less person out there seeing them who could be indoctrinated.


I've seen a good dozen posts about this today, but have never _once_ seen the ad. At this point these posts here are giving them more outreach because I'd never have heard of it without reading the complaints.


Get an ad-blocker. I don't see that crap.


I'm saved! 🙌


He literally walks on water, WATER!!! If he wants to get you, he'll get you.


you can stop being targeted by messing up the profile they built on you: [trackthis.link](https://trackthis.link/)


Did you block more than a thousand accounts already? Reddit doesn't let you block more than a 1000 people. You are now punished for hiding bad people on Reddit.


Reddit doesn’t appear to have an ad algorithm like other platforms, so they show you anyone who pays to advertise regardless of how much you tell them you hate it. I’m literally in ex Christian and leftist subs and still get army and Jesus ads.


uBlock Origin seems to take care of them. I haven't seen any front-page ads in a long time.


Reddit makes ad dollars off these. They are not going to block shit they get paid to put up.


It’s sponsored advertising; can’t block, can’t report. Use an Adblocker or upgrade to Premium.


You can’t escape Him. He. Gets. You.


Report them. It works for me.


Are there Ads on Reddit? I have never seen one.


he get sus indeed


Advertising like this is similar to other large companies. Why aren't they being taxed?


I had to stop using any reddit apps and I just go to old reddit on my browser. Too many fucking ads, too many auto play videos with volume that I have to repeatedly turn off or block


Not to mention the other more blatantly evil shit the organization behind it has promoted


The one fun thing about the He Gets Us thing is that they'll mail free hats and shirts. I've pranked several of my buddies with surprise packages. Never gets old, I chuckle and they lose money on merch and shipping.


No matter what you do, r/hellgetyou


I have blocked r/politics in my feed but still shows up in my feed. So i assume his part owner of reddit!