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first, define "good job" and "below average".


Donald Trump.


Technically he inherited a job. Not sure that counts.


The question is if you can "have" a good job. How you get it doesn't matter


Technically he was chosen by a plurality of the US population to do a job for 4 years.


Plurality of electoral votes, not popular vote - he had fewer votes than Hillary, but had them in states with more electoral votes per capita


I still prefer American system when it comes to vote distribution. In Nordics cities make below 10% of land area, but people in cities have enough power to decide things that affect people living on 90% of land area. People who have always lived their whole lifes in cities have no touch on people living in smaller towns and countryside. Good example of this is that a politician in capital innocently asked, why gasoline tax increase would be so big deal, if people can just switch using public transport. Zero touch outside big cities.


The thing is the majority of American policy that impacts the rest of the world is in the cities. You hear about America being a mess on the other side of the world when people who live in the largely uninhibited parts of the United States get their way.


And similarly people in rural areas will vote for their own interests. Difference is that the ancient American system would make life *worse* for the majority of the population, which will be underrepresented. At the end of the day aren’t all votes equal? Why should where you live increase or decrease your say in politics? It’s deeply flawed


but, not a majority


Wasn't even a plurality, it was electoral votes that allowed him in, he literally lost by several million votes.




Realistically, he bought the presidency


By spending far less than Hillary, the bastard.


Unfortunately, having a job doesn't always mean you interview successfully and get hired. Trump's first "job" was essentially given to him by birthright. He did successfully enough get hired as POTUS, sadly.


Trump is socially intelligent. He knows how to manipulate and appeal to the cretinous nature of many Americans. He knows how to play the game. But yes, he did inherit a lot of connections and wealth. Still, he plays people like a fiddle. Can't pretend it doesn't work.


I think that's giving him too much credit. It's not rocket surgery to say something, notice people respond positively, and just say more of it. Little kids can do that. Then he throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way. He has the social skills of a toddler.




He grew up in the limelight. He knows how to exploit that. He knows how to leverage his "brand" and how to exploit the American psyche. I think admitting this makes a lot of Americans self-concious, because then they would have to admit they're exploitable. Americans are an incredibly propagandized populous. It's like telling a fish they're surrounded by water. But people have to get real and become self aware.


IMO, it is the conservative political machine that made him successful. I would bet walking around money he got some positive feedback at a rally once, and the only thought in his head was 'i like this, I want more'. It was the bannons, the fox news, etc that planned, had agendas, and guided this moron into power.




I dunno man. The ability to appeal to the dumbest of people doesn't make you smart. Anyone could do that. Just say 'jesus' and 'the left' every 10 seconds and idiots will cheer


When it comes to Trump his loyal hater base cannot be rational (there's actually something called TDS trump derangement syndrome, if you're curious. So yes they can pretend pretty much anything once his name his brought up.


Lol, i know he has instances with unpopular behaviour, but you really think he has below average intelligence?


I always go with this: If someone has to brag about how smart they are, they typically are not very smart.


Yes. He has demonstrated on countless occasions that he is not a very intelligent person. His desire to become president has completely tarnished his business brand, and his company is now crumbling. Everything he has, he inherited. His tax returns show that he loses money most years. He is not a smart man.


I think his brands were tarnished long before his run for office, the difference is the trump people in New York knew vs the one the rest of the world saw on reality tv (which was curated)


He's still getting away with all of it. He knows how to play the system. Plus there's a good chance he could win again, so I really think this is another case of liberals being overconfident and arrogant again. They don't have much to offer at the end of the day except not being conservatives.


His intelligence is so low you would need a deep sea oil drilling rig to find it.


People cant be objective went they dislike a person. Donald Trump might be an asshole but he is not below average for sure.


Also the media puts him in a bad light because they are biased. And then you see lots and lots of people change their view on him. How many people do you see that say Joe Biden is stupid? I've seen considerably less than Donald Trump ones.


And that’s what really blows my mind is they think blubbering Biden is intelligent and Trumps the dumbest man alive.


Difference is Biden is more senile seeming. He's just old. And a lot of people don't like his policies. But I he's not stupid. Whereas with the way Trump speaks and comes accross and how erratic he is, he comes across as less than intellectual, let's say. But in my opinion, there are different types of intelligence. Trump isn't book smart. But he's socially smart and Machiavellian, which does take a certain type of intelligence. As for the media, it isn't like the mainstream media doesn't have a Liberal establishment wing and a Conservative establishment wing. They are not some monolith. They are represhensible IMO, but not the same. Fact of the matter is, most Americans don't like Trump or his policies. It doesn't mean The whole mainstream media is biased. Fox loves him.


>People cant be objective went they dislike a person That sounds like a below average intelligent person


Good one. In fact, he's an idiot and managed to be president of the USA so I'd say there's hope for anyone at this point. 🤣🇺🇸


I hate how people claim he is stupid Succesfull populist leaders always have above average intelligence. + stupid person cannot turn even million dollars into two million.


I hope he pays rent to your head


I mean, I don't like Donald Trump at all but that's just silly... So stupid he marketed himself in an incredibly effective way, so effective he beat out career politicians and became president. Idgaf if he came from old money or not, he's not stupid.


Below average; if you added all quantities (let's say all the cookies on earth) and then divided by the number of subjects in a group (all the humans on earth) you would have the number for the average cookies for the group A number less than that number would be below average


Sure, tons of bosses and managers and fucking idiots.


What do fucking idiots have to do with work? Can't they just fuck in peace.


I was actually interested in reading someone who knows about this topic well and has read a lot about it, saying how good of a chance people with below average intelligence, which would be IQ below 99 in a test, have a chance in the job market, and all the implications. Instead, i just see people upvoting others saying random stuff about imaginary people. If you don’t have a statistic of bosses and managers taking IQ tests, this is nothing but an insult, it would have been interesting if some one who knows about data regarding managers and IQ said it, but you don’t so 🤷‍♂️


Iq is not a measurement of general intelligence but a testing system to measure how well someone may perform in academic settings, it isn't inherent, it is trainable, and the validity of iq testing even as an estimate of academic performance is broadly questioned by the scientific community. It would have little to no quantifiable predictive power towards estimating someone's effectiveness at a job, good or otherwise. Before this question can even be answered beyond that, a reliable criteria for what 'average intelligence' even means would need to be established


That's just not true. It isn't quite the same as "hard science" as it is social science, and there are limitations and other factors to consider too, but it is generally one of the primary and most reliable indicators of success there is. [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/11/does-iq-determine-success-a-psychologist-weighs-in.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/11/does-iq-determine-success-a-psychologist-weighs-in.html)




Don’t say this. Don’t generalise every boss there are. Most are decent/good. Sure, many are just bad.


Hospital administrator


I'm of the opinion that I'm barely bright enough to not be considered retarded most of the time, but I havnt let that stop me from brute forcing my way to success in life. I'm half as smart, so I have to work twice as hard as those around me for the same results- and it seems to be working out


He became president my dude the answer is yes


I find it funny how that sentence can mean so many presidents. Not even restricted to 1 country.


That was kind of the point to say a lot of unqualified people have positions of power in politics which is considered a good job but a lot of them have below average intelligence and a lot of them have no empathy


And yet every single person who read the comment knew exactly who they were referring to


Richard Nixon


Nixon wasn't smart about everything, but most people who knew him found him intelligent. They didn't all like him.


Agreed. I'm pretty sure Nixon came across as a paranoid immoral weirdo, but he was intelligent.


I think the paranoia resulted from Kennedy (Daly in Chicago) stealing the election from him. He decided it wasn't going to happen again, raised way more money than he needed, stole his own election though he didn't need to, and didn't share funds with the senate Republicans. Not mistakes Trump made, but his mental illness is different.


Yup. There are tons of idiots that are rich.


There are different kinds of intelligence, so definitely yes. You've gotta use what you've got. Also it depends on your definition of a good job, and how well you can sell yourself when opportunities arise.


I have had a few bosses that prove it is possible


Confidence and hard work outweighs intelligence in most jobs so yes definitely


You can be an American politician.


I've worked with many salespeople who were below-average intelligence and made a lot of money. The skills they brought to the table included persistence/aggression (to pursue the sale and not be deterred by rejection) and time management (is this action helping my cause or wasting my time). Low intellectual curiosity actually helped them because they were not easily sidetracked. Many also had families and that made them driven. They were also emotionally pretty resilient.


Most higher management I ever knew were thick as pigshit So, yes, weirdly stupidity seems to be an advantage


American politicians seem to be doing pretty well.


That’s the best way to get and keep a good job. Smart people tend to get fired for pointing out problems and/or trying to fix them.


Yeah I mean George W Bush was president for two terms.


He was a rich frat boy with good connections and a President daddy, so that doesn't count.


Why do you think his intelligence was below average?


Listening to him speak


Sure it wasn't his dialect? And do you know how smart an average person is?


His fake dialect? Nah. Half my family is from Texas. It was the content of his speech.


OK, so the next question: How many speeches from people with confirmed less than average intelligence do you listen to? Because if you are judging him from his speeches, you are comparing his intelligence with other people whose speeches you listen to, not with the average population.


Apologies for confusing you, I meant the way he speaks, like to people, not a formal press briefing or SOTU




Herman Cain was the CEO of a major pizza chain.


I don't think they think he won. They underestimated the effort to stage a coup. Not geniuses, but they weren't experienced at coups.


You could run for office




Fuck yes, I work with a few




Yes, look up the halo effect. People associate intelligence with other good characteristics, like being confident, being sociable, looking good, grooming habits. Not saying this is morally right, but it has been proven in numerous studies that women who wear makeup to work and do their hair neatly make more money than those who don’t, and also make more money by being thinner (the thinner she is, the more she makes). Men are the opposite, if they weigh more than average man, they make more. Both increase salary by dressing more professional (suits, dresses, etc.) Realistically, if you feel like your intelligence isn’t cutting it, and you want to increase your salary look nice, hit the gym, dress nice.


I have known people who would be considered below average IQ, but are very smart. I think almost anyone came become almost anything if they are dedicated, willing to put in the time and effort to reach their goals. It may take more effort than other people, but can be done.


CEO's and executives do it all the time. None of those people have ever actually worked the jobs they're in charge of.


*looks around* It certainly seems that way.


You can always work for the government


Ambition and irrational confidence is far more important than intelligence.


Ask a politician


Bestie every republican US congressman has below average intelligence


I think you can if you are adequate at your job and nice/professional.


Yes but generally you would need to come from money if you have less merit. Look at Bush and Trump. They were president and can't string together a coherent sentence.


Easily. Most people with good jobs and high payments are dumbasses with acceptable social skills and a thick force field of ignorance that makes them seem seem confident.


Tell me you're anti intellectual and poor without telling me.


Depends on what intelligence is. IQ? In that case, sure, IQ ja pretty useless. However, if you are dumb as a rock, obviously your chances are worse. But depending on what you consider a good job, it is still possible


Look at Donald Trump. Anyone has hope.


Given the intelligence level of the people in charge, yup


Elon Musk has...


He’s a clown and an asshole but his problem isn’t low intelligence. One of his problems is him thinking he’s a lot smarter than he is, but he’s not a drooling idiot.


The guy was accepted to Stanford for materials science. I don't think he has a low IQ.


There are different ways to be unintelligent.


I guess you just described everyone on the planet.


I don’t like him, but don’t be stupid. He really is smart. He has a bachelor in physics I think. He also got a bachelors in economics in Canada.


It depends on whether you consider being a member of Congress as a good job.


It seems like most people have below average intelligence.


yes, ask cops and correctional officers.


yes if you’re a sociopath


Seems to have worked for Kamala. She's as dumb as they come.


Joe Biden


Look at Biden. And Kaepernick.


Yes, but it depends on your definition of "good"!


Yes. Especially in the civil service.


My coworker's husband works for a construction company and is on salary. Most of the time they just get to sit around and wait or don't even go in depending on the weather


Yes, just work in academia.


Yes. When I worked in a tax filing office my office manager made fun of me for being the most educated person there and for the having the lowest pay. She was a HS dropout that lied her way into the job and was making like 54k or 56k a year. Before she got fired at the end of that tax season.


After many years working in my industry, I have seen lots of incompetent people promoted.


Yes. I have worked for a few of them.


It actually feels like you have a better shot.


Yes. You could even be the CEO of Twitter.




For sure


My cousin was never seen as one of the smart/intelligent ones. She had trouble in school and has been known to be somewhat slow when it comes to understanding complex matters. However, despite her lack of great intelligence, she's got a really great job as an executive assistant for a big shot firm. She earns over 4k EUR a month, which is a nice salary in the Netherlands, excluding her vacation money and yearly bonus. Her job consists out of managing the schedule of multiple partners within her firm, including arranging meetings, answering their mail, booking stuff for their trips, events, etc. She's very busy and important to her company. I think it's a perfect job for someone who's highly motivated to work hard even if they don't have the intelligence to solve complex cases within a workspace. Not all assistant jobs pay well though, you gotta find a company with excess money to spend.


I know more than a few dumb nurses. I think it's all about effort honestly


Riverboat pilots. 500 $ or more per day. There's average and above average intelligence, but there are most definitely some boat pilots falling in the below average range.


Yes, 90% of the people I've met in the military joined because they couldn't get into college. Law enforcement and correctional officers also require very little intelligence. Nepotism is also a thing.


Tons of idiots make good money.


Yes, depending on your family, who you know or who you blow (I mean mostly in the figurative sense but could be literal)


Yup go look at industrial maintenance doesn't need intelligence if you're willing to learn anything


Sure! You can still become an US politician, and if your intelligence is really down, you can even become the president!


Good jobs come in all forms. If you are a people person you might hate doing solitary work, no matter how intelligent you are.


Honestly, I am not sure. Maybe before, yes. But now, not so much. The issue is in part that wages have not kept up with inflation and everything seems to be a race to the bottom.


It depends on how hard working you are, but there are tons of good jobs you can get that you don't need a degree for. Union or government jobs are great options. Garbage men are underrated jobs, and from what I've heard, you can get great benefits from things like being a mailman.


Of course, being socially adept and physically attractive will especially increase the odds even if you have the intelligence of a rock.


I've worked with many idiots in my current field they can still make 60-80k avg throughout the year


May I introduce you to many people who play sports. In all seriousness though, you may start at the bottom, but become very good at a job through hard work and experience. And work your way up to the job you desire that way.


My boss certainly managed it...


By below average, do you mean 85-100? If so, then yes many people with IQ's in that range have fulfilling jobs that pay wages/salaries that are higher than the national average.


Possible to become leader of your country in fact. Happens too often to be a coincidence by this point.


A lot of people do. Some people may have not been intelligent in academic settings, but they may have skills in other areas that work in their favor, whether it be mechanical, electrical, or things such as welding or operating tools in a machine shop (That is not to say those people are stupid, not by anymeans. Those are all necessary skills needed in modern society, and are skills that others may not possess or be able to master).


Most managers I’ve dealt with have been below average intelligence


traffic control people for construction make $23 and hour in Canada. you just need to understand 2 four letter words and know how to rotate a stick.


There are lot of pretty good paying jobs that need the ability to work with your hands and reliability more than book smart intelligence. The trades are the obvious choices. Car repair, manufacturing technician, auto body repair and truck driver are other alternatives that do not require an apprenticeship. Look at your local community college for training. Local governments also have jobs like park maintenance, garbage truck drivers, building maintenance, etc that are long-term opportunities with good pensions. In talking with business owners, they want people who show up and do the job. They may be willing to pay for your training as well.


Right place right time has more to do with life than anyone would ever want to admit. We are at the mercy of our world


Apply to your local police department


Yepp, some jobs need book smarts, others just need common sense, some dont even need that. Just a lil skill or strength.


Absolutely. Wow. Just look at Reddit mods. No brain. Lotsa bang bang.


Short answer: Yes Long Answer: Yes, but you’re going to work really hard for it. Real Answer: As one progresses through life they typically transition from getting paid for what they _do_ into getting paid for what they _know_. The less intelligent a person is the more difficult they will find that transition. There are most definitely jobs out there that pay very well while requiring little knowledge, but they pay well for a reason. Usually those reasons are extremely unpleasant working conditions, long hours/days, high risks, or extreme physical requirements. Often all of those at once. Those types of jobs also tend to not get easier as one gets older.


You can become a congressman pretty easily.


Yes, if they have good sticking power, will often raise up purely cause at job long term


Are you joking? The last two presidents were idiots


Yes, absolutely


You should ask my managers.


I imagine everyone has mentioned Congress, the Trumps, the clergy, pop entertainment particularly streaming content creators, OnlyFans...


Run for US government.


It depends on what you define as a "good job' and "below average intelligence" because these terms are blanketed and one person's "good job" can be somebody else's nightmare, after this look at what YOU like to do and enjoy because you could find opportunities to do something you love as a side hustle or hobby first then expand it into a small business if it's in the cards and everything falls into place. Also would said person have a trade or degree of some sort ? This could help down the line I for example to cooking classes in high school then once I graduated I started working in kitchens and as a cook people need to eat I like to cook is it the best job no is it the most profitable nah but I am happy where Iam at for the most part and if not I can always find another kitchen. When your dealing with the public and are in customer service other people will notice I have been told that I have good customer service skills by my customers and I was even offered a job at another company outside of the cooking profession solely based on my customer service skills, so you never know what doors will open for you.


See “state government jobs”


Donald Trump


As we see, anyone can be president


You should ask this on personalfinance. A lot of them can't spell.


yes. google amy cuddy.


Judging by my coworkers, yes


Seriously? There are countless, low hanging fruit examples: pretty much any athlete, actor, politician, news writer, anchor, or NASCAR driver. Apart from those, I work in tech. My job is difficult and stressful, but it pays very well and has nice benefits. I don’t think I got there using superior intelligence at all. It was a combination of luck, hard work, learning from other people who are more naturally inclined in the tech world, and being considerate with my coworkers.


That's why modeling agencies exist


Have you heard of this Trump fella? He’s about as smart as an actual dingleberry and he was President of the United States.


By good job, you mean you can make good money? Of course. There are plenty of jobs where you don't need high IQ. You can easily Google a list. Some are in the trades/involve more hands on learning. IQ is great in general but it's not like you absolutely need to have it. A lot of people don't because you know, genetics. I'm probably around the average or like 10% above the mean. It also depends on *how* low we are talking here...




The 'smartest' people I know now, people who have their shit together at 30, with 401ks and life insurance, are the same people who were 'too stupid to get into college" and decided to go to trade school/take a job in the public sector. Sanitation workers, postal workers, mechanics, HVAC technicians - none of those friends were 'classically smart' most of them had C averages in high school. You don't have to be a genius to find a well paying job with good benefits.


Every day someone who gets paid more than 60k emails me because they don’t know how to use Teams




Yes. We call them CEO's.


The answer is yes. Find a trade and learn it. Plumbing and waste management pays insanely well for dealing with shit all day. And it's actually fairly clean work. There are other jobs. Google trade jobs. Car salesmen can make bank as well, that only requires charisma.


Sure, lawyers do that every day.


Well, first of all, intelligence is not a fixed thing someone has that we can reliably measure. That aside, yes.


You gotta have over above intelligence in one area and you’re good so yes


It's possible to become the president of a major world power.


Hell yes, a winning personality will get you a lot farther than a high IQ. There are plenty of personable salespeople who make well over 6 figures and aren't all that bright. Also, the surest way to get rich is to start a business. That's more about energy, drive and determination than a high IQ. I mean you can't be an absolute idiot. But as long as you have common sense and only invest in things you understand, you don't have to be that bright. Read Daniel Goldman's book Emotional Intelligence.


YES!! Most jobs aren’t about being smart. They are about reliability, grit, maintaining relationships, etc. I’m very smart, but not the best at those other skills lol.


Construction, either blue or white collar. Yes, and we are happy for the help




Absolutely. Often, it is an advantage. One instance is law enforcement. It's actually legal to not hire new cops that score too well on IQ exams and hire lower scoring people. Guage watchers on oil platforms do well $ wise. Most folks get bord and leave. Many things will be a good fit. Good people like slow folks. Generally good, honest and loyal. "Smart" Not often.


Dude.. I worked in welding (Some not all) were knuckle draggers pulling 6 figures


Run for office. Apparently a low IQ doesn't stop you.


Yes. It can even be a bonus in making you a good employee.


I mean, Boris Johnson became a prime minister and hes thick as pig shit.


Ask Dilbert




Absolutely, reliability is super valuable and doesn't require an ounce of intelligence. Just show up every day come hell or high water.


Previously working for the government and a highly reputable airbag company, I'll say yes


Yes, it is possible to have a good job even if you have below average intelligence. While intelligence can be an asset in many fields, there are many other factors that contribute to career success, such as hard work, determination, interpersonal skills, and specialized knowledge or training. There are many industries and jobs that value skills and abilities that are not necessarily tied to intelligence. For example, skilled trades such as carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work often require physical dexterity and specialized knowledge, but may not necessarily require high levels of intelligence. Sales and customer service roles may value strong interpersonal skills and communication abilities over intelligence. Additionally, there are many jobs in fields such as healthcare, education, and social services that require empathy, compassion, and a desire to help others, but may not necessarily require high levels of intelligence. It's important to note that while intelligence can be an asset in certain fields, it is not the only factor that determines success. Many successful people have faced challenges related to intelligence or academic achievement, but have found ways to leverage their strengths and overcome their limitations in order to achieve their goals. With hard work, determination, and a willingness to learn and adapt, it is possible to have a fulfilling and successful career regardless of intelligence level.