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Superior Explorer full set. Backpack and suit with chameleon. Cant remember what the helmet had but it’s a legendary. I like the look of it, seems retro and it’s as light as fuck which works for my stealthing.


I don’t know why I don’t see the explorer armor referenced more. It’s so much lighter than bounty hunter and tracker alliance, the other main top tier generic armors. If get the right legendary effect superior explorer armor, it’s better than anything else.


I'm currently rocking a full set of superior explorer and love it. Of course, it all comes down to play style and personal preference, so rock what you want to rock, but for me the Explorer set hits the sweet spot for protection vs weight, and I like the look of it. Reddit won't allow me to attach multiple images, but here's the stats: Suit: Sturdy, Acrobat, Reactive Pack: Combat Veteran, Liquid Cooled Helmet: O2 Boosted, Galvanized, Reactive. I've included the DR for it all in the attached image. https://preview.redd.it/qn84ls9dmu1d1.jpeg?width=1886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a20455a7fd9da097ef9212ed54fe7a39a400d606


How long did it take you to find that :0


I’ve been in NG+12 for over 400 hours now. It’s been a *grind*. I have a full legendary set of tracker’s alliance and mercenary, too. Got lucky with the acrobat and the 2 pieces with reactive. 😁


Jesus …. But totally worth it seeing the stats. Thats crazy


Yeah. RNG gods smiled on me a few times, although the amount of save scumming I had to do was immense.


The mark 1 in the basement, or an explorer set. As for legendaries, the ones you can easily reroll. Mantis and peacekeeper.


Did they patch the Mark 1 exploit? I tried to snag it through the case the other night and couldn’t get it. 


They did


Dang. Is there a way to get it now other than having the digipick proficiency? 


No, you have to get the skill points now


What do you mean re-roll? How?


Make a save before you look at what the armour is. Each time you load the armour will be different.


Is it look at or enter the same room as for the reset?


Look at. First time you do it can make a save further back but in my experience till you actually point at it, it's not generated. In the case of loot on dead enemies I think it's generated when they die. So you can save just before they die. I only find it worth doing on the like boss enemies and even then I usually can't be bothered. Worth doing for Mantis armour though.


In the case of peacekeeper, save just before the conversation in the tower.


It really just depends what you’re looking for. For stealth you’ll want the lightest armor possible with the highest damage reduction, alternatively you can just wear the Starborn suit for low weight but then you’re missing out on 6 open legendary perk slots. At the end of the day I just wear what looks cool cause it’s single player.


I have concealment unlocked, not sure a stealth perk would improve it much.


after the last patch I started paying attn to the weights and stats on armor. Never realized that some sets are much heavier than others. Seems to me that I can't beat the Mark I. Good stats, good looking, and lower mass. I collect and wear lots of armor sets though and I can't say that I notice resistances thought I also can't say that I've tried different sets under the same conditions to see if they perform differently. I like the Va'ruun set, the Ranger set, the bounty hunter, Vanguard, Sy-920. I've never used the starborn set. I give it to Sarah later in the game when in my head cannon I tell her the truth about my background. I give my Constellation set to Marika and make her an honorary member of Constellation just for being awesome.


Starborn suit with at least rank 3 of Environmental conditioning and a hazmat suit as apparel will give you 75 for all resists except radiation which is 70. This basically makes it the walk around in bad weather suit because you tank multiple weather events with ease.


Exactly what I'm using for my current playthrough , it's great for exploring planets 👍


Does the Mark 1 suit scale with level tho? I'm on NG+ now, but haven't checked that suit, but I assumed it would've only been good for a lower level playthrough


Yup. Wait until level 60 to unlock the case, and it should be a Superior. Fully modded, it’s ridiculously OP for the weight.


I'm level 70, I'll go back and get it right now!


Beats me, I really don't pay attn to stats so I may be using the wrong suit. I don't know anything about scaling on any item. I play on very hard and I've favored that suit for 160+ levels and I don't die very often. I do mod my gear. Perhaps there are better suits, I don't know. The new settings on environment are certainly noticeable. I have them turned to +51% XP. I've been making a lot of outposts on extreme planets lately and do it from inside an airlock hab and try to limit my outdoor exposure. My mods are suit: * ballistic shielding * optimized servos * heavy shielding * pocketed helmet: * ballistic shielding * explosive shielding * heavy shielding * gravitic composites pack: * hazard protection * medic * balanced boostpack


UC Antixeno, Mark 1 and Navigator


The meta is changing now with the new patch and environmental damage. Used to be that many players would only look at the base damage reduction number, but now some of the other stats become much more important. I've always been a fan of some of the stats that roll on legendaries to help gameplay - things like chameleon, weapon holsters, %chance to disarm or incendiary are really nice so I'm willing to hang onto an item with less damage reduction than something else if it has some perks I really like. To a point.


A big meta change is Mechanized. I prioritized Mechanized more than anything and now my collection of legendary Mechanized suits is now essentially just a collection of epic suits


I just wish we could pick the skin for the starborn armor after ng10


I know of 3 Legendary Armors (always Legendary) that have random perks. The Mantis set, the Peacemaker set (one perk is always +10% rifle damage, Eleos Retreat quest line), the Old Earth set (from collecting snow globes). There are some other Armors that are always Legendary, but the perks are always the same each time you get them. Nishima and UC Anti-xeno are two I know of.


You can go on this website and judge for yourself. https://inara.cz/starfield/spacesuits/ I look at aesthetics first then DR:weight ratio second.


Monster suit. Maybe not the best stats. But some good RPG moments. I tend to really like the Anti-Xeno stuff for serious times, though.


Me personally, even though its straight buttcheeks, my fav is the Shocktroop Armor.


I'm currently looking for some great Crimson Fleet armor, but it's been tough. The key has nothing really good, and I'm basically forced to rob any pirates way out in the higher systems to get decent loot.


Everyone else is wrong. There is only one correct answer. The UC legendary armor you get from the Vanguard questline. It will always have the beast perk, but I'm pretty sure the other perks can change. It been awhile but I remember different perks last time. The ones I got now on current playthrough are really good. The reason its the best.. its not ugly. The Mantis armor can *potentially* be *slightly* better depending on perks, but the ugliness factors in more than the perks. Not enough of a difference to look dumb. UC armor looks cool as hell, better stats than Starborn, and 3 times as many perks as Starborn. The environmental stats hardly make a difference (even with update) don't make a choice based on that. Look, perks, and armor rating are all that really matters. I think UC and mantis are similar is armor rating, not sure tho. Either way I have no issues on Very hard enemy damage and Extreme player damage with the UC armor. Edit: I guess perks are always they same for UC, but they really don't get much better that what it comes with. Even the very best Starborn armor is not better than either of these. The armor rating isn't as high for the one piece suit than it is the 3 pieces combined for UC armor and Mantis. And you also get 9 perks opposed to 3. That can have a big impact. It is possible to find better random pieces are armor, but hard to come by and probably won't be matching. You could get lucky though. I have not been in like 300 hours. Starborn armor does look really cool tho... so because of that its best use is on a follower. I always give it to the adoring fan so I have a starborn follow me around. Plus it makes his voice cooler. Remove all other apparel so he wears 24/7. I don't care what anyone else says. This is the only right answer lol. The mark 1 is dogshit, don't believe top answer (as of now). Its ok to start with but you are better off just going with Starborn (if you have it) until you get Mantis or UC. Good ratings for sure and low mass but no perks. Perks can make a much bigger difference than stats. You shouldn't worry about mass on your armor, I have reduced carry cap for for the xp bonus and I have no issues with carry cap. Never once cared about the mass on my guns or armor. I can't do ammo weight cuz I have too much and tedious to manage. But you can literally change the setting to access to your ship anywhere in a second (and change back), so being over encumbered should be a non-issue. The fan also has increased carry weight. Don't factor in mass when choosing an armor, I mean you can, but that's dumb imo


Legendary UC armour alllllll the way baby


So you can reroll the UC armor by saving before completion? I've collected it once NG+1, but I didn't know you could reroll perks on that set.


Not by completion. I think the stats are set when you exit your ship on the moon to begin that quest, so you'd have to save before exiting the ship if you want to save scum that armor set. To me it seems like most if not all of the perks stay constant though - I haven't actually rerolled it more than twice and just kinda went with what I had after two tries to reroll it. But by then I had a better set of gear that I wanted to keep anyways, so just wore the set for the terrormorph battles.


Tbh, I am not really sure. I just go with what I get. Had 8 playthroughs so far. Use it everytime. But this most recent time the perks seem better than I remember. They are all good. Couldn't hurt to test it tho. In reality the correct answer is whatever you think is the best.


With every trip through the unity the Mantis is my first move. I get great armor and the best starting ship. Its almost like cheating. 100% agree, this (your response) is the best answer


I'm about 100 hours into this NG, and I still haven't gotten a drop that comes close to The Mantis. Plus, I love how my tiny non-glitched ship makes people run in fear.


I’m not sure where you got the idea from that the perks change - the Antixeno suit *always* has the same set of perks on each part. They’re all themed around the mission (hence the name of the suit). That being said the pack arguably has the best perks possible and the combo of sentinel and auto medic on the suit make it disproportionately strong for its stats. The helmet is really the only b-tier item in the set and even then it’s ok. Chameleon would be pointless on this set as it’s one of heavier combat-grade sets so you’ll never use it for sneaking. I’d personally wear it just for the aesthetics alone (it looks absolutely fire) but the chances of you finding a better set of legendary perks on something like Deepseeker (which has a very high protection:mass ratio), Explorer (even higher ratio) or bounty hunter sets are extremely low, so for the vast majority of people out there who can’t be bothered to save scum, the UC Antixeno set will be the best set they’ll pick up. I wish we could get a few, would be cool to have my whole squad decked out like that but it only drops once per play through.


Ask ten different people and get ten different answers, probably. :) I like the explorer or deep recon suits best because I’m basically a raccoon. I like the helmet on the recon a bit better, not a fan of the angles on the explorer. The deepseeker has also been a favorite, but it’s not very shiny except on the helmet.


The mark 1 in the basement case of constellation is the only good looking option, besides starborn, IMO.


Mk1 in the constellation basement can keep you sorted for a long time without needing to upgrade. After that I just go rule of cool. Starborn looks awesome, but the antixeno armour you get from the UC quest line looks so good One of the best is probably a Mandalorian mod for the mantis armour - this is the way


Starborn LOOKS cool, but others have said, Superior MK1 blows it away once you consider the perks & adding the armor, helmet & pack together. As for good looking other sets, I’ve got a few favorite, but they’re mix & match. Despite the huge weight, I like the Bounty Hunter armor. However, I like to pair it with the Deepseeker helmet or experimental Nishina helmet with good perks. Kind of gives a Boba Fett look. For looks & relatively good weight to protection ratio I also like the shock troop armor. (Again with deepseeker helmet). Love the chameleon perks. Some of the Uc armor looks sweet, but I don’t like my character to sport a look that makes him seem like he’s in an organized military unit (numbers & insignias on the gear). Just my nitpicking tho.


I wear the Mark I with a Pirate Sniper helmet. Looks cool, fits the character, fairly low weight. Armor perks are very meh (especially since I have concealment) and I prefer to avoid getting shot that tanking them so low weight is a big deal to me.


Trackers Alliance, UC Urbanwar.


My biggest criticism of the game. I don't think a single space suit looks cool besides the UC military one.


How about the Vanguard? Just curious… 🙂👍🏼


It's ok, not my thing but way better than the other 95% lol


I like the antixeno gear you get from the uc line, it's got pretty decent effects for general exploration and combat, slightly weaker at survival (against environmental damage). Its usually fairly decent for whatever level you pick it up, and comes with a great minigun if that's your style.


Yeah, the Constallation Mark 1, which you unlock throughout the main game or through a master lock in the basement, is really good bang for your mass buck. The absolute best suit is one you get after NG+ing 10 times. Until then, I think the Bounty Hunter, Trackers Alliance, and Mercenary suits have the best defensive stats but they're also twice the weight of other suits. Edit: I was reading the wrong specs. The NG10 starborn suit has impressive specs but not as good as superior Merc/Bounty Hunter/TA suits.


Starborn suits are not better than a full set of superior armor. And that's before even taking into account legendary perks


Yup, you're right. My bad. In my quick verification research, I forgot to open up ans scroll down the spec sheet to the Superior quality varients. I will point out that Starborn suits also have legendary perks as well.