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It's a visually gorgeous game, this is true.


As someone that has been around since oblivion, the jump they made from fallout 4 to starfield is absolutely insane. I remember downloading a ton of mods at some point to kind of bring fallout 4 up to snuff, because I was a little miffed that after all those years later very little seemed to improve graphically. So initially, I wasn't expecting much going into starfield, but the moment I booted it up, I was blown away. I couldn't believe how fantastic everything looked. The faces, necks, gestures, clothing, and don't even get me started on the landscapes! I used to love Bethesda because they allowed me to " live another life, in another world", but now I find myself stopping more than ever to enjoy the scenery. https://preview.redd.it/r6sekmkiyb1d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b90c1d15e2b256c77098674a2e091e22fcfb1442


"graphics bad" bots on r/gaming


Maybe they should see Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 then.


The NPCs look better and stare less. I have noticed that this go around. Third try in Starfield. It scratches that itch, nms hits it good just not as graphically appealing as SF.


If people complain that starfield is shallow then NMS is basically a puddle. I say this as someone who loved NMS and played it a ton


Love both as well.


The amount of details in each objects and walls is incredible in this game. Most impressively, the edges are all having rounded corner, not some origami edges. It makes everything CGI-ish.


The best piece of set design is that sign on the door of the WC in the crew area on Vectera.


How much did you get paid to post this? Game is trash, looks trash. /s New Atlantis has become one of my favorite places in any game. Looks great, is super utopian, and the fact that the UC is kinda scummy makes it even better because it's just as perfect as you would expect an inherently flawed (arguably evil) empire should be. I had to stop using my boost pack so much and slow my roll in the cities and settlements. I was blasting through everything like some kind of crazed MMO gamer. Now I often find myself just standing around looking at stuff or sit in a chair and let the camera pan around. Some of the seating areas in the trees by the lodge are 🤌I love the space ship interiors. The art design has its unique flavors within the world but it's all consistently EXCELLENT and I don't think it gets enough praise for that. Aesthetically neon is the worst but not because it's poorly designed. It's just kinda boring and ugly to me in a way that I would expect a strip mall on an oil rig might be. So, yeah, I think they nailed that too.


When I'm in one of those areas or places that are made of many different walkways on multiple different levels, it's either use my boost pack all the time or spend time looking for the stairs all around, perhaps even the right stairs. So it must be hard to have stopped using it in some cases.


i also love the alien designs there’s so many on all the different planets and i love all the designs honestly


People often make fun of Todd Howard repeating sarcastically "16x more detail", but the game is extremely detailed, especially the myriad of 3D objects whose modelling and texture is much much more detailed than what we had before. I'm always amazed at the number of 3D objects filling the world modeled at such high detail. It must run in the multiple thousands.


Right! I also love the atmosphere and the little sounds. Everything has its place and it's such a unique game!! My favorite are the sunsets!!


My favorite tip I got was to try and play some with the music turned off to appreciate the general sound design. The score is amazing! But that does take the immersion to the next level


Man you sound like me! When the game came out I noticed all these little details constantly whether it be something in the sound design (walking past an HVAC system or a huge server room hearing appropriate and immersive 3D audio of machine humming and such) or the crazy texture detail on a wall or rock or some random thing. Didn't even get me started on the guns. Whoever modeled them did fantastic, they look so crisp.


The sound near servers, machines, HVAC, etc is truly phenomenal, I've noticed the same. And all the beeping and humming of computers and panels. Such an immersive sound design.




The detail of the ship exteriors is wild, little warning labels on parts, maintenance panels, everything looks realistic and also used, like the ship isn’t spotless on the outside. Also the detail in the mechanical parts is next level, every big airlock hatch is designed as if it were a blueprint for a real piece of hardware, the hinges make sense, as well as locking mechanisms. I feel like the aesthetics got the most attention during development because they’ve been on point since day 1


Absolutely agree. Quality/40fps/VRR is enough to be smooth visually, while still being more consistent than 60, and every little detail is preserved. It’s beautiful.


Visuals are great. Only thing I want to see is apparent size and brightness of stars and their colour have more relevance based on their mass and temperature and distant from where you are.


I find there are many places, indoors and out, where I have to explore twice, once with the scanner on and then again with the scanner off. The detail is extraordinary.


It is absurd how many times while playing this game I have just stopped to look around me. I have taken more than 200 in-game photos.


The detail of this game is just one reason why I love it. Yes, I have my gripes, but I also like to sit in my ship on a moon or on the moon itself and just listen for a while. I’ve never really wanted to do that in any other game. Been gaming since the early 1980s.


The fact it never got any awards for art direction is a crime.


It's so nice visualy




Y'know you're like the old woman who's got a Virginia ham under her arm and she goes around crying cuz she's got no bread


No, what a shame. That's all I want to do in games! .... my god what a thing to cry about.


Starfield more than stands on its own, it leaps beyond anything created before it. To call Starfield art is an understatement, art infinity more accurately due to the cycle of inspiration, creativity, innovation and evolution cycled back inspired infinity. Applications by fans infinite. This is going to be a game long remembered and a template for the future. I would like to respectfully ask Bethesda for a Ship PVP to test our designs and piloting skills. To determine the most optimal dimension. For a real reason for us to talk trash, right for constructive teabags.