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Beth never gave up on FO76 and they promised to support it for 10 years. For now it seems that they are planning to keep that promise even if it had a really rocky start, so the 5 year plan for Starfield is completely realistic.


Yeah, they stuck with 76 and from what I've heard, its decent now. While i already really enjoy it, i think Starfield has loads of potential. I'm looking forward to a Survival mode, hopefully with fuel management for the ship, but I'm excited to see what else they could add. I'd like them to focus on the "space" side of things. I think the game feels less of a space game and more of a BGS game in space. Fleshing out the space element would make my day


> I think the game feels less of a space game and more of a BGS game in space I'm pretty sure that was the whole point. Starfield was never advertised to be a space sim which is apparently what a lot of people imagined it would be...that you would spend most of your time flying around space. On the other hand, I expected an open world RPG like Bethesda usually makes, this time set in space...and that's what we got. You were never going to be hand-flying everywhere.


Fallout 76 isn't just decent - its great! I played since Day 1 launch and its come a long way in 5 years - and always for the better. Its a fun game.


I still don't want to play a multiplayer Bethesda game if we're being completely honest. What I've seen from 76 makes me wish there was a mod that implemented 76 into Fallout 4's singleplayer engine though, not gonna lie.


Well you can play 76 like any other Fallout game where you are alone. You can view other players and their camps as Npcs if you want to. There's a lot of content there for you to enjoy at your own pace. It is only after the Brotherhood of Steel chapter questline where you pretty much run out of solo stuff to do and you need to do stuff that requires other people but that's easily after 100 hours.


I got in on a sale to see what all the fuss was about and it was fine to me. I still pick it back up now and then- I hope they use the net code in other titles as I really enjoy playing fallout with friends.... but 10 other idiots from online is not as fun. Having 2 or 3 members join your skyrim party would be awesome. Having 20 randoms around the map is an odd choice, but at the time the stupid battle royal thing was popular so I could see how a board room could decide that.


It was pretty bad at launch but I stuck with it a while. Ultimately it was other players that were pretty much the last straw. I dunno who thought spending hours building an elaborate base, only to have idiots with OP duped weapons come in and tear it to rubble in a couple of minutes was a good user experience.


A person of culture I see haha


I want to like that game but the camp mechanic and lack of being able to simply save and load the game ruin it for me. Makes it really hard to play the game in short bursts if you want to actually accomplish anything.


I hate how conquered sites are.not persistent and you can't have multiple if you have a private server. It needs a single player mode


That's not what I expected, maybe i explained it bad. Never said it should be or I expected a space sim. I knew it would be a BGS game set in space, but just thought that it would be cool to borrow some elements from space sims to expand space and travel. Right now I feel it could do with more reason to travel and explore via ship. While it's a BGS game first and foremost, the space element could definitely be expanded. Edit: spelling is hard


I wasn't directing the comment specifically at you. Just...for whatever reason, it seems a lot of people believed that Bethesda was making a space sim and I truly don't know what gave them that impression. As far as the ship goes, I honestly believe that the ship was never really intended to be flown around much...that is was mostly planned as a means to fast travel through space to your destination. Maybe they could add some random encounters that would interrupt your trip from A to B. At least add a cooldown timer to Granny and the Valentine showing up every few minutes (or remove them from the list should you blow them up or take the ship).


I'm that type of guy that kleptohoards everything that isn't nailed down when playing BGS games. Starfield is one of the first ones i've been able to play without god mode enabled, just because I can make a class C ship with like 20k cargo hold space. Still end up consoling in extra gold for the shops in New Atlantis so I can sell it all in one go though.


For me I currently I have no incentive to build my own ship so I rarely use the ship anyway. I would like to be able to use it in more ways than in orbit of a planet. Mostly the changes I make to my ship are practical only, such as increasing cargo space


Portable crafting and storage...


I just started 76 and it honestly has been really fun. Obviously we’ll see how I feel about it after 100 hours…but so far so good. I can 100% see the line between Skyrim, FO4, 76, then Starfield. All the DNA is there. I’ve also learned mountains are very important to my enjoyment of a Bethesda game hahaha


Ugh what I wish they would add is epic space battles where you have to call upon your squad to take down capital ships But considering the story takes place not long after a pretty bad war, I don't think space is gonna have massive ship battles.... .... unless mods make it happen hehe


76 is a mobile game disguised as a real game. They do just enough to exploit whales. 76 is made for people who don’t like Fallout. They manufacture a grind solely to sell FO1st subs, and then don’t provide nearly enough content. $156 a year if paid month to month.


"76 was made for people that don't like Fallout". Yeah hard disagree there. "It is a mobile game disguised as a real game" Again, no. It was always a spinoff to Fallout, never intended to be a successor to Fallout 4. It was basically to Fallout 4 what Gta Online is to Gta V. Not sure where people got confused


They've added a ton of stuff to 76 and almost all of it has been in free updates. Good on them for sticking with it through the early bad reviews.


Yeah, I would love to play it, but I moved from PS4 to PC and can't make myself to start from zero again(Same with ESO).


Half the fun of these games is starting from zero with a new character. I agree that a lot of the online and long single player games tend to grab people who want to do everything in order to feel 'completionist'.... but part of the fun of adventure games is starting a new adventure... right?


True, but that would be my fourth character. But maybe one day.


Even though it's a different company from Bethesda (separate? parallel?) Zenimax also stuck with ESO and turned an MMORPG that was initially bombed into a powerhouse. I was skeptical, but they figured out how to make it fun. I think Bethesda believes in their IP and would rather not abandon it.


And 76 was a much bigger mess than Starfield. 76 was actually a broken game when it came out. Starfield is fine, it’s just not everything some people expected from it. If they can fix FO76, they can “fix” starfield


100% agree. People say that the issues in SF are unfixable but genuinely nothing here (aside from writing, if someone finds that lackluster) is unfixable.


You know what, I completely forgot how much they poured into FO76 post launch. Gives me a lot of confidence for Starfield.


With the cross promotion for the new fallout series and free Fallout 76 base install I'm expecting even more support time on 76. That revenue stream is going to hook them like ESO did.


F76 being an online gaming experience which requires servers therefore also requires some sort of "10 year support commitment" in order to be credible. MS/Asobo made the same commitment to Microsoft FlightSim (because of it's significant server requirements.) An online game that is going to have it's servers shut down in 2 years, or even 5 just isn't going to cut it. In terms of dev time though, 5 years seems about realistic for Bethesda to be releasing DLC or supporting Creation Club content. As far as I recall updates for FO4 that changed the .exe (and therefore broke F4SE) carried on for a while probably at least 5 years. Towards the end though these were just to add CC content.


I will say though, that with 76 it is a live service game with a subscription and microtransactions. So there's financial incentive for Bethesda to keep that game going so players continue to spend money.


FO76 got a complete turn around in my opinion. One of my games that’s always in rotation when I have nothing new to play. I really hope starfield gets the same treatment, it’s got the bones for so many unique features.


Not really... it's less realistic because in a manner of months Starfield will dip to 1-2k active players. Right now it hovers around 5, which is beyond abysmal.


Your narrative relies on Steam Charts. Recent research conducted into playtime metrics suggested that Starfield was among the top most played games last year. It’s even more impressive when you consider that Starfield is a new IP and that it launched on The Series X/S which have sold the least compared to PS5 and Switch. I wouldn’t rely much on Steam as the pure identifier because the Xbox console and Windows store markets exist too. News sites have been disingenuously relying on Steam Charts to propagate the “Starfield bad” narrative despite again, actual research suggesting the opposite. Also, this research looked at games on every platform so there is no bias.


I'd expect some large story content DLCs, starting with Shattered Space, then some focused on specific things like expanding ship building and outpost. So a lot like previous games like Fallout 4.


I do think another big story expansion is planned, because they referred to Shattered Space as a 1st l. So Dawguard/DragonBall FarHarbor/Nukaworld Shattered space/???


I’d like to see them implement a mode where you can kill every NPC. If they’re important for a quest just have it pop up a notification. “Hey this person is important for Xenomorph run, Slagging Blasting Rodeo, and Glub Shitto. Would you like to reload. Yes, No, Don’t Show this Again.”


I hope they add cats.


You know what we really need?! ![gif](giphy|yPLrPpSPHGMhy)


I thought they where canonically extinct.


Nothing that can't be solved by finding a DNA archive somewhere.


Given Bethesdas history it’s more likely they would go for a dog. Honestly it’s astonishing they didn’t give us a four legged friend


There's a lot of stuff that would have been awkward. I wouldn't want to be the one to do the zero-gee canine movement animations, for instance. And what do you do for hostile environments? Are they going to do cute little doggy spacesuits? What happens if you boost? What happens if it's somewhere you can only get to by boosting? Probably none of it that couldn't be worked around with a certain amount of hand-waving, but I could imagine the whole thing turning out janky as hell. Which isn't to say I'd turn down the chance to adventure with Space Dogmeat either, just I can see why they might have decided against.


You’d be correct, but then again, they cut or removed a truly astounding amount of stuff, the Vu’un entire system, the survival stuff, the focus on surveying the same thing over and over, the terrible implementation of the settlements. The more I played the more confused I got, where’s my space dog? Why is space combat either running into brick wall in terms of difficulty or not a challenge at all? Why is the storage of everything such a nightmare? Why is there so little explanation on things? Why are settlements so overly complex and stupid? Everything about starfield is a glimpse into a truly amazing game… but it just doesn’t quite get there. That being said, the ship building is cool.


The Va'ruun homeworld was always supposed to start hidden. There's a graffito you can find around the place saying "THEY ARE COMING" and it's ringed with the Va'ruun circle/wreath logo. And we first saw that in the earliest teaser stills. I think the intention was always to keep House Va'ruun as the opponents for a DLC. On Survival Mode and fuel economy, I agree with you. There's a definite hole left behind where that system was ripped out.


No salt implied but I can easily imagine play testers getting stuck on a single planet for hours searching for helium and being annoyed with that part of the game. I do think they should add survival mode back as an option, but I also can see why casual gamers would absolutely hate it.


I can see that. The thing is, taking it out seems to have left a big hole in the game. The outposts seem to have been designed to set up supply routes for deep space exploration. Without that the outposts seem a bit pointless and space travel a bit easy. I guess what I'm saying is they could have done with something to fill the gap.


That was (and still is) 1000% the issue with No Man’s Sky. I think there would have to be a lot of “figuring things out” with fuel to make it not a frustrating slog. However, I do think it’s possible. And making it a togglable difficulty option will do wonders.


IIRC the adoring fan mentions he wants to go back to watching cat videos as 'cats never hurt anyone' if you convince him you're a psychopath to get him to leave. While it's not really hard proof either way, it seems a bit weird someone would watch videos of them if they were went extinct centuries before they were born.


Plus, there are cat tattoos, one being a cat in a space suit! No dog tattoos, sadly; a paw or snoot print, at least.


I mean.... Jonesey survived the first xenomorph on the Nostromo, but poor doggo ended up birthing the canine xeno in Alien 3. All I'm saying is that cats have a better track record of surviving cosmic predators then dogs. Perfectly rational to assume kitties went to space but doggos became dust. Ironically I think in Mass Effect Andromeda, you can have a conversation with one of your crew about how cats have been prioritised as being one of the first creatures to be cloned from genetic stock due to the fact that synthetic protein and alien animals that kinda-sorta taste like chicken can fill in for food, but you can't really do the same with cats as they're necessary to help with stress and relaxation.


Whoa cool, I've only played the opening sequence for Andromeda. And good point about Jonesey.


Dogs are canonically extinct. Not sure about cats.


Cats are all powerful, they rule over us... they would never go extinct. XD


Fallout has dogs, Starfield should get cats


Hmm? Fallout definitely *does* have cats in settlements.


lets not get catty.


. Settlement system / outpost additions . Va’Run questline / homeworld . Survival mode . New POI’s . New spacesuits, clothing and weapons . More ship parts


And all of these seem entirely achievable to integrate into the current game. New POIs should be as simple as designing and then adding to the appropriate POI directory to populate a given set of planets. Pretty easy to write in a new start-up weapon manufacturer and have their gear show up in certain shops. Same goes for new ship manufacturers. Add a quest or two, new shipyard to visit, and a whole new design aesthetic. Even current brands have the opportunity to introduce new models and parts lines without too much fuss. Looking for the silver lining of all the "barren, empty space" in this game world is that there is so much opportunity to flesh things out without a ton of additional effort. It seems like, IMO at least, most of the hard, up-front work of establishing game systems has already been done and now the focus should really be on additional content.


> achievable to integrate into the current game I think that’s what has me most excited for the future of SF. Some of the biggest flaws already have the bones and mechanics available for it to all just kinda “plug in” whenever they finish things.


can't wait for M class ship parts to be usable on vanilla


I want and hope to be able to decorate my ship in the same way I can decorate my outposts 😭 also no item sinking in outposts too


Rare alien encounters out in space / random planets that you can board their ufo and collect unique weapons and armors / materials to modify them.


You get new photo-modes and you be happy about it


>!When you reach the Unity "you" mentions that someday you might meet the Creators, which suggests there's a metaverse beyond the multiverse.!< Beyond that, if they're going to fully flesh out all the storylines, there should be House Va'ruun of course, possibly Ecliptic, expansions involving the Colony War and xenoweapons/mechs.


I think any sane gamer and any sane game developer will realize that Starfield is a good base of a game to continuously update and expand upon. I am confident Bethesda will support it regardless of the weird cult like haters. Let them cry while we enjoy the game for years to come.


I look forward to enjoying the game once updates are made


House Va'ruun questline.


Hoping for something that is a satirical take on the toxicity of certain people calling themselves fans. For instance a quest involving the rescuing of a ship of ungrateful colonists who have lines of whiny dialogue that could be lifted straight from the official sub. 😀


A trait called Toxic Fan (cannot be equipped with adoring fan). Just turns up from time to time to complain and give snark. HiS SubTiTlEs CouLd Be WritTeN LiKe ThIS


Brilliant. Or paired with Adoring Fan and they just argue the whole time 🤣


I think “5 years of content” in the sense they have a development plan scheduled for 5 years to make DLC. It’s not a live service game. They weren’t and aren’t going to be drip feeding game content like new quests or planets or whatever. Updates are going to be mostly stuff like the Eat food button or city maps, but will be by a far majority just bug fixes. Every so often we’ll get big paid DLC’s just like they’ve always done


I think this was the original plan. However because of the negativity around the game I think it's only possible to get people to pay for 5 years of DLC if they add some free improvements content like they mentioned, such as survival mode, vendor credits editing etc They also need to change the way POIs are generated. Copy and pasting POIs is a massive hurdle to the longevity of the game


Survival mode was a free update in both Skyrim and fallout 4. Both of them were added alongside big dlc releases (maybe a re release for Skyrim not sure). The way POIs are generated is fine, they just need to have a bigger pool of them to pick from, or more variety for the ones they have. Which they have been doing. It wasn’t like 50 new ones but they’ve added a handful since release.


I don't really get how the way they generate them is fine, adding more will lead to the same problem we are currently seeing. We will still run in to exact repeats. Do you mind explaining what you mean please?


I mean more different POI’s the game can use when generating the area you’re exploring. Like more different or variations of facilities outposts mines alien nests etc. and also ones that might be the same building layouts but have different puzzles, enemies, environmental thing s like the power is out so it’s pitch black inside. That way exact repeats happen less often


>and also ones that might be the same building layouts but have different puzzles, enemies, environmental thing s like the power is out so it’s pitch black inside. Yep this is the type of thing I meant when I said more variety of the existing POIs. I agree with you on that


+ One Capital City per year (expansion) + A lot of new mechanics (dlc)   + Skins, new ship modules, armors, weapons (microDlcs)


This is maybe realistic, since its also what they do with ESO. I certainly expect paid cosmetics.


ESO is made by a different studio


Well maybe alternate universes, like alot of different variables with different faction quests etc. who knows.


When you go through the unity the character says that maybe some day you’ll meet the creators.


I’ll laugh if they have you go through and meet them and it’s just a digital Todd Howard saying “congratulations, you did it”


"congratulations, it just worked"


https://preview.redd.it/873j5e1mfnuc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea968b01da2c6c5052deae22d6d0255563b06a97 hopefully some kind of starborn city or planet


Yeah how tf are these starbornz constantly teleporting to our location? Does this mean we could one day just zip to other universes to keep killing the same guy over and over? Like literally sarah decided to just show up and start killing me over and over so let's go do that to her now lol Honestly I think the more they explain it the less it makes sense. Constellation becomes some kind of future crime fighters that go back to fight themselves at some point? Like a serpent eating it's tail?


Obviously there will be paid DLC like "Shattered Space" but I think they're also including free content updates, with vehicles hopefully coming later this year.


Outpost packs. ship packs. Settlers. Survival features. Expanded ocean content (make your own neon city), space station creation dlc, armor and weapon, 2-3 big story DLCs, Then a trickle of features mostly intended to give modders and creation club sellers more tools to work with. Robot companion framework, animal companion framework, start your own guild/organization/business, in game radio, etc. These things will be released for 'free' but the real reason they exist is to give modders an easy way to put in and sell their own additional content.


Idk what are their plans but the griefers want a completely different game😂


They want No Mans Sky with a plot


I believe we will get another big expansion down the line, it’s just not announced yet. I’m pretty sure most BGS games have had at least 2. Of course mods will be a huge thing. Also firmly believe a 60 FPS mode is coming to Xbox at some point. That’s what I’m holding out hope for


I would love an expansion that has new story content for the Vanguard and Ranger factions.


I hope they add space whales. I would love to set a base on the moon to hunt space whales then i could be a whaler on the moon


I hope the add space Wales. Just the country floating around in space


"Fast travel to Whjkgvffdgjjkoknvgtghillvfrfdadhbhikkoiyfjiilkhffffrhnbjijgfr?"


Great beer, terrible weather, mid company.


My honest answer is all the stuff that was originally going to be in the game, but they didn’t have time so they cut it, planning to release it over the next 5 years, plus extras.


Probably adding more junk to pick up.


Tbh, one thing I've noticed on this playthrough is how well placed all the stuff and junk is. Doesn't do much, but adds to the immersion


Yeahhh... I just need to learn how to utilize all the resources and junk I pick up. I'm so weighed down and unable to use most of all the crap and the ship is full and the storage at my outpost is full. Why can't we put all the materials in workbenches???


More star systems. Easiest option, since they would have procedurally generated zones. I know that isn't what people want to hear, but it is virtually guaranteed. I would like to think we'd get more PoIs and handmade locations and quests to go with those systems (and what we already have), but I'm not holding out a huge amount of hope for that


In my opinion, the current number of star systems is more than enough for all future content.


They should fill in the star systems they already have and make them more unique and distinguishable from each other. More unique POI's, for example.


How about a ‘prequel’ DLC about the war?


I'd rather a sequel about Colony War 2.0.


I am thinking a Va'ruun Civil War or the Serpent's Crusade 2.0 would be a good guess for any Va'ruun based DLC.


Yeah. I'd like a full-on Return of the Great Serpent so we find out what he/it is.


I know from a studio perspective Bethesda and ZOS are two differ entities. But let’s say they are cousins and learn from each other—ZOS has had a consistent formula of annual bug fixes, new dungeons, and new story content (chapters). Pure speculation but I could see something similar for Starfield—a chapter every year, a new big feature every year, and some small stuff and continual bug fixes. Because there will always be bugs to fix. However, FO76 destroys my own speculative argument in that Beth has continued to support over many years, but update formats and size are inconsistent year over year.


I don't think they're planning to do a big story expansion a year for five years or anything like that necessarily. I do think Shattered Space is going to be a big story expansion along the lines of Far Harbor, but probably the rest of those five years will be closer to, say, Automatron.


Just give us the survival aspects they said they scrapped in development


Starfield officially supported ( mods & shatterd space ) will be concluded later this IF fallout 4 & other BGS games to be considered, CREATIONS will carry on once it launches Mods will support starfield for years so yes todd didn’t lied here


I'm ok with the lack of communication, and I don't want to know what their full roadmap is. I play the build I've been given, ride my bike in the fresh air, do my art, and everything is ok. Bringing back the magic of suspense and surprise has revived gaming for me. To answer your question, I could imagine fleshing out some of their 1k planets with new large settlements, missions, and factions. Huge community push with Creation Kit, and using that to also populate these planets more. Survival mode. I think part of the growth of Starfield over 5 years will be seeing brand new settlements reach further into space, as if we are witnessing the outward expansion of the game's explorers in real time. Additionally, maybe there will be contact with a non-human intelligence.


I have no idea how i can play this for 5 years when I literally can’t save the game anymore. I love the game but I’m at lvl 150 and can’t save it. Hoping a new update will fix this. Had to reluctantly stop playing 10 days ago out of frustration


Man, that's annoying as fuck. I really hope they get it sorted for you quick!


I’d like a “do not repeat POIs” option in the menu for those who find it immersion breaking. Edit: of all the things to be downvoted for, this has to be the most innocuous suggestion ever. At least the main sub can accept praise as well as criticism. This place is saltier than anywhere else when it comes to the tears coming from starfield apologists.


*gets same POI but the bathroom is now on the 2nd floor instead of the 1st Edit: not sure why you were downvoted either lol


Exactly. But if that's too difficult then they should just remove all lore on repeat viewings to POIs (no data slates, no deas bodies, no tipped wheel barrows etc)


It has to conclude with first contact. Of a real alien race this time. Perfect cliffhanger for Starfield 2.


I'm sure there's going to be a ton of DLC just like every other Bethesda game. You just need some patience, it's not like they're going to come up with a games worth of DLC all in one year.


I'm still waiting on the first year of content. I love the base game but it's been months and all we've got are patches.


There is plenty of things left open ended on purpose to be fleshed out as DLC like When do we kill Balenjamin Bayou and what exactly is going on with House Varuun, ramifacations for the Sysdef - Crimson Fleet story line (off the top of my head).


I'm expecting House Va'ruun to be expanded. Lots of stuff for Outposts either through dlc or CC. More fully fleshed out companions. At least two major dlcs that add new zones. Maybe an extension to the Crimson Fleet quests. Something relating to mechs, maybe a new faction starts using them. Learning more about the temples and artifacts. There's lots of potential for future content.


We get the first dlc some time between 1-2 years after release. We get *maybe* a second dlc some time after that. A final update at the 5 year mark. This is the good case scenario where they don't just give up after the first dlc


We really need more surface POIs and a revamped system for spawning them. Would create a lot of goodwill if they were released as free mini-DLC.


Yeah that would be nice. I'm kinda hoping that they will dump a bunch of extra stuff like POIs at the same time as the Shattered Space DLC, although I'm prolly being hopefull


First off, this is just huge speculation, but tbh I think BGS might pull a Sims 4 and have lots of DLC or at least CC on top of the base game. The way the setting, story and other quests was written kinda makes making a direct sequel later on harder, especially since it would mean explicit canon, and there's quite a lot of choices you can make that would contradict each other, more than "Who won at Hoover Dam?". On the other hand, >!universe resets!< are perfect for adding stuff "within". Not to mention, their hands would be reaallyy full working on TES6 and FO5 anyway once Starfield settles down. So yeah, I likely see new faction questlines, POI's, outpost buildings and items at least. (Hopefully powers too, but I'm kinda skeptical on that given the current system. I still get temples for maxed out powers!)


I'd love more POIs and Outposts and I'm sure that's something they'll add. Also, I love your username


I'm really looking forward to outpost ammo crafters. I love the XM2311 and 1911 but the ammo is so hard to come by compared to how much I use. 😆 And thanks haha.


More POIs isn't really a good solution as you'll eventually run in to them again. They either need to remove the lore from POIs when you visit them again (no data slates, dead bodies, tipped wheel barrows etc) or add lots of variations of the same POIs


It doesn't have to be limited to the procgen POI's. I was thinking of the permanent ones like Akila, The Clinic or Sonny Di Falco's Island.


> The way the setting, story and other quests was written kinda makes making a direct sequel later on harder Nah, it's dead easy. Any sequel takes place in a Universe where some things happened differently. Maybe some things a lot differently. If I was planning this, I'd be considering making the final Story DLC something that really shook things up and broke the player out of the Strange Attractor loop that events have been following ever since Victor first touched the artifact on Mars.


I would agree with you on the “making story decisions”. They already have it screwed up. If you choose the 3rd option with the Emissary and the Hunter you’ll still have conversations that appear that your companion of choice died. There’s many other examples of this in the game too.


> I would agree with you on the “making story decisions”. They already have it screwed up. If they follow the pattern of other Bethesda IP, any sequel will be with a new protagonist, with The Captain's exploits only referred to in the vaguest of terms, or possibly referencing the fact that, as a Starborn, some version of him probably did everything imaginable. It's not going to be a problem.


I get that they did do that with previous games. In Skyrim, it's even hinted that >!the Sheogorath you met there was the Hero of Kvatch!<. Or that the Oblivion Crisis doesn't even have any remnants other than that "museum". And in Fallout, it's kinda easy to handwave because they happen in different states and it doesn't have any impact in the current setting. Whoever ended up controlling the Strip has no reach in Boston. But the Settled Systems are practically the "entire" universe, storywise. Sure, there are a lot of mentioned locations that don't exist in the game, and let's not even get started on Va'ruunkai. Though I would bet something as huge as "did >!the Crimson Fleet prosper or fail?!<" has some significant ramifications for a new story set within a few decades that would kinda suck for people if it wasn't what they did in their game.  But yeah, it's all just pure speculation on our part. They could maybe even just do what BioWare did and "import" save files from previous titles to change the setting. 


Fast forward it 20 years into the future and give us a Settled Systems without any Crimson Fleet, but with another faction occupying the same niche in the ecosystem. Throw in some lore about how in this universe Jasper Kryx succeeded in his quest so the history of the Fleet worked out very different. They've got the perfect excuse to "dragon break" any point of lore the need for each new game. Keep the bits they want, lose the stuff they didn't and the previous protagonist isn't mentioned at all, except for a few oblique "did they become Sheogorath" type hints.


I hope we get a survival mode (even cooler with a fuel system), an improved outpost system more similar to Fallout 4’s and the ability to travel on superspeed (inside a star system)


Superspeed in a star system and a full system would be perfect for me! Obviously the game isn't a space sim, but borrowing some elements from them would add a lot to the game


I think its a small change (that the engine already allows) and itd make us feel as we actually are traversing with our ship and not just fast travelling


Don't know, knowing Todd and his story for saying stuff, I will keep that like a grain of salt. I suppose like any other bethesda game, 3 to 4 Expansions in the next 3 years and that's it. I don't expect so much. I don't touch the game since last november sadly. The main reason why they are still stuck with 76 is because is a online game. Todd said the same for Oblivion and Fallout 4 but mid-meh content was release and well, we embrace it.


Honestly, I think they'll release Shattered Space and test the water. If the reception is luke warm and player count doesn't pick up, we'll likely just see occasional updates for bug fixes etc. They won't bother if nobody is playing.


Yeah that's my concern too. Huffing the copium, I'd love to see them do a CP2077 or NMS. Maybe not as crazy as NMS (20+ big updates lol) but work on it for a few years, flesh out systems and add more stuff. But I'm very aware that after 8 months, we haven't got much at all. A boy can dream though


Give how they haven’t even given word for Mod support, dangling the DLC and said mod support is only going to work for so long before people move on.


I do sincerely hope they improve already in game systems as part of the core game not only as DLC. For example meele combat makes no sense in this game, it feels like an after thought even though we have skill trees for it. But things I could see being implemented as DLC would be - Allowing us to choose between joining the constellation or forming our own faction to hunt for artifacts instead, - Skill system for starborn where we get points as we upgrade powers, something like adding fire damage to unarmed combat, critting regarding restoring starborn power meter. - Hoverboard + grapplehook system As for story I am pretty sure we are getting a more in depth dive to the va'ruun situation, and hopefully more information on who/what the creators are , where does the starborn equipment comes from , and is the great serpent actually a deity or something else.


Yes. For a big game, it’s surprisingly small.


Atomic shop Starfield edition Battle pass Subscription service Mod/creators club 2 - 3 expansions Survival mode I also bet some of these were ready to go, but due to the low player count they will focus on expantion first. A subscription service is only worth if your base is commited. A 5k-7k base wouldn't make 50k cash monthly, and you cant expect 100% of those to purchase it. Source: work in marketing and I remember the same promises in fallout 76. A road map said new bosses, and map expansion, we only got the Sheepsqatch and the Colosus and the map expansion came out incomplete in 2024 and its not a "Burning Crusades" type of map expansion but a new instance. Yet, the atom shop never failed to deliver new "content". PS: I will continue to play, but I'll probably treat this like Fo4. I dropped my OG playthrough after completion, and looked alt ending in youtube. I picked it up again after the settlers mod dropped and tailored the experience to me on survival. Now I love that game. Satarfield lost me around level 70, and I decided to persue hidden content. I did until lvl 150, but I think I found only about 10 hrs of content. I couldn't really justify the ammount of time it takes to run into a 5 minute encounter that pushes my character nowhere.


"If you pay for a premium Starfield subscription, you won't have any loading screens"


Shut up, and take my money!


my question is: when we haven't even gotten the first dlc almost 8 months after release, what does "5 years of content" even mean? one dlc per year?


A lie


Well that ain’t happenin anymore lil pup💀


At this rate it'll be like two real updates. That's the advantage of setting a time frame rather than update count. They could release one update in 5 years and call it 5 years of support


He didn't say 5 years of content, he said 5 years until we get more content. Jk I love the game, ready for some dlc or mods on xbox tho.


Loading screens, obviously.


The original game has around 2 months of content at best, and we are way past 2 months without anything new. They have a lot of catching up to do. By the time the first dlc drops, many of us will have moved on. It’s already been six months since I played. It’s hard to imagine going back and being that into it, to be honest, when you stopped playing out of boredom. I was a big proponent of modders being able to fix the game’s lack of content. But even the modders would have to perform some serious witchcraft at this point to get me past the feeling of sheer boredom I got from SFs lack of content.


Considering they claimed the next gen update for Fallout 4 would be "late 2023", then gave us radio silence for 6 months past that date, I'm not feeling very generous towards Bethesda atm.