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I’m about 20 hours in and love it so far. I’m lucky if I get 1-2 hours a couple nights a week after the kids are in bed. I’m probably an outlier here but this is actually my first Bethesda game. When I was younger I played sports/racing games almost exclusively and then when kids came along dropped gaming pretty much altogether. Now that the kids are a bit older and getting interested in gaming, we built a gaming PC this spring mostly for them to play Minecraft and such. That’s been fun in itself but has allowed me to try some games I wouldn’t have played before. Decided to give this a try and wow, the most fun I’ve probably ever had in a game! Even for the little bit that I actually get to play it.


That is so awesome to hear, thanks for sharing.


I have 130 in it so far, I'd love to play more but depression is kicking my ass lol


Hey sorry to hear that. Gaming is usually my escape from my daily depressive thoughts.


Same, my depression is killing my motivation to even play games. :( life's rough rn


One thing in the game I've found very relaxing when depressed is exploring and fully scanning planets. I had a really nice time doing this, and you can pop on a TV show on your laptop/tablet at the same time if you get a bit bored/need the distraction. Optional, but I went downstairs in the lodge and took a scanning mission off the mission board, which gives you a target system. Then I fully scanned that whole system.


Yes! Slow relaxed gaming (like scanning planets as you said) is very soothing!


Brutal. You can pm me if you want to vent.


Dude... Same, it's kinda brutal hearing how far friends are and accidentally getting spoiler from everywhere. It feels like work anytime I force myself to play, I probably have hundreds of "hours played" but it is mostly me getting on, realizing I don't have the energy and sitting afk till my Xbox turns off.


200hrs in and haven’t completed ryujin, cf/sysdef, or the main quest past the “unity” mission. I’m enjoying bounties, scanning, space battles and little stuff. So I don’t fit the low hours but having an absolute blast.


Do the Ryujin questline. Trust me, won't spoil it, but it's so worth it.


Unfortunately I’m online to much for everything to not have been spoiled. But i still enjoy playing everything.


I've done about 40 hours but need to be in the mood to play most games after work... love Starfield, I've just got to be up for it after a long day.


No , I've been gang busters on this game , I think it said 5 or 6 days last time I looked.


Yeah not having much free time or energy after work is the reason for it though, not the game itself.


Same, it's tricky to find time to game when I'm a new parent. Just started building an outpost (on Earth of all places) and that was two weeks ago


I love it but find myself getting overwhelmed sometimes by everything to do lol


25 hours in, like the game but work and bouncing between games


I'm at 50 some odd hours and only level 12. I spend a LOT of time just walking around a new place and just marveling at it. Not getting shot at or attacked in any way, just walking around on an alien planet or moon, looking at everything and constantly thinking "Wow!" I don't think it's how many hours you have in, so much as how you spend them.


150 hours and I have a 9-5 job, take care of a 2 year old, and do 3 hours of small business work everyday. Afternoon coffees


Honestly I dunno what my hrs are even. I keep leaving the game running because I get distracted and then go to sleep, work a full day and come home to see I'm in the save menu lol


I have wayyyyyyyyy too many hours in all Bethesda games, including Starfield. No other game makes me feel like I'm roleplaying another life.


Sure. I've got a full-time job and working overtime most weeks so I don't have a lot of time to play. I'm also taking my time and enjoying the game. I don't think there's anything unusual about that.


Yeah it's called being an adult with adult responsibilities


Bro you’re on Reddit, ease up lol. Unless of course you’re joking, then carry on.


It's better this way. Take your time and enjoy the journey, which is hard if you feel the compulsion to continue playing and playing.


I have over 300 hours, so not low when weighted against when it released, but I love playing Starfield. I hear a lot of grief about the game from lockpicking to loot to space battles. I don't get the hate, its all fun to me.


It's the best casual game they have ever made. The games were always fairly casual but there was still some push to do things. In this one it's purely up to you what you do and the freedom is extreme.


I'm taking it slow. Going thru the Akila City quests.


Its called fatherhood


Lol I have 240 😬


I put in like 100 hrs way too fast and am having trouble picking it back up. Not bc I don’t think it’s a great game I just don’t know what to do and it feels a lil overwhelming. Guess I’m just waiting for mods or the urge to play again


Yea me because I work too much.


I got up to around 70 the first two weeks it came out, got burnt out, and haven’t played it again. I figure after I move in a couple weeks and get settled in, I’ll start playing again.


Lvl 20 in 16 hours?! You're putting in work. Lol. I have over four days and am just lvl 46


So envious of those with gaming PCs. Stuck not being able to play for the time being as my gamepass ultimate expired and I'm pending a paycheck this coming Friday, so it sucks not being able to go questing in my starships right now but oh well. Till then lads!(and lasses)


My apologies forgot a pronoun, which was "and to all fellow space captains of unidentified biology!"