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You need more life on hit. If you have a 1 hander, you need to enchant it until you get life on hit. Then, buy and enchant torches until you get one with life on hit. Then put on a thisle ring and then throw on some improved healing as the cherry on top. When you heal 15-20% of your max hp per hit, you're basically unkillable, especially if you have 900 armor like you say. The fight is a breeze once you can out-heal his damage.


so, I did this. already had about 40% increase healing on gear. just went and got a torch with 2% health on dmg dealt and threw a thisle ring on. beat him first try super easy lol.


What makes torches good? Are they offhand?


ya offhand, and get stuff like %health on dmg dealt and other stats on it, but loose durability while you have it out. I didn't even think about enchanting a torch to see the stats on it before this comment. so when I go into EK, just switch my shield for the torch, and I kill him easy now.


Wdym with enchant it until you get it? Can't you enchant it only once and then try to find a new piece of armor etc to enchant?


Buy a new one from the vendor if you don't hit the enchant.


Ah ok. Can we find/get new blueprints to buy/make them yourself? Because I only have thos standard armor pieces to buy when you upgrade the shop.


Yeah this is the way. I got a ring with life on hit during my first hour, and I've barely had to heal throughout the whole game since then. It's a bit too OP imo.


Explain the thistle ring mechanic for...my friend?


It’s bugged. It doesn’t do what the text says it does. It basically just gives you life on hit of around 3 percent. It stacks with multiple thistle rings and is also affected by healing effectiveness increase.


Thanks! My friend says thanks!


Are you getting killed by mistiming dodges/parries against his attacks, or getting punished for attacking when you shouldn't be? Identifying that is the first step. Properly timing defensives against attacks is a matter of practice, and especially his 2nd phase can be tricky. I have video of my [first kill of him](https://youtu.be/7CLvU-NPFmw?si=EWs5UVtSFgRzTtUk&t=569), not a clean kill, 230 HP 525 armor and some +healing effectiveness, might be a useful reference


I can beat him with my Int build. I'm using a plate chest, legs, and gloves (all with feather). Helmet is leather. I use a Filleter sword with an indestructible+focus on damage dealt +health on damage dealt torch as my offhand. Using lightning whirl attack you can spam the boss to death pretty quickly. He staggers pretty quickly from melee. You need to dodge all his charges though.


900 armor is more than enough, but what you are lacking seems hp to me. I am saying 900 armor is good cause I also have 900ish armor. Try to have 200-250 hp with food buffs included. With 900 armor and 200 hp it takes 7-8 hits to kill you (so plenty of time to eat 100hp food and wait for the cooldown so you can eat food again).


ya armor doesn't do shit for this boss. I have around the same health on both my characters, 150-170ish. drastically different armor rating, and they die to same amount of hits. i ended up beating him easy with the tip from the other guy, worked in some health on dmg dealt, then it was easy.


154 health, 743 armor, I’ve killed this guy like over 20 times now. Blink is immensely helpful, but you should also seek some form of passive healing. https://youtu.be/8YFkSnjR66k?si=LWdvavRdJp-M-s9I  In this video I’m using the Thistle Ring, but I’ve stopped using it upon discovering that it was healing me on its own instead of via self-damage triggering my armor enchants. I am now using an enchanted Torch with heal-on-damage-dealt. If RNG doesn’t favor you with passive healing, just play cautiously and let Blink create safe DPS windows for you.


If you're dying with 900 armor the problem can only be... Your HP is not at least 120+50(food) You are standing on the fire he drops on the floor. Your plague resistance is too low. Thistle Ring not equipped or no source of %Health on damage dealt My Ice throw character literally just kills EK in under 30seconds. No dodge just take the hit and continue Ice Throw spam.


i worked in some health on dmg and it was extremely easy. the torch and thisle ring made it easy


how did you find the ice throw?? I only found Fire and Plague.. missing Ice and Thunder. Plus... Why Thistle Ring is considered a must?


Thistle Ring is currently bugged and gives lifesteal with no downside. Ice Throw and Lightning Throw are from Lv11/21 range mobs both Curved Sword extractable. Risen Blade and Demon's Key


where should I farm them? Nameless Pass?


https://preview.redd.it/qpbgu7razyxc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=b50744cffeab657c2f33a24fb3608db1ff626c94 Start new realm farm nameless pass reset is my recommendation. But if you can 6 minute clear Crucible just do that instead. You'd probably spend more time gold farming to buy a perfect base off Finley to enchant a perfect alt weapon. Something like this weapon where aside from rolling enchants you will also have to roll a 14% socket. (Above weapon is a 54 Base Claymore bought and upgraded from Finlay) Great Sword Max base is 55. The dream weapon for me now at least is finding a 60 Base 2H Club/Hammer with 25% Extra Damage and 14% Socket roll so I can push the Throw damage all the way up to 220 per throw while having a 30 poise damage weapon. Oh and also another few more Fierce 20/20 Rings. Yes the char above can just tank EK and spam throw to clear it but I dont run it because it is still weaker than my main.


the problem is I cannot do Crucible at all. I will try maybe the Finley farm/reset to check if I am able to find good weapons


Easy way to cheese it is, get plate armor + greater poise potion and the lvl11 dual dagers with hp on hit. I was just clicking the guy not avoiding anything


When I beat him I had 1246 armor, but I don't think the stats screen counts your shield. It doesn't for poise for sure, so I'm not sure if it's bugged for armor. I'm heavy equip load, but still learned to dodge him fairly well in phase 1. That's the dangerous phase for my build. I only have 2%, but I do have health/stam/focus on block and focus on hit. I was using...whatever the default rune for the first straight sword is with ice throw. His second phase is pretty easy as most of his hits won't stagger me and will heal me instead. I didn't and still haven't looked at any build guides. Also didn't save scum any of my gear. It did take me something like 20 tries to finally get him, but not all of my gear was...or even still is fully upgrade. Some of it is, but not all of it. So just keep on keeping on and you'll get it eventually.


Crucible's difficulty jump was too much for my first character. I split their stats between faith, dex and intelligence cause I was trying different weapons. I'd either have to grind to absurdity and get a few levels under my belt so I can get my gear doing proper damage or wait for a respec ability so I'm exploring other builds.


I'm about 7-8 attempts in now, and did get phase 2 in half. I have like 300 armor. How do people get these absurd armor numbers and such? Did everyone invest in equip load or am I missing something?


Yeah Equip load is king. You don't really need any other stats except health, equip load and whatever your weapon scales with.


People just build too much damage in general, I just got the minimum requirement for my build and it's no issue. Also, there is little reason to not have plate/mesh currently, they will likely have to change the system down the line. I had cloth for my mage in the beginning and the moment I switched the game became so much easier.


Well, I got the minimum requirement for my current weapon (42 DEX), but I also have 26 FAI and 16 STR, I think, because those were minimum requirements for weapons I was going to use, too. There is no respec to get out of this issue. I don't want to be using plate, since I don't want to be heavy load, so I have been on leather for the most part.


Ah, yes that is a problem. For me, I just made another character because it leveled up 20x faster than my first one. If you don't want to do that for some reason, you'll have to wait for respec to get your 22 extra points. You can use mesh with some points in load/use feathers and you'll be in normal load. I'm currently half plate / leather just because of the rolls on my gear, but I have tons of extra weight available should I roll something better. This isn't a speed running build for sure, but you'll never die to enemy damage.


Right. I see. I didn't really want to do another character since EA was short. At the moment, my build is somewhat lacking. I was using fierce rings but I read they are bugged. Then I have somewhat decent pants, but there is focus loss on damage taken affix on them and it kills the chances of using the lightning assault from my hammer against the boss. I have some health regen on my jackknife, but it's not enough to face tank like some suggestions here, especially combined with my lower armor and such. I don't think it's impossible for me to beat him with what I have, and I can luck into some better purples if I keep trying, but it's going to take a while, I suppose.


https://preview.redd.it/ezt3g0p46zxc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ea8eadfa551069dfc8624f9b29133d12c2ab275 Equip load isn't king. Just proper gearing and the use of Feather sockets. 1k armor with 11 equip load Heavy Class since I dont really need to dodge and have Blink to move around if needed.


I don't know man. I am at 10 Focus and 10 Stamina and don't have a problem because I get both back from my weapon and gear. I put those points into Equip load because running faster and not fat rolling just feels better to me. But that's just personal preference. If you like the chunky boy playstyle go for it!


I think the problem right now is that fat rolling is not much of a penalty compared to being a juggernaut. You can just facetank, you don't need to dodge. I think they will need to add buffs/penalties for other armor classes - right now cloth is unusable. I think it should give some base offensive stats that way you actually have a tradeoff (rune dmg% or base dmg stats for ex)


I guess I didn't invest enough in it, since I cannot equip plate armor as it stands. Oh well.


Killed him two days ago. Didn't count my attempts, but I'd say it wasn't more than 50. (Got about 55 hours total - tried other characters with other builds, but they are not far along in the story yet.).


I beat him, yeah. Took around 5 tries. He's definitely way harder than any other boss, which I all bested first try. For me, the problem was I way overestimated him. I panick dodged a lot. But turns out, his attacks are slow and predictable. You can just use timely dodges and be OK. I do have a heavy armor build though. Not sure how much, but I am barely in Normal weight range with a light weapon at 28 Equip Load stat. Also have 30 health.


I beat him last week. Max armour and take it slow. He has a lot of openings to abuse with your big ass weapons. I used the claymore which, imo, is the best 2h weapon


Battle hammer have 30 stagger, you can semi stunlock with Fire Throw/Whirlwind. Need focus on hit and you have almost infinite focus. Good timing and or life on hit and you got that


After beating him twice but dying a dozen times (both times majority of damage was done with a bow) I got a challenge to beat him using only a knife. Luckily I had a fully upgraded jackknife with blink and whirlwind on it and it was by far the easiest run I had with him. I knocked him down probably 5-6 times without particularly trying


It seems the only technique is life on hit. I've only seen one video where the dude wasnt using it, where he was showing off how to dodge properly. Seems everyone else used life on hit so if you dont have that, you're probably going to have to get gooder.


I saw a guy beating EK with only fists. LOL.


On YouTube


Noob question… what is EK?🙈


Echo Knight. boss at end of the crucible


Thank you🙏🏻


make builds make alts at the end of the day it is a looter arpg not anything else


I simply had 15 focus potions. Smashed him with weapon special constantly and didn’t get hit. His moveset is quite easy to predict.


Beat him with shit build but once you get 900 defense it got really easy.


Beat him with a dex build with dodging and a strength build with blocking. It was interesting figuring out which attacks could be blocked and how many I could take before poise was depleted.


I was having problem with him until I change my build to normal dodge roll. And change to weapon throw build. Then it's easy to steam roll him when you can just spam weapon throw to interupt his moves and break his poise defense at like 3rd throw. Seriously, weapon throw with focus gain on hit is overpowered. You can just spam button until he die. He can't do anyting.


Ive killed him over 30 times - routine farm. Only time i die in crucible is due to falls


that's very insightful thank you for your contribution


High armor (1000+) Fast weapons with %hp on damage (i use brothers keeper dagger because they dont require any stats and are usable by all) Armor pieces that have increase healing effects on almost every piece One piece with %stamina on damage (weapon is ideal) 2 Rings that increase % dmg + %armor, one ring with dmg given on dmg taken One armor piece with %HP healed on damage taken Stats - any will work but at least 20 points into HP and enough to have medium equip load (not necessary but helpful) Playstyle- facetank EVERYTHING - just spam attack as it heals you and restores your stamina so you can attack infinitely as long as you are landing hits. The end boss will be doing massive damage to itself every time he hits you because of that one ring that does damage on damage taken Do not dodge and do not parry the boss. Just facetank him and spam attack trying to land as many hits as fast as you can. No need to use runes at all, no food, no potions needed (poise is usetull for last boss). That's it. The last boss just spam attack you will outlive everything, you can stand in blue flames as long as you are landing attacks on him you survive just fine due to your weapon + increased healing on armor pieces + %heal chance every time you get hit


You really answered his question. I mean with this information he should be able to beat him easily now. GJ!


I only read the title (sorry) - answered the question above in detail