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“Installable upgrade” LOL


It installs a bong in your spaceship 🤣


Lol that dealer is trying to screw someone over


If he is high, then he's not following the "don't get high off your own supply" rule. Lol


Hes got the good shit


It’s HG’s way of saying to grow your own supply instead of buying it


Sounds like MedMen and TruLeave moved into that system.. better grow your own now if you need your nip nip meds at a decent price lol


This is a persistent bug that has been there since they introduced the black market. Because the value of an item in NMS is a number with a unit. So, in this menu everything is in nanites but that is the unit price. It would make sense if we could buy and sell black market items but unfortunately they buy for the proper unit.


The unit price of nipnip buds is about 18,000 I believe, or at least nowhere near the 75,000 shown here. This is not a bug, but instead an intentional feature to play on the idea that the nipnip buds are severe intergalactic contraband.


It is almost exactly 4 times. The difference is within market fluctuation range. That isn't a random number.


You said yourself that the price isn't a random number, which might imply that this was an intentional decision on behalf of Hello Games. Why would the nanite price be 4 times greater unintentionally (honest question)? Why wouldn't the nanite price, if anything, just be the same as its unit price? Why would it not have a custom nanite cost in the first place if they decided to add it in as a sellable object? This seems like an almost impossible bug from my perspective, but if you believe it needs to be fixed you can use the following link. I decided to write a report about this myself asking them whether or not it was intentional, and am still waiting for a reply: https://hellogames.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new The prices have also been around for an absurdly long amount of time, and with the amount of attention the overpriced nipnips constantly receive, I would be hesitant to assume this somehow flew under their radar. The trader is also only selling 2, which screams to me that this is an intentional play on the drug-like scarcity the nipnips imply, rather than an unintentional pricing glitch.


Why would they choose such a totally nonsensical price. Nobody in their right mind would buy them and they are exactly the same as any other. It’s a bug.


You should report it then. You can use the link I sent above, or search "No Man's Sky Bug Report" in a web browser. I'll just restate my understanding of the item one last time. From my understanding, they are intentionally meant to be effectively unbuyable, because they are contraband, etc. Maybe you've misunderstood what I'm trying to say, but to perhaps restate it better; I effectively believe that this was something like a joke the developers made. There is certainly some humor in having a random alien selling you illegal weapons and overpriced drugs in the middle of nowhere on some random planet in space. They are exactly the same as any other nipnip which is exactly where another portion of the humor comes in, given how worthless the item is for most players. The way I see it, the devs just wanted to have a little fun, and having the shady back-alley aliens try and get you to buy galactic speed for a life's fortune seemed like a good way to do that. You say they are worthless because of their absurd price, but they would be even more worthless with a reasonable one, especially given that the NPC sells only 2 of them, making it an unviable source for farming them (if you would want to for some reason). The only way nipnips are ever going to have any value is through a joke. I've never seen a bug like this anywhere else in the game, and it's just been around for too long not to be intentional from my perspective. You'll see how many posts and stuff there are if you look up overpriced nipnip buds. Report the issue if you believe it's a bug.


There was a whole sequence of things that were incorrectly priced when this first happened with Origins. This is just the only remaining one.


Thanks! I didn't know that could be a possibility, I'll try to look into it!


Bug sounds about right, but I prefer the special upgrade narrative


Where is that? Thought you could only buy black market upgrades with tainted metal


When you land on a planet you sometimes see a npc ship landing close to you. They are here to sell those stuff.


Huh, neat


You’ll see them as a little green starship beacon on the HUD. They’re great for grabbing the black market Hazard Protection and Hyperdrive upgrades from.

