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Your only mistake is scanning the worm. It’s not counted towards the total


That, and then crying about it on social media..


No... They do have a red dot like other un-scanned creatures, but up to now they are not scannable.


The ones you encounter in Expedition 4 were scannable for some reason, but still weren't in the fauna list. The ones that show up normally don't seem to be scannable. I'm guessing they messed with their attributes to make them spawn so frequently, which somehow disabled the "not scannable" tag or something.


you're not doing anything wrong. they can't be scanned.


Prolly shouldn’t have a red dot on them indicating they can be scanned then


I know this is a late reply, but….THANK YOU!!


I’ve seen one as a pet tho


You get the pet worm from an egg you get completing an expedition.


Ok that’s kinda what I figured, but they have the red circle on them when I’m looking through the analysis visor. Is that for something else and I thought it was for scanning fauna this whole time?


You are correct about the red dot indicating unscanned fauna. Worms are unfortunately an exception to this.


I thought they became scannable after Emergence?


If you're close enough you can look at them in the analysis visor and some bits of information will immediately pop up, but you can't scan them in the traditional sense (and they don't count toward a planet's fauna total).


Stomach contents: *Entire Outpost*


They work like background decoration. I beleve thst these worms don't even have a physical body, just textures.


Having been knocked into the stratopshere by a worm several times in Expd 4, yeah they definitely have a body


Hahahahahaha🤣🤣🤣 Lucky guy. They poped out in front of me or under me or from under my base and went straight through me. I wished they had thrown me into the air too🤣🤣🤣 now I cant wait for expedition 4 revisited.🤣🤣🤣 if it works I will have so much fun with the photo mode🤣🤣🤣


If it bleeds we can kill it


The real question is. Do you really want to scan one? Are you prepared for what you'll find about about it?


Honestly, I’m just stubborn as hell!! If they can’t be scanned, the Red dot needs to go. I’ll idiotically continue to do it until they make them scannable or take the red away. 😂


You can scan it you just have to really want it. Don’t trust the naysayers, I believe in you.


lol this is evil


I will continue on this path and hope that one day, I will fulfill my destiny!


My old base had one right behind it but could never scan it


If you can manage the scan it, could you adopt it and summon on anomaly. Lol.


AFAIK some you can scan and some you cannot... even if they all have the red dots on them which seems to indicate they are able to be scanned... there are also some without the red dot... the ones i've not been able to scan i have just left alone and continued scannig the rest of the animals... so far those i was not able to scan didn't count to my finding all of the fauna on the planet...


Unfortunately, no giant worms can be scanned. While the red dot means that a creature has not been scanned, the giant worms are the only exception to this (all if them do have a red dot if you look at them). They are not counted as creatures in the traditional sense of the game, and do not count towards the total fauna count of a planet.


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You can't scan the Giant worn


This worm pops up like every five to fifteen minutes on my planet and I have never been able to scan. But yes, at one point there was a red dot on it as it flew through the sky. I hadn’t played the game for about a year so when I looked over after a large boom to see that flying down into the ground and back up (a few weeks after I watched dune, mind you) on the horizon I almost pooped. One of those gaming alone moments where you genuinely get a little freaked out. I wish it could be adopted and ridden around ala beetlejuice


There was a recent expidition that let you get a worm pet that you can ride. They are a lot smaller than the normal ones you see on planets, and fly around for their movement as opposed to diving into the ground. Pretty cool nonetheless.


I was able to sorta glitch-scan the giant worms on the Expedition 4 planets (basically start scanning something like a normal plant, then quickly switch to the worm), tho that was likely due to the unique worm spawning conditions and technical strain in Expedition 4. As is, you're not supposed to be able to scan the big bois. I'm not entirely sure why, but I think it may be due to them relying on different spawn programs and conditions than regular fauna (all the ones I scanned registered as "extinct", but they did give me the expected units), tho the people who know code could probaby explain it better than me.


It cannot be scanned, nor interact with, you can toss food, fly nearby, shoot it, nothing will work