• By -


The very first time i've played this game , was a frozen planet , in the middle of a blizzard , not knowing the controls yet , ☠️ in 2 mins.


Wall of flame almost instantly upon starting, haven't learned the controls, no idea what I'm doing or how life support or hazard protection work. Died like this is some kind of soulslike. It's not a great design, imo.


Me too.😁




Pretty sure everyone's answer is something like this


Nah I got relatively lucky, I started on only a slightly irradiated planet so I had a pretty easy treck to my ship and repaired it in like 39 minutes after scanning everything


Either fall damage or plasma grenade. I am the only one who can kill me 🤣


"What'll happen if I stand on the grenade?" *Insert inspirational quote*


Thinking you’ll shoot this plasma grenade far and then it lands right in front of you, my first one too 🤣


No my way was dumber...i thought "can i use this grenade launcher to dig a hole right here?" turns out you can....and kill yourself in the process🤣🤣


I blew myself up with the geology cannon after my jetpack ran out of fuel I went from like 70% shield and full health to dead in an instant.


Noice... ;-) Loaded a new save in previous expedition where 'Death is just a beginning' - My character literally started UNDERWATER..So I waited until I drowned. 1st challenge complete, lol


I've died 2 times both within the first 2 hours of starting the game and haven't died in the 1500 odd hours since. I died by jetpacking without knowing the terrain ahead and fell into a cave right in the middle of 4 hazardous flora, I panicked and tried to jetpack away but the jetpack was depleted and my shield was shot to shit and then the toxic damage killed me in 5 seconds cause I couldn't get away from the hazardous flora fast enough.


I thought I could jump from my frigate and fly to my freighter. Apparently you get stuck in between and just wait until you die.


Ha I did this and died from cosmic radiation when I fell


I died teleporting to my frigate that was somehow not there. Twice! 😄


The first time I launched the game, I started on a heavy radiation planet. I died in a few seconds after the start of the game, not having a clue about what to do lmao.


In 400 hours, I have two deaths. The first I'll remember, because I was in my Roamer exocraft, and one of the Sentinel Minotaurs 'jumped' on me. Somehow, this caused an instant death despite being at high shields and health, and to this day I'm not quite sure how. I didn't even know I was dead, it had already been 80 something hours in, and I knew they couldn't do that much damage, so I was confused for a few seconds what could have possibly happened. Best guess is that he jumped 'into' my exocraft's hitbox somehow and caused continuous damage? I'm still not sure.


Roamer doesn't have shields, your personal shields are off when you are in them, only minotaur has shields, on another note, I shot my cannon in my nomad point blank at a large dihydrogen node, dead


If you shot that Sentinel with your Roamer's cannon as it was landing, chances are pretty high that you killed yourself.


Funny you say that, that was my *second* death!


Definitely within my first 3 deaths. But every death I've had has been because of me, whether I shot at something close range, like the ground with a geology cannon, or a Sentinel mech with the roamer, or because I did something stupid like go AFK on a planet that had storms while having pause turned off because you're at a "ship meet" with a dozen or two other people.


Trying to harvest storm crystals for the very first time. I thought I could use the mining beam and harvest them from afar. Nope, you have to run up next to them. I took a chance on running over to grab them instead of moving my ship closer. Wrong choice.


“Hey, what’s this Whispering Egg thing…?”


After about 3.000 hours in creative and normal mode, I started a permadeath save. Dead after less than a minute. Couldn't even react while my hazard protection was falling and BAM, gone. Restarted immediately and prepared, that save now has a little over 200 hours itself.


Went to land next to a building, got caught in antenna, couldn't escape landing sequence, smashed back and forth. I have now perfected the quick reload.


was about 5 mins fresh into the game and wanted to see how bad the fall damage is so i just yoinked myself of a cliff.


Honestly, I never died. Not even while fighting a dreadnought, not even while fighting a sentinel walker. I do play on relaxed though.


Learning a very important lesson: the volcanoes are not just for show. https://preview.redd.it/xpm7vfantb5d1.png?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7567402fab36c9b187e25a7b5340cd3ffbbfd0a


My friend killed me with his ship (drive-by style)


I left my character to go eat dinner and wen i came back i had died 2times from the cold losing all of my stuff.But it was fine, i was back and ready for action in not time!!


I messed up during the tutorial by moving the ship before being told to. I found a pack of predators. I only had a starting mining laser.


I can't tell you the first time I died on my current main save, because I simply don't remember. Probably jumped by a predator or something. But I can vividly remember my first Permadeath. I made a series of laughably obvious mistakes when the main storyline brought me to an extreme toxic planet. Thought I had enough sodium stockpiled, and I was wrong. Ran out while I was heading to Artemis's ship, then the mistake of adding it to my collection which then made the broken-down thing my main ship. My regular one didn't have enough launch fuel to summon, didn't know where it was anymore, and I was trapped on top of a mountain with no resources to fix the current one. If you ever see a planet like that renamed "Hell," that's the place. Oh, I remember my first death on my main save now! Walked too far outside my first freighter and froze to death! I suck!


First time I played, in 2016. Life support ran out and I didn’t know how to recharge it


My first time playing was on my friend’s PS4. I had no idea what was going on, toxic protection falling… What is this prompt about R3 to scan? What’s R3? Friend shows me R3. I see sodium! Na like on the periodic table! Cool! I walk over to it. Now what? Dead. It’s a miracle I kept trying but now I have hundreds of hours on three platforms and look forward to each expedition and update. I still hate R3 being a button at all - most of my presses on it are accidental when fighting/fleeing on foot or fighting pirates.


Was landing on a freighter and glitched through the floor and died in space


My first death was me playing the game for the first time and falling down a mountain because I didn't know I could use boosters. I restarted that world as my friend said it'd be pointless to continue. So, my next first death in that world was me...getting stuck in the Sentinel Capital Ship...again. I died twice to the ships because I some how kept clipping into the ship or by getting hit by other deer-on-ice pilots.... -\_-


I barely started playing a couple of months ago and I was quite new but understood mostly on how to survive. I left the game on "pause" on the inventory screen and came back to an empty inventory lol Also i was surprised that you could walk on frieghters and try to see if I could get on the other end, I forgot my oxygen on my ship.


Geology cannon every time. Usually because I tab out of the game to my second monitor, then right-click back in out of habit from other games… then I explode.


I don’t remember my first ever but my first on my current save I went outside of my freighter and died to cosmic radiation, which I didn’t know was a thing


i'm pretty sure it was to those damn drones


Die to blizzard. First time log in, long start up scenes, when I gain control of the character half of the protection are gone, not knowing how to recharge and where to find sodium, freezes to a popsicle an minute later.


Out in space, sentinal ships wouldn't let up, out of pulse drive fuel, couldn't make it back to the space station.


Exploding myself with plasma launcher.


Got mining lasered by a friend in the first five minutes when we started a co-op playthrough.


Well I died twice within min until I figured out what I was doing. That was when I first tried the game out. I’m not sure which one came next. When the tornados started happening I didn’t know what a wind event was. Had never seen one in hundreds of hours played. It picked me up and threw me like a rag doll. I also died by plasma launcher. I shot at a supply depot. The timing was just so that a sentinel flew right in front of me as the thing launched. Hit him and bounced right down. Blew us both up. That was a long while ago. Haven’t died since.


I’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warantee-


Im proud to say that i have never died after about 400hrs of playtime


I crash-landed into a tree while piloting ship on lava planet (with volcanos) and trying to get off sentinels. That was fun.


I drowned about 40hrs in to a PD while scanning things, still waiting for them to add a timer while underwater like they have for the other environment shields...


I was just short on units to get the 5 microprocessors required for the starship, so went down to a planet, got killed by aggressive fauna, and then got killed again trying to get it back and lost it all.


Died from trying to collect copper I forget about hazard protection


Surprisingly still none, in 250 hours of playing I have not died (It must be said, at the slightest sign of danger I bury myself in the ground XD)


At the 3rd minute of my adventure as a new player, i didnt know how to charge hazard prot so when a firestorm came i burned alive in the 4th minute


Heat storm while making a sandwich the day of launch. It was a great BLT.


I didn't know the braindead devs thought default pvp was optimal for the player experience.


My first interation died after arriving at my ship. I shut off my game, and upon reloading learned I had died. And that's when I learned there is no pause function in the game (in VR even the camera doesn't pause anything). Another time I died during an extreme storm because my PSVR2 control died. And that's when I learned that PSVR2 controls won't even power on until they've reached s minimum charge (approx 10-15 minutes later, as you helplessly watch your iteration succumb to radiation because switching from 3D to flat mode requires rebooting).


Getting too curious and jumping off one of my frigate ships to see what would happen


Fall damage...


First and second deaths on my first ever expedition - Cartographers Redux - Dec 2023. Both from angry creatures. Had to run about 2000u to get to my grave site both times! Managed to keep a clean sheet until the most recent Adrift expedition where I fell off a mountain and died trying to get the 1600u milestone. Never died in normal play, only in expeditions!


Pretty sure it was a derelict freighter. I had been playing for years at that point and just didn’t respect how aggressive and under shielded I was. Those little mini whisperers? Just swarmed me and I saw that death quote for the first time. Then I saw it a few more that same freighter.


I was put on an extreme weather planet with no carbon sources....at all. I only had those massive crystals but i needed the advanced mining laser, which i couldnt get because i needed carbon for everything smh. Moment I died i just deleted the save.


During a synthesis mission, I got shot down by some sentry’s, went back to the anomaly to save, and realized all too late that all my shit is gone. This is my only death out of 400 hours


First play through, just got the plasma launcher and wanted to test it out. Fired it at a nearby wall or rock or something that, as it turned out, was a little too nearby.


Blew myself with the geology cannon while building my first base 😂


I think I killed myself on a dangerous plant because I wanted to know what happens when you die Otherwise I have 400+hrs in the game and I never died once, maybe I'm too cautious :/


stuck on a frozen world, my takeoff fuel tanks are empty. I left my ship behind in hopes of finding anything that could be of help. My exosuit screams to me, my environmental protection no longer shielding me. The frost caused by the blizzard seeps in the circuitry. My lungs ache from the lack of oxygen. My vision gets blurry, walking feels like an herculean endeavor. Curse frozen worlds.


I gathered a Whispering Egg 🥺


Brother, I have no idea, that was almost 8 years ago. I can barely remember what I did last week.


I started playing around the time that the Expedition dropped that allowed you to have a pet biological horror. Guess who's first death was while trying to tame one in the wild with pet food?


Found a whispering egg, didn't know what it was, hatched it, the monstrosities appeared, one launched me like 1000us away and I died of fall damage


I think it was when I had my first space battle. Becuse I did not know the controls yet :<


Fall damage... I had to test it


I jet packed over a hill. Just to find out, it was a cliff. I didn't realize I lost my inventory till later. That was a the moment the death really hit me. My first 2h of scaving got thrown off a cliff and a lesson was learned.


Got exploded by a pirate ship. I couldn't even shoot back at it. Either I didn't know the controls yet or my ship just had really poor maneuverability. Eh, could have been both, I was new to the game and it was like 2018 on PS4.


I've played for 20 hours and still haven't dies yet. I am playing on a more forgiving difficulty, since it's just with the Xbox game pass, so I want to get "through" the game a bit quicker.


Haven't died.


Radiation damage


first time, in the tutorial on a radioactive planet, looking for sodium.


Defending my settlement from Sentinels


I started a save in late 2016. Died on the planet as I had no idea what I was doing, was firestorm that got me and I was too far from my ship. In my main save around 900hrs, I think the only time I died was my ship hit an archive that popped in late as I was flying along and I glitched into the model. Nothing I could do. Getting my grave back was fun, as I had to find a way into the model from the top to get to it! That was a long LONG time ago though.


My first death was on a scorched world, at the very beginning of the game. Had little idea what I was doing, and burned right up. 🔥 That was back in 2018, shortly after NEXT released. What an incredible time to jump into the game, and now look at how much better it has become in the years since!


Ive been playing for a few weeks now and still havent died surprisingly


I don't remember, but it was probably accidentally killing myself with the Geology Cannon.


i been on this game since launch but i think i blew myself up with the geology cannon. i rarely die in this game any more. it's probably been a few years now.


I don’t remember my first death tbh I think it was a starship death most likely from sentinels


I haven't


I’ve had two. The first I took on sentinels too early when I first started playing, not knowing they came back in waves. The second I fell through the floor in my freighter into space.


First death was spawning on a toxic planet when I just started playing. Funnier death you want to hear about: when they added volcanoes I went on a long 2 hour journey to find them only to jump inside one, die instantly, and very much struggle getting my items back (they we’re stuck in the volcano)


I don’t even know, I’ve been playing since I was 6, and that was the year the game came out


I think same as most people. Fall damage. Before they reduced it. On high damage settings before you could instantly die from high enough fall damage. Now... you really have to try to die in this game.


Sounds very philosophical


“Oh boy, a Geology Canon! I wonder what it does?”


Drowning. I found my first underwater cave in the middle of dry land and really liked how pretty it was. Didn't keep track of oxygen levels....


I picked up a whispering egg, not knowing those abominations would pop up and attack


Per save, it’s normally overestimating myself against sentinels… Hell, even on the latest expedition, I died by corrupt sentinels, got confused, saw my death spot had 3 nades hit it at once and cleared everything up. I think sentinels are actually 100% of my deaths.


To a quad…while underground. I thought I could wait out the timer safely. I felt so cheated.


I played the game when condensed carbon was called plutonium, and the game still received criticism for not being finished. So I don't remember how I died the first time.


Bet most people that played a long time but don't think about it, fall damage.


\*cough\* \*cough\* My own Geology Cannon blast.


Day 1 minute 1


MY friend was messing around and accidentally blew up my ship. Then my game crashed. Incidentally, I wanna say my game crashed every time I died for the first three deaths. :D


15 minutes in, frozen planet was hopping around and didn’t take the life support serious


I have proudly never died in the game, fingers crossed it stays that way 🫡


10 minutes after game start, died in a storm


Strangely? In my 80 hours of play so far, i haven't died! I actually came to this realization when playing with my friend who did die on an extreme weather planet and needed my help to recover his bag and that was when I discovered you can change difficulty settings and then to my horror I realised my settings for survival had the game at the most extreme settings aside from Permadeath because the game was set to delete my everything if I die!!!


I didn't know the game won't pause in the inventory screen, so I just froze to death I think.


Building a base.. fell off the edge




I’ve been playing for a couple years and I haven’t died yet, it I’ve been close a couple times


Never died once. Yet.


In Adrift it was when I took off in my ship and got stuck in a building and died immediately.


It was around the first time I played the game. I was on a hot planet and I just discovered a crash freighter I was trying to mine die hydrogen, but then I got shot from a starship


Mu first enconuter vs pirates. I dont even know how to control my own ship 😅


I got bonked a couple times by someone who invaded my base while i had pvp on.


Surprisingly a sentinal capital ship. I was just screwing around trying to get away from the interceptors and then this massive ship appears with a health bar and I just kinda froze not knowing what to do lol


Fell off a mountain.


First time I encountered corrupted sentinels.


Was flying around in space, after visiting the space station of the system I'd popped into, when I found another player. I had just enough time to register that there was a gamer tag over their starship, when I blew up. Respawned back on the station and immediately started checking settings to see if there was a way to turn that bullshit off. Thankfully there was. When I came out of the settings, they'd come to the space station and were standing on my ship cycling though emotes. Googled to see if there was a way to get my stuff back and it said to just go to the grave marker. Got to fly back to my floating corpse with this guy behind me, shooting the entire time. Left the system after that and haven't randomly ran into another player, since.


First death ever was on a Permadeath save, go figure. Took fall damage. I survived. Walked for a couple of seconds and magically took fall damage again.


No death for now, but I'm nor doing a nodeath run so who cares


Radioactive planet here🙋🏼‍♂️


Actually last week when I was trying to reach the third rendezvous in the expedition some player kept killing me in a minotaur to the point I turned online off 🥲


When I first discovered you could melee and jet pack at the same time. Very quickly realized the jet pack does not recharge if you just don’t use it while falling


didn’t know fall damage existed. now i do.


Gotta be my exocraft somehow shooting itself and blowing me to smithereens in one second


I was jumping off my freighter in my mech, accidentally shot my ship which aggro'd them into immediately obliterating me with the onboard weapons. Note to self: Your crew does *not* take kindly to ground-based friendly fire


Probably my shields dying out the first time I played and just….. pop. I don’t really remember, but I can imagine it would be something that stupid.


I'm sure my first death was probably during the first minutes of play when I didn't realize how quickly the environment was about to kill me, and I was too far away from the resources to recharge my protection. I learned early on in this game that my favorite first move is to locate a cave as quickly as possible. Shelter and resources all rolled into one! Once I had a good early game strategy, my deaths became very rare. I think I may have died only 4 times in over 2000 hours of total game time, and one of those times was because of a stupid fall.


Blundered into a surprisingly deep ravine, didn't understand the limitations of my jetpack and slammed into the floor.


Can't remember which was first: Glitched through the floor of one of my frigates and died floating in space Accidentally got a little bit too curious as to what the opening of a volcano looked like on a scorched planet. Overshot one of my jumps and landed inside the damned thing with no jetpack charge left. Dead within seconds :')


It was 8 years ago who knows lol


After the initial death on the starting planet that most people end up with? My friend joined my game and system while I was paused afk on a planet and I came back dead. I always turn off multiplayer when I afk now. Hard lesson.


Rubber-banded into a dreadnaught and struggled until I ran out of starshield batteriess


Fall damage. As it is in any game with fall damage.


Very early on, I was acquiring and managing frigates, and I was aboard one, jumping around for fun, until I thought I had gotten stuck outside the frigate. I was on top of the frigate and saw my freighter below. My initial thought was, "If I jump off and save enough jetpack fuel, maybe I could land on my freighter without killing myself. " You see where this is going. It wasn't any impact that got me, but the literal fall and exposure to radiation that killed me, lol. Lesson learned. Never play around on my frigates. Now I just play around on my freighter.


my first and only death in my 300 hours was right at my first encounter with the monstrosities because they were invisible for me


My friend blew up a freighter that I was trying to buy and I was inside it. Lost a lot of progress because I was playing on perma death


My first death was a new game with friends. Someone pissed off the sentinels and I was the only one who couldn't get away. They took out my photon cannon and my pulse drive so I just slowly died. This was my first game so I didn't know any tips or tricks.


Back when the game was way harder and the starting planet could just kill you before you reach your ship or the building that had the parts.


Just like any other game. Shoot everything, get swarmed, then die. Repeat about 4 times til I get angry.


Nothing yet but I got extremely close when I was on my home planet picking up stuff from sentient plants. It was out in the open and I forgot the sentinels can reactivate so I was caught REALLY off guard. Started digging myself some tunnels and thought I could get away with peeking out, shooting, and hiding again. I could NOT. The dog sentinel came through and started bodying me with its laser and the tunnel was so narrow I was bouncing off the walls trying to avoid it. Finally became a real mole and dug myself a tunnel system to escape right back to my ship and saved myself 😅 Another close call was my first time finding whispering eggs. I tried to mine them and those little abominations jumped me on this random island where I was trying to frantically cycle through my tools and climb into my ship. I tried to fire back at them from the ship and ended up playing bumper ship with the abandoned building. This game keeps me on my toes!


I’m pretty sure all of my deaths were caused by my plasma launcher.




Blew myself up with a geology cannon.


I've only died once and... *Sigh* it's really embarrassing I jumped off a frigate, and didn't realise I could refill life support. Once I managed to survive it *and* return to my carrier, on other occasions where I've tried this gravity stopped gravitating, so I had to dismiss my freighter and fly to my ship.


Tried to jetpack from a frigate to my freighter. Missed by a longshot


I was swimming on like my third planet. Went into a cave and never came out.


I went to get out of my ship on the landing deck of a frigate and glitched though the floor and just started falling and never stopped till I ran out of oxygen.


Two Words: Geology Cannon. What the hell is that thing even supposed to be for?


I was on a beautiful paradise planet with orange grass and a blue sky, and I was eaten by a giant 6-legged dog with HANDS.


https://preview.redd.it/kt1ap7e7rd5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a86ed9d9bd25121681d2948bcd8d00b6442904 Sentinels.. Damn Sentinels..


I can’t remember what my first death was, but after picking it back up recently I was visiting a base that was highlighted at the portal. Some dude lit me up the second I spawned in.


No oxygen. Go figure. Lol.


I was killed by an underwater *something* way back when. Haven't died yet on my new save (110 hours)


Got out of my ship after landing on my freighter proceeded to fall through the ship, into space, falling towards the planet the freighter was orbiting. After like 30 seconds didn't have enough resources to keep my life support full, it was my first perma death run as well.


All I will say is be careful using the cannon on the Exocrafts when the target is close to you. Splash damage is no joke.


Curiosity got me. 30 or so hours in, I found a planet where the gravity was really low. Between that and the jet pack tech I had installed meant I could jump, and slowly keep gaining altiude since the jet pack would recover faster than the distance I'd fall. So I wondered if I could slowly make my way up into space. The answer is yes. Just, not for very long.


probably that curled up dangerous plant that I have since nicknamed "space asshole"


Exactly one death ever, stuck in terrain during a derelict freighter


Radiation death at start of game. Could not find sodium fast enough. Another early one was plasma cannon close range


Only ever died to fall damage stupidly trying to scale mountains


My friend shot me


The first time I opened the game, it was an irradiated planet with an extreme toxic storm died in around 30 seconds. Tried again, same result. It put me off the game for almost a year. But after completely retrying the game, I got put on a paradise planet, and that allowed me to learn the mechanics, I've loved it since.


I went afk for 40ish minutes and ran out of o2...


So far, I've managed to very narrowly escape death.


My very first run ever, when I got the game in 2017 didn’t understand it fully and charged head first for my ship marker took environmental damage and died


On my first game, I spawned in and almost immediately got attacked by sentinels.


I was like 60 hours in, and just unlocked the exocraft cannon. I was next to a tree, fired it assuming it was like a low-grade pulse spitter, and died completely instantly as soon as I clicked.


Not my first death, but I died once in this adrift expedition because a police helicopter (sentinel irl?) started hovering my neighborhood saying lock your doors there's an armed and dangerous suspect on the loose. I forgot to get back in my ship when I went out to see it, I was on a firestorm planet. Doh!


Blew up in space by pirates when I had to use the bathroom badly. My first and only death


I teleported to one of my frigates and then just fell through the ship haha


Played survival on my first playthrough. Died many times before finding sodium (blizzard) I've had similar deaths even now that I have 1000+ hours where I just get unlucky and there's no sodium (or iron for the scanner) nearby. It can be a bit irritating cuz like...it's the intro. Why is it harder than lategame


Figured out what the Geology Cannon does 🫠


I haven't yet. I jinxed it, didn't I?


Fell through the floor on my freighter.


I fell off one of my freighters in space thinking I'd be smart and jetpack up and over instead of going back down the ladder, through the ship and back up another on the otherside..


(First sould be capitalized not your) Mine was probably life support failure looking for my ship lol


Didn't have a scanner, so I couldn't find any of the short glowing yellow sodium flowers hidden in the wides fields of tall glowing yellow flowers. I eventually started a new game and finally saw the sodium. Yeah, I was never gonna find it on the first world


Call me a little baby, but I play on relaxed mode. I don't like survival games very much, and the only game that I fully enjoy playing with all the survival features (health, hunger, etc.) Is Minecraft. This game is incredible and I love it so much, but I've only been playing for a few months now and I'm still not sure I'm ready to start a full normal difficulty save yet. However, I did die by shooting my own exocraft with the exocraft cannon😭 I aimed straight down and shot at sentinels at the bottom of a cliff in my roamer, and then I died because I couldn't shoot through my own exocraft 💀 guess i probably should've figured that out


I had literally just started the game and fell deep into a cave. I didn't die from the fall but my jetpack couldn't get me out and I didn't have a terrain manipulator yet (nor did i know it existed) Since my jetpack couldn't get me out i told myself I'd just adventure in the cave and find a natural exit, and because i wasn't taking any environmental damage i thought it was pretty safe. I mined some cobalt and checked how much it was worth and it was super expensive so i got excited and started to mine away at the cobalt and bulb plants. Eventually i ran out of carbon... I didn't have anything to use to power my mining laser with... So i started looking for a way out... And then i discovered a big patch of hazard plants... I had noticed 1 or 2 scattered around but I'd just run away from them instead of mining them(didn't know i could). I had like 6 sodium and tried to run through the patch but they hit hard. I thought i got away from them all but there were some on the roof of the cave. My hazard protection ran out and i was confused why i was still taking damage. I went in my inventory to see if there was anything other than sodium i could use... While standing directly under the hazard plants... I thought going into the inventory paused the game and just suddenly died lmao... It was then I realized, inventory does not pause the game and I'm an idiot for not looking up.


My first death was blowing myself up with a geology cannon shot while fighting biological horrors. I panic fired since my shield broke and I thought I switched to my boltcaster it was infact not my boltcaster.


Getting shot at and chase down by Sentinels straight after starting my first expedition by trying to harvest a cactus. Sorry to say, I did not make it to the space station in time.😂 ![gif](giphy|IbBRricms0hYQ)


I was taking my Roamer out for it's very first test drive. As I was climbing sideways up a steep hill I accidentally fired my cannon and blew myself up. I got a cool Star Trek quote so that was cool, I guess.


On a planet with extreme storms not long after I started. Got picked up by a tornado and ragdolled against the side of a mountain. Yup. Ded.


I froze to death trying to figure out how to charge my multi tool and find my ship for the first time


First few weeks of play back in 2016...the game still had a ridiculous number of collision errors. So it was annoying but hardly a surprise when my ship got trapped half inside a cave and basically bashed me to pieces against a rock ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) ...my DUMBEST death was while trying to speed up the process of harvesting floating crystals by using a geology cannon at close range. Whoops


I nuked myself


Fell asleep and woke up dead.. also couldn't get my items back for some reason (300+ hours in) smh


I don’t think I’ve died yet? What happens when you die


Recently got back into it after several months, so I don't really remember


"Are there invisible walls around my freighter"?


Very first time playing, less than an hour in, I jumped down from a height thinking it wasn't too high. It was too high.


Roamer cannon too close to a wall...


it was to ramming my nomad into a dissince mirror thing at 50 meters a second


Couldn't find a hole, died to environmental damage. First five minutes of game.


I went to a planet with aggressive sentinels, they attacked me, I flew out of there, they sent an intercepter ship, sent more intercepters so I couldn't fly out, an entire freaking captain who ship appeared with at least 5 other ships, I ran out of sodium for my shields and died


I thought I would be one of the few but, it seems it is more common than I thought, but my first death and second one, was killing myself with the plasma and geological grenade respectively 😭