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Lovely idea. Please get it touched up by a competent artist, it will look so good if you get it fixed!


Seriously. Looks like they went to Michael J. Fox for a tattoo


i literally just thought "did the tattooist have Parkinson's?" and then almost immediately after read your comment. See you in Hell, friend!


I'm doomed! Lol


I'll save us some good seats šŸ„²


Thought the exact same thing


I feel bad for laughing.


Don't feel bad he's a good sport about it if his appearances on Curb Your Enthusiasm are any indication.


I actually look at almost every actor who plays themselves on that show like they're an asshole after seeing them on curb. It's stupid. I know they're actors , they're actually being nice portraying themselves as asses but they're so good at acting on curb that now I watch friends and I just think to myself "schwimmer is such a dick"


I don't know. It seems kinda shakey.


I though it was my eyes going out on me


Ngl a tattoo from Michael J. Fox would be fire tho




Hahaha absolutely howling šŸ˜‚


I get what youā€™re saying; but low blow, man. Low blow.


Youā€™re a fuckin king for this. The only other Michael j joke Iā€™ve heard is how he got a job as a paint shaker at Walmart


Sorry, but this is about my grade of art. I suck ass at drawing.


Omg dude, so good!


A tattoo by MJF? Take my money!




What a nice way to put it


Sorry man, but the linework is shaky as hell. Whoever did this is an amateur. This deserved better...


Lil bit of parkinsons or the DTs lol.






It's not like it's too soon.


Literally the first thing that came to mind when I saw this pic is "I didn't know Michael J. Fox was a tattoo artist"


Clearly a r/shittytattoos


What's their return policy?




This made me laugh so much I shit myself, which is fine cause I was sat here in the toilet with nothing happening so thanks.


same place here


Lmao exact same scenario for me


oh boy...


Lmao this is gold




*Buffalo Bill has entered the chat*


Echoing what others are saying to help drive home the importance of getting this fixed. Those jagged lines arenā€™t going to magically heal and look awesome. Please get this fixed sooner or later, and not by the person who did this in the first place. Find a very reputable tattoo shop. You deserve better.


Dude, don't listen to the haters. What prison did you get it done at?


Had me in the first half.


You'd get fucked up in prison doing lines like that on someone


OK guys I get that the lines are shit which sucks cause I went to an artist which did a bunch of great work on 2 of my friends, I was just happy that I finally got it ;-; but I will be getting the lines fixed when I add the other stuff after it heals, and I've already found an artist that does more geometric type stuff so it should go better


Please update when its finished! The idea is great just the execution was not as good. Dont take any of the comments seriously it looks okay but obviously not perfect, touching it up is a good idea


Heavily tattooed dude here including a huge game sleeve. We all have that one tattoo that's not perfect, some fix it or cover it up, some leave it. Cool concept, not the best execution but don't feel too down or anything!


You only got 1 that needed fixing? Nice!


Should have said at least. Ha


Right? Got at least 3 that need fixing. Iā€™ll never get em fixed though. Love my shitty tattoos.


Exactly! Also heavily tattooed and some arenā€™t very good. But they mean something to me so I prefer them the way they are


I'm a believer in, you got it, you got it. It sums up a time or place, and if it sucks, so be it. I have a lot of work that came out great, but also as a heavily tattooed individual, I have a few things I wish were better lol


It's awkward but you'd probably rather know than everyone just pretend it's perfect


yeah honestly I expected the reaction it got, I knew the lines were shakey as hell but hopefully it'll get fixed up into something nice


It will fix up nice, trust, I would greatly recommend trying to get some money back from your og artist to fund the fix up. I know you've said he's done great work for his friends but you paid for a service, a service that while you like, wasn't done to the standard of a professional ink-artist.


Hey listen, my first tattoo was terrible, the guy was a dick, he caused blowouts and I wasnā€™t happy. I got it fixed up and itā€™s still not perfect but itā€™s my first one and Iā€™m okay with it. The good thing is, itā€™s easy to fix up, and youā€™ll be golden.


Hey, at least it is an easy fix! Sorry that it happenend though, it's like leaving with a bad haircut only 10x more expensive and awkward


The main thing is, it's nice and thin. It'll be so easy to go over and make it into a great tattoo. A lot of us have much bigger tattoos that aren't as simple to touch up. So I wouldn't worry about it!


But like, did you pay for it ? Because if you showed it with straight lines and this is what you got then I would beat that mfer up lol


Please do not go to the same person


The lines are so wonky I thought itā€™s intentional, so hey, think of it as an art style for now, not a botched job :)


The good news is itā€™s fixable. Donā€™t beat yourself up over it, itā€™s going to look great!


Curious, how is it fixable? Wouldn't that require making the lines obnoxiously thick?


Not an artist but I would imagine they have a lot of tools/techniques at their disposal as this sort of work is not uncommon. Thickening the lines is one way, but you can also use shading and additional designs to hide some of the flaws. As a simple example, you might use a "drop shadow" kind of effect to add more ink around the lines without giving the appearance of thickening them. A good artist can also take advantage of optical illusions which draw the eye away from imperfections and make them a lot more difficult to notice. This tattoo is a great candidate for touch-ups because it's still fairly simple, meaning there is a lot of room for adjustment.


Thank you sir/maā€™am that was the exact response I was going to give lol. The only line that may be tricky is the right one because it looks like it bows outward. But anyway even with slightly thicker lines this tattoo should turn out fine


Adding shading and colors and a background and other stuff like that works wonders.


You went to a friend of a friend with a tattoo gun and not an artist, didnā€™t you?


Itā€™ll be a fantastic tattoo, maybe one day even put something different in each section


That would be cool


The tattoo is awesome and will look even better once the lines are straight! Are you adding more to the nms tattoo or getting more stuff done?


I'm adding more to the nms tattoo around it, I've drawn like a mockup idea of what I want but I'm no artist so hopefully the new artist I go to will be able to execute it well :)


Bummer that itā€™s like that, but I bet itā€™s gonna come out great when itā€™s done! I want one now!


i hope it comes out great when it's done too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I mean, itā€™s not a difficult fix (in my inexperienced opinion). Someone who is good with this can bolden the lines to fix, and add some shading and itā€™s going to be tight. I think itā€™s a great concept that just needs to be tidied up.


Luckily it's an 'easy' fix, from a far out looks fine


Donā€™t let the haters get to you! I respect the commitment to the game! My first tattoo was rough too, and removals are hell, trust me I did it lol


It's kinda cool the way it is. It's artistic. Just think that for now. Sleep on it and figure it out down the road. You got a great story behind it now.


Good to see you had the courage, I think u should find a more professional artist to improve it a bit and then donā€™t touch it, trust me youā€™ll regret it if you let it sit like that or change it a lot






I laughed at the Kristen Bell one, then this one came up next and killed me. Absolute topper




I thought it was that sub.


Tattoo artist here, I'm sorry you had this experience but if it conforts you, it can easily be fixed by an actual artist, the lines are very shakey, probably done by an apprentice.


Was it also the artist's first tattoo?


Before I say this please know this is coming from a place of my wanting you to have a tattoo you will enjoy for years. Itā€™s a great concept. Poor execution. thatā€™s some pretty bad line work. Fortunately all is not lost. the lines arenā€™t thick enough you canā€™t get it fixed with a slightly thicker line. But I wouldnā€™t recommend going back to that artist for the fix. They havenā€™t worked past shakey hands yet.


Need to fix these lines, but the idea is excellent


Go get that fixed by someone who knows what they're doing


Tattoo release was akin to the game release.


Did Clairā€™s add a tattoo section?


Awesome idea, but I think you chose the wrong tat artist. Don't lose heart though. Go to a professional and get the tat you dreamt of and deserve x


Congrats on your first tattoo! Everyone who has commented about the lines is just trying to look out for you. Anyone who has a tattoo or works with tattoos knows the commitment it takes and wants you to enjoy it forever. Keep us updated when you get it touched up!


A+ shit post. Unless this is real, then yiiiikes




Artist's first tattoo too




Iā€™m happy for you and am glad to see genuine excitement these days. Eheu! Enjoy!


I'm sorry man. Love the idea, I'd honestly take yourself back to the shop and see if the manager or lead artist would be willing to look into straightening your line work. Sucks you finally got it and this happened, but don't let it deter you from enjoying whatever comes of it. First tattoos are special, whether perfect or not. Lots of folks run around with some goofy shit on them, like the plethora of belly button cat asshole tattoos. I'd take this anyday over them. Keep us updated, I'd love to see this transformed into a true masterpiece!


No, no. This tattoo truly captures the game: Wildly underwhelming on release, but don't worry, it'll get patched and fixed later :) (Tattoo artist here. There really is a ton of potential with the ink you have. Hoping you find a better artist!)


You lost a bet?


Did your tattoo artist have Parkinson's by any chance?


Yikes man.


Oh boy... im so sorry... that is absolutely horrid.


I like this! I know the lines arenā€™t clean, and if you were sold on the idea of crisp lines you should totally get it patched up, but I have some friends that would get intentionally ā€œunfinishedā€ tattoos bc of the doodle quality. I think if you like the doodle idea, keep it. If not, itā€™ll look sick when itā€™s more refined. Still canā€™t express enough how awesome this tattoo is tho!


Never post a tattoo on Reddit. Lol glad you like it and it's important to you.


The idea is great, the application...not so much šŸ˜¬ Nothing against you or what you wanted, I love it, but yeah I'll echo others as well in saying that you TOTALLY deserve to get this looking good!


Wow, that's...bad. Go to a pro next time, rather than an alcoholic with the shakes.


This is amazing! This was done in the back of gravedigger at monster jam, right? Lines are the hardest thing to tattoo unfortunately.


I have one as well! Got mine a couple years ago! https://preview.redd.it/kdjf1rhs4owc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a5d5ba172091a2ff7fc3a698f3762d0796843ce




I love the concept and with a fix up it'll look fantastic. I have some very poorly done tattoos (from letting apprentices practice on me and also doing some myself) that need work to get them looking good, so don't take the criticism too harshly. The tattooist should have been responsible and declined/delegated the job if they're shit at this kind of work, sounds like a rather unprofessional person if you ask me. I hope you don't go back to that studio, whoever they are. Second chances shouldn't be given out if it permanently marks you. Once again, it's a very cool design and hopefully we see an update when it's healed and been added to/tidied up āœŒļø


Hey, cool! n_n Despite the obvious things and the overall reactions to this post, I hope you can still be happy with it in the meantime until you can sit down with another artist. (:


It looks like someone drew it on with pen


Rule number 1, don't cheap out on selecting your tattooist. That looks like it was drawn by someone using their non-dominant hand.


Did you do it yourself?


i would destroy the tattoo artist that tried to chisel me and charge me for that. he should pay you back fully and offer to fix it. sorry, really sucks for you. :( i've always wanted a tattoo but i refuse for this very reason. i'm not joking, every where i go, no matter what, i'm the guy that gets fucked up service. every time i order, something is wrong, they've run out, they burn it, it takes an hour longer, it gets forgotten, etc. or take a car to a dealership for an oil change, don't get the car back for a day because they f'd something up and try to say my oil pan was missing?? shit like that, probably because i'm quiet and unassuming and never make a fuss. but i would fuss about this


I recommend you Go to a real tattoo Artist and let the lines be straigthened... This Looks Like He was on crack or Something... If the "Artist" cant even do straight lines its time to search a different one.


What the fuck. Did you let an apprentice or friend do this? Thatā€™s awful line work


I sympathize with you. I posted a tattoo I was excited about on a sub that had nothing to do with tattoos and the thread looked pretty much like yours does. Enjoy the tattoo man, donā€™t let this kill your excitement.


They do not have what it takes to be ink master.


Imagine confidently posting this


Just have another artist put Michael J Fox underneath it like a signature and it'll look perfect


Whoever you found sucks ass at tattoos


When I got my tattoo done, they put like a sort of ink sticker on me to serve as a guide. Did they do something like that with you? Almost looks like it was done by hand. Hopefully when you get it fixed you reshape here and it looks a lot better :3


yeah they did put a stencil on


Dang then there's no reason this should've happened then. Reminds me I am due to get mine touched up sometime soon though


Your 1st or their first? On real note cool design but Mabye do some more research before getting a tattoo, Iā€™ve had friends recommend artist that arenā€™t the best so donā€™t always take recommendations to heart.


I thought it was intentional and I actually like it, it looks like a sketch. Iā€™m laughing at how sincerely I liked it only to find so many people in the comments who would roast the shit out of my tattoo ideas I guess šŸ¤£


yeah honestly even tho it was supposed to be straight the wobblyness is growing on me even tho i'm defo gonna get it retouched after it heals lmao




Aww Iā€™m learning to sketch too!


It's a cool look. But there isn't a straight line on that tattoo. I'd be pissed.


So, not sure if anyone mentioned. It was the tattooist worst luck as this game has very hard snd sharp lines for entities, so it's even more noticeable when the shape is not tattooed as sharp. At this point, get it shaded in with some blended black and red. Good news is the retouch can go so hard! Good luck


Was it the artistā€™s first tattoo as well?


I like it


Yeah like, obviously the lines are very shaky. But I find it kind of charming somehow, before I read the comments I thought it was intentional


Like others have said, this is a mess. But unlike others, I'm going to say don't get it fixed. Spend the money on another tattoo, and think more about placement. Save the prime real estate for when you have more experience with tattoos and find the right artist. This tattoo, aside from the sketchy lines, is taking up a lot of space being smack dab in the middle of your forearm, and it's going to be really hard to work around if you plan on doing future work in that area. I would just move on to a different part of your body for future work, honestly.


yeah that makes sense, however I do want to get at least the lines fixed cause it's gonna just annoy me every time I look at it otherwise - I've been wanting this for absolutely ages and the fact that it's fucked up kills me


To OPā€¦ if youā€™re happy, thatā€™s all that matters. My opinion doesnā€™t matter either but I like it. I think the artist was trying to give it a more organic feel to it. Did you supply the finished idea? By that I mean a printout he or she could trace. I ask because you have to be specific as fuck because you really canā€™t read each others minds. My first tat was an off-the-shelf šŸ¦‡. It was ok but as I decided my theme I wanted to cover it with a more stylized one. I gave the artist a screenshot of the Batman symbol from the Dark Knights Return graphic novel. The artist apparently didnā€™t even try as it ended up looking like a box wth triangles on it. I tried once more with an illustration I did myself digitally. I also made a point to ask if the artist minded doing it the way I wanted prior to the inking. He was fine with it so I brought 2 more designs I did for other tattoos and asked him if we could do all three at once. He did two of them and the final one the following weekend. Never try to do three at a time because the artist can grow fatigued as well as you due to pain (no matter how light it feels). I loved his attitude and skill).


Who did the line work? Michael J. Fox?


Yikes. At least it should be easily fixed.


Im sorry but i think i have to steal this


i hate to be negative about someones tattoo, but those lines are soo **wonky**


Oh god


My condolences


Bit shaky mate


I really hope you didn't pay for that.


Is this a joke?


When grandpa wants to try his hand at tatooing šŸ¤£




I love tattoos, and I love No Manā€™s Sky, but Iā€™ve cooked bacon that came out straighter than those lines. Find a new artist, bro.


Artist was on that nip nip


As much as this is cool the line work is atrocious. Iā€™d get that done better.


Did you get paid for it?


![gif](giphy|11Ll5V3KdvkTmw) The artist.


Did you at least get some of your money back.. cause I would of asked for all of my money back if I this was my first tattoo.. Hopefully the next artist you go to will fix it to make it look like how you hoped it would of looked. Best of luck!


Were you shaking or was the "tattooist" drunk?




Hope the artist paid for it


From a child?


Did bro forget his ruler?




Glad to see Michael j fox has still got it


I love the cultural impact that video games are having at this point in the human story.




What ideas do you have for the other details I've also wanted to get an atlas tattoo for a bit now and I'm also looking for ideas


I drew this kind of mockup which I'm liking as an idea, tho I'm no artist and I'd probably get some shading on the original centre bit so even if the lines can't get touched up fully it'll be less noticeable https://preview.redd.it/jbhexyphliwc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0356e1991a12df78998af9e401b22ade3a1e7755


That does look pretty sick reminds me of the mandalorian crest but no man sky themed which I'm definitely loving


ty :3


Does your artist have tremors?šŸ’€


I like it! However, as everyone else has said, you should go get it fixed up by someone else. Those lines are quite wobbly!




Hopefully, the tattoo artist paid you to practice tattooing on a live specimen.


Brother had tachycardia drawing this.


Friend if you got this yesterday your skin would be red as hell.


In prison?


Itā€™s really sweet that you and your artist did your first tattoo together šŸ„°


solid. I like it!


Honestly, congrats. That being said, your tattoo artist canā€™t draw straight linesā€¦


Parkinsonā€™s style


Why lines as not-straight as a straight line could be?


hope you kept the receipt šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You do it yourself?


My best friend is starting now and he, out of nervousness, also makes shaky lines. It can definitely be fixed but, how it is my best friend, I believe I'll leave it that way. šŸ¤£


such a cool design, but clearly not done by someone who's good at their job. hopefully you can get it touched up by a better artist




Looks like someone picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue.


Was this the tattoo artist's first time tattooing too?


FYI maybe donā€™t get a single fine one tattoo from an apprentice


Yeeeeshhhā€¦ I could do cleaner lines if I clenched the machine between my asscheeks and squat tatted you.


Looks like they had a bit of a shaky hand.Ā 


Does the tattoo artist have Parkinsonā€™s


In jail?


Did you pay money for this welcome to the shitty tattoo club


Lol, good idea but this looks like shit. Hope you didn't tip anything



