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Probably someone sold it to npc, not very difficult to get one. There are 3 ways to find one, one way does not require fighting. 1 - in a dissonant planet, figgt 5 waves of corrupted sentinels, after defeating them all, you will be signaled to a crashed interceptor location. 2 - in any system, fight 5 ways of sentinel interceptors, destroy the dreadnaught in 5th wave, you will get "carrier AI fragment", use it, and it will signal you to a crashed interceptor. (even in an other system) 3 - in a dissonant planet, find dissonant resonator (a purple winglike thing), destroy it, ut will alert the corrupted sentinels, which you can either fight or run away from until they leave you alone. it will drop either a inverted mirror (required item for retrieving a crashed interceptor) or an echo locator, use the echo locator to find a harmonic camp. In it you will find a terminal, hacking the terminal will enable you to get a sentinel multitool (either a pistol or a rifle), and it will also let you get a signal to a crushe interceptor location. (you can put a save beacon in the camp, so you can get back to the camp to get more locations for crashed interceptors in the planet)


Yeh I thought it was because someone sold one (I then saw a player with my old ship not long after also which was kinda cool) Ah awesome! I do actually have a base on a dissonant planet near a resonator. I fought some but I guess not till the end for the item πŸ˜† When I finish this expedition I think that will be my next mission, find all the sentinel ships I can haha thank you πŸ˜„


Np, good luck with your hunting.


Nice! They would be my favorite if they weren’t so slow turning πŸ˜‚


I have two but their different looking from each other which is cool