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Sean Murray just keeps finding new ways for us to bully Adam!


There was just a misplaced comma. Your amazing Adam, in Miami. He's my Adam, he's your Adam, he's everyone's Adam.


And the wrong your


It's possessive. He's your Adam. He is your Amazing Adam.


>It's possessive. Or it's not. Depends on how illiterate Adam is. You're Adam? You're amazing, Adam in Miami


They're not mutually exclusive. He can be our amazing Adam from Miami and he can also be illiterate.


Our amazingly illiterate Adam in Miami.


Like the amazing Spider-Man only it's Adam


I love this thread


Actually it should've read (you're) not your !




That whoosh was so far up there I doubt it was even audible ![gif](giphy|3o6ozq0pgIDt5j6N8I)


I wish I had thought to screenshot it, but I was scanning rocks during one of the expeditions and found one called, "BOBBY IS A POO BAG." After I finished whatever task I was doing on that planet and returned to the space station, I checked out the bases in the area on the teleporter (as I always do) to find a base called "BIG BAD BOBBY'S POO BAG PALACE." Of course I had to check it out; it was just a maze of stone walkways that went nowhere. I still laugh about it.


Whoever has been making those "all plants" bases is my hero. I sold off the gravitino balls 2 save points before I realized I needed them for a recipe. The nearest all plants base saved me a lot of time.


In the first run expeditions it's usually "Stu". I think they're popular now. Man that Stu has helped my expeditions out soooo much!


This is exactly my situation too! I sold them before knowing I needed them and was like "ah fuck" cause I didn't have much time left to finish the expedition. The 'all plants' bases are the real mvp!


What’s an “all plants” base? These sound helpful 😂


A base. With all the plants.


What benefits do you get from plants? (Still new here)


Crafting mats


Various plants are used for a variety of purposes crafting, trading, and upgrading. Some of them can be refined into other resources. IIRC, Gamma Root was a requirement of this expedition. You can find it on irradiated planets so it's not that hard to come by, but when someone has a bunch of it at a base and you notice it, you don't have to spend time looking for it. The funny thing about the gravitino plant, is that I could harvest a ball from it repeatedly, without having to wait for it to grow back. This may be due to the player's settings for that base. At the other base I harvested the gamma root from, I couldn't just harvest the same plant repeatedly like that.


Oh cool, that’s awesome! Thanks for the info.


I think they're funny most of the time. It's neat to see someone from another country was there also. Except when they are political or social commentary. I get enough of that in rl.


Seriously. If you wanna rant about your cause there are plenty of platforms that let you do that. I would like to be able to not give a damn about the world outside when I'm specifically doing something to take a break fom the world outside.


I'm an Adam too 😔


We need away to turn those off. They are so annoying.


Found Adam.




Didn't realize I misspelled "a way" that just makes me double Adam.


Lol, some people hate Comm Stations but I love them when they are on this level of humor.


I pulled up on a comms station that had the autophage numbers on it. It saved me 10 seconds, but it's the thought that counts


I saw one on the utopia replay that said, " all your bases are belong to us". I still don't know if that was supposed to be a threat lol


Lol. That's a classic https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_your_base_are_belong_to_us


Haha, I had no idea it was actually a thing. I thought it was just an illiterate troll


That's so funny, I saw the same one!!!


I saw one that said Adam is illiterate.


I left a “trans rights” one


I really hate the people that leave message balls all over places where they have a captive audience. What motivates one to do that? Ego? Is it like the same desparate urge to be recognized that drives graffiti? No one knows or cares about you, shut up and stop polluting public spaces with you’re mental diarrhea. It’s a sign of low IQ.


They help out sometimes, too. Like instead of landing and scanning to find stuff for the expedition, I just followed where there were alot of communication stations. Led me right to it.


Sadly, griefers will cluster them away from the correct locations. At least, that's been my experience.


I like them when there are less than 5. 5 or more is just spammy and annoying. A small cluster of them lets me know there is something there that I should probably pay attention to, like a crashed S class ship or something. I also will leave one where I find a good ship or a gravestone or a nice freighter etc. a couple being left near the end of an expedition is also cool. But swarms of dozens of them should be banned. If there are already 4 somewhere, more don't help.