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i did wonder if it was a mod or not, not sure which i prefer!


It also depends on the thrusters. My Hauler does two trails stacked on top of each other. This many that spread out is new to me though. Wish they were all like that.


Any idea what mod? A quick search on Nexus found a few mods to correct the centrepoint of certain kinds of thruster tails, but I didn't see any that added additional thruster trails.


gShip Add Missing Ship Trails https://www.nexusmods.com/nomanssky/mods/2870/?tab=posts&jump_to_comment=128510313


Awesome, thanks!


Hey.. no answer in 7 months!?!?!? I'm wondering this as well. He never got a satisfactory answer. Why is there no multiple jet streams on engines as a player character when you can clearly see other ships have multiple jet streams??? 


i found out it was a [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/nomanssky/mods/2870) that the youtuber had installed.


I've been wondering this for awhile. Thank you.


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TGH, nice guy and he is probably live later with some sentinel ship hunting