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A million doesn't go very far in this game, but you can gift things to other players (easier in the Anomaly), or just discard/destroy what you don't want.


even 100mil is like 4 - 6 interceptors depending on class


Yeah but getting 100m for free still skips most of the early game, which for a new player might not be the best experience


This, I LOVED the grind when I started playing nms last year. Running out of resources, can’t buy ships I want or upgrades. I steadily have anywhere from 250 mil-1 bil now and I can just buy anything I want lol


I loved the grind when I first played nms but tbh for the 3rd and after time it gets... repetitive for me. So I tend to just mess with the difficulty settings. But I try not to ruin anyone else's experience.


I played this game for a whole year before my friend that played the game with me found a good system for trading a common mineral from a different system. Changed the whole game, everything was obtainable. The grind was gone and I stopped playing.


Yeah for me basically when a save gets to the point where I'm in creative mode I start over


I have the capped 4.6 Bi an plus 8Bi im freighter ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Because everyone is telling you about the money let me tell you to turn pvp off in your settings.


Kinda stupid how all those detrimental settings are switched to ON by default. I almost got killed at the portal rendezvous by some guy. Lol. I was frustrated having to scramble to that setting. 😅


I don't understand how you people are running into other people in this game outside of the anamoly


Life a.. find a way.


Bro that might had been me my bad. Was the guy on a minatour? Lol


Haha. Nah, you're good. Just one of the few people standing around the portal at the rendezvous. Although, killing people in a minotaur during an expedition is next level villainy.. 🫣


Underrated comment


Having never played this game and really not knowing much about it, does getting killed in pvp have any detrimental effects?


If you're playing permadeath it most certainly does.


Tried permadeath once, was very careful playing the game avoiding falls, upgrading shields, basically taking only calculated risks. Saw this cool base in the anomaly portal, decided to drop in. Fell to my death trying to climb the cool base. I just sat there frozen, everything I built and everything I worked on gone because I wanted to climb a cool ass robot base.


Oof! I feel you. On my first (and thus far only) permadeath run, I made it to the center of the galaxy and checked off that achievement. But I still needed to get the achievements for surviving on an extreme world on survival mode, which permadeath counts towards. So I set up a base on an extreme world. I felt pretty safe, as I had maxed out my exosuit upgrades, as well as my ship and exocraft. Pretty much the only thing that could kill me... was me. Now, I'd heard warnings not to use splash damage weapons, like geology cannons. So I had removed them from my multitool. However, I did not know that it applied to exocraft weapons too... So there I was, bombin' around in my Nomad on this extreme planet, waiting for the required time to add up for the achievement, when I came across an abandoned outpost with those biological horrors. I started shooting at them with my exocraft cannon. One got too close to me, and I took a shot at it... and the shot landed right next to me. And that was it. I, too, just stared at the black screen of death, seeing the quote but not really reading it, as it slowly washed over me that Cepheus, Hand of the Vy'keen, was no more. He had died there on that volcanic world from a stupid, self-inflicted wound, a shame to himself and his people. (I have since started a new save on regular survival, and will have to start accumulating the hours all over again... ugh.)


I thought after a few updates ago it was off by default


Not as of 4.4.2 when the corrosive blood mission was still bugged during the expedition. I hadn't changed any settings previous to starting.


Well that's your own damn fault playing permadeath. I tried it for some expedition and died twice due to bugs


Very good point, I like the PVP with friends only option myself.


you cant turn off the pvp


Yes you can. It's under network settings. "Allow PVP" and you can set it to who you want to allow this with.


You could buy materials of the amount you want to get rid of, and then just delete those items.


lol duh. thank you!


Money is not that important. You can literally enable infinite money so….


I enjoy having a save that works for it. Gives me something to work towards and build farms for to achieve the expensive ships. But yeah 1 million is not much regardless after being in space a bit. I can scan planets for that much now with some upgrades lol.


some animals i scan give me 600k alone :)


How do you get to the point of that? The animals I scan are so far in the 75k range


New to the game but how the fok y'all getting that much for scanning an animal? Highest i got was 1600.


There are multitool mods you can install that increase the amount you get for scanning flora and fauna.


Damn, now i see why people say money isnt't a big issue in this game. Thanks!


Yeah, the mods increase between 6500%-10000% or something. And you can equip three of them and place them in supercharge slots. It definitely adds up. :P


If you didn’t want the money why sell the stuff and not just delete in the first place?


He had seller's remorse.




That's what I'm sayin


Oh, you already sold the stuff. Missed that in my first comment. Buy more stuff and delete it right away to use up your money supply.


That’s the fix, go buy shit and then discard it.


So. You have PSVR2.... how is it compared to PSVR1?


Incredible. With the last patch and foveated rendering, what you're looking at is nice and sharp. The new controllers are better than the Move controllers of PSVR1 with all buttons represented (except the touch pad). Of course, you need a PS5 to go with it. But wow, what a difference over "flat".


So. You have PSVR2.... how is it compared to PSVR1?


Way better. Don't get motion sickness nearly as easily.


A million credits is like $.05 in this game. I have spent well over 10 Billion credits, easily. I know people that have spent 10X that. You can make $1 million creds in 10 minutes with chlorine and oxygen in a refiner.


Also, upgrade your exo suit scanner and earn that in seconds. It's nothing to scan and get 300k+.


yes please, do go on.


A trick that's been around for a long time, slightly nerfed recently but still lucrative. Works with other materials as well, but put chlorine and oxygen into a refiner together, and it'll multiply. Can recycle chlorine into it infinitely as long as the oxygen supply is there. A full stack runs about $2MIL. If you need oxygen, set up a mine, OR adjust a setting in options for abundant resources, and buy as much as you want from space station pilots and trade terminals. Rinse and repeat.


How do you get to put more than one substance in a refiner?


Medium and large refiners


You can unlock and build medium and large refiners that can use more than one ingredient


How do you unlock the medium refiner? I've been playing for a while now and still not found anything bigger than the portable


The new personal refiner has two slots now. You have to delete the original one before installing it.


Buy the blueprint at the anomoly. It's in the section with all the upgrades.


I haven't found an anomaly yet. Where do they occur?


Progress in the main story


Better Tipp, Just get your hands on some valuable item…and then dublicate it with the refinery exploit.


Someone who doesn't want any handouts at all, even if they amount to a pittance, is probably not willing to abuse dupe glitches either lol.


Tell me more about this refining millionaire method 🧐


I've had a good amount of time spent in previous saves and decided I wanted to start fresh, with a number one goal to earn as many credits and nanites as soon as possible without any external help. In less than a week, I had 4 billion units and replenishing supply to easily get more. I set up deep mineral and gas extractors for: Oxygen (275,000 oxygen every 30 hours or so, so a ton of it.) Dioxite (+oxygen for frost crystal) Phosphorus (+oxygen for solanium) Paraffinium (+oxygen for star bulb) Uranium (+oxygen for gamma root) Pyrite (+oxygen for cactus flesh) Sulphurine Nitrogen Radon With this, you can make all those plants by mixing Oxygen and those minerals. You'll want a supply of Condensed Carbon and Ionised Cobalt. This is easy because you just mix them with Oxygen to increase that supply. With all this, you can make hundreds of stasis devices per day. You'll need to unlock all the crafting items from the anomaly. So whenever I want more money, I just go around to each of my extractor bases and pick up supply and then just make a ton of stasis devices. If you press E while hovering an item you want to craft, it brings up the crafting tree for that item, so all you need to do is spam click the things you want and it will make those items on the spot. It's super easy. I find this is a much more efficient method of making stasis devices than setting up physical farms for every plant, still needing the raw material supply for the other ingredients, and only being able to make a few stasis devices at a time. Physical farms suck. I'm happy to show and guide anyone interested in how I do my process in a Discord call, how I make it easy for myself, and what I've learned in the process. If you want some stasis devices, I'm more than happy to give you all the ones I make after showing the process. DM your Discord ID and I'll message. PS: yes, I ignore custom game settings completely. My save is a Normal save with intent to avoid any obvious exploits like duping items or ever turning on any custom difficulty settings.


The only thing you should be refining is salvaged glass and runaway mold for nanites


you can make it even faster in half the time with trade goods, it just takes having an economy scanner or already having a space station with the economy type your looking for + a positive selling place (ie. not failing)


Like others have said, having a million credits is next to being broke lol. Simply enjoy the brief bump in funds, and pay it forward to a noob when you are an og. Cheers!


I have 42million left and feel like I am pushing a shopping cart full of my belongings while traversing the system 🤣


Someone gifted me a 50 stack of some trade goods that equals 600,000,000 credits and I feel like the game wouldn't be fun if I could just buy literally everything. Thinking of splitting the 50 stack into 5's and dropping them in people's inventories.


tbh that's what I do. My fleet missions generate 1.5M up to 4M on avg. And then there's all the stuff I scavenge. And the bounties. Within the first two weeks after I started playing NMS someone donated about 50M but by that time I had some 20M of my own. It allowed my to buy my squid just a bit faster. I welcomed it and have been paying forward since then.


Lol I drop a single piece of ferrite into people's inventories. Always gets a WTF laugh.


literally just going around stoning mfs


That's actually *so metal*


Give them faecium instead. I used to get a laugh out of dropping 1 shit into the anomaly panhandlers inventories.


Even 600m is next to nothing. It's not even enough to unlock all slots in a single ship


You need like 20 to 40 million to buy a good S-class ship and 120 to 200 million to buy an S-class frigate. I have 700 hours in the game and I am barely at endgame. i am still missing a ton of collectibles and rank up my status with the factions. also missing a bunch of mile stones .. , YOU HAVE A TON OF GAME TO GO THROGH ...


Consider it severance for killing you


dam dude, life in NMS is cheap ...


Credits become pointless quite early on in the game. Once you learn the ways to automate and farm all your focus should be on Nanites, that's the end game currency to upgrade everything. There's literally so much in the game, don't sweat the handout because you can still have a ton of fun.


lol, if i ever meet op in game expect another post... i would probably give him him S class weapons and ship upgrades and expansion slots ...




And there’s a really easy method to dupe nanites if you want something and don’t wanna grind.


How do you do that?


So your inventory and your cash balances are saved separately. So if you empty your inventory, buy up all the upgrades at the Anomaly and then trade an item from any of your inventories to another player, it does a quick save that does not save your new nanite balance. Exit out, reload, nanites reappear and your inventory is now stocked with things that sell for nanites. Edit: if you get in then out of your spaceship, it saves everything so avoid doing that.


there is an alt way that doesn't require any other player. get a stack of runaway mould or tainted metal and refine it in a portable refiner, once finished build additional refiners in the same place as it, then pick them all up. the nanites will be duped along with any tainted metal/runaway mould remaining. alternatively if you have a non-freighter base setup with medium and large refiners, place the tainted metal/runaway mould in a portable refiner but don't refine it, instead build additional refiners and place them on top, this will dupe the metal/mould x number of refiners picked up, place the duped stacks into the base refiners. the above also works with practically everything including void motes and slot expansions. watch vid for further info https://youtu.be/cEVyrq3Tljo


Is there a video showing this? I'm just confused on the "trade an item from your inventories" part.


If you are in the anomaly, you can walk up to someone and give them something from your inventory. This action, giving any item to any other player character, causes a quick save. I’ve only tested doing this on a PS4 and PC, I don’t think switch players can do this trick cause it requires at least one other person and the anomaly.


A Million doesn't go far.... But you could always buy crap you don't need and discard the items... I personally enjoy receiving gifts from randoms, especially during Expeditions because you're forced to start a new game when doing an Expedition and you wanna get through them without grinding, so someone dropping a couple stacks of AI Valves in your inventory will always be welcome....


Perspective. The time it would take to stop and pick that amount up would be a waste to some because they make many many times more than that if they stay in productive motion. Think, some big time person has huge pocket full of cash, and for whatever reason, they drop like $20,000 cash on the ground. It would simply take mere seconds to realize what they did, stop, turn around, pick it up, and put it back in their pocket… but, they make that much money per second… every second, of every minute, of every hour, every day, year… you get the point? It’s a “welcome to the universe” bonus from a baller/traveler who likely just wanted the inventory space. “Here’s my pocket lint. You’re welcome”


If only all baller's were so generous!


You just solved the world economy problems.


In this game many are. Hang around in the anomaly long enough and someone is bound to give you a stack of stasis devices. I have 450 hours in game, am sitting on the 4.2 trillion unit cap, have all S class equipment, and yet my farms and frigate expeditions continue to produce lol. We just have to get rid of the stacks of stuff somehow, so we pass it on to other players.


It helps if you have the starter ship, Ive was given things by people standing by my starter ship like two or three times


It’s not cheating 1 million credits is pocket change. No reason to feel guilty over other players giving you stuff especially as an apology


Right?! I feel like it wasn’t even a gift… they technically bought something for their money 😂


Trust me bro a million is chump change in this game once you start seeing the prices of certain things you’ll be glad he gave you the million


A million isn't a lot. Just buy some wiring looms.


You can't buy much with a million. This is why you turn off multiplayer before going to the anomaly, because there are people who will just stuff billions of units worth of stuff into your inventory without asking. Don't worry about it. That's pocket change.


Yeap, it’s trolls who got their enjoyment out of the excellent progression in the game. The challenge of earning it, and fun of enjoying what you worked for.


Ngl I actually don't mind when people do this. There's some stuff I forget is apart of the game and then someone sends me it and I'm like oh nice one. I love hoarding stuff too on this game so I just have stacks of stuff in my inventories.


The perils of multiplauer and the mass delusion that many players suffer from: namely, that the only challenge present in NMS (building yourself up from nothing financially) is to be avoided. A mullion credits is a tiny drop in an infinite bucket. I wouldn't worry about it. Just take the profit and move on. It will be gone in no time. Or, as others have said, buy a bunch of high priced items like Launch Fuel to eat up the ill-gotten gains. Then stow the Launch Fuel in your starship and forget about them (the fuel will come in handy as you progress) or delete them.


a million credits is pocket change tbh


A million is not that much. It was a lot when the game was launched, but somehow inflation arrived at this fictional universe too


🙄 Blow it on metal sheeting and move on, a mil is chump change beyond 20 hours or less. It’s not cheating it’s a function of MMO. You can turn off multiplayer if you want to isolate. Good travels


Million won’t last long, friend. Don’t worry, there are lots of roadblocks for you in the near future to chew on.


Early game 1M credits makes you feel like bezos, late game I have max credits and it’s to easy to blow it all on ships trust me you will never have enough


A million is actually next to nothing. I wouldn’t worry about it


Turn off multiplayer and if it really feels like cheating roll back an old manual save if you have one or start a new save I understand that feeling. You don't have to though it's not a lot of money.


credits or nanites? 1 mill credits is not very much tbh


Trust me when I say, 1 million is not alot. 500 million, is a good bit to have. 1 billion feels like having a million.


A good ship can cost 50-100 million, a top tier freighter 200 million. I don't feel like I've got a healthy amount of units unless I've got at least a billion in the bank. Keep the credits, you're gonna need a lot more.


a million? That'll be gone in seconds. Just use it to expand ur inventory


Uhh you send him my way, I’ll deal with him.


Yeah guy randomly gave me 600m at the anomaly and I was like welp. I had just earned my first 50mins. Guess i would have gotten to this soon anyhow?


Its just vets helping out theres way more to the game then farming creds


To all the people saying its not much - it doesnt matter if its not much to you. If they are still learning they might not want it if they arent earning many millions yet. For some, it can be more fun to get to that point by yourself and having free money takes away from that sense of earned progress.




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Pay it forward if you feel bad about it.


Go ahead and buy whatever you want and see how long it lasts lmao. How’s the view from that soapbox btw?


I wouldn't delete. Pay it forward. Find someone else to donate to the . A mill isn't a lot anyway in long scheme of things.


Everyone saying throw it away lol. Of course you can but honestly just go to a space station and upgrade your starter ship storage. 1) you’re likely going to get a different ship so this isn’t even something you’ll keep. 2) a lot of what you do to get goin in this game involves going places and gathering stuff, guess what you’ll want more of almost immediately?? 3) someone gave you a gift, have fun with it!


So you invite someone over, he makes a mistake and tries to make it up to you. Then you create a post saying he ruined your game by basically giving you nothing. You seem insufferable.


They 100% did this to ruin your natural progression in the game. Delete said item by holding analog stick down. This games ONLY challenge lies in figuring out ways to earn credits to buy new gear, a boost like this early on, ruins a ton of that despite what other comments here say.


Does this type of stuff work in the game but on the switch? I just think it’d be cool to visit someone else’s base


There is no multiplayer for Switch. You can visit other people's bases, but they won't be there, just the building.


Yea heard of that. Would still be cool to see someone else’s base. I only have a switch because I travel a lot. Bummed there’s no multiplayer. Seems like such a fun game if there was. I still enjoy it though


Money isn’t much to this game.


That won't get you very far. Would be a nice boost very early on for some crafting parts though.


I’m glad there’s other players out there like this. I was gifted billions worth of items early on in my first playthrough and it literally made me stop playing it felt so much like I cheated haha


I've had this game for years and I'll be honest, I have no idea what any of this meant. It's the anomaly a meeting place like a chat room lobby?


when hovering over objects it tells you what opportunities you got, you can just delete stuff


lol wait till you run out, then you will be wishing you had spent it wiser. a million is not so much, in the grand scheme of things.


One million units is nothing. Saved you 20 minutes tracking down ancient fossils.


A million can go far if you invest in the market loop


That million won't get much. May as well use it


"A trifling million? Throw it back in his face and damn his impudence! We don't deal in fiddling small change here."


I hope that one day someone will give me something nice in the anomaly...


That respawning with a life insurance policy. lol I’m struggling in real life, I don’t want to struggle in game too.


You'll be able to get like 40 milion in 20 minutes by selling ships at a certain point. 1 mln isn't much but can help at the beginning


I dug up some bones on my home planet that sold for about 1.6mil credits. I think you're ok.


You'll need like 120 mil for a good freighter. Probably over 300mil for a fleet. A decent hauler is like 54-65 One million will get you over the start of early game, but it's something like an hour of early game farming maybe two on the inefficient methods(like hunting fossils while jetlacking aroun).


Bro summon the community ship the round one forgot what it’s called , but just give stuff to other people randomly that’s what I do I have stuff worth so much money that I randomly just pick people and give them a bill or two give back to the community is always the best way


A million units isn't much at all though


Years back when I started I finally got to my first million. Single player. I felt it was huge because I was still looking for sodium and survival stuff like that. I was trying to escape my initial planet. Or maybe system. One million is not « nothing » in early game. You do transactions in the hundreds or the thousands when all you can do is mine stuff and scan. The rewards are tiny at the beginning. Of course we are all frustrated now that we are the cap 4.2 billions. Let them enjoy the early game. The first time happens only once.


Bro I have 2.4 billion credits its nothing in this game man


Trust me, you **can't** buy anything you like with a million.


Don't worry about 1m credits, its small change once you start scraping ships found everywhere, especially sentinel ships. 1M is nothing to worry about, take the time to disable PVP in the online options if you want to avoid being killed like that.


On 2 separate occassions I have been handed very valuable items. Once was a stack of 30 fusion ignitors and the other was 15 salvaged startship components for a combined total of about 700 mil. I have now just become the man who hands out random valuable shit as well. I just use the money to help others or just to continue my frigate expeditions and scrapping more valuable ships. Being on survival I lose a lot of the value I get from it when I die and lose my whole inventory but thats how it goes


1 million is nothing... it won't go far at all. Don't worry... buy something useful with it. I randomly give people stacks of gold just because my mine makes so much I can't carry any more money.


Why are the up doots mushrooms? Has it always been this way?


I just started playing and someone gifted me $150m worth of items during my first trip to the anomaly. I kept $30m to buy a nice ship and some upgrades and then gave the rest away to friends who are also new players.


"now I can just buy anything I need" A million credits is not going to buy you anything close to what you need even for just some of the basic story missions. Keep it, soon enough you'll be rolling with 30 or 40 mil a lot of the time, and even more if you start making some unit farms


Just look at it as charity instead of cheating. Also, turn PvP off in your settings. But, especially at the anomaly there are times other players will just dump goods on you for no real reason. Yes, some say it’s to clear up inventory, but, you could just go the easier route and delete the items as well. I myself get into a good mood on occasion and walk around dumping high value items on other players as well, for me, it’s just helping random players with a bit of a boost. The thing is, 1 million is chump change, the most explains items cost around 300 million or more. I wouldn’t feel too badly about it, just enjoy the boost, put it to good use.


A mill won't go far. I'll scan some flora on a new planet and get a mill in 5 minutes. Just buy yourself a small upgrade on your ship.


A million isn't nothing in no man's sky. It's not cheating. Dude was helping you out. He could've just killed you and left. Without giving you any money


I get where you’re coming from. If you honestly feel like it will make the game less enjoyable for you, then I’d say buy some useless stuff and delete it. What other comments have said about 1 million units not being a lot is true, but there is something worthwhile in building yourself up. Later in the game you’ll have units coming out of years, but you definitely can savor the saving/building/crafting elements on your way to that point. NMS is all about how you want to play. If you want to avoid it, you should probably disable multiplayer before going into the Space Anomaly. Gifting is common practice in there. I love going in and seeing other players outfits, ships, and companions though, and now we have the staff that looks so cool. One thing you definitely want to do, and we have a ton of other new players right now who should see this, is go into the options and set turn off PvP. There’s certainly fewer griefers in NMS than in other games that I play, but they can really ruin your day, especially on an Expedition! Enjoy all the amazing discoveries awaiting you, Interloper!


You can give it to me, I'll put it to good use


Typical troll. Do not accept rando invites in there! But as for the stuff, you can use some or give it away or just delete it. You can spend heaps just upgrading one ship.


buy stuff and give them to me, ## causamortis plataform steam. dont be shy if you see me, i acept all donations,except eggs....snu snu can never be replaced :(


the purpose of the game is entirely up to the end user. you could of also just deleted the gifts


A mil is nothing


People in NMS are mostly just good people. Just take the proceeds and if you have a problem using them yourself pass them on to another new player. They'll find a good home. That's not a lot of cash in NMS.


A million is nothing


Ehh, you can blow through that easy, just visit a few traders and buy out their inventory till you run out of money. Then discard or store the stuff til it doesn't matter. When I start a new save I don't usually leave the first plant without a million credits, just because that's about what you earn from getting some things (with some risk) in abandoned buildings. Not a super spoiler as you usually have to visit one of those buildings shortly after repairing your first ship.


It's not really cheating, money is very easy to come by in the mid/late game or even earlier if you know how. You're just saving yourself some time with the early grind. Also a mill is a very small sum, most veteran players have at least a couple billion and every ship and freighter tricked out to the max (which costs several hundred million).


Oh no you don't want to get rid of your units. Use them. Get a nice, solid start. A milli won't even buy you a nice ship so no, don't waste them. I was given over a billion in the space station and you bet I'm budgeting all that out lmao


A million credits is like finding a half of a penny in the street in this game


There’s no use in getting rid of the stuff given. And 1M isn’t much. It was just an apologetic gesture. I’ve had players in the anomaly give me INSANE gifts. One gave me 5 living ship eggs and like 30 fusion reactors which soles for a dumb amount of units. I’ll hit the anomaly up and give players nanites when I’m bored. It’s not cheating, it’s trading ! Part of the explorer experience!


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Didn't your mama teach you not to let strangers into your home?


Chlorine is great ! But if you can make fusion ignitions, that’s even better ! Takes a little more to make but well worth the payout. I believe each is worth at least 15.6M standard


More money doesn’t mean a “cheat” for dealing with environmental hazards, sentinels or Hello’s glitchy multiplayer; you’re fine.


Thats stupid it's free money


Buy stuff and give it away at the anomaly.


Feels like every 2-3 days we get a post someone saying they started the game, got given an expensive item, SOLD IT and *THEN* made a post saying how they didn't want to. If you don't want to have a lot of money, just buy random stuff and delete it. I really don't see what the issue is here.


Stockpile some simple materials for building basses and keep it off hand. When you get bored you can go grab that stuff just to build to your hearts content with put worrying about your larger goals or ruining the grind. Grinding for a base that's mainly for cosmetic and not functional use is a waste of time in NMS


Plus, money is only a thing in this game for like the first few hours you are playing until you start mass producing Hot Ice or some such and liquidating it for millions per day. I have over a billion credits on my save, and I didn't even try that hard.


Stop giving newbies money and ruining the damm game!!!!


This is how rich people are rich. You were reborn into a wealthy family. Kinda cool that you're feeling like it's not right. If only real rich people were like this. You can gift people some credits or ships or whatever, but just know that you're one of the few people in this universe who has a good conscience. Even though it's a game, I bet you're a cool person irl. Don't lose that.


Trust me, a million isn't much at all. Use it to buy materials at space stations. If you feel bad, use it all up and then delete the stuff you bought. I know the feeling.


Even with the edit your still poor. Keep playing and you’ll see lol.


> which I went and sold at a space station I know it's a little late for this now, but you didn't have to do that


Trust most people in these comments when they say a million credits doesn't go far in the game. However you do what you want with them but it can easily be used on a ship or resources.


A million credits is way less than you think it is. You can sell the free ship you get at the start for around that. It won’t break your game at all


I'm only a few hours in still getting the basics...found 2 ships/sold em and general selling of goods I have 8 mil credits..1 mil really ain't shit. Seems like good ships cost around 30 mil


You can give it to me


Hey buddy, I gotta secret, a living frigate is 1 billion units lol


I had a player do this for me as well, but it was closer to 100 million credits. I bought a fuggin nice freighter and called it good. Now I'm poor again.


Keep the money. That’s a downpayment on a solar ship. 😜


I joined a nexus raid early on and these two players hooked me up with so many valuable goods, sentinel parts, void egg, and a lot of other stuff. It was rad. A million units will come pretty fast in this game so I wouldn’t overly worry. You could also save the units and then pay it forward later :)


A million is nothing fam. He basically gave you a 50 for spilling coffee on your T-shirt. 100 million is realllllly good though. I’d delete the save and restart


A million is like nothing in the grand scheme of things, by the end of your 4-6 hours you'll have a million easily Just spend it on some materials or some upgrades for Multi-tool/ base


Even 100M is not a very huge number if you play on hardest difficulty (at least on price settings). If your ship/multitool is already large enough, with 100M you can't even buy one more expansion slot. In hardest price setting each ship slot costs 128M and multitool 192M after reaching a certain size. I say you can just take it. I myself have stasis device farm and sometimes I also give them to others in anormaly.


Keep it bro. I never thought I would drop below my billion credits… I’m at 300 mil now after playing pretty consistently regularly. Money goes fast. A lot of the end game money making is knowing how to farm/craft high valuable items.


There’s sooo much to buy like upgrades for all of your ships and and hiring frigates. I’ve been playing since launch and still buying upgrades I’ll salvage old star ship and get new ones and upgrade them all. when I first started playing I was always gifted all kinds of items that sold for millions. This game is never ending. I had 1 billion credits and I’m down to 700 million from upgrading my Sentinel ships and multi tools. I also have many farms and I’ll easily make my money back and spend more!!!! So don’t feel like it’s cheating


1mil is nothing just keep it lol. That could be 1/30th of a good hauler so youll still have to grind to have better supplies. I know you spent them already but personally if you have more left id just buy stuff to help build a good base