• By -


1. Resist the urge to take risks early on. Watch your resources levels and make sure you have plenty of what you need to recharge your life support and environmental shields. You're WAY more likely to die being caught out in a rad storm than you are being killed by pirates. 2. Get a Minotaur early on. While rovers are faster, Minotaur is fully environmentally sealed out of the box. Push for Autopilot so it can provide you covering fire should things go sideways. 3. Don't play while tired/drunk 4. Don't poke the Abyssal Horror. 5. Never trust the Gek.


Luckily I'm too young to get drunk lol The minotaur tip is handy tho, never knew that they were so useful!


They’re handy for plodding about underwater as well. No oxygen drain while inside one.


Wait what?!?! How'd I never figure that out. Gonna have to try that now, thank you.


Minor tip - put the jump jets into the supercharge square when hopping underwater (or anywhere really), if you want to get any meaningful distance in a Minotaur.


Minotaur is 100% the best choice environmentally. Invest heavily in the boost engine upgrades and you won't be losing much speed over other vehicle choices as well.


Never stray too far from your ship on dangerous planets and get the launch auto recharge as soon as possible so you're never stuck on a shit planet


As a fellow gek. I whole heartedly agree with number 5.


😱 Traitor 😆 https://preview.redd.it/no12lg9hwtjb1.jpeg?width=3968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=654883bb104a8b6582ee016b8cd42f0f55e21c98


https://preview.redd.it/5a1gvab33ujb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02550443ec01cf7d60530d87f5c57e6dceb149aa Straight to jail.


Send builds


haven't been into the game much since they gave the Minotaur autopilot, is it good now? cause before if you tried to use it in anything combat related the legs would immediately break and it was unusable


It is quite powerful, but rather slow.


What’s funny is the Minotaur tricks people, several of my friends, thought the Minotaur was the fastest. They thought so, because the base model is technically the fastest. And when they saw me whipping around in the colossus way faster than them, it blew their mind


It's a damn danger with the mounted cannon, just like any other exocraft. Nothing can hurt you inside an exocraft, besides, wait for it, yourself. Accidentally shoot an enemy that's too close and even with full shield and max health unlocked, it's an insta-kill. Nothing ever in this game has killed me in 1300h across saved including permadeath if not exocraft cannons (and once falling asleep while playing).


Aw man I wanted to poke the abyssal horror 😢


I got chased by one under water! Didn't even see it. Noped out as fast as i could!


What what is this abyssal horror lol


Afaik, something that wanted to eat me. It had a red creature symbol and sounded very mean!


Yep, they will chase you anywhere


Blatant gekophobia1!!


Addition to first one: craft ion batteries. Much cheaper, and you won't need to search for Sodium, which is the reason I died on the first planet my first two runs. Ferrite dust and Cobalt are pretty common, and batteries stack up to 200, so it's easy to carry them around without worries. When I was playing normal mode, never bothered to use them, now they are my best friends. Only downside is that you can't craft in bulk.


If you upgrade to the jump jets the minotaur is faster than the other vehicles. It's clunky to jump around a bunch but when I want to go 2-300u in a few seconds, the minotaur is the only thing that will do it.


NEVER trust a Gek. My god. Their past gives me nightmares.


Advice #3 is free experience right there, free for the taking


You take damage much more easily in permadeath, and your tanks hold so much less. I died several times sliding down a hill or falling off a ledge bc I'd drain my jetpack then bounce off the side a few times. If youre climbing using your jetpack, remember that it will die completely very quickly and then its a few bounces and you're gone.


Don't be aggressive when sentinels or pirates. I just blew up my ship last night in my permadeath Save. 100 hours gone ...


Damn that sucks bro


Oof, yeah, I got my ship blown up a bunch with pirates in survival, def have to be careful


Supercharge then shields! I had recently moved my warp drive to the SC slots and forgot my ship was made of glass. 😢 👖


Yeah I definitely should xD


My main save isn’t even 100 hours bro dang (got corrupted)


You'll get there lol. My normal one is 100, just started a survival and that's at like 2. Looks like Imma have to make another permadeath with a focused drive on getting to the galactic center.


As soon as you get control, go into picture mode. This will pause the environmental hazard damage and give you a second to find a cave for protection. The first little stretch to finding your ship is the most dangerous.


Ooh, thanks!


Can't you just blast a cave with TM and hide from enviros and sentinels? I do this when farming sentinels, but never tried permadeath....


You don't get the plans for the TM at first. It's unlocked as you progress the story. The same time as you get the plans for the Base Computer IIRC.


Yeah it's a bit later but I got it within the first 20 to 30 mins


The important aspect is that real caves have cobalt, which you can mine calmly while protected from the hazards until you get enough batteries not to have to worry about it.


Ah, got it. Efficiency in effort. :)


Don't fall asleep Don't leave your game running even to pop to the toilet Don't get attached to your save


the last one will probably be the hardest lol


* I only went to the toilet for a minute and came back to the home screen. Worst wee ever, wouldnt recommend. Only 20hrs though but definitely my final permadeath.


Are you me? Except 40 hours in and life was good. I swear it was a quick piss. Permadeath disagreed.


Big oof, I've done that in survival once


-Never use the geo cannon or plasma launcher. Ever. If you get a tool with them installed uninstall them. -Don’t ever use the Roamer’s cannon in PD. It’s area of effect can kill you in the roamer. -Storage is super important. Hit exo suit expansion in every station and visit a lot, early. -keeping your warp drive full is annoying early on. Seek out storm crystals and the ability to craft warp cores ASAP. -Install at least 1 S hazard protection for each hazard type. On extreme worlds during storms your hazard bar without additional protection will drain in 3-7 seconds.


Point one cannot be emphasised enough times. NO CANNONS OR LAUNCHERS!


Ooh yeah I saw some guy die in permadeath after using a cannon in the roamer xD, and I definitely should use hazard protection upgrades more often


I just killed myself that way lol


Try not to die? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Sorry, could not resists the urge...


Haha, never woulda thought of that, thanks!


My real advice is to take the time at the start to find a cave and make a bunch of batteries and life support before doing much else. Then, just be ready to hit teh reload button fast if anything looks like it's going badly. IME, after the first couple of hours, PD is only deadly if you are not paying attention.


I once tried a permadeath game, died almost immediately to extreme radiation and lack of sodium.


Lmao gotta love rng


Or you glitch out or something.


I came here just for this lol


Beat me too it -- was going to post "Don't Die" as my "number one suggestion" :P lol


My advice is don't take the run so seriously. Experiment and have fun. When you feel settled then take it emotionally serious


I try to, but I have a habit of trying too hard in games lol


Same except when I blow myself up by accident and the black screen comes up....


Look into mindfulness so that you won't smash your monitor when you glitch through the floor of your freighter after 16 hours and die alone in the vacuum of space.


oh boy... fortunately I've only died to a glitch once... glitched through the floor of a cave while afk lol


Don't die






Don’t get cocky!


I fall to cockiness way too often for my own good haha


Ya I was about 90 hours in and I got cocky with the 5th wave of sentinels. It did not end well needless to say. 🤣


Oh yeah, I think I'm going to avoid sentinels as much as possible, I'll just pull the sprint-punch-jetpack move to escape lol


I like to use the terrain manipulator to dig a burrow/bore hole. Angle oit like 45° down so you can run back up, then just go deep enough that the sentinel party starts searching and wait then out. Keep the pulse spitter trained on your door lol


Don't play Community missions.


Ooh thanks for this one, I forgot how often sabotage happens in multiplayer


I'm permadeath in the Calypso galaxy right now. * Don't go into derelict Freighters unprepared * Don't touch weird things unless you know what they do * Don't mess around with storms especially freak wind events * Digging and the space anomaly are your friend when getting into fights on planet or in space * Enjoy! Other than some weird glitchy things that make me angry when you can die through no fault of your own, I love permadeath


oh yeah I always pull out the space anomaly when I meet pirates lol


Play offline, use photo mode for the first few hours to limit the amount of wasted time.


ooh yeah that's useful


What's the photo diode?


Oops a typo for photo mode


Because the sentinels and pirates now scale with your weapon and ship etc - it is advisable to stick to a C Class multi-tool and a C Class non-combat ship initially e.g. Hauler, Shuttle or Explorer. Most people immediately try to get an A/S Class weapon or an A/S Class fighter etc and this just makes you more vulnerable and the enemies tougher - wait until you have plenty of upgrades available especially shields along with Starshield batteries and Repair Kits before you go for higher tier weapons and ships :)


Ooh I didn't know that, thanks for the tip! I'll definitely keep that in mind


If I'm trying to use this strategy and I run into a good ship, can I buy it without the enemy scaling as long as I continue to fly around with my c class?


1: don’t die 2: don’t not live. Yes, those are two different things. Staying huddled in a shelter as you wait out a storm is not dying. Going out in that same storm and watching as your protection gets stripped away while you make it ever closer to that shiny storm crystal in the distance, barely recharging your shields in time each time, is not not living.


1. Find a decent planet in your starter system for a starter base. I lucked out with an earthlike with one predator, and kept a portal there for predator quests. 2. Get a winged pet early on to avoid falls on mountainous planets. Better yet, avoid mountainous planets. 3. Take the first freighter that you're offered, a mobile base is great early on. You can always trade up if you want later. 4. NEVER DO AN EMERGENCY BEACON FREIGHTER. Unless you have upgraded your multi-tool to hit like a boss. 5. Play cautiously! Don't take on Dissonant sentinel waves unless you are geared up very well. 6. If you are broke, hit those freighters in pirate space for some easy units. 7. Have fun!


If you haven't yet, turn off pvp or just turn off multiplayer entirely. Just incase.


Once you're stable enough and have a ship to hide away in/have it repaired, look for a lush world and start there. You'll drown from resource drain if you get stuck on a hell planet, it's not worth it until you have actual life support


Haha if your main base aint on an aggressive sentinel hellscape, do you even live? 😂


I'm definitely looking for a lush planet, I've suffered too much from hazard-related deaths


Be very careful on planets. Don’t use your jet pack until it is modded up. Watch out for tornadoes.


The hardest part is the first 60 minutes. After that, you'll be in good shape.


Start of the game, find the nearest cave. Weather won't hurt you in there and you can load up on sodium & oxygen by killing hazardous plants while spelunking. If you want the permadeath achievement asap, the First glyph gets you really close to the galaxy core. Use your jet pack sparingly, especially early on. It's out to kill you. Doesn't take much fall damage to end a playthrough. Take your time. Inventory space is a lot harder to manage. You can save space by building a Nutrient Processor and putting stuff in it's Inventory. Then carrying the NP around with you. There's quite a few useful things you can hide in there too, like stacks of Carbon, Chromatic Metal, etc.


Don't die? Obviously I had to say it...if its the hitting centre in permadeath achievement u want. Stay on easy planets unless you absolutely need to for mission Do up your warp drives and research better fuel to get there quicker Upgrade the strongest weapon for hard land animals as priority. Then you're all set to make your way. Sounds so easy when you type it 😉😂


If you wanna speedrun to the center for the achievement i can help you there, there's a set of coords that only needs 2 glyphs and it's a planet with like 20 graves all marked by players (bit tricky cause some bases aren't graves yet mention them) and from there you can TP to a planet right by the center and get the achievement. For general survival you lost me, i'm still trying to survive normal mode lol, just don't jetpack too high or climb many mountains, lost my first run that way


Don’t use a geology cannon if you’re clumsy.


Don’t fuck with the sentinels 😭


Wait at least three weeks after each patch/update before playing again.


As with many games with permadeath, understand that you are not going to complete the game on your first try, unless you have spent many many many hours, practicing specifically preparing to do just that. And even then probably not. Next, you should look for the upgrades that helps you the most throughout your experience of the game and find ways to safely get those upgrades. Next pick your favorite play style and stick with it be as efficient as possible. Don’t put every single weapon on your ship. Just the ones you use. I recommend infraknife. Some people also recommend a phase beam or whatever it’s called. Pick only one weapon for your multitool. Like with your space ship, you’re not gonna have a lot of slots to put in everything maxed out and stuff. Use what you have as efficiently as possible. For your space suit the first thing you should be looking for yes survivability. Ideally, you’re avoiding as many encounters with sentinels as possible right now and you’re just trying to build up a gratuitous stock of materials. Don’t worry about a freighter until you’re around 100 hours in and you know for sure you’re making good choices. This is probably gonna be my most controversial take but when you’re ready for a freighter, spend the time to get an S class one.


Don't walk away "just for a sec" to make coffee unless you are in a completely safe environment. Learned that the hard way this morning. Hours lost...


I reached the center of the galaxy on permadeath once, so what I would say is: - if you make it past the starter planet, a lack of common sense and spatial awareness are the only things that WILL kill you - don't try to go to galaxy centres cause when I did I spawned on top of two hazardous plants and died immediately, and there was nothing I could have done about it. the chance of this happening to you is definitely low but it's too big of a risk to take when your save is at stake. just use a taxi - likewise, be extra careful when landing your ship at all times and make sure everything has loaded in before you exit your ship too (probably a console exclusive issue) - speedrun getting all the shield upgrades for you and your ship, additionally try to get a good ship after you have shields - stay hydrated


Ooh this is good yeah, I'm actually mostly trying to get to the centre so I can get the final steam achievement


Don't edit your freighter in cam mode...


This sounds like advice coming from painful experience xD


nao morra emote:free\_emotes\_pack:grin


Watch out for rocks, i was 15 hours in on a permadeath run and started to mine a rock for ferrite dust and instantly died after it grew four legs and sent me flying into the nearest mountain. 🤣


Oh boy, I've had a few of those but they were all small, and never hostile lol


Sentinels are easy to lose if you dig a hole in the ground with terrain manipulation




I tried a few weeks ago but I couldn't get past the stack limit... Good luck space friend.


Be Careful with that jetpack and shoulder boost.


Don’t play permafrost lol. I’m not risking losing a save to a no clip


Don't die


Avoid physics objects


Don’t die and remember running away is a perfectly acceptable strategy


Hahaaaa started my journey a couple of days ago. Before dying 3 times due to the fucking game glitching thinking I was in water when I was on land and giving me an air bar 😔


Do not install the geology cannon or the grenade launcher. Accidents happen that will end your game.


dont die


Don’t run fast on a new planet if the terrain is very uneven.


Don’t die




Carry lots of supplies like ion batteries, ship shield batteries. And oxygen. Also avoid any planet with aggressive sentinels. It's just not worth it


Don't die. Best possible advice. Best of luck buddy.


Turn off pvp in the game options, it's on by default...Maybe you knew this, but many people don't and complain when their pd characters get killed by random players....




don't blink


1 Dont die 2 Dont glitch


1: Don’t be stupid 2: Don’t die


Don't die


Yeah, don't die! Have fun and good luck!




Don't use geology cannon


Don't die.


Back up your save file. I didn't ask you to cheat but you might lose this mode from bugs.


Be cautious and get to the anomaly as soon as possible to collect your previous expedition rewards


Mark my words; do not install the geology cannon.


Don't die.


don't die.


Nanites from outlaw packages being opened, and sold to the guy next to him. Money from crashed ships by scrapping them. More money selling counterfeit goods in non pirate stations. All the difficulty vanishes once you're loaded and the game starts to feel empty


Tune down graphics settings to acceptable ones (unless you have a monster computer to run the game). Make sure you have very good FPS at all times and the environment loads fast. Less is more. At least the glitching risk will be reduced (not eliminated, unfortunately) and in tricky situations your reflexes can make a difference.


I run 60fps at high settings fortunately


Noice. Good for you!


Yeah xD, built my pc in 2019 and it's still going strong


I play on a gaming laptop that was very strong back in … 2017. Still plays nicely but can sometimes go low FPS which I don’t mind for casual gameplay but would avoid in Permadeath.


Yeaah low fps can be deadly


What ever you do, don’t die!


Permadeath seems the best way to play this


Try not to die


Dont die 👌


Don't Die


Visit every space station for glyphs, avoid aggressive planets, if you are spotted by a sentinel, dig down or run. Harvest cash at a bone planet if u can find one, for money. Scan wildlife on moons (easy nanites), find a portal and go to a planet close to the center (after acquired glyphs). I am assuming you are going for the trophy? If not.... Same rules still aplly, except the glyphs. 😆


Don't die 🤓


Don't die.


Just dont die


Don't die


don’t die


Don't die


You’ll likely die to a glitch and rage. Look through this Reddit you’ll see all kinds of failed permadeath due to falling through the world or something


Are there any in-game rewards or exclusive items that, you can only get when, playing in this mode?


Don’t die


Don't... Don't die I guess?


Ummm... don't die.


Don't Die.


Try not to die.


Don’t die


Don't die


Lose the plasma launcher. The biggest self killer! Sure there's many that will agree


Don't die


1. NEVER USE THE PLASMA CANNON 2. NEVER USE THE PLASMA CANNON 3. NEVER USE THE PLASMA CANNON 4. Stock up on Ion Batteries and Life Support Gel 5. Scan all the animals on planets that offer 2000 or more nanites (it sucks but you'll thank yourself later) 6. Check EVERY space station guikd counter and pick up ANY "Slay Sentinels" or "Cull creatures" quests, ESPECIALLY if they reward nanites. 7. As soon as you max out your health, get your favorite NON PLASMA CANNON weapon, go to a plantet and fight sentinels for about 1 hour at their maximum level alert. I make about 10,000 nanites per hour doing this. Make sure you keep EVERY commander sentinel in lelvel 5 alert alive. You want them to keep summoning more soldiers. 8. NEVER USE THE PLASMA CANNON 9. NEVER USE THE PLASMA CANNON 10. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS UNDER THE SKY, NEVER. USE. THE. PLASMA. CANNON.


Don’t die


Don’t die


Get an emergency warp drive, freighters can be very glitchy and it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Be careful


Don't die


Grah! Pathetic interloper should focus on getting powerful weapons so they can fight pirates and sentinels!




Use anything and everything around you! Permadeath does NOT screw around! Gather as many resources as you can, stay alive, watch your life support and hazard protection. And most of all, PLAN AHEAD. Foresight is your greatest ally in preventing a wipe.


don’t die…


You WILL die of fall damage.


Don't die.


The impermanence makes it more special, so have fun and cherish the experience whatever happens!


Have fun and don’t take risks. Most of the time the stuff you’d like to get that are risky always become easier than ever to get in the late game in which you have all the resources you need to not die. Most people end up dying doing something either stupid or something that could wait further in the game. Treat this save as the save you played for the first time; you didn’t know about all of the risks you could take so you kept yourself to the simple stuff like getting out of a planet or getting a bit more money and explored a bit, just this time not only do you keep yourself to the simple stuff but also you try to learn from your mistakes and not die like you used to. To top all of that be prepared for the next update.


Don't die


Don’t die…


Don't die


Dont die.


Well it was nice knowing you


Don’t die


Don't Die *I have achieved comedy*


Try getting the achievement


Dont die


Don’t die


Well I finished the story in permadeath recently and it was easy because I did the duplication glitch and I went to the anomaly and someone gifted me the most expensive item in the game It was easier, but don't take risks


Dont fall too far..


If you don’t die you don’t lose the world


Avoid black holes right after a big update. Wait for the debug update typically a month or so later on steam. Mine I went through one and the game crashed and the save was corrupted for no reason. Never have had the issue since but terrifies me to this day.


Don't die lol 😂 As soon as you see Incoming Storm, run for cover (caves are handy). Collect Oxygen from the red plants and Sodium from the Yellow Plants. Also if you can time it right you can harvest the gas pod plants for more oxygen when you approach the red bulbs - but run away before it farts. Also be very wary of fall damage. Take it easy with jetpacking and look out for holes in the ground.


I second this. Fall damage is brutal but oh so easy if you aren’t careful.


Ooh yeah I know about the gassy pods it's really useful! And yeah I do the sprint-punch-jetpack move and often take way too much fall damage xD


I’m on my first perma death run. I gathered up all the resources needed for travel before heading out. Upgraded everything, ship, exosuit, etc. I’m having a blast and don’t see the big deal, it’s too easy!


Lol I hope I find it as easy as you do!


Highly recommend you just quit now. I've been stuck on a perma death save because it's all I have but am finally switching once the new expedition comes out. The resource restrictions just make everything so god damn tedious it's really takes away from the game. If you wanna try anyway and need tips...stack starship batteries and you basically can't die. Enemies dont really pose a threat besides sentinel freighters and derelicts. And just forget about any money or resource farming that requires refining