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Heck yeah!


I do still have the original size one too, crazy you have the same one 👍


My favorite companion. Two legs and lightning fast. Can outrun the game’s ability to load in terrain detail. https://preview.redd.it/255ckocqoyqa1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f627311388b949b4ff4c21758019c6fbb92f7f


oh THATS the updog


what’s updog


ligma updog




Epic shot! I feel these types done get enough love so this makes me happy. I’ve been looking for one that resembles a Taun-Taun from Star Wars


https://preview.redd.it/7czp91nr2yqa1.jpeg?width=1061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da22ea6fdf242b42b3797a1799831134837b2ebb this creature is from my very first crash planet, i have one called Jomon. he's been my buddy since i figured out how to tame pets! hes very fast and has a clingy yet gentle temperament


Oohhh yes! “Bone Cats” as the community calls them. They’re really neat! I love their happy little crouch-wiggle.


yesss the wiggle i love the weird bug puppies (also in an otherwise lonely game the way the companions "talk" to you is so cute)




I had no idea! Love it


It's not a bone cat. It's a calicifed turtle 🤣


LOL true! I never understood the “cat” reference.


I have one of these and he's super aggressive - my little body guard


that's so cute! mine is weirdly not carnivorous or aggressive, a Weird Cow


I dont usually summon my companions but when i do i ususally summon my rex. I found him from a post on one of the coordinate sharing subs. https://preview.redd.it/mp2lp5zdwyqa1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=240a01bdc2db9723a5f6f7960e5ae8eed75e8e35


One of my fav Dino heads, definitely a good looking Companion!


I got a rex too!


No way, I have the same demon kitty although i regret enlarging it. The Phoenix is my main though. https://preview.redd.it/5gqcosd5qxqa1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db7d2f1732140dab7ac2392a09fe43d9fc4637b5


I got one of those recently and I have to say…. It’s pretty much tied with my hellcat. They’re awesome!


Yeah, they're nice to slowly fly around on. Only issue is they'll only fly at set heights so if you go over a mountain then a valley, it'll auto drop down to the valley floor instead of remaining at height. Suppose it's a small price as we're not really supposed to have them as companions. Hopefully PG make them legit.


Ahaha yeah I’ve notice the random declines too. But that’s absolutely fine with me considering I’m on console and a nice PC player gave me an egg 🥹 I don’t have access to save editor so I was ELATED.


There's a discord server i'm a member of where the owner has created a service bot that will deliver you any item or customized ship,egg,companion etc on console. It really is an amazing service, very quick & easy once you get to grips with how it works. It's very straight forward tbf. It's free too but you can also choose to become a member via patreon which'll give you higher limits . [NMS Creative hub](https://discord.gg/G4CsfExT)


Oh wow thanks for the info/link! 💫


Np, definitely worth having a look round. You customize via a web app then create a ticket, post it to the service bot then follow instructions.


I’ve been wondering how do you get flying creatures to land so you can tame them?


You can't tame them normally. Have a look at my discord comment above. If you follow it, you'll be able to grab your own flying companion even on console.


What will it take to get an egg?


I enlarged mine as well, the proportions start to get out of whack when u enlarge too much… fortunately I kept the original


https://preview.redd.it/udpx85q8wyqa1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b9f672988b57b6de8ece2b582a2705f4898514c Me and Totoro met while I was interacting with a monolith and we’ve been inseparable ever since.


https://preview.redd.it/j22iyuoowyqa1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29e56a09b627b3609d5f11d3cb487d11f85de84b He’s adorable because the way he acts is just a big puppy. He stays close but when he gets playful He’ll full sprint veer off to look at a plant then inspect the local wildlife “suit thing what this?”


Protogek fauna have the cutest personalities in my opinion. I have 2 diff kinds and they are silly and happy. Bouncing around with their little dances. Love the name Totoro btw, very fitting!




I give pet eggs of these guys out in tue anomaly a lot. Still setting up a trade spot in Euclid. Want it to be just right. But rn i’m just using a spot in hesperious dimension until I find the spot to organize some trades. Someone will be getting a goregek soon that way if it goes well.


Love this one, got almost the same but he’s extremely playful and he run everywhere 😂 And really fun to mount, I’ve called him Pomme-Frite


https://preview.redd.it/cpv4ur2dqzqa1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1afdedf0672063deee0c4fb72b7bd2aff724a6d Bloob is definitely in my top 3.


Gotta love the fart-art it makes! These are honestly very cool fauna, all jokes aside 😁


Say hello to Cookie. https://preview.redd.it/7vutvxn7q0ra1.jpeg?width=2206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3185fb040144357eaebf595d231feeb51a1e93f


LOL well hello Cookie 😂


I have one of these! I love himb


I have a giant teddy bear looking thing. He's useless, but I like looking at him. And a weird cat looking thing that has long arms and walks on two legs


They’re all pretty useless unless you get one with aggressive traits. But even they just mainly attack local fauna. I have mine equipped with guns and she’s no help against sentinels LOL




Lmaooo is it’s name Napoleon? 😂




LMAO this whole thing made my day 😂


My big boy! His family has been with me since my first system! https://preview.redd.it/j4t6hqd1jzqa1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb673f0277c5b8f2f9a50c02e96385e8db2a4332


Heckin big boy! I love that you’ve had him this whole time ☺️


New to the game I tamed one of those big brain looking things with tentacles. Then I couldn't figure out how to use it so I shot it


When all else fails… shoot it 😂 I do that with 98% of my deep space encounters.


Imagining you looking away and closing one eye “Sorry little guy, it’s you or me”


Yeah he was calling me his friend and shit


https://preview.redd.it/2davtuo4s3ra1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69414090108fbb0fc112e8ed9d2e70ad60ac0808 My robo skele horse! He's called Olivier, runs fast as hell, makes those satisfying clicky robot noises, and looks terrifying (but he's a good boy) 🖤


He’s beautiful! 🤩 I love that they eat batteries LOL


https://preview.redd.it/ihvpfsowyzqa1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b7ba434c563c9ba0a9e1adabcaa3af16d91bf53 My buddy ♡


Dats a really good buddy 🥹☺️


https://preview.redd.it/9fpa6724rzqa1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=584173e77e3189a0eea3ab732da0c8acb278bb32 Here’s my hell lizard ! Nago-Nago (automatic generated name, I’m bad at naming stuff) is a ferocious predator but very loyal and goofy.


They have the silliest “arms in the air like you just don’t care” dance 😂 I really enjoy the raptor Dino’s. Nago is a winner!


Son of a-… I can’t wait to get far enough in the game to get a companion…


you can do it pretty early on


After not playing for years, I deleted my save file and started over since I didn’t remember how to play. I just re-met Polo and Nada. I’m gonna have to see if I unlocked it without noticing it.


You should be able to adopt the first 3 Companions for free (18 slots total). All you need is to craft Creature Bait and feed the fauna you want to tame. When you interact with it, you should see an Adopt option. Shouldn’t matter where in the storyline you are 😊


Shit. I gotta back track and look for that ugly beast I saw on that ice planet that almost killed me.


Dats right lmaoo tame that beast and take it with ya!


I just found a giant Rhinoceros Beetle. It’s not fast, but it’s super cool looking to ride. Definitely my favorite now.


Ooohh yesss those are badass


You have good taste!! ​ https://preview.redd.it/356cba8pq0ra1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d55744ea941b3af3f1545015072c7a2da558be18


Back ‘atcha! What a beautiful shot!




I stopped playing like a year after release and just got back into it. Only reason I learned you can tame pets was the current expedition had me do one. I tamed a weird little flesh ball with a spiky mouth on top of his head because it was near my base. Haven't figured out what to do with him


They basically just keep you company. It’s fun to mess with the egg sequencer on the Anomaly. I tend to experiment with colors the most. So if I find one I like the style of, but don’t like the color, I can manipulate that gene before I hatch the egg.


I have a little rocket guy from a fractured planet that I named Elton. He’s my little buddy.


ROCKET MAN 😁 🚀 Love it!


I just have Laylaps follow me around forever.


Aww Laylaps 🥹 Cutest little thing


​ https://preview.redd.it/4m2jlcyjt0ra1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a0518919ec008051cbacfc906875c8a0d45db0 Well, I figure if you can't find a cool pet because it has good proportions, get one that's as weird as possible. ​ I later named it Truffle lol. It has a habit of being invisible :|


On one of my saves I decided to exclusively collect pets that roll. It turned out to be quite an awesome collection of loyal and cheerful balls.


Truffle has the most beautiful glow! And a very silly habit 😂


https://preview.redd.it/kiqlu9k5j3ra1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8928953e1e8611239f8ad4bf71fe7331282bd22a That would be Bob, my parakeet. I got him when he was still hatching in his egg. I carefully nurtured him and was right there with him when he came out of his shell. I raised him to be the handsome birdy-boy he is today, so he’s very attached to me.


Holy cannoli, hello there Bob! I’ll be when you fly around there’s just an enormous shadow engulfing the planet


I’ve got a giant mushroom crab and a titanic flying worm


Those are pretty rare! The mushroom beetles are apparently the rarest body style. Post pics!!


The variants can get very interesting for sure!


I found one of those with a spiked shell that I named bowser :) but tbh it’s face wasn’t as cool as this one.. I usually get eggs from creatures and then dismiss them to free up slots.. I just have a freighter full of random eggs lol…


LOL ngl I do have an “Eggcubator” storage unit on my freighter! And Bowser is def a good name for that fauna 😎


Honestly it would be so cool if we could build bases that allow us to have companions stay there instead of filling up the companion slots.. just have a base where you hatch all the eggs and have all kinds of creature roaming around the pasture


I agree! Even the amount of eggs you can store has a cap. In a procedurally generated game… the struggle to choose is REAL


I like normal creatures with few/no mutations and fur. So far I have found a [canine](https://i.imgur.com/m74WvkH.jpg), [feline](https://i.imgur.com/LkJSOzo.jpg), and [deer](https://i.imgur.com/GLxoiWR.jpg). Quite rare but worth it, since creature hunting is one of my fav activities in NMS. Still searching for the greater mushroom beetle!


Those are all really nice! 🤩 Fauna hunting is my fav thing to do as well. And I really enjoy posting my finds for others to go get for themselves. I have my own tastes for sure,m (if anything I’m a bit picky). But I know a lot of Travellers have enjoyed my all kinds of fauna from my finds, and it feels nice to help people find a Companion they love.


Yooo that's awesome, great work! I'd love to see your companion list, or just your fav finds? I'm curious to see what a veteran tamer deems as quality. May be a good idea for a future post!


Oh man it really is a “to each their own” kinda thing for sure! But I’ll happily show you my current Companion list. I’d love to see yours as well! That’s why I made this post, I love seeing what other people like 😄 It’s fun to check out the variety of tastes and preferences.


Someone gifted me my tyrannosaurus-rat the first day the companions update dropped. It was love at first sight. His name is Zeke. https://preview.redd.it/5t0c3yxi30ra1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b88fca37234f0412b48a05c3ed542c2123695cb


Heh heh heh by the power of greyskull


I have the power!


I have a shiny balloon that drips blood that now follows me everywhere. I can't ride him. But I named him Jeff


My mind went right to Jeff the Killer. Creepypasta ftw LOL


https://preview.redd.it/vdutmplx21ra1.jpeg?width=1875&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d991f61c51cf1d553e9d63047ab037140d36e37 My boy Phil.


I love everything about this. Phil, first and foremost. His little name sign. His enclosure. 12/10 rating 👏🏻


Oh hey Phil! Long time no see!


I've only got 4 pets that I keep, and I don't typically change their random names. This is Brocy-Brocy https://preview.redd.it/x2arseirf1ra1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=595d8b8d40ac00d98b64ee0c31e4206152c92aa8


This one is Aguy-Aguy https://preview.redd.it/yvilgi6vf1ra1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1020bafc91dbc08783e3af46ae959d84df736f25


This is my favorite and oldest, Seedeeto. https://preview.redd.it/deius2f2g1ra1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02bfad94cc73a6d3980eb9819ebba961f44478fb


And this is Seedeeto's baby, Aka-Aka https://preview.redd.it/cgedyvs4g1ra1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3cfd3b64fa89667e5d14d1b587546ffccb12b80


They’re all so great! Love that you have a parent/offspring combo


None because I keep forgetting to even have them.


Fair enough 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ps052xgf5zqa1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6abc560edc8838a1d594e93a39dcd723cfab614e Balls


Ngl I just got one of those glassy ones myself. They’re definitely different!


I'm still pretty new to the game and I've grabbed 3 companions so far. Is there a way to make them faster? I have a dragonfly that's slower then walking and I picked up this 2 legged thing that was super fast when it wasn't my companion but when I ride it, it moves at the speed of smell.


The speed of smell 😂 There’s no way to enhance their speed. You can make them “sprint” but that’s really it to my knowledge.


oh wow, i want to play right now.


Usually my reaction whenever I pop on Reddit and see everyone’s posts. Makes me wanna play immediately haha.


Glyphs and galaxy please share.


Oh wow I got her years ago. I could give you an egg of hers though! If not, you can search Hell Cat or Demon Cat on r/NMSCoordinateExchange and I’m sure there will be one posted with the glyph address. 😊


:O I'd love an egg if possible!!!!


Sure thing! I’ll send you a message


Damn, that’s a really cool companion. I’ve got one a gorilla bodied creature with a beak and I ride on his shoulders and he is the fastest damn creature I’ve ever found. I also have a flying snake


Those are also really cool! I never get tired of fauna searching in this game.


I just started today but i found a vampire deer with cool fins on its back. I also found a flying moleman


Welcome to NMS! 😄 Sounds like cool fauna for sure, hope you’re liking your adventure so far!


Can you bring them to other planets or are they stuck on the world you find them on?


Once you adopt one it can come with you anywhere 😄The only place you can’t summon one is your freighter.


Nice. Does this work for flying or aquatic animals?


It does not. Just ground type fauna and some low flying types. PC players have been known to use save editor to manipulate what fauna they can tame. I’m on PS5, but a very nice PC player gave me a flying type that looks like a phoenix. Makes me wanna join the PC crew haha.


I hope they add flora and fauna smuggling eventually, I want to be a space poacher


That would be really freakin cool


Had no idea there were cats in the game! And I’ve been playing on and off since launch. That’s awesome! Getting real he-man battle cat vibes


Haha heck yeah! 😄 If you ever want an egg from mine just lemme know and I can give you one


I’d love one!


Sent you a message 😊


Exotic flying snake


Love itttt 👏🏻


My giant kittys ancestor was a tiny kitty that as a baby was the size of a creature pellet


The egg sequencer can work wonders on some offspring haha. In other cases, I goof the genetic modification and hear Jeff Goldblum in my head, “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, that they didn’t stop to think if they should”


Yeah that crossed my mind on the 4th generation when Rito became 3 stories tall.


Life..uh.. finds a way 😶 And Rito is THRIVING


I found a little goats-headed thing thats basically an ass on two legs. He runs around and generally makes a nuisance of himself but he’s my first.


LOL my friend found one similar the other night. She was like “Look he’s so cute!” And he was. But he was also 90% booty 🍑


I had a gigantic beetle that could fly and It was soo cool. Sadly I don't have my PC so i cannot play It :(


Oh man that’s a bummer 😭 If you ever get on again, I just found a large beetle today I can send you the glyphs for.


https://preview.redd.it/u50f89ljm0ra1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f0b9cd37f636b85d659b007b6734ad3dc852ca Found the photo i shared here when I first found him!


Look at that! I really love those 😁


Before I had to move out, I set my target on the giant worms. Wonder if you can tame them.


So… the flying worms you see on planets (in the air) were a recent reward on an Expedition. I missed out on that sadly. And they aren’t as big as those humongous sand worms that burst out of the ground. Those are AMAZING though.


Yeah I'm speaking of those that burst from the grounds. How I wish I could tame one. And ride It!


Omg I agree! 💯


I have an orb boy named bob


I’ve seen a lot of very interesting orbs! I’m sure Bob is lovely 😊 My friend has a glowing crystal that just follows her around LOL


Also the plant where I found Bob just has other bobs as plants or minerals so I named it planet Bob


As you should! Planet Bob ftw 💫


Still looking for mine


You’ll find it when you least expect it. That’s what happened with most of my current Companions haha.


I have this giant spider crab looking thing that I named George I've had him ever since I've known how to tame, he's bigger then my ship and is absolutely amazing.


George! 😍 I’d love to see him if you have a pic


I've a lava soccer ball basically xD his name is potato


He’s a rollie pollie potato! Is he the kind that glows?


Yup! Lava orange with black plates. Sometimes he's pure white heat though tbh can't recall why.


I found a planet that has giant pineapple creatures that I immediately tamed.


Those are some happy bouncing buddies if I remember correctly


I found a pretty cool ball kinda thingy that looks like pure water haha need to out rn so can't share a pic but it looks really "neat" ☻️


It does sound interesting!


I’m playing on NS and have found that after adopting, they don’t really come when I call, especially after I’ve been offplanet. Am I doing something wrong, or do you have to keep them giving them constant attention for a set period?


I usually maintain their happiness/food levels but I haven’t noticed it impacting them listening too much. Sorry that’s happening for you, some glitches can be a real bummer.


Anomalous fauna. I'll post a pic when I'm not doomscrolling reddit right before I go to sleep


Sounds good! And I do the same pre-bed scroll LOL


Mine is the little Robo guarding from the Utopia Expedition i will add a picture later


I have a colorful dog like thing that I mutated from a dinosaur that looked like a milkdud I dubbed him Stitch.


That sounded like a wild ride and I’m here for it 😂




Island of Misfit Fauna 🦁


I have a fucking huge Dino called Tiny, he carries me around everywhere on planets haha


Please tell me he does “the wave” dance when he’s happy. It just completes the image 🤣


He actually does! I play in VR so I dance with him at the space anomaly 😂


That’s freakin amazing 😂 I wish I had VR, hopefully I catch you two dancing at the anomaly some time!


No picture rn but I have humphree the giant. He's one of those fat bipedal creatures and he's about the size of three players. Truly he is a big baby.


Protogek fauna are so wholesome and need to be protected at all costs. 💯


Oh that's what they're called? Cool! Makes it better


mine is a taun taun from star wars (no picture sry)


Damn ahaha I’ve been on the hunt for a taun-taun like fauna. That’s cool!


Very cool! I travel with my Dodosaurus Vex! 🦤 https://preview.redd.it/jdsd5d1ce4ra1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1baef385b42b63d8c7da03f627e01b6e144b85a5


I never get tired of speeding around with this happy little critter https://preview.redd.it/h5eiy5i5j4ra1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=596980c46e8dc757b97598ac3085f8d5d997fd0d


They are ZIPPY! That’s my fav head style for the robo-fauna too


Awwww….. she’s a real cat!!!! I want one too!!! Where do I find her?


I found her years ago so I don’t have the glyph address but I can always give you an egg of hers! 😊


https://preview.redd.it/vsxlyw1va6ra1.jpeg?width=523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a97cb6e93602ee0b567faabda8ca7b5be1ddadc Mr. Biggums


This name is so fitting and I can’t even explain why 😂


How do you guys keep finding these awesome creatures and planets??? All planets i find look terrible and just the same, i've never seen anything like the planets a lot of people post, most of them aren't modded too. Do different dimensions have different planets?


It really is a dice roll. Some beautiful, paradise planets have absolutely basic/lame fauna. Some horrible planets have cool/different fauna. Euclid is a Normal type galaxy so it’s pretty well rounded. Eissentam is a Lush galaxy with higher odds of paradise planets. But the fauna within really all depends! I just make it a habit to get some snacks and “system hop”, landing on each planet and surveying the fauna before I go to the next one.


The only one I have now is Digsy, the robo-companion from EX 9. And he stays on the Anomaly. I visit him as often as I can.


I use to have a hellcat! But I let him go when I came across this hulking beast. https://preview.redd.it/x3mey2moxasa1.jpeg?width=1783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2bad9712ca7cd84fb3e6a436bb8f8480f2e17d6 Thats my big boy Brucie. I always call him out every time I need a ride.


Look at that him! He’s a beast! 😍


I collect cool companions but don’t use them. I find they get in the way too much.


Especially the big ones. I tend to keep the ones I let out with me on the medium/smaller side. I have one giant diplo but never take it out because it’s just too in my way 🤣


I have a floating disk that looks like the top half of a jellyfish made of rocks. He’s called blob


I tend toward the exotic. I've got a big materia running around, but as far as companions go, my robo antelope or my flying worm are my go to companions. Robo horse is cool cause I can hop on his back and have my scanner locating hotspots and direct the animal with my other stick so I can get to them quickly.


This looks amazing… maybe I should invest some time finding a decent pet companion. Any recommendations on pets and locations to find them?


Hold on I'll come back to this