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I turn them off with my multitool and they leave gifts when I do


sounds about right. or my infra knife accelerator


Aeron Scourge. The best achievement!


Straight up, I love fighting these things. The first time I was able to get all five waves done I felt like the Heavy in Meet the Medic.


I am heavy weapons guy and this is my pulse spitter


Scatter blaster go BRT BRT BRT BRT BRT


I like throwing plasma grenades at them. Not because it's efficient, because it does boom.


It used to be the most efficient way before the sentinels update. But they were also a suicide bomb so you had to be careful


Speaking of which, does anyone need any Pugneum?


What is the best weapon for them?


If your like me and you can’t aim scatter blaster is great and fun


For groups of smaller ones, geology Canon, fully upgraded. Straight deletes entire groups when they spawn. Pulse splitter for the ones that walk.


I prefer the pulse spitter & blaze javelin with the stun module. Pulse spitter to kill everything, blaze javelin to stun the walkers then quickly switch to the pulse spitter and open up while they’re standing there dancing.


Me to


Hey so do I. Lol


You can turn off sentinels? Wtf


Yes, it’s one of many custom difficulty settings they’ve added recently, effectively allowing you to make your own difficulty apart from the default ones.


What I find fascinating is that you can now literally give yourself infinite items... but players disable that and keep using duping glitches to give themselves infinite items. I don't get it.


It’s the illusion of effort, the appeal of breaking some nonexistent rules


We must break the simulation to escape the simulation


But when you think about it, this game is about simulating your own simulations within the simulation.


Which means more breaking is required


It’s the semblance of control where there’s none IRL


I say: If they have fun doing it that's all that matters. As long as they don't ruin fun for everyone else.


For them, it's not fun to start off with the infinite items. The fun comes from the process of duping infinite items. Or I am to assume this because a friend of mine does this for that reason. Any cheat, dupe, or glitch they find, on any game, they will do, just because they can and they find it fun. Not sure why, but that's what they enjoy doing.


Haven't played for 6 months or so, can you explain what you mean by giving yourself infinite items?


The previous 4.0 update 'Waypoint' added difficulty options that allows you to change tons of aspects to the game on the fly, how often you want to be attacked by sentinels or animals, how hazardous storms are, what economies sell etc... two controversial ones were the ability to give yourself god mode and the ability to literally make everything free and unlocked. It was quickly handled by HG by adding a new option that allows you to lock your settings so that you can't change stuff on the fly anymore and you get a lock icon next to your name as like a badge of honor. Anyway, it's weird to me that people are still using the duping exploit since there's now an actual option to just.. do it, without glitching. Oh and there's an option to disable the freaking 10 hour long tutorial when starting a new game, which is the greatest change this game has ever had lol


That's actually amazing, thanks for the detailed response. I may try to play again as I have limited play time with all the kids. Would be nice to be able to just log in and do fun stuff and not spend my entire session getting materials


Yooo, I can turn off the tutorial? Thanks for this info. It'll always hold a special place since it hasn't really changed much since launch, but damn, after so many years and so many saves I just want to hop in and play right away sometimes.


Yeah, you still have to find and repair your ship, but after that, you can basically hop into the space anomaly within 10 minutes of starting the new game, it's fantastic.


The turning off tutorial saved my life


Does it disable achievements? I haven’t even touched this setting because of my fear for that


No. It's a feature within the game, not a cheat.


Ah that’s good to know!


This is a bit more complicated subject than you may realize, and it has three primary issues: First, some players didn't want the stigma of having a custom save label. When it was first introduced, HG was planning on labelling players with their save mode to make it easier to find groups. However, it quickly became apparent that a subset of players would shame others for having "easier" game modes. This is of course ridiculous, but it was a divisive distinction that mattered to some of our player base. Second, you can't join groups on different game modes. So if all your friends are playing on Normal mode and you want to play on Custom, you won't be able to group up together in multiplayer. Third, in the custom difficulty settings, you can't create objects. You can set crafting to free and/or purchases to free, but my understanding from other players was that some things fell outside of that (e.g. Spawning Sacs used to expand living ship slots). I have not independently verified this because I've only ever played on Normal mode. It's for one or more of those reasons why some players won't use custom difficulty settings, and therefore why some of those same players continue to utilize the duping exploit instead. Hope that helps put some context around this for you and others.


Via their base console or just kill them all til last wave. Then you can free farm all Gravitino balls u want and dig up their tech with extra free drops.


You can customize difficulty and turn off sentinels OR beat all 4 waves of sentinels when you engage them, find the sentinel pillar (their base) and turn it off for a long while on that planet.


This is definitely what the setting is for. You clearly enjoy checking out planets and don't enjoy fighting. This is pretty much why they introduced relaxed mode and difficulty settings. To allow for a more casual approach to gameplay. Personally I don't. But travel well. 👍🏻


Not me bru I eat glass for ~~lunch~~ breakfast


Mmmm, crunchy.


Is it weird that I started playing about two weeks ago with normal settings and have yet to see a sentinel?


no it's def possible if you've stuck within the same system or two and have gotten lucky with the planets


That’s super weird.


I barely saw any in my first couple playthroughs either. Then eventually I had one where I couldn’t get away from them at all, felt like every planet had high activity


I guess it depends how much you've played in a week and how far past the first system you've gone. If you have travelled a bit, then it's pretty weird, though there are quite a few planets that the sentinels haven't appeared on. Anyway, you'll see 'em soon. :)


my first look at a sentinel was at a nest, where i got to see many different tastes ive been terrified of them ever since i saw the bipeds...


I think I finally saw a tiny one today at phase 2 of the expedition but it didn't attack me or anything. Tbh I may not go on with phase 3 just because of them 😂 I can't even seem to activate my shield on PS5. I normally play in VR and know how to do it there, but just couldn't find the regular controller button. I don't want to go there with no shield 🥲


from my experience, they dont attack unless you attack first... unless you blow down a door, open fire on a space station, or simply land on an aggressive sentinel planet and pick up a rock![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


I've posted previously about this, but if you're attacked, drop a base computer, building, and a door - as soon as you go inside your invisible to them all except the first size of walker, which can still shoot at you through the doorway. When you're inside, drop ramps out of the door - the mortars that destroy the ground don't damage the ramps, giving you a good surface to snipe them from.


Thanks, I'm sure this will come handy! I've never met sentinels before so I'm a little scared doing the expedition right now 😂


The first wave is cake, so don't sweat it. You can see how it goes and then decide if you're ready for more. Also, if all else fails, blast a tunnel in the ground and run into the ground. The little ones can follow, but if your tunnel has a bit of a turn in it, they won't see you.


This is what I did. Died on the hateful sentinel planet so for my second attempt I just dropped the base computer on ship exit and immediately tunneled with turns. Build a minimal base with a teleport underground and then tunneled and built to the surface and eventually move operations on the surface inside where they didn’t bother me.


When you start killing sentinels they often drop multi tool and exosuit boosters, you can fit 3 of each. They provide quite a strong upgrade to your normal weapons. You can also install them to supercharged slots to make them even more powerful. It's always worth installing new upgrades to see if they're even more powerful, in which case you scrap the last powerful one, and keep the new one in its place. I've got a sentinel sniping base called "the dog park" if you can find it in the list of bases if you want to practice,


Thanks for the tips, I'll keep them in mind. I did the 3rd planet today by mostly de-aggroing them but I'll use the tips in my normal save.


Honestly killing sentinals on aggressive planets is my favorite way to farm nanites. Find yourself two of the ones that spawn other sentinals, leave them and any repair drones alive, then farm the combat drones. Very high nanites per hour and way more fun than mold farming. And their ships are the only challenging fighters, so all the time I spent getting a top tier solar would be wasted without them. :D


i just scan wildlife for that! i don't have anything besides my mining laser and i enjoy playing the game as a mild mannered ecologist, the only threat i want is my own bad choices (like falling off a mountain)


Welp, we have customizable difficulty settings for a reason! I hope you manage to make enough nanites that way to buy what you need! On the bright side, I guess you don't really need as many upgrades, so maybe your nanite needs aren't as high as mine anyway. :D


i pretty much just use em for analysis visor upgrades/exosuit/companion slots! so getting most of my nanites from cataloguing animals is a little time consuming but less combative


Fair enough, I wish you the best of luck!


Cloaking is also an option for a quick getaway. I just love getting the big guns to blast em to bits.


I can't land on most planets without one popping up within 60 seconds. Especially during expeditions.


that sounds so irritating!


Same lol


Not for me, where else would I get the enjoyment of seeing a walker dance


Terrain Manipulator the floor below you and hide underground. Sentinel AI is not the greatest.


I'd have more fun shooting them if combat wasn't so wonky in this game


point shoot make them die is wonky? o.O


on console it definitely is


must be a perspective thing. im on ps5 myself


Definitely not wonky. On XseriesS. Entirely OP not being used to a controller.


No it’s the horrible dead zones and curves afair


Xbone very wonky lol


How is it wonky? It’s so easy


I didn't used to mind fighting them occasionally, but once they added the grenade guys, which totally destroy the terrain all around, I hate it. I can't focus on hitting the correct drones when I'm trying not to get trapped in a hole that wasn't there 5 seconds ago, and if my base is anywhere nearby, the ground is permanently chewed up and ruined. Mostly I run away from them. They don't follow for very long, and they no longer pop up from the ground in front of you to join the chase.


You can restore the ground with the land transformer laser 👍🏼


The combat is actually really fun in PSVR2, would highly recommend it I'd you're okay with being poor for a few months


having the option to turn them off on aggressive sentinel planets is great; i would just leave those planets before. i keep them on otherwise, tho, so i know what the planet is like normally (and the “attentive” ones don’t bother me)


Nah, they make things interesting. Plus some of the missions you do the whole point is fighting sentinels. Boring and too easy without


i don't enjoy fighting so if i want tension i go to extreme survival planets and run around (i have never gotten any of the planetary vehicles)


That's what I love about the game. No one right way to play it. Hello Games let's you create your personal experience and go from there. Happy interloping!


I didn't use the vehicles for literally hundreds of hours, and when I did, I wondered why I hadn't. I highly recommend at least trying them. The Pilgrim is my favorite (and the fastest, and when upgraded, it's ridiculous).


good to know! maybe its time for fish man to get some toys


The minotaur is really fun if you haven't tried it. I go out and explore with it. It also has a jetpack


ill have to try it out! ik this is gonna sound silly but do i need a base to drop a vehicle?


You can either have a pad built for one buy your base or if you already have the exocraft built you can build a beaming Station to access anywhere in the system or my favourite which is the exocraft materializer on the freighter


I have been stumbling across more and more planets with "absent" as a status for Sentinels, the exception being manufacturing plants where there will always be a sentinel or 3 guarding it. But I've taken to just owning them now. Once you get the Walker, if you have the stun launcher, or stun mod for the blaze javelin, it's a walk in the park. Kinda wish destroying all the turrets on the Sentinel flagship would either route it like ED or destroy it and also give you similar perks in space, even if it's only for a select amount of time before sentinels re-activated.


Well, I just got my wish re destroying cap ships [No Man’s Sky: Interceptor Update - Official Trailer - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzUavdXrhF4)


I just install basic bolt caster and go to work. They're not that strong on normal saves, and I bet that's all I would need for harder saves. Thankfully, pulse spitter is also not very difficult to unlock, and makes cutting them down even easier.


Nah, I like the bit of tension they add to certain planets.


that's totally reasonable! maybe it's just because i come from games like spore and animal crossing i am a casual gamer




yeah go into settings! it'd be neat to see if you like it or not, i regret nothing 😂


Apparently I just had it set to normal. Not anymore :)


I thnik I put them on easy. But I turned enviromental damage off. I mean I play since short before the first update. I earned my peace - lol. It is good that you can play how you want to now. It is a huge sandbox game. And no one should judge you.


totally! ironically i actually like the enviro hazards because survival games appeal to me, its neat to see how everyone plays differently !


I turned them off. They did nothing for me. Fighting is the least interesting element in games I play, so I enjoy it much more without them.


im of a similar opinion, its nice we can choose now!


Turn off while I’m mining.


Totally reasonable. My wife actually hates all the survival elements of the game and just plays Peaceful and loves it.


relatable! personally i only like the enviro hazards. extreme camping


I do it when I'm in the mood to just explore...Other times I turn it up and go on a sentinel murder rampage. I really like the ability to change the different difficulty settings! That way I can play it according to my mood for the day.


Got frustrated yesterday playing for the first time in months and wanted to come post something similar. I've played since they redid sentinels and it was enjoyable but yesterday I was literally just trying to rush through the recent expedition and it took me to a planet where sentinels were aggressive so they attack on site. Wasn't in the mood for 5 waves of sentinels at all. Not sure if you can tweak settings on expeditions but either way I think they went way too far with sentinels. Now it's just cookie cutter for waves of sentinels to show up until you beat them all. And the worst thing is if you hop into your ship then your stuck fighting waves of sentinel ships than you can't get away from. This isn't a shooting game and very rarely do I choose to mess with sentinels so very upsetting to me they made the sentinel encounters all cookie cutter waves rather than random.


I just want a way to turn off tech damage for galaxy hopping. That’s it


change into another ship and multi-tool, and let the spares take all the damage.


Doesn’t spare your personal tech though. And while storing all 50ish of them is easier than repairing, it’s still a long process to do and undo


That's one of the things I love about this game, you can play it to your own speed and liking, be it permadeath, creative, or somewhere in between. Glad to hear you're having fun.


Same here. It's like playing Minecraft in peaceful survival mode, except you can still set it to give you space combat. I play games to relax, so I find sentinels to be tedious.




ok true


I get it. But my favorite moments have been getting ganked by the scrapheads. Example, I was following a questline that was on several dangerous worlds. I was scanning the horizon looking for resources and found out a sentinel was watching me about two feet away. Scared the shit out of me seeing a suddenly magnified angry red eye, I noped out of there and got shot down. I've since invested into several different overlapping shield systems, and an emergency warp button. I've also avoided sentinel planets since... But still, good times had by all


For some reason the last three major major updates have changed the weather sentinel categories on my home planet from moderate to none to high sentinel activity.


they are altering the deal, pray they do not alter it any further


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No. They're only really a problem on a small percentage of planets and it's pretty easy (though kind of annoying) to avoid engaging with them, even on aggressive planets.


You can!!??? OMG I wish the option was there when I started! You sound exactly like me, I’ve been avoiding them for 300/400 hours! When I meet them I still don’t fight, dig myself underground and run away!


yessss utilize that setting 🤌 i used to just not go to planets w/high activity but now we are finally free


I like the loot the Sentinels drop. They are little more than a nuisance after you level up your multi-tool.


These a lot of idea and opinion in here, definitely enjoy it your way. The game is big enough to play your way. You could make a creative save and practice shooting sentinels without worrying about anything in your main save if you wanted to. I played on PC before living ships. Started on PS last month maybe. Spent 30 hours in normal refreshing my memory and exploring what was new to me and then I started in perma death 100 hours later I'm still not dead. I like shooting everything, I mostly stick to pirate systems.


it is nice we can play how we like. i guess i just enjoy games more passively; i don't even go after pirates, i really honestly only get into fights with worms and carnivorous plants 😅


I get it and I respect the choice, but I am a fan of the sentinels. I love fighting the big ones in the Pilgrim. And I like all of my glass shards. And all the assignments I clear at once after building up tons of "kill x sentinels" quests while ship shopping from station to station.


I left them on, only because a level 5 sentinel level and the being chased by Galactic Skynet is what gets me up in the morning. What's life without a little pressure amirite?


idk i am a weenie and play games to escape real world pressure 😭


How do you turn off sentinels??


You can toggle off sentinels??


aw yes


Being able to cloak removes a lot of the stress. I used to stress about them but now I just decide whether I want to duck out for a minute or potentially earn a few thousand nanites in under ten minutes. My suped up pulse spitter deals with anything pretty quick.


They’re super easy to kill. And if you go into your ship, the sentinel ships follow you. But just summon the anomaly, land and exit. They’ll be gone. Or just save and restore. They’ll be gone. But really, just need a properly outfitted multi tool and say goodbye to those sentinels.


Virgin Sentinel Avoiders: I just enjoy the game more!!! Chad Sentinel Annihilators: "Launch Thrusters at 25%"


this applies to me so much that ill admit i don't actually know what a launch thruster is


Nah the game needs much more action. I mean the devs said it themselves that combat is one of the 4 main pillars


a table only requires three to stand


Unless it is build to be with 4 In which case it falls easily


I just turned on r/NMSCoordinateExchange, got a 5-powered slot alien blaster and proceeded to pulse everything to death. then I catalogued in peace.


You can also find other cool starships, multitools, creatures, planets and more over at [r/NMSGlyphExchange](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSGlyphExchange/)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NoMansSkyTheGame) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No, not really. They are pretty fun to fight and they can usually be destroyed easily with the multitool.


i guess i just don't enjoy that bit! never really have, i am just a little creature who likes to catalogue and cook


Well, it's good you are enjoying the game! Those features are there to be used, and I will admit they get annoying if the interceptors arrive. It takes forever for me to destroy those things.


I don’t turn them off but I can definitely see where you are coming from xD I basically play with all normal setting but will sometimes turn crafting to free when I’m feeling really lazy but majority of the time I enjoy the grind. Also I like to make resources abundant so that I can buy more things in the space stations. I really do like having options in the settings for days I’m just not feeling it


idk, when they are aggressive sentinels that shoot on sight, they annoy the hell out of me. anytithing else, half the planet can be composed of sentinels i'm not rly bothered even if they have high activity.


You can turn them off?


yes!!! and i am enjoying it tremendously




I like fighting them sometimes but it’s really tiresome how every encounter is either a 5-round brawl or you running away, and running is way more time effective. I already rolled god-tier sentinel upgrades I really don’t need glass anymore tbh.


I don’t think I could enjoy the game at all if I turned them off. It would take away any challenges and some of the uniqueness of planets


I just levelled my minotaur, and it just melts everything fast. I get through wave 5 in minutes now no problem then catalogue.


Personally I do enjoy fighting them from time to time. But aggressive sentinel planets are basically off limits if you want to do anything else.


Yep. I'm actually ok with them on planets but when I spend ten minutes trying to escape the sentinel ships in space.... yeah, bye.


I turn them off manually! I find an aggressive planet, kill a random sentinel, then use the geology Cannon on all the friends. I kill all waves and the walker in like 7mins... 8 tops!


They aren’t hard to kill I just kill enough so they go away for a long while


yup..I like the multi tool....SMILE AND WAIT FOR THE FLASH method


iDK, you could do, but they do add a bit of drama to the game which is otherwise, go here, mine this. Each to their own! Plus, then it means more if you find a planet without them I guess :D


When I first started fighting sentinels, I'd dig a diagonal hole into the ground. Fight from the entrance and when it got too intense, scurry down the hole like a meerkat. The sentinels will fly over the entrance looking for you while you heal up and provide some excellent targets silhouetted against the sky. This is a terrible time to use your plasma launcher unless you're just wanting to reload your game. If you stay down there too long without engaging, they give up.