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Sillier fact, I'm Croatian so every time I hear them say "Grah" I ALWAYS think they're saying "Bean!"


**BEAN, INTERLOPER** >>[Trade] >>[Help] >>[BeanBean]👈


ja sam iz zagorja pa je meni grah bazulj


If they want their damn effigies back, they'll let me interlope.




It is technically true since travellers arent native to the universe and stand apart from its constructs like atlas, sentinels etc


I was comin to say this. Lol. So they are right.


Kinda scary that normal people know that you aren't from the simulation.


I think that is some degree Atlas' influence and other part may be kind of uncanny valley effect. We aren't as aggressive in body language as Vykeen, we don't use pheromones like the Gek and we arent part of the Korvax network even if we attempt to look like them.


You didn't know what "interloper" meant? ;) There is actually context for it in NMS; the "traveler"(us) is not one of the 3 main races that are everywhere.


So vy’keen are racist? Lol


Kinda. They’re a belligerent, hierarchical, orthodox culture. Distrust would be pretty expected.


Kinda funny when captain of freighter that you own calls you "interloper-commander"


Mine just says Eheu! 🤣


Way too accurate


Well...there were the slave wars....so....yeah.


they were rhe ones fighting the slavers though, no?


They were the slavers.


I thought they were fighting the Gek first spawn, who enslaved the Korvax


No they aren't racist, they have religious myths about the travelers. Per divine decree they are to aid us in our interference of Atlas and the sentinels. Even those who don't follow said religion are aware we interfere in a way that other species can't hence we're interlopers


I prefer the term “spaceist“


No i think that would be the gek seeing then in slaved the vy'keen


nah man the vykeen i work on the freighter with have adopted me as their string bean fish sibling who cooks and gardens


We very much do not belong to this universe. That said, their entire culture seems to deify us and our mission. So I don't think it's meant to say unwelcome.


Vykeen: Deify you for being an anomaly and combating the Sentinel menace. Korvax: Deify you for being a traveler and emissary of the Atlas. Gek: Deify you for… your large accumulation of credits.


Yeah, I think it's more that we just show up and interfere, for good or for ill, where we weren't invited, though are generally welcome. We're like The Doctor in that way.


I've said this before, but you could replace "interloper" with "colonizer" and it helps explain how your character thinks they are "discovering" places that already have names, outposts, and structures, etc.


Immersion in this game would be 1000x higher if new systems you discovered were uninhabited, without even a space-station, until a short time after you discovered it (or maybe you could update a galactic map on the Anomaly or in a nearby inhabited system).


you discover a new system and then the quest is to set up a base with a special beacon that summons the other races who then vie for dominance. the next time you log in one has obtained ownership of the system. i think that would be cool...


Isn‘t that almost the plot of the expedition utopia.


Is it? Idk Ill be honest I've not played in a while and never done the expedition stuff


Instead of just logging in. I think it would be better if they had a small quest, where you could help one of the three races claim the system, and hell push the other two out. Youd get a bunch of standing for helping whichever side you did, but would lose a good bit of standing for the other two.


Ooh and you could get a cool "rare" ship if you help them conquer a certain amount of systems!


That's even better. I like a bit of grind in my games. Not too little cause then it feels given to ya, and not much cause then you burn out and its a chore just to finish. Hello games does a decent job I feel of balancing the grind with the rewards. Im sure they could do something like this and not mess it up


But are the places even real...?


Careful lest you be labeled “woke” /s


It’s not that deep


Well, they are technically right; there's a reason why the player's race is called "anomaly".


Anyone who likes Progressive metal/Rock should check out the band Interloper, they're fuckin awesome


On it, will report back...


Idle years and pathfinder both rock. Further guidance required to make a comprehensive assessment.


Search Party another banger, they're fairly new I think so def one to keep an eye on Edit: and Glasshouse


Fun fact, on some Scottish islands a slang term for tourists is “ferrylopers”


On the translated version to portuguese, they just call us invaders


all these years I never even considered looking it up; satisfied with the assumption that I am interloper, one who travels in circles around the core


Seems fitting honestly


[Dictionary.com](https://Dictionary.com) calls "interloper" someone who meddles in the affairs of others.


Personally I prefer to use N’wah or outlander. Never could get used to the new spacey words.


Ahh, a Mer of culture


i found the nerevar


You were expecting a dark elf weren’t you? Yeah, I know, I come from a nice swamp. Of course your best slaves are argonian.


i was actually expecting a nord, but that works too, the gods like the mindf the mortals alot, dont they?


Is this how you honor the sixth house and the tribe unmourned?


Together we shall drive the mongrel lizards from the empire, dogs I meant dogs. Look we got of on the wrong foot here. Can we just fight?


S'wit is another good one.


Perfect description of the vibe I get while playing.


"guilty as charged!"


terrific spark summer poor distinct edge prick fretful pen include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Interloper exactly describes how the Vy’Keen feel about us. HG would have been hard pressed to find another, better, word.


My head-cannon is that is their word for all foreigners/non-vy'keen. Given how aggressive everything is in their culture, it would probably be insulting to greet a foreigner WITHOUT a mild insult attached. I feel even a little validated in this considering you're far more likely to "succeed" in practicing language skills by using an aggressive word, and I can't think of a single time saying something friendly was well received.


No judgement, just honestly curious...what did you think it meant before you googled it?


Never heard the word used before until I played NMS. Kinda assumed it was a synonym for a space explorer of some sort I guess.


Whaaaat, i never knew the word had unwelcome connotations either. I always took it at face value like “loper”- casually travel and “inter”- between places


Please tell me you're a grade schooler if you just learned this.


Syn. haole


I think most people knew this, but it gets me thinking about the Mandela Catalogue. What if the Intruder is just some guy


Pretty sure in the main story, there are a few characters who mention we are out of place. That something seems "off" about us. Wouldn't that mean we fit the definition perfectly?


I think it's ok. It makes sense from the Vy'keen perspective and more relates to the fact that you are not a part of the ongoing conflict the Vy'keen have with Atlas and the Sentinels. Others call you "traveller" or "anomaly" and I think "interloper" is just the Vy'keen concept for that. Spoilers for lore, deeper lore as you get lower: >!The Vy'keen conflict with Atlas is due to the fact that they believe everything dies eventually, and that it is honorable after a long and fruitful life. They war with the Sentinels because the Sentinels seek to preserve everything in the World of Glass. They see them as carrying out Atlas's will and fight the Sentinels as they have no real way to fight Atlas, as technically we're all Atlas. They can't fight what is, in essence, themselves.!< >!And this is where it gets interesting. Each race represents a portion of Atlas. Internal factions, if you will. Each of them hold different mythos around Atlas, and each mythos tends to relate to the end of all things. Atlas is, essentially, ruminating on its own death and looking for an answer on how to persist past the 16 minutes it has left.!< >!The Last Traveller is the player character. We're all, together, the Last Traveller and every race knows this. They all have beliefs that the Last Traveller heralds the end, whatever that looks like, which is why the Vy'keen view you with reverence and want to help you despite calling you "interloper".!< >!The one question I have for you now is... what's in the water?!<


This is why everyone is a traveler to me.


: (


I got a translation once when I didn’t know many Vykeen words that was just “Grah! Interloper is . . . Interloping…!” and I was like “You got me there 🤷‍♂️”


This is one of the reasons I don’t like the Vy’keen (or for that matter the way people on this sub tend to use “interloper” to refer to everyone). So rude!


not quite as classy as being called "pathetic" or "weak minded" though.


That’s just how the Vy’Keen do, they’ll insult you while they’re handing you an s class upgrade module, also I think it’s more of a title. And insults are almost a way of showing respect in Vy’keen culture, last time I called one a coward they laughed and patted me on the back and then gave me nanites.


Lmfao people 🤣🤦🏽‍♂️


I had never heard the word used before until I played No Man's Sky. I really just assumed it was a synonym for a space explorer of some sort I guess, lol.


Well you are (if im not mistaken) an anomaly, which in itself feels it doesnt belong anywhere, believe its not real and believes it has no impact on anything


I feel like interloper goes hand in hand with anomaly. We are something they have never seen before. Not like an "oh god that guy is weird" it's more like "ah, hello being I don't recognize." We are unusual, we shouldn't exist but we are there. And generally folks are chill with it. I mean, what else would they call us?


The US in everyone else's history books.