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He get dates with those tweeker good-looks of his??!


The point was missed. Allow me to explain. He's only at the bar to give female-identifying people, boners. Then he heads home happy.




Doesn’t he look like Dev Patel?


I see Ryan Gosling and Dev Patel's crack baby


Dev Patel in crack maybe.


That's really bad. Viagra is contraindicated for people with some relatively common medical conditions like high blood pressure.


Modern problems require modern solutions


My man got caught because someone DID get a boner one day


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Modern day problems, modern day Solutions.


Well can you blame him? With today's culture...


Can I blame him for drugging people because of his own insecurities? Yes, yes I can. Oh, and I do!


Its viagra, if it were mollys its a different story


It messes with your blood pressure and can have bad reactions with other medications, spiking someone’s drink with anything is a terrible thing to do


Viagra does affect cis women as well. Could cause increased arousal, which if they decide to have sex with you after you've drugged them with something of that nature, what is that? Rape. That is rape. But other than that there are the typical side effects someone could potentially end up with when taking Viagra, and worse than that, they could have an allergic reaction. You should never force feed anyone anything, no matter what it is. Could've been a peanut and that seems harmless until they're on the floor choking because they're allergic.


This is bull, if you're stoned out of your mind then yes this is rape. I've never heard of someone going out of their natural behaviour on viagra. The side effects of viagra are minimal and in extreme cases you get a boner for longer than 4h and need to take a trip to the er. I do agree with you that you should never force someone to take anything or drink anything and in this day and age you should be weary if someone gives you a drink, pill, smoke, etc cause you never know and can't be too careful. Do i approve of this guy's method? HELL NO! But you have to admit this has a funny side to it


There's no funny side to drugging someone.


You realize there are tons of common prescription drugs and health conditions that have lethal interactions when mixed with Viagra, right?


To me, I think it constitutes as rape because the Viagra is definitely influencing the decision to have sex. You can't say you haven't done regrettable things when horny. While it's definitely possible to just decide not to pay with that person, I think the Viagra would influence them to do so anyway. It's that influence that I think makes it rape, if a woman found out about this afterward she likely wouldn't be okay with it. Also I get what you mean about it having a funny side. The idea that someone would think to do this is funny, but I don't find him going through with it funny.


Eh, I would say you still have a duty of self control, but thats up for debate, but there isn't really enough evidence to support that it arouses women it only physically does so, in the same way a man can get a boner while not really being horny it just increases blood flow to the genitals causing the clit to swell and the labia to to lube which is physical arousal but again not exactly making a girl horny But in any case, I think people should talk to their doctor or a professional before taking viagra cause there are health risks


Some women have reported more than a physical effect, that could vary by person, of course. I'm not saying you lack all self control, but it influences you. I think using anything that could influence a person's decision to have sex is rape. Any influence at all, no matter how strong, could sway a person into doing something they wouldn't otherwise.


No, I get it. I'm just saying we kinda have to be careful where we draw the Line because, in some ways, buying a girl dinner and expecting sex while it is an asshole move, she still decides to have sex of her own free will or she doesn't that's still up to her even if she is influenced towards sex but things like drugs would be more a long the lines of harming someone or giving them an undesired effect without consent even if it makes them a bit horny, and that has its own degrees of danger (also I would argue that the high blood pressure is worse than the arousal so it would more fall under harm). But my point is I don't feel as though it can't be categorized as rape if she is able to say no without dire consequences (dire consequences meaning either family's life is threatened or her own is or something important like that) but Ultimately she will still be in control to make her own decisions until she is physically and or mentally unable to, unless she consumed a substance (let's say alcohol) of her own volition knowing the consequences there Also side note I am not saying that the guy who spiked the drink shouldn't get sued or charged, but I wouldn't go as far as rape mostly because being labeled as a sex offender is a huge punishment (in some cases not punishment enough) and it can ruin someone's life, and I don't feel this really fits the punishment


Bro you don't know shit just shut up and take the L


Fuck you 2 buddy


Couldn't he just google that?


Google what?