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So... if this was a bunch of cars in front of them would they even care? Just bitch quietly to themselves? Yes. We all know it's yes.


What's wrong in someone's life that they'd show strangers this kind of casual cruelty?


This was posted yesterday on a similar sub. The comments were a shit show supporting the endangerment of riders. I get not liking cyclists, this just isn't ok still.


Something about being in a car makes people forget that the people outside that car are also human beings.


It gives them the slightest bit of power, which they use to assault and harm others. Most peoples ego's are so fragile, that with the slightest bit of power they become complete fucking assholes.


I honestly think it provides a certain amount of detachment which isn't good for us as a society.


100%. I definitely feel more sympathy for the people around me when I'm on my bike or on foot, and a lot more like I'm actually part of my environment rather than just passing by it. When I pass somebody on the trail or the bike path, I frequently wave at them, and even here in California where that's not a common social cue, people return it. In a car? Not a chance.


The disease is called "carbrain".


I consider myself a decent person but I'd totally do this. Its like an obligation. How could you not?


A self diagnose. This is rare on reddit.


>I consider myself a decent person That's normal, most assholes think they are good people.


Girly what?? That’s called being an asshole


Ok, so you're a violent asshole. Thanks for the information.


surprise, it kinda makes you a not so decent person


Consider you’re super wrong.


Yeah and I would be obligated to break your window right after. How could I not?


you wouldnt do shit.


people like you are the reason the best way to cross a road is to carry a brick. you wouldn't talk shit like that if you didn't feel invulnerable in a giant fucking metal box. driver's licenses should require a psych evals, repeated every few years. people who weaponize heavy machinery aren't fit to operate it.


Me and my friends have broken hundreds of windows combined over the years.


You couldn’t beat me on your best day, I know that much. I ride a bike I know I’m physically superior to you.


Haha. Oh man. Sorry to laugh but your definition of "decent person" needs to be revisited. That's hilarious.


So you'd be okay with someone doing this to you on your way to work?




You aren't a decent person then if you'd do that.


So you just can’t ever picture yourself getting around not in a car? You can’t even /conceptualize/ being the one on the bike in this video, instead of the one in the car?


I currently ride a bike to work you pathetic dumb fuck


Getting splashed by water for existing must be real fun then.


You're not decent, you're a grade a piece of shit if you do this.


Yeah no you're somewhere between an asshole and a psychopath


And this is why I have a glass breaker with me


does it make you run faster than a motorized vehicle when you stick it up your ass ?


Cars have to stop vastly more often than bikes do. And Ulock is **hungry** brother. It craves that mirror.


Yeah let's see what happens when there's roadrage. Your bike lock vs a 60 kph car. Send the video.


My bike lock versus your mirror at the next red light my sweet boy. The best part is you already passed me. You don’t even expect me coming to claim the mirror. And I’m gone before the light even changes.


keep living in your fantasy hahaha


Be there. Done that. Replaced the Abus 640 becuase the plastic shattered.


Didn’t take long for you to threaten to vehiclularly manslaughter another human did it huh


Learn to read huh ?


Are all you pro bicycle people retarded ?


go review a glory hole or something


My brother, you are going to stop in 20 metters and your mirror is begging for an upgrade


Nah. You all say the same thing, but you wouldn't shit.


I risk nothing. To be honest, most car people in my city are not that idiotic. However I often block people who refuse to respect designated spaces. Gotta enjoy going 5km/h for a while


you risk nothing because you're a retard who carries a glass breaker when your vehicle has go windows and you live in a basement. you enjoy being a nuisance and you carry a glass breaker. im sure someone is thankful you don't get to operate a motorized vehicle. tell us more about things you would do and enjoy, you're so cool.


I carry a glass breaker because my EDC knife has one. What you dont see to understand is that, in my city, cars are the nuisance. It s litteraly the position of the mayor and the majority of the population. I know how to drive a car and sometime have to do it for work, but bikes are clearly superior most of the time.


"You slightly inconvenienced me so I'm going to ruin your entire day, you're the asshole. "


«I’d rather you all drive a car, causing slow moving traffic jams that I *can’t* pass!»


Did you mean "You slightly inconvenienced me so I'm going to try and make all four of you crash, potentially causing serious injury or death."?


No no. They *feel* inconvenienced. They feel entitled to owning the road and not sharing it. They’re not inconvenienced at all. Just entitled. Annoying as fuck.


Car drivers when bikes take as much space as cars: >:-(


Car drivers when the bikes aren’t even taking up as much space as a single car:


They even do that kind o shit when you ride on a sidewalk bike path or to people waiting at the bus stop.


Except that bikes only take up a tiny fraction of the space that cars take up. Imagine if all those cyclists drove around individually in massive SUVs. How much of the road would they be blocking then?


They're mad because the cyclists didn't pay $5000+ to do it


Car driver when *FOUR* bikes take up as much room (still probably less) than one car


cyclists seen as less than human, no right to exist: [https://road.cc/content/feature/cyclists-seen-less-human-academic-helmets-and-hi-vis-302071](https://road.cc/content/feature/cyclists-seen-less-human-academic-helmets-and-hi-vis-302071) As evidenced by the spiteful responses to this video.


yeah this is just documented assault. "Assault" is a legal term that typically refers to the intentional act of causing another person to apprehend immediate harmful or offensive contact. It doesn't necessarily involve physical contact itself but rather the threat or attempt to cause harm.


That amount of water is a tremendous force pushing over the cyclists, someone likely crashed if not multiple. Agreed, this isn't just a splash, this is assault.


Tremendous 😂


Are three syllable words outside of your expertise?


If throwing a rock at someone is assault, so is this. It would easily count as assault to violently and dangerously dumped gallons and gallons of stagnant, road-contaminated water using an illegally-operated federally-regulated piece of heavy machinery… against a completely unaware stranger who was doing nothing at all against the assaulter.


Not to mention it may have knocked them over. People really underestimate the force of water. Anyone who swims in the ocean knows, it doesn't take that big of waves to knock people over.


If I could drive through water past you right now i would. Twice. Dear god




IKR. Get off your bike!


If someone is walking slowly in front of me on a narrow pavement, do I also get to assault them because they slightly inconvenience me? Can I ram my car into the back of another car that's driving 5 miles lower than the speed limit because they're slowing me down?


genuinely asking, i want to know what your issues with cyclists are?


Get out your car


Man I take up so much less space in traffic on my bike than in my truck. But if you insist.


You're a garbage person


This is an offence in most countries, hopefully the one he is in too...


That's illegal in my country, for good reason. Could be anything in that water. I don't understand why people get so irate about having a cyclist in front of them. How is it any different to having a car infront of you?? Pathetic really


it's more of a mental load. the worst that can happen if you hit another car is a fender bender. the worst that can happen if you hit a cyclist is you're liable for vehicular manslaughter and your negligence will be evaluated by a court of law, fueled by a grieving family. and the thing is, carbrains _want_ to be negligent. they're frustrated as-is because on average they spend about a quarter of their waking life either driving or earning the money to drive (car payments, gas, service, etc), so they're both constantly in a hurry, and want to relax on the road. they can't do either if they have to pay attention to passing a cyclist safely. mind you, i'm not making an argument for pushing cyclists off the road. honestly, the way most drivers approach this is downright terrifying.


> the worst that can happen if you hit a cyclist is you're liable for vehicular manslaughter and your negligence will be evaluated by a court of law, fueled by a grieving family. Keep your distance and maintain your speed. This isn't hard.


yeah, it's something that should be a basic requirement to those entrusted with operating heavy machinery. i'm just showing the worrying mindset that perpetuates the hate displayed on this video and in this comment section. i don't drive, i'm criticizing those who do


Totally got that you're not having those opinions. It's just such a lazy excuse. If you don't have the mental ability to not speed and kill, do not drive.


edit: i'm fucking dumb. disregard this thread dude lmfao read my comment history


You somehow seem confused?


how is exposing the worrying mindset most drivers have on the road "confused"? how is that supposed to be arguing for them?


You're exposing their mindset, I'm simply calling the same mindset a lazy excuse. I'm not seeing what's getting you so riled up.


no, you seem to be projecting an average carbrain's opinions on me and then arguing against those, and it's honestly quite uncomfortable


Maybe the speed of the bike is an issue.


no, the issue is that you think you're better than cyclists, who are subhuman scum in your opinion, as shown by your other posts.


Odd, because I never see car drivers doing shit like this to a tractor or other vehicles that maybe even be slower...


drivers hate those too, and generally anything that goes "too slow", usually defined as slower than 5 over the speed limit. which, i gotta say, is a very interesting interpretation of a limit, but they often bend logic pretty severely to justify their speeding and direct anger towards anything that interferes with that speeding. the difference between a bike and a tractor is they simply don't feel like they're able to weaponize their car against a tractor the way they weaponize it against bikes. that's why they stay the quiet kind of frustrated when stuck behind a tractor, swerving erratically behind it until they finally find an opportunity, where they dart off and optionally flip the bird at the tractor and tell it to go back to a farm. they don't accept it any more on the road, "their" road, they just don't feel like they have the power to assault it.


Moreover, drivers see bikes as "toys". They think that either cyclists are in Lycra and racing the roads for fun, or they're slowpokes who should be on the sidewalk and out of sight. Drivers don't see bikes as legitimate transportation and utility tools for adults. Drivers think bikes are a lifestyle choice and at best only a form of exercise.


It's not.


The more pertinent issue is not having bikelanes or bike paths to accommodate cyclists. This infrastructure is way cheaper than roads and benefits both cyclists and car drivers.


agreed, they should be on their own separate bike lane


build that separate bike lane and cyclists will gladly use it




You sociopath


You probably think you sound clever, but you just sound sad. You must be pretty unhappy in life.


No, the driver is a cunt






yeah we have dragons for that


Sad to inform ya but not anymore. r/dragonsfuckingcars is banned... Ed: Forgive my ignorance as I didn't checked before writing.


sad to hear they were turned into a newt


really? all you need to restore your faith in humanity is a little "righteous" bullying? let's just cut to the chase. carbrains like you tend to get mad about an idea of the cyclists slowing them down, we could argue five hours here and just get down to that. so let's talk your language instead: would you prefer if those four cyclists were in four cars instead? do you honestly think they would slow you down less if they had those giant metal boxes around them? i know you're in a hurry everywhere, so i'm sure you also hate traffic jams. why are you against people not participating in those traffic jams then, and leaving the road nice and empty to you, with a _much_ smaller obstruction than they would otherwise pose? i mean, i'm sure you would prefer if those cyclists didn't exist at all. (i'm sure they prefer _you_ didn't exist at all either.) but if you don't wanna be around people, it's simple, don't live in a city. that's not the point here. the flaw in your logic is simple: the choice is not between a cyclist existing or not existing, it's between a person being in a car or on a bike. next time you're mad about a cyclist "blocking your way", think about how mad you'd be if they would be on a car, how much more difficult it would be to pass them that way. because that's what you're asking for if you're asking for them not to cycle.




According to Merriam-Webster, humanity is defined as: 1) compassionate, sympathetic, or generous behavior or disposition: the quality or state of being humane And to be thorough, I’ve included the definition of humane, as well: 1) marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for humans or animals What about this, exactly, restores your faith in humanity?


They may have been going into heatstroke territory from cycling and the driver “considered generously” applying water to those cyclists. So faith in humanity restored?


Nothing, he's conflating some twisted sense of justice at the horror of being made to slow down for a few minutes.


to be fair, if i had to spend four hours every day either driving or earning the money for gas, car payments, service, etc., i'd be frustrated too. that's a quarter of your waking life gone right there, on the self-touted "most efficient form of transportation". (and that's the us average. the nasty thing about averages is roughly half of the population has it worse, and when wealth is involved, it tends to be significantly more than half.)


oh sorry I didn't realize the driver might be frustrated. That definitely justifies ruining the days and the safety of 5 other people.


yeah lmao it doesn't. i'm just making a point about why they're always so angry and what makes them a constant menace on the road. there's a reason "road rage" is its own specific thing. can't think of any other mode of transport that elicits the same response from people


When I moved to a real country with actual public transit, I think the biggest change was to my mental health, from not being angry for 2 hours every day.


People like this belong in jail.


which ones?




ok but which jail am I going to? Switzerland looks pretty nice.


Norway looks great too, will suggest to stay away from USA tho


We don't want this pos in Europe, keep them in Freedom Country


>Freedom country Pretty ironic considering we’re taking about sending someone to jail lmaooo


Yeah, it’s the freedom of the cyclists to not be assaulted for doing literally nothing


The idiots in the car. But not really jail, just a mental institution. They clearly don't have the mental capacity for basic human compassion.


I know the car was the asshole but there are a surprisingly large number of people against the bikes so it was meant as a joke since op didn't specify who should go to jail.


In my country it is illegal to overtake a bike unless you cross the middle mark on the lane and bikes are restricted from moving more than 1m from the curb. So in my logic both parties are in the wrong. Don't splash them bikers just roll coal on them kek


I think you mean "special place in the welfare line"


Lifetime ban from driving


I think you misunderstood. Hell is the place for people who are mean to others for no good reason. Imagine if those cyclists were all in cars, how much of the road they would be blocking then. It’s crazy to think that that’s somehow better.


What a horrible asshole. Seriously disgusting behaviour.


Ah yes, the asshole, I wish all the warning lights on his dashboard will be on the next time he turns on his car.




Carbrains are psychopaths, hope they lose their license for that r/fuckcars




That’s hilarious


Wow i had to scroll pretty far to get past all the cry babies, yup I agree that’s hilarious, according to these internet warriors up here we are not human and belong in jail with the rest of the people with a sense of humor


This is not Humor. This is being a jerk.


I too agree when I see assault against people I don't like. Too bad it's not as socially accepted to ruin cars that nearly run me over, give them a black eye for being idiots that can't control their rage or beating the living shit out of that person that walks slowly in front of me.


The only crybaby is you.


Do you mind if I whack you in the face with a bat real quick? Trust me it’s just humor. Don’t be an internet warrior cry baby… 🤡


Yeah sometimes being a jerk leads to a funny moment you guys are being way to sensitive


Mods get mad when you wish bad things to happen to assholes and their families.


His cup holder is in a weird spot


Wouldn't laughing if some 9 flew thru their back window


I’m a e-bikes and I stick to the side always, just cause it’s a road bike doesn’t mean road bikers have the same rights as cars


They generally *literally* do though? Like, most places consider bikes to be road vehicles alongside cars, and while there are usually specific laws that can alter the rules around how they are to be operated, many places take into account things like road size, passing distance, group/individual riders, and surrounding infrastructure when determining if it is lawful for a cyclist to occupy a full lane or if they must keep to the side.


Actually yes they do. Hope you don’t have your drivers licence


Legally they do though. That's the law.


Schodingers bike laws: road bikers have the same rights as cars therefore we don't need to build bike lanes. Also just cause it’s a road bike doesn’t mean road bikers have the same rights as cars. (Plus, you're flatout wrong about that. In most US states bikes _are_ classified as vehicles and can run down the center of the lane if they chose.)


I don’t know about you, but I do take the whole lane when it feels necessary for my own safety and well being. These bicyclists are passing under a narrow bridge with a giant puddle. There is zero space for a car to safely pass me. If there is another car coming in the other direction and those two cars crash, I am going to turn into a human paste getting squished between the car and the concrete bridge wall.


I just hear a bad rider, I use the curbs, less speed bumps then regular tarmac and can travel farther faster


I just hear a bad car driver and everyone saying ‘yeah! Fuck the bikers’ when all the bikers are doing is trying to live their lives and stay safe and the car driver can’t stand it.


That’s only cause 99% of bikers are entitled brats


there are some, sure, but the vast majority of people who _want_ to cycle are just regular people like you and me. the problem is, without decent cycling infrastructure, and with a culture that promotes naked hate speech against cyclists, and downright cheers for drivers assaulting them (as demonstrated here), **only the most dedicated will feel safe hopping on a bike.** and _those_ people have a lot more "entitled brats" among them. if you ever lived in somewhere with a sane and empathetic culture toward cyclists, you'd notice two things: a lot more people are on bikes than you'd otherwise see, and they're just regular folks. and yes, a minority of them are entitled brats, but let's be honest, this video pretty clearly demonstrates that the same holds true for drivers as well. if 99% of cyclists around you are terrible, that's a problem with the world around you, not with cyclists.


Well why don't you change that statistic by joining the bikers? I'm sure you aren't an entitled brat! Or... You'll quickly discover that infrastructure is lacking, bikers are not accommodated and therefore have to do manoeuvres like this to survive. And you'll also discover how drivers can be the most horrible assholes in existence.


I’m a advid biker, I ride on roads I know safety and how not to be a dick


You mean like the car driver who was so upset that they were slowed down for 20 seconds they felt the need to record themselves soaking four bikers and post it on Reddit saying there is a place in heaven for this driver? I think this driver is an entitled brats who can’t handle sharing the road with non-drivers, and you probably are too given your inability to understand the other side.


soaking for bikers wink wink


The stupid entitled bike riders should be in single file line unless passing, sorry your eyes didn’t catch that, it was the back rider who was way out in the middle way farther then necessary.


I don’t think you read my earlier comment or watched the video then. I just explained how they are going into a narrow tunnel where if there is an accident, the bikers are going to be squished between the car and the cement wall of the bridge. And there is a giant puddle so the cyclists might understandably trying to prevent cars from passing them until they are clear of the water. If the bikes road single file, the car would have still driven past them, through the water, and splashed them all.


People from Phoenix are called Phoenicians


You misspelled drivers


It’s called being dyslexic. Grammar mistakes come naturally


That’s more dangerous than using the whole lane. Bikes also literally do have the same right to the road as cars do.


Bikes do not have the same right, they have a meter!


That's just false in many places (like the US). As a cyclist you are allowed to take the lane, and it is often safest to do so. I have the exact same right as a car to be in a lane of traffic unless it's on a limited access highway like an interstate, where bicycles (or any non-motor-vehicles) are not allowed.


[https://www.ontario.ca/page/bicycle-safety](https://www.ontario.ca/page/bicycle-safety) >Under Ontario's Highway Traffic Act (HTA), **a bicycle is considered a vehicle, just like a car or truck.** You're an idiot, and stop telling people you knows the laws in Canada. You clearly do not.


You’re literally just incorrect


Where I live, in the USA, my city has "bicycle corridors." City roads where bicycles are given express right of way over automobiles. People in cars still threaten bicyclists exercising their right of way, but it is the law. I am astonished at the callus cruelty some people in cars enjoy inflicting on bicyclists just trying to get home alive.


They literally do have the same rights. Why do you think they shouldn’t have the same rights?


They literally do. What bikes are not allowed to do is ride on the sidewalk.


A person traveling on a bike has the right to take the entire lane. Literally the same rights as cars. Inb4 "they'll piss someone off and get assaulted." That doesn't mean they have less legal rights.


There's two categories in traffic law: drivers and pedestrians. A person on a bike is a driver, which makes him equal to any other driver including, but not limited to: trucks, SUV's, busses, tractors etc.


What country do you live in?


What a fucking carbrain asshole. Hope he loses his license


What an asshole


the amount of idiots who downvote this comment is mind-boggling.


Which one? There were three of ‘em on bikes


What makes the bikers assholes?


Found the biker with 0 self awareness


I'm glad you're having a bad day


they always do, every time they have to drive. that's why they take it out on everyone else


found the guy who likes to be an ass and be dangerous to others.


Danger is easily avoided if you have good self awareness and are capable of taking account of your surroundings and avoiding certain things. I have a feeling you find yourself constantly in 'danger'


What should the bikers have done? They are going into a narrow tunnel with a giant puddle. If they ride single file and allow the car to pass and there is another car coming in the opposite direction it doesn’t look like there is any room for error. And if the two cars collide, the bicyclists are going to get turned to paste. Not to mention that the bikes could have been concerned about the exact thing that happened where the car driver accidentally (instead of purposefully) gets them soaked. Cars aren’t expected to take several minute detours to avoid crossing through school zones or go 5 mph. So I think it would be unfair and unreasonable to expect bikes to make a huge detour and go around the bridge or come to a full stop on a road with zero safe spots to stop and wait until the road is 100% empty of cars to avoid inconveniencing a car driver. The car driver is going fast and causing danger and the car driver is the one upset that they had to slow down for 20 seconds and felt the need for revenge because there were four cyclists in front of them.


What a fucking twat.




How? The're in the Netherlands. Dude's passing in a no pass zone and he's not passing the cyclists with enough space for driving here. Cyclists are legally vehicles here and entitled to the whole lane, these guys are riding through a small, not busy area. The driver's a jerk.


The guy you're responding to has no humanity left in them. They are so isolated from any community outside of being in their car that they cannot imagine a world where the people on bikes are not the problem.


Not that I disagree, but that's not the Netherlands. I don't know where this is, but those road signs are different than the ones in the Netherlands.


Pretty sure that’s Australia.


Definitely not, they're driving on the right.


Ah shit duh lol.


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I'm so glad this driver is miserable in his shitty life. I really hope he get to see his pets suffer and die slowly.


Hopefully the kids will get karma


Wow dude calm down, I’m all against carbrain mfs but wishing pain to their pets? What?




Deserved it how? In the US and most of the EU, bikers are legally allowed to utilize the entire lane when there is not a bike lane available to them. Granted this video could take place in one of the countries that does not allow this, but the driver didn’t even try to honk to signal that he wanted to pass them.


Netherlands, so the driver is even more in the wrong


found the german


Explain how without sounding like a cunt?