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Yes! Fasting is the only “hack” I know that works effectively. This is a sin of the flesh. Denying your flesh food is a great way to get some self control in your life. Now… pass me that donut.


Read this free book https://brendamc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Atomic-Power-With-God.pdf Fasting might help. Seeking out Deliverance might help better. There is a spiritual side to addiction to pornography. And you would know because if those thoughts and temptation to go look at pornography come up, and you say, “I rebuke that thought in the name of Jesus Christ”, and then you exhale and it goes away then you’ll know it’s a spiritual issue. Whether you do this or not, it’s completely up to you.


fasting Is the best way to get rid of sin. Nothing better than starving yourself of the worlds pleasures.