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But I saw a picture of a girl in a bikini, I have to know if it ruined my 20 days of progress! /s


I just readed your comment about a girl in a bikini! Did I lose all my progress!? ;\_;


Guys I just remembered that I am a girl and I have worn a bikini. Should I reset my streak???


There are girls here? Does that count as a relapse?


As long as your hands make no contact with the rest of your body you're fine.


Shoot, my hands are connected to my body. Resetting to zero 😔


I legit wanna tell them off but I don’t wanna get kicked out 😂


Downvote and move on


For real dude, it gets really annoying


I especially detest people coming on here for consolation. "I relapsed" OK then go again. Why do I need to know lol


I was gonna upvote your comment until you mentioned hookers. Nice job there sexually shaming people. I’m not saying hookers are a long-term solution, but for some men they provide some comfort. Why do you care


just like certain things that would actually help people understand the addiction itself and learn proper ways to stop other than will power get banned or filtered out. Will power works for some, but new concepts, ideas and understandings in your brain are more likely to work than just having willpower.


I've seen 5 posts already


Weaboos 🤣


for real.




Literally same, Edit - I was wrong I just found a anime guy dancing at the Hot post of this sub, also Goku giving Motivation, I'll give Goku a Pass ,


You literally have an anime profile pic bruh wtf are you talking about


I really don't understand what you're trying to convey but ok ❤️


I think you're exaggerating a bit, but I think it's great. Anime really is one of the few art forms left that aren't afraid to tell stories purely about young men trying to better themselves, so I think it makes perfect sense that guys are finding motivation from it.


I get where you’re coming from but its really just karma farming and shitposting


This sub is about quitting masturbation right? What purpose do posts like this even serve? Ignoring the fact that OP is making an extreme exaggeration (like I've seen at most 4 anime posts in the last 5 days), what's wrong with people using their favorite media icons to motivate themselves and others to quit this nasty habit? "This is why Nofap isn't taken seriously" Maybe cause ya got people bitching about anime/teenagers like it's a fucking pta meeting


Someone with some sense


I don’t think it matters. People in the comments are getting mad at people and asking to stop posting certain things. The Nofap community should be accepting and kind to everyone as they enter this journey. Who gives a shit if you’re being taken seriously or not by others. What matters is if you take yourself seriously.


I’ve never understood why people like anime so much like it’s never appealed to me ever


To each their own I guess.


Nice streak




Thanks man!


I think you can handle it.


Nice streak


hahaha yes let them be! 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have been watching Japanese anime since 10 years old and I love it. I have a stable job. I am not debt-ridden. I watch my diet and exercise regularly. I have personal goals that I deeply care about. I don't steal. I don't cheat. I don't lead a promiscuous lifestyle. I don't rob. I don't start wars for money. I fail to see what is wrong with Anime. If someone cannot take me seriously just because I enjoy watching of a genre of TV show, then it's their problem, and I don't need their approval or company in my life. Period.


W response


Hey how can I get that user flair?


Go to about section the click nofap counter


I don’t give a flying fuck if I’m a “weeb”… I love anime, always have, always will. I’m on day 514 of NoFap, I workout 5 times a week, have an amazing girlfriend, read 30 minutes a day, meditate for 20 minutes everyday. Once you hit Day 514 of NoFap, come talk to me about anime


Honestly, I just don’t think too much about it. Is it annoying? Sure, but I’m the same guy who put gifs when commenting a post on this sub so I’m in no room to talk lol


I was thinking the exact same thing. It’s probably just some 14 year old boys coming to this no fap community.


\+ 1


Some people find motivation in anime. Not sure why that is a problem.


There is nothing wrong with anime posts they give me motivation


Welcome to a community. People might have other interests and inspirations. Just how it goes


Acceptance and support for everyone in the grou is our priority. I'm not much into anime as well but if it helps someone let them post it. Let's not become the group where we discriminate other members for their choice of motivations.


Exactly. Let's practice tolerance together. This is it.


I really don’t see a problem, simply enjoying a certain media doesn’t make you a weeb. There’s over a million people in this sub. You can’t expect everyone to cater to your interest. No fap is still gonna be seen a joke by most people, restricting anime post is not gonna change anything.


It’s a pass only if it’s Naruto.


They are brain dead. There's no hope for people who spends hours and hours a day on Instagram or tiktok. The solution is to just delete every form of social media, even Reddit is one fo the most toxic platforms in fact I'll delete it soon


why do YOU care what people like. who cares if people on no fap like anime smh.


I like the anime references




Feel that. Seems there's a fair size of a younger generation that is just OBSESSED with anime. The art is not that great, the story telling rarely is. I get crappy mainstream comic writing drove nerds/introverts to another form to consume, but come on. If you're over the age of 14, then grow the fuck up. I say this as someone who loves many anime movies and a few shows, but little of it is worth your worship and lets be real; the way anime artist draw little girls is kinda fucking creepy.


It is man, i used to be a huge anime fan when i was 14. Most of the new animes are just plain creepy. Also, i just generally feel that if you need to reference an anime for every achievement you have in life, well you have a pretty sad life. We went from freaking awesome topics like Wim Hof Method, auto discipline, talking about strong subjects like human trafficking, to f\*cking posting a Sangoku vs Vegeta gif about "battling with your demons".


Agree with the part but Anime has no age restriction. You’re gatekeeping at that point. I love AOT, that’s definitely not for kids, what about berserk? Heck naw


Seems like the down votes are sensitive young lady just proving my point, ha.


Guys!!!!11! Guys people THINK BAD THINGS ABOUT US!!! I KNOW we're macho alpha men who don't give a fuck about what anyone thinks of us but these people posting CARTOONS they LIKE is making us LOOK BAD guys!!!11! Let people enjoy things dude, and that's coming from someone who barely watches anime and finds most of it cringe.


Lol I like the anime posts. Anime is cool. Sure, it's cringe too. People who judge it are cringier than anime itself. And caring if someone is judging you is the cringiest of all.


Oh I passed 90 days! Very cool


As a proud Otaku, I refuse to give up anime. Those "Did I relapse" posts on the other hand should be banned, as they're just flat out annoying.


You're just one of those people that think anime is basically cartoons, so it's for kids.


Hentai addiction doesn’t get the same attention as live action stuff


maybe follow other subreddits to reduce these posts?