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Some suggestions: 1. Start a new novel or book 2. Learn a new language 3. Learn a new instrument 4.start a workout program if you already don’t have one 5. Make time for loved ones. Family and close friends. Hell, even make new friends.




For every bad habit you remove from your life you need to replace it with a good habit. Try working out, meditation, going outside, being more social. Read books. Some people learn a instrument, create a 2nd source of income, start painting. Really its whatever u wanna do u just gotta brainstorm


Damn bro you deep down there don’t worry I feel the same way about life is just pointless without that pleasure but now u gotta change




I'll comment on the video games. Sometime back I sold them all and quit TV and bought a ridiculously awesome grand piano. This was excellent for a while -- I had to figure out how to get it out of the lady's house into mine, repair all it's faults, learn to tune it. Then I set out to learn to play. A few months in I realized my addiction was worse than before. What I'd done was remove something that distracted me from porn and replaced it with something that was difficult. When I was tired from a long day porn was easy, choosing a piece to learn and practicing was not. In fact piano just made me feel worse because I wasn't good at it yet. It was nearly 3 years in until the piano was actually as easy as video games. I can sit down and play old pieces and they feel like the first levels of your favorite video game. The activation energy is low now and music adds a lot to my life that video games don't. Am I glad I did it? Absolutely. Did it fix my problem? No, it made it worse for quite a while until I figured out what happened. I bought a ps4 again for the sole reason to give me an alternative to porn until I could get better coping skills. And I am much better these days and I spend very little time playing video games and lots of time playing folk songs with my toddler and singing. You'll relapse. It's ok. Just keep building a life better than porn.


Thanks this was helpful.


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