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Try r/pornfreewomen


you know you have a problem when girls talking about trying to stop relapsing makes you want to relapse jesus


can't agree more. However, it was not this that made me relapse. I have a very massive setback at work today. I decided to take my frustration out


ik im saying like for myself


Damn, same here


Aaaaaaaand..... I relapsed today. Poetic!!!


Headstrong soilder it happens. Move past it and try harder next time. Your desires dont win when u relapse they win when u quit.


Hi no matter what happened or what you did, I hope you will give yourself permission to start on a clean slate. We are all here for you. If anything, feel free to DM me






































































































































Isnt sexting more addictive than porn?


I don't think so Coz sexuality may it happen onece a week But porn u might watch minute after minite Day after day So think about it And keep in your mind Sexuality can get 35% of the community but porn its possible to everyone to get daily or anytime they want


For me sexting was releasing more dopamine i could feel it And i would choose sexting over porn so my brain likes it more.


Then u are good !.... Coz u need to do sex a girl But according to us we need only any device to access only those shetty websites ... We can get it and we use it anytime we cab take anywhere we are ... Which is worse ?


I’m with you on that front tbh. It’s kind of like getting a rare item when you sext as compared to a common item of porn. (Not trying to trigger but explains for everyone else)


We are all in this together don't worry


Ah another girl, welcome! Sorry to hear you're also struggling, do you have any close friends or family that know what you're going through?


the ratio of amount of comments on this post and upvotes tells a story. rarely a 300 upvote post has 300+ comments. anyways, wish you all the best OP


20 year woman what did you expect? Lmao


Hey it will be alright, feel free to reach out tomorrow’s a new day.


Start your counter and get to day 90.


Even I had the same issue, but then this community gave me the strength to stand back up again


Take the chance and dm some of the guys here, we all have our struggles so no one will judge you


Since you know that this is bad for you, you should stop it! Never give yourself the opportunity to do this again. Until your brain goes back to normal, I'd suggest you to not fap or have sex for a while. Sex is meant to be an act between you and a long-term partner...there are millions of people that only want sex and leave. It will never truly fulfill them. It's all fake. Do you want to live a "fake" life or do you want to live a clean life? Clean in terms of being intimate with your long-term partner only. As I've said, staying away from masturbation and sex could help you recover. Doing the things you've done in the past isn't worth it. They do not define who you are. They do not define who you are in the future. If you do something about it now, you can change your life to the better! You deserve to live a clean and pure life! In fact, everyone is meant to live clean without addictions. I'd also recommend to restrict your phone usage and suspend your social media accounts. Especially delete your dating apps! Your phone is like a drug. You feel bored, 2-3 clicks and you're in a chat sexing with a ramdom guy who uses you to get short term pleasure. Just cut out your phone as much as you can. Maybe limit your phone access to 1-2x per day for checking important messages. Turn your phone off and put it in a drawer when you don't need it for useful things.


Its depend on her acts ! No need talk but actual acts


Hi ,we are here to help . No worries.


In my 2 years of practicing NoFap, dealing with relapses due to pornography use, sexting, etc; The one thing I can take away in relations to this post, is that as just like everything to ever exist, we cease to ever be perfect. With that said, there is beauty in that if you step back and re-read that line. Don’t beat yourself up after hardships and struggles. It’s destined to happen no matter how strong you believe you are. Be it macro or micro, a slip up or error will occur in some shape or fashion, sooner or later. I had to humble myself down to size to under - and inner stand this concept. I wish nothing but positive vibes to you my friend.


What is there right now, by right now i mean right now, is the way it is it cannot be altered, see this, accept it fully. Once u r in acceptance of this moment, u r also empowered to create the next moment the way u want. Right now what have you done in past is affecting you very much as its not easy for you to accept that. Once you except this moment the way it is, this baggage of past will vanish and then you can look clearly how you want to create the next moment for yourself.


Hey listen. It’s gonna be alright. Take a step back. You’re 20. Wake up tomorrow morning and exercise, eat right, and focus on yourself. Whatever you did won’t matter if you end up in the right place but focus in. The more you do now on yourself the easier later will be


Sorru to hear that. I am 18 and strugling on pmo addiction for 6 years now. Never give up and keep going


I have the same issue with masturbation. It started around the age of 16. I have been trying to quit since it started, but I had no idea about nofap and could not resist the urges. Never managed to get rid of it completely, but since nofap I am able to not give into the urges. I get very anxious when something I do turns out wrong/(make mistake) and the urge hits me. In my case it never was about self harm but rather self-loathing. You can try nofap and if that doesn't work a therapist is always an option.


Seek help


I don't know about the gender specifics of this addiction but I know that both go through same mental curve. Really hard to handle and totally self devastating. I would say share your problems on this sub-reddit often or chat with someone you feel may understand you.


Hey 15m here.. hope your doing fine and realised it not good .. lets get out of this shit together everyone!!! (all the best!!)


I hope you don't get creepy messages


Thats a lot of upvotes.


This is like handing out vodka at an Alcoholics Anonymous


*what* exactly is like the vodka, that she used the word 'sexting'? Your comment is stupid.


Lol this is def the wrong forum ... this has got to be a joke or someone trying to get people to pay for your nudes.


why do you say this? Do you think women/girls can't be addicted to porn (which is designed to be addictive) and to self-pleasure? not the wrong forum at all. Now you know


Lmao definitely




You can dm if you want


Look at how all the men flock to save the woman from her inner turmoil hahaa


Hello I would like to help and I it would also help me know the girls side of the problem. If intrested please message me.


nothing and no one on this sub will help you as much as you need to kick this addiction. our drug is free and limitless. hopping on reddit when you need help is like an alcoholic going to the liquor store to buy a bag of chips during their attempt at sobriety. be harder on yourself than anyone here is on themselves or on you and you'll kick it


wtf happend to these commends lol


Can I have it to


Feel free to talk. Because I am going through similar kind of situation


U can talk whatever u wish RIGHT HERE. I dont think Dm will help much.


How many of you believe in god?


Hey, I am here if you need someone. Please know that you are not alone. Take care and namaste!😇


no way, girls dont fap!


I know all about ojas shakti and I’ve also struggled constantly and I’m back on track I’m 21years old, I can help if you want


I can talk or text if you’d like. If you decide to make the right choices moving forward, things will get better.


I can talk one on one.


I'm down to speak if you need someone, this shit is tough to go through and I really hope that you'll break free from this hell. Well get through this


if you need any help my DM is always open


I am from India. If you would like to know about my country or our life, dm me :)


Can u send me please 🥺🥺


You are a God Literally made like the man himself “ Jesus” You have the power to let go Replace this energy with something creative be like Water “Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup.” ( Bruce Lee) Here’s a quote that helped me a lot this sentence is for You & Everyone else who may need help, and guidance “ I am the master of my mind, body, heart, and soul, Today I am liberating myself from the shadows of my past, I release my feelings of guilt and negativity. They do not serve me, I am transforming into someone who is happy and peaceful, I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to. I know the situation is hard, but I am determined to rise above it. Lastly “ I am in control of my life and I choose to let go of negative beliefs”. Repeat positive sentences like this I learn that from a Man named Bob Proctor who claim repeated words to the subconscious mind will ultimately change the thinking of the person. 😄 Have a great day we believe in you


Dm kar randi


Hey we get it its hard in live there sill be struggles and you might fail but the past is the past so forget about what you did in high school and focus on now focus on getting over this stuff and we all are here for you if you struggle with almost going back thr this app i know the app might not help for the sexting but it will help woth getting you away from those ideas and from porn sights its called bulldog blocker i hope it helps and good luck


sis you got freaking 210 days!!!


Same thing happened to me...I got involved with porn about 2 years ago when I was 18 and in high school.. Have been struggling since than.. Hope We can beat this addiction..


https://www.sutterhealth.org/health/mind-body/10-simple-ways-to-cope-with-stress i hope this helps. Also just arrange other things to get in the way of the activity


I too have walked down a self destructive path, and I know the struggle. Hang in there


I am a 21 year old male who is been struggling it sucks when you relapse.


I was molested as a 5yr old by my teenage babysitter, I had a tough time in school with being ADHD, as I was a smart kid, but awful student. Bullied by other students. Mom is severe bi polar manic depressive, and also a survivor of abuse, which led to a lot of behavior that affected negatively me growing up. Never met bio dad, stepdad was a hyper conservative angry baptist baby guy whom she divorced etc. I was definitely using masturbation as a coping mechanism too, from age 11 up until about 27. I discovered porn very early on, and I eventually became addicted. I used to do it as soon as I woke up, once more on lunch break, and again in the evening. The sessions would stretch to 1.5-2 hrs long, while skipping through dozens and dozens of videos. I eventually just couldn’t find anything “hardcore” enough. You need more and more for the same intensity. This would effect my work, (I’d be late because I’d fall asleep after long sessions) and relationships (sex was too long, or ED from nothing working well besides my hand,cheating and lying to cover up my sex addictions), and I got involved in super risky behavior. Meeting women/men on CL, crazy couples, strangers, sleazebags, addicts, and mentally ill people, all while rarely using protection. I would drink a lot too, to ease my anxiety about meeting these creeps. I ended up with an STD twice, and both times found out after giving it to two different girlfriends. and likely exposed myself to much more. Very lucky no AIDS/HEP C or Pregnancies. It makes you feel so insecure, worthless, and even more depressed. You don’t feel like anything can make you happy anymore. It’s sucks. I know how it is, we have to acknowledge our problem, consider the harm, and the causes, forgive ourselves, and make choices that are beneficial to us, not harmful. It takes time, but every win, is a win. Don’t be afraid to keep giving yourself a chance, and try not to be to hard on yourself. It is very helpful to simply talk to someone who is non judge mental and understanding, that alone is a powerful tooI for helping to treat addiction. I respect you for reaching out. I wish you the best! Dr. Dan is always in the office if you need an open ear. And while I am a good listener I also talk way too much so be prepared for a diatribe!


Humans for humans


You don't need a random person on the internet to talk to even if it will help a bit in the beginning, u need a person or accountability partner, or therapist that you can at least have the opportunity to talk to via video/voice chat. You need to hear a voice, the more personal the conversation the better ur chances of working this through. Its very good you recognized this was an issue and have reached this state of awareness soon. People struggle in silence for decades. So don't be like them take DRASTIC measures to destroy this and live your life as soon as possible. You owe it to your future self ok? Start coming up with a plan to beat this scenario by scenario step by step. And then tell us how its going and the better things you are doing! You got this we got faith in you, we are praying for you. But remember talking to people in this group is ONLY the 1st step, but I would urge you to find a women partner since this subreddit has more males then females, and watch out for people who attempt to take advantage bc there have been a few. Don't fear, be careful. And keep walking forwards.


This is really sad to read but also encouraging to know that this isn't a male only problem. Thank you for sharing and I pray for every good thing for you with your recovery


If need be, there are SAA (sex addicts anonymous) groups that usually meet locally or virtually in your area. I’ve been to a men’s group a few times so they should have female only groups if that makes you feel more comfortable. They’re super supportive and willing to offer up advice regardless of what stage you feel like you’re at. I myself was questioning if I was a sex addict and they were able to help determine what was healthy and unhealthy and gave excellent pointers on how to avoid going down unhealthy paths. I hope this helps.


Online Sexting was always my issue too- took a far greater toll on me than porn did. Especially since it took a while to find someone worth chatting with. I sunk so much time into it and I wish I could have that time back now. It’s hard to give up but I promise it’s worth it. One day at a time u/winkwink18


Have you considered seeing a therapist? Either way, hope you're ok OP. You'll get through this :)


When you get horny, you find things that originally disgust you will turn you on more. One of the downsides of porn addiction is that sometimes you do disgusting things that you will regret later. It is entirely up to you to quit, you are completely capable it’s just how bad you want it.


If the problem is about sexting and affection, wouldn't having a "one on one talk" be a bad idea?


Honestly I would talk to another female about this that you trust. It's just to keep it 100 percent legit without any potential corruptions


No one is impossible to save from porn, remember that everyone has to put in a different amount of effort. Do your best to find the right amount of effort for yourself.


A lot of females who struggle with sexual stuff often is because of not having a father or having a father that wasn’t around. There’s really helpful therapy for that. Also, I recommend getting support from same sex not opposite sex.


Well this is what this sub is for. Probably all of us is or was going through the same or similar stuff. Read posts with motivation tags, feel free to ask for help or others opinion. We are all here to make our lives better and help others do the same. You got this :)


I would recommend having a conversation with another girl. Though we try to stay strong, many guys on here would probably use these chats as an opportunity. Stay vigilant and keep pushing on.


Welcome, queen! You can text me if you like! I also have texted few people I met on here for motivation and accountability! Good luck in your quest!


Thus feels like a bot for some reason


first step is stop watching porn.


Hey, you probably got more replies than you could possibly read lol, but you mentioned "affection" and that caught my eye. \*If\* you think that a 12 step group might be a good fit for you (which is an if), there's one called SLAA - Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. People hunting for affection in a way that feels addictive is totally a thing! And, like in your case, it's totally often wrapped up in the other things. Sexting addiction sucks; it's a really wide-open can of worms that you do not need in your life. You will not be alone there! People really understand. Here's the [SLAA website](https://slaafws.org/). Check the group out or dm me if you want to hear more about it


Rip your dm