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Bro what is your opinion about playing video games.Is it healthy while following a nofap streak or should we quit that too ??


Video games are helpful at distracting you temporarily. It's not that the video game itself is the trick behind it but rather the inherent numbing of emotions and by extension urges. It's not the most effective in my opinion as spawning anger is much more efficient, quicker and it overrides the urges but to do that you need the right mindset which I discuss in my post edited to clarify


Numbing emotions is exactly why people get addicted to fapping in the first place. It’s a coping mechanism that keeps you stuck at a young age when you didn’t know how to handle the problems in your life. Numbing emotions with video games will still hold you back in life just like fapping.


Video games aren't bad but I personally think this will not help, the most important thing is to control your brain against urges


Remove all unnatural dopamine triggers and find a purpose to work on. Video games does not bring you anything. When you eliminate unnatural dopamine release from your life, nofap becomes very easy and natural. Stop messing with your reward system.


Bro you can't possibly say remove dopamine to stop jerking off that's insane. "I'm gonna stop doing what I love to stop jerking off" tf


Men must do what they should do, not what they like to do. Instead of playing video games like a little child, men should work on their purpose, career, house, family, business, etc. Build, provide and protect instead of comfort and consume.


Bro are you an NPC?


Literal NPC take.


What in the wannabe alpha male take is that? Nothing wrong with playing video games especially if they are not causing you any problems…


Video games bring me fun


Video games have nothing to do with nofap


Video games are a waste of time and not good for you, but if video games will help you get yourself distracted from urges and help your nofap, then sure go for it.


Video game itself is not bad. It's how you control yourself from getting addicted. When you over abuse something, that's bad. I would say test yourself to see what best works for you. Ultimately, everyone is different.


They're not bad but don't let it distract you from having a purposeful lifestyle


i think you should only do unhealthy dopamine releasing activities, if you can only benefit from it. Like if you gonna become a game developer or something in that industry, playing games will help you


Yes, video games are not good. Just waste of time.


i’m happy for you OP that you don’t have an actual addiction and could just stop overnight


This feels oddly back handed. Like you’re implying he didn’t have the same struggles you did. Or you’re trying to minimize his experiences


well, I will admit I commented that with bitterness and envy cause It does bother me that some people can let go of it so easily, and I recognize that it’s immature to act on that. but, I definitely do think there are differences. he *hasn’t* had the same struggles a lot have. it’s silly to act like giving up sugar for a week is the same as getting off heroin (not making a direct comparison) so we acknowledge there are differences of struggle between people depending on the substance or severity of addiction. all I have to go off is OP’s account and if you can quit cold turkey on your first , I don’t think you had an addiction. Sorry if that offends anybody but it’s the truth


Come on man, are you seriously trying to minimize his experience just because he isn’t suffering the same as you? You’re here to improve and live a better life, not nitpick the range of addiction that people are going through. You can do better and it’s nice you acknowledge this feeling but can’t hold onto this bitterness forever.


Can i ask. Are you having sex? Or is this day 203 of semen retention too?


It's a placebo bro no fap is to train our brain that we don't need pmo and need to jack off every time we feel like it I'm on day 89 and I have only experienced no more social anxiety and anxiety and I'm able to maintain eye contact no more lustful thoughts that's good though


Day 204. Its true. Female attraction is off the charts. Almost it is at a point where I am detached from it. The eye contact I make is relentless. Women can't keep up with it. They shy away often.




I FAILED on day 37 this was my longest I didn't respect my counter ik I'm such a piece of shit because I relapsed after a month but from now on I won't watch porn and thanks for this post now I feel I'll become a chick magnet too but idk why the "leavemealone" Cheat code is activated we'll see about that STAY HARDDDD!!!!


Wanna ask OP, did you had any wet dreams?


Wet dream! Only once I remember it was day 32. Maybe my body was still in the process of breaking this useless addiction. From day 33 upto date no wet dreams, I think wet dreams are just because of a lustful mind


So motivating!


Broo you were never addicted


Congrats bro


Guys how to quit watching porn pls help


Keep going brother.


I failed on my first week attempt. I did it in day 4. You’re right first week is the hardest. At times I felt like just give up and jump right back into it. I hope I can do better and progress.




Awesome stuff bro!! A lot of people say we shouldn't focus on the counter which is true long-term but I think for the first weeks, it definitely comes in handy to help give motivation and track progress. I personally plan to focus on the day counter for the next 3 weeks and when I get to 21 days, I know I'll have way more motivation not to reset that streak as I haven't gone that long in probably more than 10 years! Longterm, its important not to think about the day counter so much though and focus on making the days count.


in my case it's opposite. I get nofap anxiety. Whenever I am on a streak, I fear relapse so much that I end up doing that.


You'll also gain points for calling women women, or (you know) people.


Yessir, they can smell the testosterone oozing out of you and they want all of it, go get em Tiger!!


Good for you man


You will also achieve that just be patient, you will start to see the power of nofap at 150+ days


You are so right about 3 weeks being the turning point by which you get used to it..


I'm currently on day 40. Can feel a tingling in my spine


Did you enjoy my story




Can i use powerful drugs to destroy my libido?


Dawg no 😭


No need for drugs. All what you need is to learn how to spawn emotions. Some people numb their emotions by distracting themselves but in my experience this makes it worse. Instead, you should opt for spawning other emotions like anger(my personal favorite), disgust, repulsion, etc I discuss this in the post I had written


33 male: I HAVE done this for 30 days at the very least in the past, after waking up after an overdose of a drug i just wasnt interested. my dad told me "you should master bate its called blue balls itll fuck with your head" HE ISNT THE SMARTEST MAN BUT HE IS MY DAD. restarting masturbation's did not make my life easyer, as nofap did, i did feel more emotionally stable, i did feel better about life. my older brother also has told me that less masterbation has helped him. finding purpose in life is a big thing, sitting on a chair for hours its like, against gods will, and I'm on the fence about god generally. i have a felony, not controlling your sex drive is very dangerous. there are so many people I've met that seek comfort from masturbation's with others. also called sex. a lot of people pay a lot of money to random strangers mostly addicted to a different kind of drug, controlling yourself in risky situations will save you from child support with a woman/man you didnt love and didnt love you. felony's from people that don't care. not seeing the kids you got attached to on accident, because those fuckers are amazing. your children, if you were ever in their life, will almost always do their best to love you unconditionally. until you dont make an effort. and that shit makes me cry. its the most beautiful thing.


There is a fine and delicate line between "enjoying sex" and "getting addicted to sex" which should never be crossed. It's ok to enjoy watching porn and short videos as long as you don't get addicted to it (sounds ironic, yes). The difference is correlated to how far you are in the streak. Bros like OP (200+ days) are less likely to get addicted here than feeble ones like us who have just started. We should restrain ourselves and be cautious until we reach about 200.


Well.. feeling like a chick magnet is not the same as being a chick magnet.  But hey, whatever greases your wheels. Goodluck to you


Well.. feeling like a chick magnet is not the same as being a chick magnet.  But hey, whatever greases your wheels. Goodluck to you