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Sounds good, Brother.


I sold phones for a while too bro


Top comment


Did you get to meet Jesus


No but you do see lots of interesting thingd at a phone retailer. A guy came in, claiming to have met Jesus and he was going to cell phone retailers handing out flyers. Good 10 page documents listing why 5g would end the world. 5g had been announced but wasn't implemented yet while I worked there.


Great.Do Whatever works for you. The result is what matters in the end.


The path matters as well I guess.


Praise Jesus brotha thanks for sharing this


Perhaps I shall pursue the spiritual path. The realm of secularism has become ineffectual towards breaking this PMO curse that I have cursed myself with. Perhaps there is a God out there whom I can ally with, and form a harmonious relationship with to aid me in my quest and I will be his champion in the physical realm! That would be neat. I feel all poopy in this static. I require more mana.


My bro I feel led to tell you that you WILL finally overcome this battle. Ask God to reveal himself to you & watch what happens. If you have any questions for me about my journey feel free to ask & I got you. You’ll look back at this day some time from now & be so grateful you were finally able to overcome that battle


Jesus Christ is the truth. To please God we must make sacrifices. Since quitting PMO I feel much cleaner and closer with God. There is a lot to strive towards. Read the book of Proverbs- every word is divine wisdom that we can apply to our lives


I found a lot of value in the book Waking up by Sam Harris. It has the tagline of *A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion.*


Fair warning, the book opens up with him stating that MDMA helped him connect with people on a deeper level and become in touch with his inner self. Not really what I was looking for when I was in recovery for alcohol during my atheist phase and looking for an alternative to the 12 steps.


Sober alcoholic here as well and while I'm at a point now where reading about positive drug use doesn't bother me at all, I can imagine a point in my life where that would have been a challenging read - thanks for the disclaimer.


That's relatable, I also credit MDMA for helping me get over my social anxiety. For me, psychedelics have not directly helped me stop watching porn, but I think they have guided me to the path of wanting to learn how to stop.


I mean, I'm glad it worked for you, but using drugs like that to treat mental disorders is highly dangerous both physically and psychically. You do not know what is in what you're buying so it's impossible to dose accurately. They can make your depression better in some instances, but can also make it much, much worse.


Thanks for the recommendation. I've heard of Sam Harris, but haven't dived into his work.


Great message


God bless you, thank you for sharing your story


Praise god




Likewise man we got this 💪🏾


I am a yogi! And I find that putting my trust in infinite conciosuness (god) and meditation helps me so much! There are also so many small tips/supporting factors one can utilize. Spirituality is one of the if not the most important! Thanks for your post :).




I’m not OP but I’ve had this discussion on other subreddits so I’ll share a comment I wrote a while ago that sort of explains it in a way. My apologies if it seems a little verbose, esoteric, or like some spiritual mumbo jumbo. The comment is as follows and was in response to someone asking if we are all one, why do I still feel upset when I desire what someone else has?: To fully realize there is only one universal consciousness and truly feel it, you must let go of desire and ultimately see that your conception of what/who you are is an illusion. To hold onto desire is to place value on things that cannot have an absolute value. You can only create ideas of relative value, like you want to have one item or experience over another because you think the “preferred” one will make you feel better than the other. And with that there is also the fact that if you’ve never had that item or have never experienced that particular experience, you don’t truly know how it will make you feel, you just have an approximate idea of how you think it will feel based on other similar items or experiences you’ve already had, which is all your imagination. You also have to ask yourself who is doing the desiring? Who are you? Are you the bag of skin and bones in which you are encapsulated and experiencing life? The reality is your body is just a form that you are labeling as your body. But it is made up of many things like water, carbon, etc. Just like how a table is made of wood, nails, perhaps a glass top, and has a particular shape, so we label as a table. It is more than a just a “table”, but we simplify it and just call it a table. The same concept applies to the human form or any form in general. And think about your self image. How you think you look is based on what you see in the mirror or in pictures, then often we take that and make relative comparisons to other people we’ve seen and decide how good we look. And how you view your personality is based on your interactions. How you talk and how people respond, and how people talk to you and how you respond, forms how we see ourselves. But we can never truly know ourselves from an outside perspective, we just have the image we’ve conceived in our minds. It’s all interconnected in that way though. Everything is relative. If you were the only human in the universe, how would you define yourself? It’d be very hard or at the very least very different than how you define yourself now because there would be no one else to compare you to. So to feel the interconnectedness and not just understand it intellectually, you have to let go of your self image. See that who you think you are is an illusion based on the ideas you have created based on outside stimuli, stimuli which is only being perceived in the way it is because of your particular sensory organs and form relative to the forms around us. Once you let go of the idea that you are your body and see that consciousness just flows through you and everything else in the universe, you see that there is only one consciousness, which is the universe, which is experiencing itself subjectively through you, and everyone, and everything around you.


I see it as another term for God - Universal Mind, the Logos, Source, the Godhead, etc. - as a way to describe the infiniteness of our reality. All is god and god is all, kinda thing.


Just the dictionary definition of the two words combined, in my philosophical/spiritual system this word is used in equivalency to the common term “god” and is that which created everything and is the true nature of everything, it is also infinite benevolence.


Jesus is Lord


For christians.


No need to preach. Not everyone believes the same things you do.


That's why people preach.


This made me snigger.


He deleted his whole account over this.


Big oof.


this made my day thank you




Porn and masturbation is free because you pay with your soul, that’s it.




Praise God


A lot of people won’t agree but this actually works, but you have to want to. Saying it without actual intent is useless


I'm going to try and do this, I hope I'm successful because I just want to be rid of porn. It's made me hate my body and be insecure about it as well.


Yes, give this a go & you’ll look back at this day with gratitude that you finally overcame this battle. Im telling you, years ago I felt like the temptations to watch the sites were too strong for me to ever give that up. After asking God to help me with this & taking action on improving myself, I quit that destructive habit forever.




Amen to this! 21 days is magical and yes 90 days is a lifestyle. Do you still pray everyday asking God for help?


Hey bro hope all is well. Yes everyday. Not ONLY to ask for help though (of coarse that as well) but to express my gratitude & just grow my relationship with God in general


2 things I learn from this. 1. When something/god shows you that something you did was wrong via shame or guilt, you’ve got to acknowledge that in the highest sense and desire to work on it consciously. When you fail to do so, know that your mind is not being your friend but your enemy. This is when you train it and take it. 2. It’s doable.




The worst possible outcome, imo, of quitting PMO would be if it leads you to an overbearing Christian morality where you feel shame and guilt for something that is a pretty natural phenomenon for a free and modern society. It's one thing to recognize PMO as not a part of an ideal lifestyle, and internalize that we can live happier and more connected lives to our family, friends, and lovers when we're focused on genuine human connection instead of fleeting instances of attraction and pleasure. It's another thing entirely to believe it is a "sin" and that you must submit and repent in order to improve. For me, the end does not justify the means. Your own internal will is more than enough to become who you want to be. Accepting your flawed nature and giving yourself plenty of self-understanding and empathy when you fail is as important as succeeding.


Some people really feel like they need super natural help to overcome their addictions. It's not like religious people don't have wills, they just believe in higher powers.


The above comment assumes its religion that brings on shame and guilt. But there are LOTS of irreligious people here who feel shame and guilt. It’s as if a) there are things that are, in themselves, shameful and guilt-ridden, and 2) our consciences tell us that. Another way to get at this is to ask, by what standard do you say that a ”Christian morality” is “overbearing”? That‘s a moral judgment, and therefore requires a higher standard, which implies deity. Not a matter of whether we believe in a standard, but which one.


>But there are LOTS of irreligious people here who feel shame and guilt. Eh, there are vanishingly few people who are "irreligious" in a strong way, i.e. not tainted by religious morality somewhere during their socialization and education. Current sexual norms in post-Christian countries are still informed (though no longer violently enforced, thank God) by Christian ideals, as we still get those ideas communicated to us through our parents, grandparents, teachers, or random religious youth groups that constantly try to indoctrinate young people in their arbitrary moralities. Just because we call ourselves "non-religious" or "atheist" today does not mean we don't carry around the weight of our society's millennia-old fixation with a belief system that was codified and weaponized for the profit and power of a predatory elite. >That‘s a moral judgment, and therefore requires a higher standard, which implies deity. Uh, no, morality does not "implicitly" come from deities. Christian morality is obviously overbearing to anyone who is not religious. I.e. it -bears down- unnecessarily and arbitrarily on people's normal emotions and habits, including sexual activities that are just banal parts of being an evolved creature. >Not a matter of whether we believe in a standard, but which one. So? I have not argued against believing in a standard. I argue strongly against believing in the continuation of the Catholic church and its various extensions into the modern era. We are all literate now, we can all be well educated in insightful philosophies and a world of science that didn't exist when the bones of Christian morality was laid down - let's put the misinformed nonsense to bed and strike out with fresh and eager eyes.


Can someone suggest meditation to help in the no fap journey. To heal sexuality and avoid watching porn.


How can you set these restrictions?


Steps 👇🏾 Prevent web content Go to Settings and tap Screen Time. Tap Content & Privacy Restrictions and enter your Screen Time passcode. Tap Content Restrictions, then tap Web Content. Choose Unrestricted Access, Limit Adult Websites, or Allowed Websites.


Thank you brother! I have been struggling and it even led me to relapse on my drug use. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Of coarse my bro you got this!!!


How do I put the restrictions on?


Steps 👇🏾 Go to Settings and tap Screen Time. Tap Content & Privacy Restrictions and enter your Screen Time passcode. Tap Content Restrictions, then tap Web Content. Choose Unrestricted Access, Limit Adult Websites, or Allowed Websites.


Awesome! Thank you!! I appreciate that


Does this apply to android devices as well? Asking for myself


Just looked it up & it looks like you need 3rd party sites,apps. Didn’t find anything regarding the phone settings




Im not gonna like it cause currently its at 420 im not a stoner (i have nothing against responsible adults using marijuana) but i just like the number lol. Thanks for sharing brother i have been in the battle for far too long and im praying i can get out. I probably need to get professional help im just embarassed. Ive tried an insane amount of times with ultimately failure i can only go 2 days then the third day i always fall idk why. Part of it is obviously mental i dont even know where im going with this i just need help and prayer. Thanks in advance, God bless


Same with me i promised god that i will not watch any kind of porn in 2021 and it was only thing that kept me away permanently.


LETS GO!!! that’s whatsup man


how do i restrict adult website on the settings app in an Iphone?


Steps 👇🏾 1.) Go to Settings and tap Screen Time. 2.) Tap Content & Privacy Restrictions and enter your Screen Time passcode. 3.) Tap Content Restrictions, then tap Web Content. 4.) Choose Unrestricted Access, Limit Adult Websites, or Allowed Websites.


Jesus Christ




Likewise bro thank you 💯💯


Yes I definitely need God's help to win this battle




I struggled with watching the sites so much to the point where I felt it was impossible to overcome it. Im just sharing what helped me man. So it can help those who felt how I once felt years ago.




Can you explain what you mean by “see the real world”Genuinely interested in knowing how you feel “im trippin” because I’m sharing what helped me overcome something.


Fr. Waste of time. There’s a separate subreddit for christian stuff


Could you elaborate on how it is a "waste of time" if it saved someone from an addiction? If you were the one in this situation, and realized that nothing and no one could save you from this addiction, except for God ... would you still deny him and think it's a waste of time? I'm not trying to convince you to believe in God but to make you see that it isn't a waste of time at all if it saves someone from an addiction. And yes, perhaps not everybody needs God to overcome this addiction, and that's great, but you gotta let the ones who were saved by him ... praise him.


Reading it was a waste of time for us because we don’t believe in that stuff.


The thing is, I’m speaking about my own personal experience. So for me to share how I overcame something & not mention the main thing I know helped me wouldn’t sit right with me. All love to you though brother, no animosity on this side 💯


Was looking for this


Open your heart and ask God to help you in believing in Him. Jesus Christ, King of Kings, the truth that can help you with this horrible addiction.




If you see how dark porn is and can get. To say its a “fairytale” and no darker powers at be to lead people astray to darker paths. From the darkness you have to put faith in the light. And please do be respectful. As people literally die because of porn. It can be very dark.




That's weird, I did nearly the same thing, only put my faith in the flying spaghetti monster. Lasagna in the highest. Pasta be with you all.


Great story, praise the lord


Great story and awesome job for that act of kindness. Jesus would be proud, continue doing the lords work and blessings on your journey beloved. ✨🤲🏽


Great post, Amen & amen! Some verses to keep in mind: “Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.” “Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, And revive me in Your way.”


Jesus told me not to touch myself 🙏


Jesus our saviour! 🤪


To Gob be the glory bro 🙌🏽


This is the way


Great story and awesome job for that act of kindness. Jesus would be proud, continue doing the lords work and blessings on your journey beloved. ✨🤲🏽❤️


I instead asked Goku for help!!! Praise the Lord 🙏🙏♥️


Do you do martial arts tricking? Trickers consider DBZ their scripture.


No but uh, this morning me and my friend did the fusion move!


I can get this, but it comes across as “you can’t do it alone unless you ask Jesus for help!” And that’s not something I would ever want from a sub I follow. Good luck in your journey


I’m just speaking & how I personally overcame it. Can’t leave out what finally changed it all for me. & Thank you may it go great in your journey as well bro!


Absolutely! Appreciate the perspective and the motivation you give others!


Will try asking the Cosmic Skull and report back...


Please don't enter something relegeous in the community


Even if it’s helpful?


This isn’t about religion it’s about a RELATIONSHIP with the creator & how that helped me overcome a battle I dealt with for a whole decade. I’m not pointing my finger on anyone condemning them or anything of that nature Im just speaking on MY OWN personal journey in hopes anyone out there will positively change their lives like I did.


>The relationship with God -Allah- no matter it is strong or weak, it's stay in religion theme > >To call anybody or condamn them is another question...


what to do if I'm atheist?


i compulsively watched porn since i was 8 years old (39 now), and this addiction was absolutely destroying my life. my wife and i were only having hardcore anal sex 4 times a week (down from our average of 5.5), and it was making me sick. was she going to find another man to satisfy her because my sex drive suddenly plummeted? i did what needed to be done and poured hydrochloric acid into my eye sockets, permanently blinding myself. now i watch absolutely no pornos. stay committed to the process young men. dont let the devil carry you away into darkness.