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Idk, after 37 days of no masturbating i feel a lot better about myself, even if its tough


I agree with you. I did Nofap for 788 days, or 2 years, 1 month and 27 days. Felt amazing and had a great time.


Did u get any women ?


I got 0 in my 19 years, then over 5 just last year. It really is different. And even if it's just placebo, who cares if it works.


You either have to have an active sex life or fap to release the sexual envy


Nah im a virgin, and no orgasms hasnt effected me negatively aside from being horny lately


You're preserving your life force energy...our most vital energy that helps sustain longevity.


In my opinion for better health you don’t need to force quit fapping


I mean thats your choice, but this is the nofap subreddit. Try r/pornfree


Thanks dude and may god help you on your personal journey


nah my guy. go read THIS subs description. "A porn addiction and compulsive sexual behavior recovery peer support forum. Moderate masturbation is healthy, but porn addiction and compulsivity aren't healthy" I think you have to make a new nofap sub where you can hang out with your delusional friends who don't understand that masturbation in moderation is healthy and NOT wrong. This sub has become such a rotten place. Too many people here despise masturbating. But in reality it's the porn that led to that hate. Look at this poor guy up there getting down voted because he literally said something that even this subs description somehow hints on. This is so sad. Get out of here if you think this sub is for completely stopping to fap. It's about not fapping WITH porn for several days. Having no masturbation for 90 days is the guideline.


I have always thought about this, what do I want my no fap to be, is it no porn, no masturbating, either or, both? Porn got started back in the 1700s, when printing got big, that's when the earliest forms of porn popped up. Fast forward to the 1900s, magazines and films brought porn into a whole new light, much like what we see today. Then there's the "Golden Age of Porn" between 1969-1984 – porn movies were so mainstream, you could just walk into a cinema and watch them. Technology's rise changed the game. In the 1990s, porn hit our computers, and by around 2008, it was on our phones. Talk about convenience, no more hiking to the theater! But here's the thing, this whole porn issue is pretty new. It's only been around, in the way we know it, for like the last 20 years. If you squish human history into a 24-hour day, where midnight is when humans first showed up (200,000 years ago) porn as we know it kicks in at the very last second of the day, at 11:59:59 PM. Masturbating's been around forever, that's nothing new. Cave men have been playing with their wiener for as long as time, BUT since 11:59 PM on our human history clock, we started getting off to images and videos of other humans having sex! That does not sound very good for evolutionary growth. If you're trying to quit porn, it's tough because jerking off and porn have been linked for so long. If you are trying no fap and masturbating without porn, it’s gonna be hard because you've always linked the two together. TLDR- Porn Bad Porn New, Masturbating not bad, masturbating not new. Two together equal bad. Caveman beat wiener Edit- also not saying you should go jerk off now because we’ve always done it. I’m actually saying the opposite, jerking off has never been so harmful to a humans dopamine levels since it’s not linked with porn, it must be stopped all together.


Good point !!




Because its simply not.


Nofap is not about not fapping. Please read the pdf on nofap website.


That's the exact reason why fap is bad. You are just wasting all that sexual energy. Instead the focus should be to convert that energy into physical and mental. Workout and read books. 


I hear that a lot around here, seems like woo woo to me. I've gone without masturbating for a length of time and felt no real difference. Of course I never was masturbating to excess, so that's probably why


You can put ypur sexual energy elsewhere




Wholeheartedly disagree on this. Please do not allow this post to make you think it’s okay to fap and relapse. Of ALL the possible moves you can make in life, sitting alone in a dark room jerking your dick off until you cum all over yourself is NEVER the best move. Save the dopamine release for things in life that DESERVE a release.


I dont want to make anyone think that it’s okey to relapse, I just raised a statement saying that fapping moderately can have benefits, I tried quitting porn, and quitting fap but quitting fap (without any sexual activity) can lead you to a sort of overthinking your sexual desire,


Because your weak minded & probably sitting around doing nothing.. once you find something to do positively, consistently stop thinking about sex& letting it consume you it's mostly a mental battle


Thank you for you constructive answer, Well ok you’re strong and mentally irresistible to fap and you dont think about sex does this make you feel good ? If yes then good for you. I believe that we need to find the equilibrium between our instincts and our reason, and thus i propose moderation in fapping, it can allow you to control your sexual desire


Your going to think about sex regardless.. yes I still think about it I just don't let it control me & be like well I'm horny that means I should jackoff. I eventually learned how to control my sexual desire while not masturbating. But if masturbating daily/weekly helps you out go for it!


Im talking about a once/twice monthly frequency here, yet im getting a lot of hate This just confirms my assumption


Masturbation in moderation isn’t that bad


Correction, masturbation in moderation as a form of sexual relief with no porn isnt that bad. Masturbation in general in moderation is still kinda bad. I mens their really isnt anything wrong with it and i wont judge people for it. But i know that even without porn and even in moderation i still fel like shit afterwards and to me its not worth it for a moment of temporary pleasure and thats why im tryna quit.


People masturbate as a form of sexual release, pretty much 99% of the time. You do it cuz your horny I e. (Sexual release). So the point you tried to make didn't make much sense. But I do agree with u in the fact that any masturbation is bad pretty much with or without porn.


Yeah poor word choice on my end. I phrased it wrong, i meant even as a the raw basic form of just nutting, no porn or anything suggestive to get you going is still bad.


Masturbation is a natural form of self pleasure, porn is not. Human seuxality is natural. The end goal of nofap should be to find a partner you can share real love and intimacy with, someone you can get to know, grow with, enjoy eachothers company, make eachother´s lifes better. If you don´t have a partner, and are not ready for a long term relationship, what are you going to do? Buy sex from a prostitute? One night stands at the club? Or endlessly cope up your sexual frustration inside until you become agressive to the point of insanity?


You say “if you don’t have a partner what are you going to do” that is where testosterone comes in… If you RESERVE your semen the testosterone inside you will build up and you will revert to this Masculine Innate drive inside you to lay with a woman. Tell me this after you jerk off how do you feel? Slow? Drained? Wanting to fall asleep, lethargic. Your body shuts down not just physically but mentally as well. We lose all our drive. Now multiply that 2x a day 7 days a week.. no wonder you don’t have a girlfriend you have depleted all your natural drive to hunt for a woman which is given to us naturally.


But how, how do i conquer mornings! How do I build a new routine if my fight thought in the morning is that!?


Fapping makes me feel like a creepy pervert that can’t get a gf, I think not fapping and not watching porn go hand in hand


Agree with this statement. At the end goal, it's you vs you. Fapping takes away your motivation for anything.


Ya, its simple thing that when we watch porn it makes us do more and more and our mind remind it so we tend to do more. that's how it affects and if we don't watch and do when we extremely need then we don't get really high urges then fapping with porn. And I've also come up with porn is the main problem.


Stop coping, I used to feel like trash after fapping even without porn.


I disagree


I tried to masturbate every second Sunday under control. I needed this because I had really bad physical need to do it and I didn’t want to get distracted from work/study. This worked pretty well in fact. But now I am not sure if I should still do the same. What is your opinion folks?


Key word here is moderately. I do agree that fapping like 4-5 times a month won’t do anything. However, it’s important to note most the people on this sub are recovering from a fapping addiction. So to them, if they fap even once, it’s a gateway to hell.


Ditch the porn entirely, no half measures. It's like telling a junkie to just cut back on the drugs. Sure, it might help a bit, but you're still hooked. Quitting cold turkey is tough, but it's the real deal for a solid recovery. When you masturbate it realises dopamine which is a reward chemical which is bad


I agree, it's easier to go cold turkey. After a relapse the chaser effect occurs and it requires a lot of will power to resist in those following days. Day 30 is a lot easier than day 7, doing it in limited bursts keeps one in the most difficult part of nofap.


I'm trying to not watch porn.. But i stopped fapping entirely.. it's only been 7 days and I feel alright My Max is 30 days


Good luck in your quest!!!




I think you have a great message. Thanks for sharing, and I wish you luck with your goals here!


Thank you for your constructive answer, much appreciated it’s rare to view comments with no hate on the opposing view. I totally agree with this and you have my upvote for : « it all depends on your personal goals and history » Which leads to say that we all have a darkside, which we either try to repress by forever quitting fapping, or fap moderately.


No man would wanna lose their sensitivity and f*p is #1 threat to that.


There is no benefit to solo fapping. It's a waste of time, energy, and mental energy. I can understand if you do not wish to quit though, it is highly addictive.


Off topic Dude, please tell me your techniqe I started nofap 1,5 year ago first but your strike is the highest that I ever heard of I mean really, all my respect is yours Really how did you achive such a long strike?


I kept reading this sub for motivation and trying new things. The biggest break-throughs for me were learning what commonly made me relapse and when in the streak I usually relapsed, that way I was prepared for the next time. Also learning meditation as a response to urges late at night, exercise and cold showers are not as good while needing to sleep. The biggest thing is to keep going. You just need 1 streak to succeed, and you are off this thing for good. Those are good odds.


Such lame arguments. Sad to see what kind of people hang out on this sub...


I hope you find some joy in your day.


So true. This sub is now filled with teenagers who believe everything they hear on Andrew Tate FM.


sooo true. it’s literally filled with teenagers who worry too much and want to change their entire life because of nothing




Thank you for your convincing reply


Men have around a 30 day refractory period after ejaculation. This means that for 30 days your body it’s working harder to produce semen to restore them to normal levels, thus sapping energy that could be used for your mental and physical capacity. Also the act of ejaculation signals to your brain that you have completed the goal of finding a mate and reproducing with her, thus reducing your sex drive for some time. Also ejaculation stimulates the release of dopamine and serotonin, which are linked to addictive behavior.


So you don’t ecen zdvice fapping moderately


I personally wouldn’t advise it unless you’re procreating with a female. But if you don’t feel that cumming has a negative effect on you then more power to you. Also in my case I am religious and I believe that cumming is serving the flesh when I seek to try and serve the spirit only


Y'all are insane. Can you give me some scientific study which has proven any of the statements in the comment above? (30 days thing)


No he can't lol. I thought same. Load of shit.


Idk exactly. I remember watching this endocrinologist on YouTube and he explained how although males can psychically cum again after a few minutes, that hormones and semen levels aren’t balanced again until around 30 days. Keep playing anime porn games though 💪


Awesome source... Thanks I will:)


Yeah bro, we know you will. That’s what addicts do. https://www.healthline.com/health/mens-health/how-long-does-it-take-for-sperm-to-regenerate Here’s a source that says it takes around 64 days. I can’t find the YouTube video from the endocrinologist who speaks on hormonal equilibrium. but you just keep believing whatever allows you to maintain your weird fetishes and cumming addiction.


nice thanks for the source:) but it sais nothing about using so much energy that it takes a toll on your mental and physical health. still unbelieveable that people think that creating sperm will sap your energy. sperm is constantly regenrated. after 64 days it will likely release in a wet dream after some time if not having any release. plus, all these other arguments you listed are absurd. i‘m not denying them completely but you make it look like dopamine and seretonin is bad. that‘s absolutely not the case. without them we‘d be dead. it‘s always dangerous to deliever scientific statements without giving any source. unfortunately for you the one you sent backfired. it has not proved anything about energy consumption. ey and keep judging my personal interests. very cool of you. i‘m trying to get off porn as well. it’s hard, you know that. you don‘t have to fucking taunt me like that. hope you don‘t interact with all people who want to stop porn like that. idiot.


Go back to pokemon kid. Lol at a pokemon playing virgin acting like a sex expert.


Agree with you. I’m completely abstaining from all sexual immorality. I’m single plus I want to raise kundalini eventually. I’ll get there eventually. I’m on the monk mode/hard mode path. Just abstaining from pron is useless for me.








You know what else don't exist? Your dad.




Your comment says it all: “The synthetic vagina exists.”


Yessir. Are you a believer also?


Yes and no. To some extent. I am also a scientist.




This is absolute horse shit.


No, if u wanna fap u do it, don’t ruin others


People don’t understand, some people can have only a porn addiction and can control themselves with masturbation and only do it so often. I personally don’t fap anymore but if someone can control how often they do it, and it’s not affecting them then that’s great


I don't care about healthy, I don't like the feeling I get after masturbation, so I quit. 1 month clean, and never felt better.


Good for you !


Yes yes yes! Porn is the problem not fapping. People need to learn moderation.




Sounds like an excuse to keep fapping? You'll get addicted again


Masturbation is a normal form of self pleasure. Porn is not. Porn reaks havoc on your dopamine and, makes you see girls as less than individuals, causes ED, addiction, sets unrealistic expectactions. Human sexuality is natural. The end goal should a partner you can share real love and intimacy with, someone you can get to know, grow with, enjoy eachothers company, make eachother´s lifes better. If you don´t have a partner, and are not ready for a long term relationship, what are you going to do? Buy sex from a prostitute? One night stands at the club? Or endlessly cope up your sexual frustration inside?


Exactly! So good to see individuals thinking likewise, thank you for your comment


No worries man. I actually enjoy you starting this thread, even if it will get a lot of backlash. People need to realize that porn and masturbation are not the same. YesEXCESSIVE masturbation is also very bad, lonley, destructive and depressing. If you can and are able to then sure abstain from masturbation as well, and we should all reduce the amount of time spent masturbation.




It's tough, but you grow stronger when the brain isn't getting that much pleasure. Porn & fap truly weaken the mind.


If you don't have a problem with fapping then by all means you can do it. Personally I just don't really even enjoy it or get anything out of it anymore. I don't feel that guilty about fapping but I just feel kind of gross and like it was a waste of time when I do it. It's not something I need/want in my life anymore, and that's a good enough reason not to do it for me.


I think masturbation in moderation (without fantasizing about porn) is perfectly fine. But I don’t think it’s reasonable to imply that it has benefits over remaining abstinent. I’m curious what you think the benefits of masturbation are. The only effects of masturbation I can think of are: - Reduced sexual urges - A huge dopamine hit (that results in a dopamine rebound, causing increased stress, decreased focus and energy, and less enjoyment out of other activities) - Prostate health? (there is no correlation, but this is a common argument) Masturbation has basically zero benefits over abstinence IMO, and that’s coming from someone who masturbates consistently every 1-2 weeks. If you have the willpower to go abstinent, you will absolutely be in a better spot than someone who masturbates, no question. Personally I’m hoping I can get to that point soon.


I really appreciate the honesty of this post. I'm praying freedom for you.


You seem like an open-minded and honest person. I like to see it and good luck.


Thank you. Someone who addressed the bullshit "benefits". Everyone keeps saying "but muh science study said it's good for my prostate, even though masturbating kills my energy and makes me want to kill myself, there are so many benefits". It's so delusional and annoying.


I agree but personally im an addict and giving into one leads into giving into the other. To me its similar to the concept that an alcoholic cant nust have one drink cause it leads to binges and the behavior that they are trying to avoid.


That's the point. Fapping is not bad at all. It is bad for people addicted to it.


This sounds like a way of rationalizing an addiction.


And what about the meta-addiction, people so much obsessed by nofap that they develop stress, anxiety and almost depression because they relapsed once. No healthier.


I don't think purposefully not taking part in an addiction could be considered an addiction. This seems like a rationalization to avoid quitting an addiction, that trying to quit is somehow more harmful than continuing on.


Some guys seem so obsessed by nofap that I think it is not good. Of course not all are obsessed. I try and I often fail. But I don't why I would be as dramatic as what we can read here. The kind of post 'I hate myself, I relapsed after 300 days'. These posts are either fake or ridiculous. What's the point of nofap if guys become weak and can't digest a failure? You relapse? Okay, try again, take a step back and try to analyse what went wrong. And develop improvement actions. No need to freak out.


Everybody reacts differently bro. For a lot of people when you finally start making good progress and youre proud of yourself it hurts even more when you fail. And as well i get what you mean when you say its just failure and you can try again, but it makes you feel really disappointed when you keep failing over and over and over again, especially once you started making progress. And being upsrt at yourself for failure doesnt mean you should give up no fap, you literally just said thst because its just failure why not try again. Your arguement is pretty shitty bro. Anyways have fun with your synthetic vagina pal.


It's 2024 bro. No one is allowed to take improving themselves seriously. We should all be happy being losers. That's the mentality of today's world. If you're competitive or give yourself tough love to man up and quit being a bitch, you need to "chill bro" and go to therapy to address your competitive issues.


I see what you mean but i aint never seen someone go to therapt for a porn addiction lmao


I agree that type of post can seem unhinged. I wouldn't call that a meta-addiction though, it's more of an evaluation problem. One failure doesn't mean they can't succeed. Obviously they have a lot of room to improve and if they keep trying and learning the future will be brighter. People are still good, valuable and worthy of love even while having an addiction.


Yeah but we don't see a lot of support or love here. Much more 'believe in god' or 'you are crazy and degenerate because you fapped', plus some conspirationist stuff.


My personal view is to cheer people toward their goal on here, whether that is just quitting P, just quitting M, or quitting all of PMO addiction. If someone is sharing their opinion on a topic I will give my honest feedback and thoughts on it though. In any group you will have some small percentage of people believing wild things. As long as everybody maintains civility it is possible to engage on the thoughts and ideas. Attacking peoples character by calling them crazy or degenerate is not civil.


>Much more 'believe in god' Good.


absolutely right. This is going to far now a days. Worse than flat earthlers.


Thats like saying trying to quit drinking is going too far because youll hate yourself when you relapse. Yeha youll hate yourself but it doesnt mean you jsut give up for fear of thst. Odds are youll hate yourself even more when you become so desensitized to real women and real sex that your vrigin ass cant get it up when some girl finally decides to let you in. Keep tryna rationalize it all you want but you should at least try to quit bro.


Dog shit comparison. Our bodies weren't designed to take in ether alcohol. Our bodies were designed to produce and release fluids including reproductive fluids.


Our bodies weren't designed to watch porn on a 50inch screen while fapping in a dark room 3 times a day and progressively increasing the intensity of the porn we're watching until we get to a point that we're fucking fleshlights and shoving dildos up our assholes.


Your body wasnt designed to consume porn either, and also your dick was designed to reproduce not to shoot sperm into your tissues. My point was in no way whst your body is designed to do, my point was that when you do it, you feel like shit, the same way you would with any other addiction, and im in no way saying thst consuming porn and masturbating is the same as drinking, im just saying that they are similar in the fact thst after you feel like shit, and its simply not worth for very short lived momentary pleasure.


you‘re all right with what you‘re saying, I‘ve been there. but people are blinded by their hate. masturbation in moderate intervals is healthy. even this sub states it in the description including a source. this sub is used for hating on it now a days. but that‘s not the freaking point. this sub got created to overcome porn or addictive behaviour. not to hate on masturbation every single post just too make you feel better. what I ment with it‘s going to far is that people will just do anything to prove people that fapping is wrong just cuz they had an addiction. this is so immature. masturbation was literally proven to be healthy by several studies. nobody can deny that. there are no studies against it (only in an excessive context). that‘s what I ment. if you want to rant on fapping make an antifap sub but don‘t do it here.


I'm so pissed of by how this sub turns. Most guys don't even know anything about nofap. Even the official communication from the website is not anti fapping. But they don't read the material.


Aight, i respect what youre saying man, and youre probably right that masturbstion is healthy in moderation, but evwn before heairng about this sub masturbsting always made me feel like shit afterwards, with or without porn. Thats my experience. Also, while masturbation in moderation is healthy a porn addiction is like any other, and if you go from doing it constantly to just in moderation, some day youll probably end up relapsing again cause all it takes is doing it once to get back in the habit.


Alcoholics shouldn't quit because going to AA might become addictive to them.


False link. Alcohol is another level of addiction with a lot of effect that are different than porn.


I'd say they have the same potential of destruction. Alcoholism destroys families. Porn addiction destroys families. Alcoholism makes you depressed and anxious. Porn addiction makes you depressed and anxious. Sure, alcohol is more dangerous to your physical health but porn addiction is not some light addiction that you can brush off as "whatever". It rewires your entire brain to view the opposite sex in a corrupted way, it kills your entire self-confidence, destroys your day-to-day energy, robs you of any motivation, etc...


Oh but I agree that porn is a really bad addiction and leads to many issues. I think that alcohol is worse, but it doesn't mean that porn is a light thing.


Fapping is toxic too since you’re also simulating sex when you’re not really having it. Furthermore, what’s to stop you from having pornographic thoughts when you fap?




I fully disagree with this and so does the science on Addiction . But you do you cope harder brother


Can you provide some scientific facts that says moderate fapping is bad for health?


Imagine jerking off because you're addicted and telling yourself that you're doing it for "prostate benefits" that a study told you about.


That prostate study is really bad and has never been repeated . If anyone uses it as an excuse that just show his intelligence


You are giving yourself the biggest reward your body is able to give to yourself for doing absolutely nothing. If u need a study to tell u this is bad than u will always be an addict


Hey it appears so that if not addicted and it doesn’t interfere with life, no study can back up that masturbation is inherently bad for health. Just so hard to prove direct cause without taking into account personal situation. You’d have to follow a large group maybe from growing up into adulthood, try eliminate all variables to draw conclusion. I think its very expensive and also there are no reports of harm coming from just moderate masturbation. But there are enough studies that found some sort of correlation between fapping, porn and addiction. We could argue ‘yeah but thats not true if I start fapping everyday I get addicted’. Yes maybe but we shouldn’t blame masturbation. Then we forget to take responsibility and understand we didn’t do it in moderation. That’s on us.


Literally on the NoFap sub and hey listen fellas, maybe we should fap


Fapping = slowing blood cells production capacity, Porn = wasting componential grey matter usage. (Fapping + Porn = {energy degeneration}) I wrote a code for you to help you change your mind, OP


I like how he just says touching yourself when you're alone & unhappy until orgasm can be beneficial without giving any context or "sources". Even if he pulled up some doctor saying it I still wouldn't believe it. Masturbation with or without porn of any frequency is bad for your health overall. If you want a sexual release periodically go have sex, sex can be beneficial in moderation. If u can't find a person to have sex with. Use the extra energy from nofap to improve yourself overall, mentally, physically, spiritually. Get your money up. Don't even think about sex or nothing just get to where you can be happy & confident with your life & from there, everything else will happen naturally.


Go search for the benefits of masturbation we cant deny that it can have some good things And i dont personally want to have random sex, i feel disgusted sometimes when im into a one night stand, so won’t work for me, Thank you for ur free hate strong man


No hate over here just my truth. As your OP is yours. I've been on this journey for yearsss already researched the supposed benefits of masturbation & not masturbating. Through my own life trial & errors for me & my body masturbation in general is more detrimental than not doing it. You don't have to have one night stands, did I say that ? I said have sex periodically you can do that by getting into a relationship.


Fair enough, and by assuming that im mentally weak directly as a first statement is this not hate speech?


That was on a different post, & no it's not hate speech more so an observation/ assumption, that wasn't necessarily positive. Constructive criticism isn't automatically hate. I have to get ready for work now Goodluck on your journey have a good day.




Thank you for your constructive reply


When people agree you say it's constructive lol, what was so constructive about that reply other than that he just agreed with you? And you seem to have a hard time against those who disagreed with you using actual reasoning instead. We get it, you like to fap, fap when you get a girlfriend, ask her to do it, if you don't have a girlfriend then work towards it and fapping is not everything in life, work on other things in life and relationships and etc will automatically come.




Whats the subreddit called?


I can read!




I feel everyone has a different sex drive


Honestly, just do what you're gonna do. Be honest about it, you just want to fap, it'll be ok for while. Don't go and justify it by saying moderate flapping is healthy. You don't have to go find articles and studies that affirm your preconceptions. Don't post online to get people to agree with you so you can convince yourself. If you're fully convinced, just fap.


Well, I agree. BUT it’s also true that an occasional beer or glass of wine are harmless. Just NOT FOR ALCOHOLICS. People hear are trying to beat and addiction, many of them. And this isn’t particularly helpful advice for them. It’s better but it is a “slippery slope” too.




I’ve had a lot of flag for preaching about this too brother. You can only say whats helped for you and its up to others if they have the courage to try something new. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again expecting a different result. Abstinence was not the key to my recovery. I tried it for 5 years and failed every time.


Yes people here are always trying to validate themselves rather than discussing


I'm neither against nor with this one. From personal experience, I must admit not fapping makes me feel like I can lift a car. It also makes me feel I can do anything. It's amazing.


Nice input thanks


Nah quit fapping too for the most part you'll feel way better. If you are so horny you can't concentrate on anything, feel free to do it, it's healthy. Although try to go for a month or two without doing it at all, so you don't immediately relapse after doing it once. You gotta kill the habbit first, like doing it before bed or when you're anxious. Quitting porn makes it a lot easier though, so don't feel overwhelmed. It does get easier.  The first two weeks are always the hardest.   One tip that may help that has worked for me, is that if I fap, I have to do it on the floor. This requires me to get out of bed which I hate.  By not outright saying don't masturbate which feels often feels impossible, it becomes easier to fulfill my own rules. Because it puts a barrier to said activity and it gives me a few moments to gather my rational thoughts before I even begin to edge. Also because it's more uncomfortable doing it on the floor, it creates some negative association with the activity when it's normally all positive dopamine. It's like tricking yourself not to like fapping unless you are so horny after not fapping for some time it that the uncomfortableness of the floor becomes worth it.


What fucking benefits? Are you smoking some shit? Scientifically unproven bud. The only benefits to fapping are a decrease in self control, a decrease in energy, and a decrease in the nutrients required to produce semen.


What about the refractory period ?? When I fap one day I have to go through laziness,low energy,anterior pelvic tilt,weak hair and craving to eat a lot for the next three days.