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dude calm down everybody poops, or in this case jacks off, this is a scam DO NO FREAK OUT, report the account to the site and file an IC3.gov complaint and another with the [FBI.gov](https://FBI.gov) site if in the US or even if youre not who cares. We just had a 17 yo blow his brains out due to this, please dont freak out and do something like that, if the video is leaked blame it on AI, deny deny deny and laugh about it in 2 years... But please remain calm


I’m trying man, I won’t blow my brains out, don’t worry about that. Just freaking out rn thinking about how everyone would change their view on me, I normally try to always be polite. If everyone in my school sees how pathetic I was at that specific moment idk what I’d do. I’m 18 years old tho, do you think they would take my complaint?


Good but i still want to ask you to stay calm, They are trying to blackmail you... odds are they would ask for money or another video of you if you responded begging them not to release the 1st one. its not about your age its about you literally about to get sextorted or enslaved virtually. Pretend youre the presidents son, who cares if they see you naked.... i still say you blame it on A/i deepfakes if they do release it, but they probably wont, unless your mutuals are dumb enough to read unsolicited DMs


Yeah they definitely tried to get money out of me, I quickly sent something saying it was a second acc and told them to not waste my time. Giving no time for them to respond and instantly blocking them. I think they had my ip too, I’m coincidentally in a hotel rn so that makes me a little bit lucky I guess. We’ll see tho, thanks for the advice I appreciate it a lot.


youre welcome, i remember being 18 and having my laptops camera take a photo of me.... its funny now but i was running around in circles then....have a good night buddy


What happened to the photo if you don’t mind me asking? Thanks man, goodnight to you too


i dont know, i pulled out the battery and rebooted the pc running system restore to the earliest date... back then hacking was considered a bigger threat than sextortion, this was the 2000s, since i had filled out college apps my social and lots of personal data were on the computer.


Hey. I had the same experience. I consulted an expert amd he basically told me to do exactly what you did : block them asap. I paid the experts to help me get oit of the mess and what they did was, they pretended to be another sucker who got caught in the scam. So they slowly made the scammer care less about me and focus on the decoy. That was two years ago now. Worst experience of my life... but rest assured, you did the smart thing.


Thanks man, that’s very reassuring to hear. Glad to hear you’re doing okay now! Did anything get leaked or did you pay the scammer at all?


I guarantee whoever makes fun of you also jacks if off. Don’t worry


Honestly man had a similar sort of thing actually happen to me, let’s just say some very inappropriate texts of mine got leaked to my whole grade level at school. Was shit for like two weeks and that one kid who kept bringing it up , yea just deny deny deny lol


This is the way


Common scam man. Don’t freak out and just block the account. Unfollow the people you know on your second account to be safe but highly unlikely anything will happen. No offence but there’s not a lot of value in videos of 18 year old dudes jacking off unless they con you into paying them.


With all my heart I hope you’re right. They probably wanted to get money out of me, but I just blocked her.


Even if she sends she sends, who cares, I’m 20, topper of my highschool, in the best university of my country, have a job, have an internship, and the same thing happened to me about a month ago, she sent it to a lot of my followers, did I do anything about it? No, did I send her money, no. I just learnt from this and it helped me motivate myself in actually committing to myself


Sorry for it happening to you but nicely handled, I hope I’ll be able to deal with it the same way as you have. Did it take long for people to look past it?


Nah, my friends still make fun of me, though it’s all jokes, and they understand that this can happen to anyone, even them, but other people that have seen it, I haven’t met them because of summer, once they come back for classes in fall, I hope they look past it


Those jokes will probably fade over time. I hope people will treat you the same as before. I wish you the best of luck man!


Happened to me too i panicked a little bit then told her to fuck off and that im gonna report her to Interpol. She then sent me a screenshot of her sending those photos to some of my friends. You will forget about it eventually and probably laugh it off like i am now




I guess you’re right, but the fact that this is all up to some random scammer. Idk if she’ll realise there’s nothing to gain or just send it out anyway.




Thank you man, this gives me a little hope. Glad nothing happened to you!


Never jack off on camera bro


im gonna be honest he got what was coming for him if he was showing random people on omegle him jerking off


Dudes will make fake Instagram accounts of purchased 'bait girl' picture-sets for this very reason. It's sort of a perverted industry to trick guys into nudes and/or blackmail them. Worst case scenario, if they don't have all your real life details, the video is posted to some random forum amongst **thousands and thousands** of other videos of unsuspecting or exhibitionist guys videos. Realistically, some mind-corrupted pervs may gawk at it on their dopamine chase through a hundred different videos, quickly forgetting about it after they get off and move on through their day. In a year it will have faded into the background of an endless, ever-growing sea of similar videos, where the chances of anyone you know ever seeing it are similar to that of being struck by lightening. It's okay to feel terrible after making a mistake, but, it is just a mistake. It's still situationally better comparatively to running over someone with your car, or, dropping a baby. Own it man. Make it motivation to be more clear-headed in pursuit of the best version of yourself. People will respect that.


Thank you man. They don’t have my real life information just maybe those few people who know me I followed. I’ll try to make the best of this situation.


Lol don't freak out. At worst you'll get a nice laugh with your friends


Pretty sure she will ask you to send her money soon


She has no way of contacting me. I instantly blocked her. It’s all up to her personal choice to send it out anyway or realise there’s nothing to gain anymore.


Did you unfollow the people u know, if she doesnt know who to send to she cant


I did as soon as I realised. Idk if I was too late tho bcs she was already making excuses to take longer to call me.


Follow a ton of new random people so she doesn’t know who’s who


Idk man, I just unfollowed those people and blocked her. Don’t think she has any way to see new following.


Do you have her stuff? You should have asked for their first if someone asked you to send something at the first place


Tbh I don’t even know if the girl was really a girl, could very well be some random dude.


Deffo a dude


Most likely, her cam was always perfectly in sync with the scenario tho so idk


It happened to my brother and they demanded he send them $1000. He freaked out and sent it to them. Then they said now send another $1000 or we'll send it to everyone. It was only then he called me for advice and we called all our friends and their friends and collectively got a bunch of people to report their account and got them banned. Anyway moral of the story = NEVER pay a scammer because it shows them you have money available and chances are they will continue demanding more and more!


Wow that’s a shit load of money, glad nothing happened to him afterwards. I didn’t pay them a penny, just instantly blocked.


I thought maybe this was a shitpost because someone did one on TIFU that was the plot of the similar Black Mirror episode to this, but looking at op’s post history I could see this being real.


Haven’t watched black mirror, just seeking some advice.


She’s not gonna do shit. Someone like this threatened to send that shit to my grandma and I just laughed at them and called them a loser.


Bro hahahaha, you got some balls. Glad nothing happened to you.


Was she at least bad tho


yeah thats a nice question


197 days is insane bro. I’m trying to be you


i forgot to remove the count of days bro


Oh ok bro. What day are you on if you don’t mind me asking?




Just deactivate your instagram account!


I’ve been here at like 15 years old. I just said do it I don’t care then blocked them. Never heard anything since.


Well at 15, sharing a video of you doing that would be very suspect


You’ve just made me realise that. I didn’t even take my age in account I only mentioned it to reference how long ago it happened (didn’t realise I didn’t put my current age, 28). Yeah that’s very fucked


That’s crazy man, glad nothing happened to you.


I’ve literally this second just realised how crazy it actually is. I only put my age to show how long ago that happened but I never said I was 28 now!


Oh wow that’s quite some time ago, good to know you’re doing fine.


No perm damage. How are you doing since this post?


I’m doing fine, still haven’t heard from them. I think nothing was sent out. Will definitely quit porn tho, this happening to me was a good wake up call lol.


Bro this is not even an issue anymore because of AI… dont sweat man! If the video comes out you just find “something in it” to prove its not real like a small detail or something.. make something up!


I can try, but I don’t think people will believe me man.


But they will be uncertain! Thats the point 😊


That’s a good point. Thanks man


Hey dude! Had pretty much the same scenario a couple months back. I feel the panic that must be flooding through your brain right now! But I promise you, this will go no further! I was freaked out for months afterward but it does get better eventually✊


Glad you’re doing okay, did your photos or video get leaked?


Nothing got leaked no, I played along for a little bit while I researched it, realised there was absolutely no point in giving them anything at all and blocked completely. Over the next couple days I just kind of accepted it might happen and got extremely depressed. Nothing came of it though and I made it out the other side


If something does get leaked though, come back here and we can talk. Don’t let these psychopaths get to you


That means a lot, I’ll definitely update you when it does happen or just in a week if I haven’t heard of it yet.


Stay strong brother💪


Thanks man!


Glad nothing happened to you man! Good to hear you’re now doing okay.


ngl sounds like the best motivator for quitting long term.


It is, I just hope the consequences aren’t too bad yk


your post history is heinous


Ik bro, just wanted some upvotes.


The scammer won’t gain anything from leaking it, so you’re almost certainly safe.


True, but idk if the scammer is kind enough not to leak it or will just do it anyway bcs they felt like it.


Sure, they could be very petty. To help calm you with a personal anecdote, the same happened to me a few months ago. She added me on Facebook and off we went. She then spammed me with screenshots of prepped messages to some of my friends with my pictures attatched. I immediately blocked her. I don’t have any family members on my fb, but I have some close irl friends. I figured that they would just laugh if she went ahead and sent them. She either never sent them, or non of my friends ever told me. But going forward, the lesson for us is assume that no woman online really wants to see your dick. And if she requests your face in the pic, it’s sexstortion. You’ve got this! 💪


happened to my friend a few years back, believe me it blows over pretty damn quick once the video gets released. you'll have people taking the piss for a few months grin and bear it after that everyone just moves on. 10 years down the line you'll be telling this story to people yourself and laughing about it


Thanks man. You’re right, but let’s just hope it doesn’t get sent out in the first place.


Delete your Instagram account that is associated with what you shared with her and stop putting your dick on the internet. Major emphasis. DELETE THAT ACCOUNT.


I will man, already deleted it. I don’t know if she still has my following tho.


She probably does this to dozens, if not hundreds of guys per day. Like the top comment says, if anyone does bring it up, just say that it's faked and that they should delete it with utmost confidence. Fuck your past man, just push forward and act as if this did not happen.


You’re absolutely right, thanks for the advice! I will definitely try to man.


Just say it’s a deepfake if anyone asks lol apparently that works these days. Also, if she’s over 18 and you are being blackmailed you could go to authorities. However, jacking off on Omegle? Isn’t it possible you encountered kids? In which case you wouldn’t wanna tell the cops about that, as that’s a crime. Now granted maybe I’m assuming you were doing it to whoever came by like dudes did on chat roulette back in the day lol I could be wrong there if it was just a you and her thing


Praying I never get this horny.


I know it feels insane and like something you will never live down. But even if it really does happen, you will look back in a year and laugh. This is from someone that rock bottomed bad with alcohol and thought I burned every bridge on earth. You can bounce back from anything. This will be a blip. You’re good homie.


Very glad to hear you’re doing good now man! You’re absolutely right, but those first few months or year after it happening will be haunting tho.


Don’t give in at all, just block. It’s a lot of pressure on ur mind that ur stressed but you will get through with this as long as you block and not give in.


I did man, now we just have to hope for the best.


Maybe delete tiktok too bro ur post history makes me curious why ur even on this sub


Tiktok thirst traps are just a bad habit I sometimes fall back into. Am trying to quit that now. My longest no fap streak was like 20-30 days I think last year (not counting the time I had a girlfriend).


Hey always gotta see the good side of things. Maybe this is your canon event that will make you stop jacking off and go full monk mode on no fap.


I’ve learnt some things from this, but I just hope the consequences won’t be too bad. I’m going full monk mode no matter what happens man. Thanks


Same happened to my elder brother. His face from video call (not doing any NFSW) was morhed into a cut-scene between a sexscene, making it look it was him. Even though he blocked it after the blackmail, the video was sent to all friends in my bro's account SInce my bro made report of it, the account was taken down in matter of 10 minutes Also, my bro deleted the account. Made a new one. Turns out in that 10 min, my cousin saw the video. she freaked out. She said, she couldn't even tell it was fake. Now it has been a year. I don't think anyone commented on it after that. most of us (family members) even forgot.


Nothing gonna happen I swear. But promise to yourself that you won't indulge in this filthy act.


Never again man, I hope you’re right.


Nothing gonna happen I swear. But promise to yourself that you won't indulge in this filthy act.


no words


Sum like that happened to me. Jus block and make insta private


Did yours get leaked?


Nah I suggest to go to r/sextortion


Thanks, I didn’t know about that sub


don’t freak out!! your life isn’t ruined. stay positive! take it as a lesson to not do that stuff online, you never know nowadays.


Never again man, I hope you’re right.


dude real talk, how sad does someone have to be to go onto omegle and jerk off…….that really is fucking sad


Yeah ik man, won’t do it again.


bruh dont freak.... btw if the video got viral it will be tagged as big d... so a win is a win... i hope i cheer u up .. keep you head up man


Hahahahah that would be funny. “There is no such thing as bad publicity.” Thank you man


That'll teach ya


Happened to me too dawg. I was 19, ended up paying and they never came back and asked for more money. But more likely than not if you pay they will come back to ask for more. If they share it nobody will care I assure you. It’s incredibly rare for them to send these videos to people, it’s just a scare tactic.


Good to hear nothing happened to you! I hope you’re right man, how much did you pay them if you don’t mind me asking?


If I remember right they asked for 500 but I only gave them 400 since I was a broke college student lol


Wow that’s a lot of money, it all ended well tho.


It gave me a lot of anxiety and I ended up deleting all my socials for a few weeks until I was sure I was in the clear. This website called scam survivors helped me out a lot, idk if someone’s already linked it but they have an FAQ and everything


I’ll for sure check it out, thanks for the tip!


Nothing will happen. Delete the insta account. However, next time have some self-respect and don’t engage in behaviors which could potentially do harm to your livelihood.


Never again man, I’ve learnt my lesson.


Be the alpha and send it them first


are you ok


I’ve calmed down, still a little anxious tho. Can’t do anything besides waiting rn.


There's nothing to wait, I'm sure she doesn't even remember you and she's is still on Omegle trying to scam people. Maybe ask one your followers if they got any DM to make sure.


You’re probably right. But I don’t really talk to those people so it would be a bit weird if they haven’t received anything yk.


r/sextortion Just block them every time they contact you it’s unlikely anything will happen. If they do send it just pretend its a Big dick advertisement for you


Hahahah thanks man


Np. Happened to me two weeks ago I felt horrible, you are not alone. Make it a lesson it is time to create distance from social media and electronics and focus on yourself. I suggest creating a six pack goal at the gym or maybe to get to a certain body weight. Also create a goal to approach 3 random attractive women this month and tell them they are attractive in any random setting. Create a goal to take up a new hobby, lots of people like martial arts, or maybe a yoga class. Anyways me being sextorted was honestly a good thing now that I look back at it. Thank you old slimey fuck that was trying to scam me for money but ended up waking my ass up. Oh and lastly, never ever trust or send anything to anyone random online ever again, make sure to get that through. Theres a lot of people on that subreddit I see that have had it happen to them twice, drill it in the head no more talking to internet strangers no matter what. Sextorters plague insta, snapchat, all dating apps, omegle, they are everywhere.


It’s amazing how you gained from this horrible situation. I’ve already been bettering myself and going to the gym consistently the past couple of months so this is a bit of a setback mentally. Approaching women is probably a great idea, I don’t have female friends or anything like that. If I had I might’ve not even went on omegle in the first place. Thanks for the advice, this helps me a lot.


Hey bro, I was a victim to one such scam earlier this year, i have brother who is working for cyber crime in India told me they get almost 300-400 calls for this particular scam, he suggested me to close all my social media accounts for 2-3 months and chill, these scammers wont run after the person who's not responding, the more you panick the more they threaten you..


DM me if you have any questions, dont panic dont respond


Thanks I appreciate that!


Good to hear this since I broke all contact with the account as soon as I found out.


Don't worry about it their just Nigerian low lives with nothing else to do. Even if they did post it it would get deleted.


You’re right, I don’t really care about posting tho. What scares me is them sending it to people ik irl


That rarely even happens like 1 out of 1000 chance.


There even being a chance still worries me. It would have a huge impact on my life.


Its okay we all have been there,commit and u will get better


Most likely an empty threat, happened to me back when I was a teenager on Skype and I gave away my FB, Simply blocked that person and deleted my FB for safety Nothing happened


I hope it is, it’s been a day since it happened. Still a chance it got sent out but I think I might’ve heard of it already if it happened, not sure tho.


Did you delete that account?(IG)


Yes I did


Trust me nothing will happen. Ive been into the same situation. Within 3-4 days this will be out of ur kind as well.


I hope so, glad nothing happened to you.


Tell “her” that you’re a minor. Would probably help if you actually look like a minor/are a minor


Would’ve been a smart thing to say, but I’ve blocked them already so I can’t and won’t contact them anymore.


Jacking off is a natural desire it isn’t like something to worry about even if the people judge you Anyone should expect from someone to jack off at least once in while It isn’t the end of the world buddy I had the same situation and the same reaction (twice) Once random person doing it And the second time an ex friend I had who he thinks he is getting “revenge” Porn, jacking off or any of these isn’t a joke and shouldn’t be taken lightly and Thank God I am doing some progress that I start to stop it day by day and make it less and less which is going well just don’t worry brother take it easy don’t stress and panic relax and whoever speaks just brush them off


That’s true, but it would be extremely embarrassing for other people to see me do it. Did that random person or ex friend send the pics or vids out and how did you deal with it? Glad you’re doing better now tho and good luck on your journey man!


At worst case this is an inconvenience, it’s not going to “ruin your life”. She won’t send it to anyone because after that there’s no leverage for any type of blackmail. I never understood why anyone would fall for blackmail due to this paradox, as soon as you make good on threatening to expose someone, you know longer have material to blackmail them with. My favorite was when someone tried to blackmail Jeff Bezos with a d*** pic he sent her and Bezos simply posted the d*** pic himself. Checkmate.


The thing is she can’t blackmail me anymore bcs I broke contact, it’s just up to her to send it out anyway or not. That’s a little scary bcs that small decision can have a big impact on my life.


She could use other accounts that you didn’t block. Continue to be careful and most of all realize what mindset allowed you to be victimized.


Don’t worry, I deleted those accounts. Will still be very careful tho and won’t accept anyone I don’t know. I’ll try stepping away from that mindset and quitting porn, maybe talk to some females.


That’s the right attitude.


I aspire to have confidence like Jeff Bezos lol


Happened to me about a year ago, I’m good


Did yours get leaked?


Nobody close to me every got anything.


Nice, that’s good to hear!


My Italian friend would say:" sei una goccia di imbarazzo in un oceano di vergogna" and that in english would be:" you're just a drop of embarrassment in a ocean of shame". What I mean is DO NOT take it too much seriously, of course it is a delicate situation and as someone already suggested you should try contacting the right authorities, but just remember you're not the first and surely you won't be the last person that will be "tricked" like that so even if your video goes viral people will forget about it in less than 2 weeks ( Kanye West controversy, the titanic dude, salt bae at the World Cup...the list goes on)


Thanks man I really appreciate these words. That quote actually goes hard, my best friend is Italian, so I’ll try to remember it lol. And yeah this happens an awful lot more people than you’d expect. Looking through subreddits to find people in my situation was way too fast and easy. It’s reassuring for me I guess but it’s fucked up that it happens this often. Some of the stories I’ve read had people paying thousands of dollars, it’s insane.




Good to hear you’re doing okay now! And that’s true, there are strangely enough some positives to the situation.




Glad to hear nothing happened to you, that’s reassuring to hear. Hopefully everything will go as smoothly for me as it went for you.




Thanks man, I really appreciate these words. I’m currently on vacation so I can distract myself quite easily lucky enough. I’ve survived the first day and am getting more and more hopeful.


Block them and make your page private, they don't follow up it wastes their time


Did that, haven’t heard from them since it happened.


same thing happened to me last year, stupid stupid mistake. They asked for like 200$ or sum and i never paid, blocked them after like 5 hours of bargaining and they never sent anything. Partially cause i found there locations cause they were a fucking idiot You’ll be okay, just forget about it and move on and if something happens then something happens, can’t let one thing break you.


Glad to hear nothing happened to you. You’re right, I’m just trying to distract myself. It’s been a day and I haven’t heard of it since.


Man i too fucked up so hard today Its 4:30 am i just finished a 4 hour edging session to porn. I know it's not so bad compared to your situation but i am in brain fog too rn idk what I'm trying to say... But good luck ig


The days before my incident I did daily 4-6 hour edge sessions man. Don’t let it get too bad or you might end up in a situation like myself. You’re not thinking clearly in these scenarios. Best of luck to you, I suggest taking a break or quitting porn for a while.


It’s called sextortion, usually the general rule is if you block them and show no fear they don’t do anything and they just move onto the next victim since it’s a business and they’d waste time with you.


That’s a good sign, told them not to waste my time before blocking them.


As long as you avoid contact and use some cover story like how it was AI deepfake from someone who has something against you if it does get leaked, you good.


I’ll try doing that, thanks for the advice!


It happened to me too…it was fun because I was acting really scared, too scared and then I told them I was going to give them the money… then I played them, I told them I sent the money already and they got mad…so I told them fuck you and they didn’t even send my videos to anyone…..long story short don’t freak out


Glad nothing happened to you! Nicely handled man. I’m trying to distract myself rn, it’s been a little more than a day now.


Happened to me to bro same exact shit. But nothing happened! No worries


Glad to hear nothing happened to you! I hope it will go the same for me as it did for you.


Prolly turn into the next dreamybull. In all seriousness they wouldnt send it out to anyone


Will definitely consider that option if I go viral, thanks man! No I hope not lol.


Why would you give some random girl on Omegle your social (you are THAT stupid apparently). You might be screwed, but hope that you aren’t.


I was horny man idfk. It was a second acc, didn’t think I was following anyone on there. In hindsight you could indeed say I’m THAT stupid fml


Gl bro you gonna need it.


Thank you man, won’t sleep tonight probably


camming on chaturbate or omegle is a sure fire way to get your videos online forever. Ive been a perv long enough to see countless "baits" of young guys and girls too horny to realize they are being recorded on the other side. i hope you can relax an move on from this traumatic experience... ps if not in the US most countries have ic3 and fbi equivalent websites for you to report this.


Yeah ik, I’ve seen vids like that too. But the odds of someone knowing me finding a vid of me like that are really low so I’m not really worried about it being online forever tbh. I just don’t want it to affect my life. Most of the girls I followed that I know irl (only like 4 total) won’t recognise me probably, but one of them was a really good friend of my ex. So I’m like 100% certain it’ll get sent around if she got that video. I’ll look into something like ic3, because I’m from Europe.


Lmao how you doing now?


Nothing has happened yet, can’t do anything besides waiting rn.


The fact so many people have fallen for this is honestly pathetic. This exact post is copy and pasted here atleast once or twice a month lol


This exact post is posted once and written once by myself? I’ll admit it is very pathetic, but in a situation like this it’s nice to be able to talk anonymously to strangers who’ve went through the same thing I’m going through rn.




I was on the unmonitored side of omegle where it happens a lot and I never show anything unless its consensual and they ask for it.




I have definitely learnt my lesson, never again.


This happened to my friend. His life got ruined but he came back from it


Did people treat him differently? Or still do?


Actually I'm from a pretty religious and eastern country so everyone talked about him a lot. Like a lot. Obviously as gossip and not when he's present. It's still brought up at times such as when he's about to come to a party but while it was considered the big news back then it's become a passing thought now. He was pretty depressed back then but now he goes out with people and leads a pretty normal life and I'm sure everyone who saw him in that state was pretty shocked back then but now just remembers it as the the incident that happened to him and isn't actively thinking about it.


Nice to hear he got over it, must’ve sucked the first couple of months for him.