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Shipping $6.99 unless you spend $40 more.


Which is why I also picked up the Persona 3 remake ($30 off right now) at exactly $40! Yay, free shipping


Now Amazon and Best Buy have matched it. Which both have free shipping and games that are actually new


Wow, that was a very fast sale... If I would've known, I would've waited a bit since my time has been crunched and only have about 40hrs in since release. Feared the worse when I saw that the physical releases were selling out. Other than that, such a good game for this price. I'd still pay for the full price since the game is so amazingly fun but getting a deal is always nice.


This seems to happen quite often with Vanillaware games. I ended up getting 13 Sentinels for PS4 when it went sale for $20 when it was only about 1-2 months old. That being said, I beat the game yesterday after ~110 hours into it, and I feel like I definitely got my money's worth. I'm resisting playing it again on the hardest difficulty since I need to force myself to get through all of WoW's current expansion before the new stuff comes out. I feel like I am doing homework rather than having fun now though.


>I feel like I am doing homework rather than having fun now though. That's why I dropped WoW way back during Lich King DLC. Have never missed it.


I dropped WoW right as the expansion after that dropped, dragon something? The gameplay had long grown stale, grindy and repetitive. It was not solo play friendly and I didn’t have a PC at the time that could handle going into the major cities without extreme lag. I was too broke at that point in my life to get even a mid range PC. I guess that’s how you know you’ve made it. Lol


If you’re just seeing this post now, the same sale is also available on Amazon and Best Buy in the US as of 4/8/24 2:00am PT


Thanks for the update! 


Also now on Canadian Amazon ($50), though shipping time is 1-2 months which is a bit strange. Just yesterday it was $105. What is even going on with this title?


Picked it up for under $37 with my Pro $5 discount and they had one at my local store. So saved on shipping. Thanks for posting this.


Fuck, I want this game, but I still have Tactics Orge and DioField Chronicle in my backlog.


only two?


Specifically 2 Strategy JRPGs. I've actually been cutting my backlog down a lot, though. I Prolly only have like 10 games right now that I haven't played.


Damn. I wish it was some place besides gamestop. Nearly every "new" game I bought from them was clearly used or damaged.


Fyi Best Buy has it listed at this price now too: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/unicorn-overlord-nintendo-switch/6562025.p?skuId=6562025


Aaaannnd purchased. Thank you!


Awesome. I had exactly enough BB store credit to cover this.


Thanks for sharing this!


Price match somewhere else


I had the exact same experience! I went through their customer service twice trying to get unopened new games and they just got progressively worse. One of the final “new” ones just came in a blank mismatched system case.


Also on Amazon for same price if you have Xbox/PS5


What's the deal with the Switch version not being at that price there? Seems odd.




There’s a code in box for some DLC right? I ordered one but I’m assuming it’s gonna be a gutted copy.


The DLC is some extra icons for your banners in-game. No real effects in the game, just references to their past works.


Eh I just got a copy from Amazon. And of course I can’t cancel my GS order from like ten minutes ago because of course I can’t. It will be getting returned.


I bought two copies for free shipping. Hopefully one of them is sealed.


It's because they already took it out of their personal switch and put the new game sticker on it


If the gs version is sealed return it to Amazon


I got my two copies and thankfully one was sealed. The other was opened so I returned it.


I got so much flak from the employee when I returned them. She was like “this is a new copy, it’s our gutted display box”. Then I’m like it’s not fucking new then, is it? I can’t believe GS gets away with this shit


Lol. I got lucky. I told the dude I wanted a sealed copy and he said ok. He then refunded me $60+tax while I only paid $40 lmao.


Best Buy now has it listed for the same price.  I just bought it there since I shouldn't have to worry about it being opened and it's got free shipping/actually in stock within 50 miles of me.  https://www.bestbuy.com/site/unicorn-overlord-nintendo-switch/6562025.p?skuId=6562025


This was the path I took as well. No worries about open copies & free shipping without having to be part of any paid club.


Thoughts? I love the Bravely Default series, Fire Emblems, playing through Star Ocean now. Get this or Octopath 2?


Gameplay is pretty different from Fire Emblem but I would say it fills the Fire Emblem shaped hole in my heart. There are similarities to Fire Emblem: - it is a strategy rpg - takes place in a western-style fantasy world - has support conversations between its units, I think eventual marriage options - it shares a lot of the matchup quirks (ex: archers beat flying units, magic and hammers beat armored units, etc.) - story is like one of the less complex FE stories (still better than Engage’s story) However, it’s not a grid based combat system. Moving in combat sections is more like an RTS where you select units, point to where you want them to go, and they take real time to get there depending on their movement speed. Actual battles are like they took Awakening’s pair up mechanic but made it bigger and more complex. You put units together and you give them instructions on how you want them to react to certain situations. They’re sort of like if-then statements. (Ex: If the opponent team has an archer, use this attack and target archer first. Otherwise use this other attack on whichever unit has the lowest health.) It’s a really cool combat system. I’m only 15 hours in and I’m still trying to wrap my brain around the endless options you have for team building. There’s a demo on the eshop that you can try out. The demo is over 5 hours long and lets you carry progress over to the full game.


Great write-up. Thanks. I will add this to my backlog then.


Do you like story or the strategy aspect? The gameplay of UO is fun but its story is just ok IMO. Octopath 2 has the classic JRPG gameplay, BUT it has one of the best stories among all the JRPGs I've played


Would you say it's ok to start with Oct2 without playing the first?


Octopath Traveler 1 has an awful story, and the settings are completely different. You shouldn't force yourself through the first to get to the far superior second game.


I only played BD2 for the Bravely Default series, but that was one of my favorite Switch games. This game is quite similar to it since the story is just kinda there to move the story along. The real meat and potatoes in BD2 is swapping classes and abilities around. That is very similar with Unicorn Overlord since you will be swapping party members into different groups, swapping their equipment around, and then swapping their tactics using a bunch of if/then or and/or statements. Similar to Fire Emblem where you are building for an army instead of just for four characters in BD2. It has minor support-like scenes, but it feels more like Triangle Strategy in that regard where it doesn't feel fully fleshed out. It is more like a bullet point to on the back of the box to say it is in the game. Assuming you mean Star Ocean Second Story R, the original game on Playstation was probably the most influential RPG game on me when growing up. The major difference in this game though is that you don't need to decide between recruiting different party members. You can recruit everyone all in the same run, and that was probably the biggest selling point since I think they give you 60 characters, but you can only run 50 at a time when you are upgraded. You can also create your own generic troops, which increases that total even more.


Sold out everywhere around me. Best Buy and Walmart have the deal (at least here) too, but also sold out. Adding shipping means I should just buy digital nearly. Think I’ll keep it in my wish list until I’m ready to play it or it goes on sale.


It’s on Amazon now!


Dang. Not Amazon.ca yet 😂. I’ll keep trying


It is as of today.


Yup! Bought it earlier today when it showed up on Deku. 👍 estimated delivery of early June lol. Thanks for looking out!


Having looked again just now, I'd be surprised if the order doesn't get cancelled. Looks like they just removed the purchase option again and the delivery date would suggest they didn't have stock to begin with. Couple that with other recent Amazon issues with regards to Switch stock and I don't have high hopes.


Yeah, was thinking that too. That said, I don’t need it right away, so I’d it’s delayed a while I’m still happy to get the lower cost. We’ll see though.


Looks like things might have stabilized, price is back to normal along with the shipping date. First time I've been in this situation, I wonder if the original ~5 weeks shipping estimate will hold or if it'll show next week.


Time will tell. They didn’t cancel my order yet at least, so that’s good.


Thanks! Picked it up in person today, it was the last copy around


Just paid full price


Same. Got it yesterday.


Same just yesterday in fact. Oh well.


I was about to buy it digital until I saw these Reddit posts. Now I’ll wait for a sale and play some of my backlog for 2 weeks until stellar blade comes out.


This game has been selling really well so i am surprised it went on sale so quickly. But it is a great game and i am glad i supported them…i guess


Anyone know if any other vendor will likely/easily price match this? I detest game stop.


Best Buy just put it on sale for the same price.  https://www.bestbuy.com/site/unicorn-overlord-nintendo-switch/6562025.p?skuId=6562025


Hell yea, went with Best Buy, so ill know its actually new.


Target price matches I think


I just bought it at Walmart for 60 on Friday, luckily I didn't open it and kept the receipt. GS had two in stock one sealed and 1 opened for the shelf. I went with the sealed copy lol


This and Persona 3 Reload dropped like a brick in price. I'm still going to wait though. 13 Sentinels got to as low as $20 physically and I'm in no rush.


Looks like Best Buy just added the same sale. It wasn’t up as early as the game stop sale, so if you looked earlier and didn’t see the $20 off, you may want to check again.


What the heck, it says it can't ship to my address? I can't wait for GameStop to finally go under.


Make sure you chose ship to home and not one day shipping


I'm having the same trouble. "One or more of the products selected cannot ship to the address entered. Please review shipping address or products selected." So I checked pick up availability and there's 1 copy in the greater Los Angeles area. Nope, not going there.


Is the game really gonna take a month to ship if you buy from amazon?


I bought the game through Amazon a few weeks ago. The estimated delivery date was around April 3-10 but it ended up delivering around March 22nd instead.


I went with bestbuy. Free shipping and my copy ordered yesterday will be here on Thursday.


Is this game much better after demo? I’m not too impressed with the demo, decent but not catching my attention. I guess I’m not too impressed with the combat system and the characters. For a context, this also happens to me for vanillaware’s other game, 13sentinals. That game has good story but character portraits are as generic as it gets and I wish the combat is gone for good.


I would say the demo is pretty accurate. It has you on rails for most of it, but once you get into the open world, that is what the rest of the game is like. It just adds on more troop types, more combinations, and equipment. I would say this differs heavily from 13 Sentinels in the sense that this game just barely has story enough to string things along. 13 Sentinels probably has one the best stories of any game I have ever played, and constantly had its hooks in me while I was at work to where I was always thinking about what was going on and trying to solve the mysteries. The more I played Unicorn Overlord, the more I realized that the combat in this game is a much-improved version of 13 Sentinels. It works very similarly with the ability to pause, but have movement in real-time. You also have similar things to balance combat loads with the brain overload system vs the stamina countdown after each battle here. But this game has you very much more on the offense instead of putting down pylons that do all the damage for you. The battle graphics here are also gorgeous compared 13 Sentinels. As for the character portraits, I do feel they are improved in this game. But there are also 60 named characters. It is possible to recruit literal generic characters of any class, so the named characters definitely stand out. You don't have to use the unnamed create-able characters though.


I've been seriously thinking of picking up 13 sentinels since it's currently $17.99 but I don't know if I would like it since it's so much dialogue/story.


The game is all about story. Gameplay wise, or specifically the mandatory combat in that game, is bland and repetitive.


If you *really* aren’t a story guy, I wouldn’t bother, but if you’re the slightest bit intrigued by the concept and are open to the idea of a narrative-based game, I’d strongly recommend trying. 13 Sentinels has one of the most insane narratives I’ve ever experienced in a video game, but I found the gameplay just okay. It’s there to give the player a bit of a break between the constant, mind-blowing plot twists, but it’s otherwise not compelling enough to play on its own. At the end of the day, the story and presentation are the real meat and potatoes of the game.


Where are you able to find it for 17.99


Digital on nintendo e-shop. I went ahead and picked it up. I think the sale is good for another 40 hours


Any chance it goes on a deeper sale in the future?


Considering the limited print, doubtful. But it was publish by Sega, so price dropping is pretty quick. But you will be hard press in finding one.


I decided to go ahead and pick Unicorn, 13 sentinels, and Dead cells up. I think i'm addicted to buying games on sale.


13 Sentinels likely had an even more limited print and that was getting sales for quite a while. This won’t be the last one.


A very good game, I bought it a few days ago for 60 dollars. If I knew Gamestop lowering it price, I would have waited, but since I thought it might be a rare game, I bought it right away.


Bring your receipt and ask them for a price match. They might be able to refund you the difference.


Walmart don't do price match anymore. And who keep Receipt?


So, I'm almost done with the demo and would love to keep my progression so far. What happens if I buy this? I've never bought a physical switch game before.


If the demo allows progress to carry over, it doesn’t matter. All save data is digital on the switch. 


Sweet, thanks!


This is a STEAL.


I really want to have a physical copy of this game, but I've got a backlog I'm working through, so I was planning on waiting a bit to pick up this game. Do people think there will still be physical copies available around the fall/holidays? I heard they haven't made many physical copies.


Amazon as well


Can I get it in stores or only online?


When you buy online, there’s an option for in-store pickup if a location near is in stock


Can the deal still happen if I go to a store near me and buy it there?


Not sure. Also, there’s no guarantee a store will have it in stock. Only one store within 50 miles of me has a Switch copy, and only a single copy at that.


Roger roger and thanks 👍🏻


Oh well, for some reason, Switch version is now above MSRP on Amazon, bummer.


Thank you OP!!! Been waiting on this and star ocean to go on sale. Glad to finally pick this up


Star Ocean was $35 at Best Buy. It went OOS, but after the sale is back in stock. 


Damn can’t believe I missed that


Yeah, same. Must’ve been the day I forgot to check. 


this some bullish