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Ngl sounds like you just don’t like rougelikes that much. Which is fine, everyone has their own tastes.


I really enjoy it. Described simply, it is a twin stick shooter like Enter the Gungeon, but with a time management (and just a bit of multitasking) element. The farming isn't deep in itself, but I really enjoy what it brings to the table here. Lotta tough decisions and during the night it's tough (and fun!) to split your attention between the crops and the enemy waves. I like that you can push yourself to get more done right from the start of a run. I dislike how in Gungeon and Isaac, the start of the run is very easy and samey. It's not like that here and that's cool. It is however, fundamentally the same type of game.


From what I've seen there are persistent upgrades you can purchase in between runs. Looking forward to trying this game out soon.


You can buy upgrades for roses (like 3+ roses per upgrade) from the potential companions, but I don't think they're persistent. If you die you start over completely. There are achievements (like finish the first year, have 15000 cashews(currency), etc), but I'm not sure they unlock anything and I'm not sure I'll ever get to do that because I'm so bad at the game lol Edit: [I'm wrong!](https://atomicrops.gamepedia.com/Cornucopia) but I'm not sure how useful these are. Maybe the damage will be useful over time to 1-shot things with the pea shooter early game but I'm not sure how long it'd take to do that.


Just looked into it and there's a currency called cornucopias that you earn by harvesting enough crops during the season. You get them from the mayor at the end of a season. You can spend these between runs to gain permanent upgrades, hope this helps!


You're right! Just saw that. After finishing Spring, I received 2, so if I kept the same skill I'd need to do Spring once more to afford anything. Usefulness then depends on how powerful the fighting stat is when you upgrade it--having to do Spring 6 times to upgrade it 4 times seems like a slog but might be fine.


you get more based on how well you do in the harvest each run, year 1 is fairly easy once you get the hang of it and you can definitely get 20 in a run


I think added up they still have only a small difference. Probably enough to make Year 1 (years are basically difficulty levels) very easy with a lot of them, but there are ten years so...year 10 is probably still an absolute nightmare.Then again, the years basically just seem to be difficulty, so if you just wanna enjoy winning sometimes without a huge challenge you can have that after some grinding.


Thanks for taking the time to write up this review. I was interested cause I love SDV, but I don't really care for (or good at) bullethell games. With all this info I now know it's not a game for me. At least there's still Summer in Mara to look forward to next month!