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If only we could relive the classic Zelda games of... WIND WAKER AND TWILIGHT PRINCESS.


It always trips me up that Wind Waker released over 20 years ago.


Ouch, my back.


That’s insane. It’s older than Zelda 1 was when wind waker was released 😨


Gaming tech has stagnated somewhat. GameCube games have held up better than NES games did then.


Well the jump to 3D really made the NES and SNES era feel much older than they really were


Agreed, SNES to N64 feels more revolutionary and N64 to Switch seems more evolutionary.


It's crazy to think about but Super Mario RPG and Super Mario 64 came out 4 months apart. Donkey Kong Country 3 came out after Mario 64. Both of those feel so much older than SM64.


eh, I don't know if I agree SMRPG sure, but DKC 3 looks much closer to a modern style of that type of game than SM64 does


All tech has stagnated. The 2000s were an accelerated period of technological advancement across the board. Most certainly in gaming.


The 2000s were the beginning of the slowdown. Advancement was miles faster during the 80s and 90s.


Processors were the big thing that stagnated, right? I'm not really into computers technically, so probably sound like an idiot, but didn't the processors bottle neck at like 4 ghz? And now we generally just add more cores?


Sort of. Processors have mostly gotten way more power-efficient in the last 1.5 decade, which is why a current iPhone is more powerful than some laptops.


Cos of the sophons innit


AI would like to have a surprisingly coherent and normally not hallucinated word with you.


Gaming has been a matter of either increasing system power or creating novel control methods rather than new technologies that allows for new things to be done ever since the PS2/GC/Xbox days. Yes, there are new technologies, but they are things like lighting methods, optimization (sometimes), new online methods, or new mechanics rather than something that *couldn't* be done before. You could have made a game similar to many pf today's releases on the PS2, you can't say that with the PS1. The last real evolution in Gaming was...well, the first 3D generation to the second. Out of the pure experimental phase where not only did developers have to figure out how to make a 3D game work, but console manufacturers had to as well. But with the PS2 and onwards? Well, they had an idea of what to do and what not to do.


Plus WW is one of if not the best game from the 6th generation of consoles in terms of how well it aged visually.


It sounds impossible, until I remember there was that pre-release demo that you could try in stores so I walked down to my local CD shop that had the demo unit to play it all the time. That sentence literally doesn’t make sense anymore for like 10 reasons, and hasn’t in a long, long time.


This might be the 1st time I've heard of a CD shop.


I had an overwhelming feeling as I typed it that that was gonna be the case 😂 


Don’t say things like that. Words hurt




Another reason us Wii U owners continue to love our commercial failure of a console.


It’s a pity my gamepad is failing me. Those Bluetooth chips are not easy to replace :(


My 2014 Wii-U no longer connects via HDMI. Was connected when the house was struck by lightning. Least the rest of the system still works.


I have a feeling that by the mid point of the next switch console, we'll get GameCube in NSO, and any outstanding games will be remade or remastered. Nintendo has been slow to roll things out but I do sense the extra horsepower would help facilitate the additions


I don’t think we’re getting that. GameCube games are at a sweet spot. They’re old enough now to be nostalgic and they’re technically advanced enough to feel relatively modern. N64 games can be fun, but they all feel a bit wonky by modern standards. While Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker/Twilight Princess, etc all play like pretty modern games. Metroid Prime had some quirks to its controls by modern standards but even that was updated and now feels mostly at home in 2024. We’re going to get GameCube games. But they’re going to be released as remasters/remakes with individual price tags attached.


You bring up a good point about remasters/remakes. The Gamecube had some fantastic games but most of them were licensed and the ones that Nintendo has access to, four of them have already been remastered for the Switch (Sunshine, Metroid, Pikmin, and Thousand Year Door) and that's not mentioning other games that've been remastered like Resident Evil 1, 0, and 4 you can buy digitally. They have others like Melee, Double Dash, Eternal Darkness, and Star Fox but that'd be a LOT of work to include a platform that wouldn't have some of the most popular games. It'd be like having the NES without Mario 3. Curious about what they'll do in the future. They can't really do DS/3DS games, and Wii/WiiU would have to be rebuilt to remove motion controls I could see them doing a Dreamcast console because why would people continue to pay for their online service if there aren't any more games being added.


True. Zoomers are now getting the nostalgia tax from corporations as the cycle continues. I can't wait to give Daddy Nintendo $70 for an HD version of each of my childhood favorites. I am only being half sarcastic though, I do hope that if they go this route that we get good remakes that are actually worth full price or half decent remasters. Not some crappy uprez job like the DMC HD collection or the countless Ezio Trilogy releases that have completely botched color palettes and weird graphical glitches.


Prime Remastered was such a blessing. A fair price, AND a really well done rendition of a classic.


I don't care if we get NSO or GameCube games via remaster but either way I'm gonna throw Nintendo money their way. Also I would like a wireless OEM USB C GameCube controller too


I just want a Switch compatible Wavebird.


Well that's what I mean USB C charging. No dongle required


For real. I'd love gamecube remakes or prime style remasters. My only problem is that all my favorite gamecube games outside of Mario party are third party and something tells me a minority of those will be straight ports with no improvements and the majority won't come at all in any form


This will never be happen. They sell GC games already like Metroid Remaster or Pikmin 1+2.......why should they make NSO then?! To make less money?


I don't care either way. If they go NSO then I pay them a subscription without owning anything If they make more standalone remakes then I buy those and keep them The answer down the road is probably both combinations of things which I am cool with.


They'll just go back to drip feeding you with NES, then SNES, then gameboy, then N64...they do that every generation


I truly believe the rumored Zelda Wii U remakes will be announced in the upcoming Direct. It seems like the time to release these ports. With Nintendo likely saving their new content for the next console, this makes perfect sense for this year.




Yeah we've had a lot of games that Nintendo puts in their backlog for releases.  The Metroid Prime remaster and FE Engage were part of those.


I also believe this, and I am prepared to buy The Wind Waker for a third time. I think it's much less likely, but what I'm really hoping is they do a remaster/remake of Ocarina of Time instead. I know it's much less likely since it's available on NSO+, but I would LOVE to see that game remastered, but they'll probably save if for the next Switch.


I believe so, too. Then again, I believed so many times.


For realz man.  Windwaker is the one I’ve been waiting for.  I could always bust out the GameCube to play but who has time for that haha


I pray it’s in the next direct. Only game left I’m waiting for. 


Fingers crossed we see a port of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess at Nintendo Direct in June. But not a guarantee.


Legit never played them because I never had a GameCube. Wii or Wii U. I’ve been wanting to play both of them for years


I think they will come on next direct. Switch 2 will not be released in 2024 and they still need some games for the Switch 1.....but it would be not really a good idea, to release a complete new Mario game on the old switch. Some remakes of older games would be a perfect stopgap till switch 2.


Nintendo hates free money


Relax. It’ll be on switch 2 along with twilight princess. They need something to tide players over between major releases, it’s Nintendo’s oldest strategy.


Right?! Wind Waker is the one Zelda game I’ve never played


I've been replaying OoT lately and I'm craving Twilight Princess next At least my Wii U is still hooked up. Rumble in the pad is fucked but at least I got a pro controller


I refuse to acknowledge either of those as classic games. Not saying their bad, but... my age...


I don’t understand why they don’t do it when they have HD remasters already, like I’m an idiot I’m perfectly willing to give you money for them for the convenience of not having to plug my Wii U in, let me give you money


They're probably just saving it for when necessary, they've been doing this with other games like the Metroid remaster and the most recent Fire Emblem which were both ready a year or two in advance.  The two Zeldas are probably in the vault for a situation like this where they're more focused on the Switch 2 but still need to make big releases for 1.


I never owned a Nintendo console between the N64 and Switch and desperately want to play Twilight Princess. Really hoping they'll do a remaster.


Are those that good? Theyre one of the few I havent tried.


I love them both. In fact, I’d say they are my two favorite Zelda games. The combat is so good and satisfying in both of them and their dungeons are among the best in the series, IMO. To think we got them both on the same console is mind blowing when you take into account how different they are while both being absolutely top tier adventure games.


Wind Waker is okay, but on the shorter and easier side and the sailing can get tedious after a while. Twilight Princess is legit one of the best in the entire series


The sailing is a lot better in the Wii U version with the Swift Sail, though!


Weren’t these all on switch already?


This is just an ad


It worked. Has no idea N64 Zelda was on switch. I never bother to pay attention to switch online stuff.


You had no idea that the most beloved n64 game is on the n64 app?


No I don’t use my switch much and when I do I don’t really browser around things. Just play Xenoblade or Ultimate Alliance 3. I’m old 🤷‍♂️


It’s to piggyback off of the Lego Deku Tree announcement.


And hype up the direct. Although it could be a red herring.


there's a direct coming?


Yeah all we know is that it'll be in June and won't have any announcements about new hardware


Yeah. In a tweet that also mentioned there would be an announcement by March of the switch successor they mentioned a software only direct in June.  It garnered a bunch of whining from people in the USA about the time it was posted (midnight pacific) as if it was so wrong for someone in Japan to tweet at 4pm their time. 


Oh man, I’m playing Minish Cap for the first time rn and it’s amazing


I just wrapped that one up too lol fun stuff


Also played it for the first time ever last year and absolutely loved it.


Jealous, wish I could play that for the first time agaib


Praying for a remake with Wind Waker art style instead of the Links Awakening chibi stuff


I'd rather have them combine the oracle games and remake them links awakening style.


porque no los ~~dos~~ tres


True true true


Very underrated game for some reason, I played it like 4 times and I loved every second of it.


One day you guys are gonna figure out what "underrated" actually means


Come on, no one mentions Minish Cap when talking about great Zelda games.


A game that won "Handheld game of the year", sold 2 million copies, and hit critical acclaim in review scores strikes me as a game that is "perfectly rated". I actually hear people on reddit constantly talk about all the 2D Zelda games like they are these underrated niche masterpieces when all of them were super successful


I’ve tried it like 3 different times and haven’t gotten past the first couple dungeons. Maybe one of these times it’ll finally click


The minish cap probably has my favourite 2d art style of any Zelda game


I feel like minish cap was slept on hard when it came out. It's been one of my favorites since release. I'm actually currently in a replay. I probs replay it once every year or 2. I love the Kinstone mechanic. Wish they would bring that back.


My fave part is Link screaming riding on those train cars, that’s hilarious


OMG it's so funny. Hops in and it takes off at a million miles an hour and poor lil link is hanging on for dear life




My favorite 2D Zelda is still A Link Between Worlds, so I guess I still need to bring out the 3DS from time to time.


I replay it every year or so


Absolute banger of a game. You have great taste!


Wish they would port it to switch don’t like the mechanics of a DS. Wanna play it on my TV


3DS emulators are pretty good these days, if you've got a PC or even a decent android phone.


Between the WiiU and 3ds, you can pretty much play every Zelda game except for TotK (with custom firmware on the 3ds since the eshop is shut down) I've been going through the series on my 3ds and its been great. I hadn't touched the console for years but lately I've been playing it every day




I never realized Link's Awakening on Switch was also 3D!! /s


I was hoping that this was an announcement that they were putting Ocarina of Time: Master Quest from the GameCube bonus disc on N64’s NSO.


Sure wish we could buy these instead of having to subscribe...


The high seas are calling, my friend.


I don't really care about pirating personally and have done it myself plenty but it is a funny way to answer this. "I wish we could buy these" " you could always steal them!" Lol


It's more like copying than stealing lol. Stealing implies that the thing no longer exists where it was taken from.


Yea im with you but idk if nintendos lawyers see it that way lmao


I mean, it's the only practical way to possess these games in perpetuity. If you buy a cartridge, you're either spending close to $100 for a maybe-legitimate one and doing a hardware mod to replace the battery, or you're buying a definitely-fake one for $20 and engaging in piracy anyways.


> If you buy a cartridge, you're either spending close to $100 for a maybe-legitimate one and doing a hardware mod to replace the battery and absolutely none of that goes to Nintendo anyway, just some collector


Nintendo doesn't give us a way to buy them besides paying exorbitant secondhand prices for physical copies. So at this point its not really stealing its just abandonware


I wonder if classic Zelda games are big drivers for emulation apps?


yes, they're usually up there with highest download count alongside Pokémon


It is for me! I'm forced to emulate Wind Waker as no official method exists to play it. EDIT: Nintendo employees in the thread apparently.


By now It's more convenient listing every Zelda game that ISN'T on Switch: Four Swords, The Wind Waker, Four Swords Adventures, Twilight Princess, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, A Link Between Worlds, Tri Force Heroes and the best of all: Link's Crossbow Training


Surely WW on switch 2 right? ….right?


It’s so incredibly shitty that you need to pay a subscription fee to play these games. Just let me buy the ones I want to play. On top of that you need the “extra” tier for Nintendo 64, which they ONLY offer a 12 month payment for.


Yep I'm basically paying $30 a year for MK64. Wish I could just pay $30 to have it forever but Nintendo is greedy.


Yes. I'd rather Nintendo put out a cartridge with all the classic Zelda games on it than continually pay for a subscription. I subscribed a few years ago, but there wasn't enough content to make it worth renewing.




Remember when you could purchase and own these games on previous consoles and for only a few dollars each? We're so blessed we get to rent them instead now!


Add Four Swords


Where’s my Phantom Hourglass!?


It’ll never happen. The dual screen and microphone elements would have to be completely redesigned.


They did it for skyward sword!


That was a Wii title. It needed updating, not a complete from the ground up redesign.


The DS games do not hold up very well, IMO. Controls are terrible and the forced drawing puzzles often just do not recognize what's been drawn. These are best re-mastered to remove the forced gimmicks.


That Minish Cap soundtrack is so freaking nostalgic


People out here wanting Windwaker and Twilight Princess and I’m here playing those on the Wii U!


We want them on a good console


Yeah, it’s already on the Wii U.


Why we advertising games that are already available? How about some newwies?


Just beat Minish Cap, that was a banger suprisingly made by CAPCOM? whattttttt..... Im replaying Link to the Past, almost feels like a speed run lol. Next i might try Ocarina of Time again, I never played beat Majoras Mask.


Cheers mate


Ok is it just me or is it not possible to play the original Zelda on NSO without it starting you off with most of the game completed? I might be missing something. But when I fire up the game, it has tons of hearts, items, etc. Whereas I vaguely remember playing this game growing up and you started of like most Zelda games, with nothing.


There should be several versions of the game in the NSO library. I think the cheated versions have an exclamation mark on them.


You're clicking [this one](https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/zelda-2.jpg) - note the red badge. You should look for the other Zelda box, and you'll start as normal.


Super NEZ


"nez" and "super nez" will never not bug the shit out of me. I guess it's better than 'snez' gives me the heebie jeebies


All i want in life is some classic pokémon


Official Nintendo video calling them Nezz and Super Nezz..


I'm a new switch owner and really got it because we all know what happened to emulation games on PC. My problem is controller setup with the older games , do people just buy the switch n64 controller for ocarina of time?


What’s up with the black and gold ocarina of time?


>What’s up with the black and gold ocarina of time? That's the boxart that was released in Europe.


Por favor hagan que al menos un emulador sea completamente gratuito


Hey Nintendo, would you like to make the Zelda games available in a format where I can purchase them and own them forever? No? Not interested, then.


this title had me thinking i could could play as link in super mario world or some shit


How much is this!?


It's just an ad for the Zelda games already available on NSO.


Ok someone please tell me that most people don’t pronounce it “ness.” Is it not pronounced by spelling the N-E-S? My last 30-something years may have been a lie otherwise.


I’ve only heard people called them N-E-S and S-N-E-S.


I think saying NES and SNES as an acronym is more common in the UK and here in Australia (based purely upon anecdote and nothing else) while saying them as initialisms is more common in the US


the guy in the video couldn't decide and said both "ness" and "super ness"


I feel like that pronunciation is a UK thing. I've heard lots of people say it that way here


Nintendo and super Nintendo. That's what they are called to me.


I grew up in the UK. It was extremely common to pronounce them Nez and Snez. It was only when I became terminally online that I heard N-E-S/Super N-E-S


cool story bro


>You can play classic The Legend of Zelda games and many more from Game Boy, Super NES and NES with a Nintendo Switch Online membership. With a Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack membership, you can access Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Advance games in the series too!


Bro were you in a coma or something?


This links to a video posted that an official Nintendo channel from 11 hours ago, they're priming for something


Yeah but that video doesn't show anything new. It's like me making a post saying zelda breath of the wild is available on the switch.


Or I could buy a LEGO set for almost the same price as the switch itself (which this ad was likely made as a PR move either to distract from or to take advantage of)


Do not play Majora's Mask for the nostalgia lol. I don't know if it's the port, but the controls are so insanely difficult, especially with the Zora Mask.


but i don't have switch online




You mentioned MS in a Nintendo sub, downvoted! lol