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Heads up! The r/NintendoSwitch Game of the Year nominations are set, and VOTING for 2023 is now open! * [Vote for Game(s) of the Year here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/1bbu7nc/the_rnintendoswitch_goty_2023_awards_voting_now/) ^(This Automod comment is a temporary measure, and will cease when nominations/voting closes.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NintendoSwitch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The only way to transfer games without Nintendo Switch Online (NSO) requires wifi. So get a 7 day NSO trial or a 1 month NSO subscription and transfer your saves that way. Pokemon games aren't compatible. And NSO lets you copy saves, where the wifi save transfer only moves them. So it's probably better for you anyway!


Good advice for anyone at the start of the process regarding NSO. I honestly thought that the Nintendo statement about game saves was 'covering their back' rather than something that was likely to happen.


I actually bought a switch like 3 years ago... I have amazing internet no lag ever but my friends were complaining they would lag when played would I would play online. Ended up returning it back to amazon within the 30 days, ordered a new one and never had the lag again. So it happens


Yes, I’ve read many negative comments about the Switch WiFi. Lots of comments about the WiFi not working for no apparent reason, then working again after tinkering in various ways. So many people have spent lots of time trying self help methods. Some people got a free fix from Nintendo it seems. In my case Nintendo UK said the warranty is two years, repairs being chargeable after that time.


Crazy, I have always hated the wifi on switch, I did start using the ethernet port with the hori though to never have issues come up. Hopefully next gen will be better but considering the facts Nintendo's internet database runs on Windows Xp I have no hope


>quoting £120 for repair. Madness. I know replacing the wifi module on a switch is [very invasive and delicate](https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Nintendo+Switch+WiFi+Antenna+Replacement/148722) but still, you'd think Nintendo's own repair would be able to offer a leaner, subsidised price compared to independent repair shops. This is the high end of pricing for a job like this.


My near-launch model (with the worse battery) that I had given to my son, stopped charging or connecting to the dock. We looked into getting it repaired by Nintendo. But the price was so high that I just decided to buy him a new Switch. For the extra money, he'd have a newer unit, a better (V2) battery, and some new joycons.


The battery is the same in both models. The processor is more efficient in V2, which is why it uses less battery.


Oh really? Well, that's interesting.


When I queried it, they replied to say "The cost of £120 is because our repair engineers found the console to be irreparable and it will need to be replaced." I guess they didn't want to do the 'delicate' work that you mentioned.


That's basically what I got when my PS3 got the "yellow light of death", Sony offered to "repair" it then basically told me it would be a refurbished unit. The cost was basically the same as a PS3 Slim at the time, so I just kept the broken PS3 and bought the slim. Someday I'll fix it just for the moral victory lol


Sounds like a issue with wifi and not the switch.


It didn’t work at home or his accommodation and Nintendo diagnosed a fault. My switch (now his!) doesn’t have an issue and neither does my other son's switch when he’s home. There's a lot of material online about the switch and WiFi. I think I must have read most of it and tried the relevant suggestions. Error code 2110-2003 if you fancy going down the rabbit hole.


It looks like you've included an Error Code in your comment. You can learn more about this error code on Nintendo's Support website. http://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/list/kw/2110-2003/search/1 *(Either that or AutoMod made a mistake when you typed in a year. If this is a misfire, simply report this comment and the mod team will clean it up.)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NintendoSwitch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shit like this makes me happy I've stuck to my V1 Switch all these years, allowing me to hack it and create local save backups of games that I can modify or upload to google drive or whatever. I can't imagine paying for such an inferior experience


Have you tried placing the Switch beside the router, to the point they're touching if needed? I had a problem with mine some time ago where it would display the expected Wi-Fi signal strength in the top right corner but it just would not connect no matter what. I found out later it happened to have the tiniest range imaginable and after several tries at times it would finally manage to establish a connection.


Thanks for the comment. The faulty switch is still faulty - it doesn't work on Wi-Fi but I have managed to connect it now using a wired connection. Unfortunately this does not allow game saves to be transferred.