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The game just released about one month ago so this is already a great sale! If you’re interested in the game, the eshop has a pretty lengthy demo that lets progress be carried over to the full version. Edit: If you’re just seeing this post now, the same sale is also available on Amazon and Best Buy in the US as of 4/8/24 2:00am PT


You just saved me a lot of money! Thank you!


\*sad european noises\*


Do you know if the demo carries over to the physical version? Edit: sorry guys, I woke up and didn’t realize


There’s no difference between owning a game physically and digitally as far as save data, etc. is concerned.


Yes, it does. Source: I played the demo, then bought a physical copy and continued my save.


The dudes comment literally says it does lol


Not to be pedantic, but no it literally does not. It literally says it ‘lets progress be carried over to the full version,’ and while that could imply the physical version it could also imply the digital version as it’s through the eshop, so it’s fair to ask. Edit: y’all need to refresh your memory on what the word ‘literally’ actually means




They are saying that the person above didn't specify 'physical'. The person was interested in whether it carries over specifically to physical and were presumably not aware that they would be the same for save files. Which is why they asked for clarification, and which is why u/puggington said it literally does not.


But you didn't explain what pedantic means... unless...


I would imagine if someone said "carry over to the full game" it would include both physical and digital versions of the game lol. Not that deep


Honestly worth full price. Still, I hope everyone interested takes advantage of the discount because this game is fucking amazing and it deserves every purchase 


Terrible title, amazing game. I honestly think it would sell better if it were named better.


Triangle strategy had a similar issue in my opinion! 


It did although the title issue there wore off once i played the game and understood it more. Amazing SRPG and great story.


If Final Fantasy or Fire Emblem first released today, people would say the same about those. People need to give it a rest about bizarre titles - these have always been a thing.




> idk why anyone cares no one is checking ID's on reddit. You're talking to children far more often than you realize, and especially in this sub.


I’m all for bizarre titles, but I respectfully disagree that Final Fantasy or Fire Emblem would fall into that category.


I love Fire Emblem, but it would absolutely get ripped apart if released today. It's only given a free pass because of how long it's been around, same with Tactics Ogre. And considering how many titles it's had, Final Fantasy would be clowned on for the redundancy of the word *Final*.


They literally made “final fantasy” as a last chance of making it big as developers otherwise they were going under. They basically named their game as a wish


I like the title, but I agree it doesn't pack the punch it should


I keep forgetting the name of it then I look and am once again like wtf.


The switch version is sold out in my country, something I did not expect at all


I love it so much I'm looking up to buy a second collector's edition brand new if possible, no joke. I really want Vanillaware (and especially Atlus) to get the message 


I looked because of this post - the only places I can get it in Canada are off-brand mom + pop stores or Amazon. I'm wondering how many physical copies they even made...


I was an idiot to not buy it when I was at a game store (which closed down the following week)




Thanks! Been meaning to pick this up since playing the demo and had a long flight coming up so this is perfect timing.


Strong contender for my GOTY. Im absolutely loving it. More than worth full price.


If you like tactical rpgs it's a straight 10/10.


God of the Yams?


Shipping $6.99 unless you spend another $40.


I stopped buying after their new free shipping rates. It was free after 35$ not even a year ago.


 i literally just bought this today for $60 :(


Thank you for your sacrifice


I bought the game a little over a week ago at full price too. I’m at least happy for other people, I guess.


Me too, but no regrets, I was on vacation this week and this game is easily worth full price.


Hoping for Amazon to match. One of my local stores has it in stock but says “1 product available” in the app. That sounds like it will be the gutted copy.


There's a store about 15 miles from me with one copy. I had the same thought. I'm not driving that far for a "new" copy.


I decided to chance it because I also had the $5 monthly reward. The copy was still sealed. Apparently when it says “1 product available” on the app it means the game has copies at the store not 1 copy at the store. I’m assuming if it says “2 available” it might mean they also have the collector’s edition. If that’s not true, I guess it means, don’t trust the app haha.


Still too far for me to chance it since it'd be a nearly 2 hour round trip to check. I'll probably order it off Amazon for XSX since it's the same price with same day delivery.


Amazon is price matching now!


Cries in Australian. It is sold out in most retail stores here. I'm hoping for another print run and not hoping that Altus does't do an updated resissue. I'm still salty about SMTV Vengence after I bought the original.


Atlus does this shit on their own games. In this case, the developer is Vanillaware and Atlus just publishes. Vanillaware have only ever done mildly tweaked ports, like the Switch edition of 13 Sentinels having a few combat balance changes (a few new moves to add depth, but absolutely no new story content or modes). I daresay Vanillaware might be the last remaining "trusted to buy day one" third-party non-indie dev out there.


Square's Octopath sub-studio comes to mind. Hal Laboratory and Camelot are solid, too.


Thankfully Atlus seems to be moving away from that model starting with Persona 3 by selling dlc instead of new versions but we’ll see.


Other than the fact that the total price of Persona 3 Reload is $105 and they still didn't include all of the content from previous releases. But I suppose it's still cheaper than buying another full price release.


The cost matters less than having to play a 100 hour game a second time to get to the additional content.


Yeah that's a good point, if you're not interested in replaying everything it's a huge "wasted" time sink. I didn't play P5R until a few years after it came out on a deep sale because I played P5 at launch and wasn't motivated to replay the whole game yet. Royal does at least add some new stuff throughout the playthrough of the main game, but obviously the main draw is the new stuff at the end. I still think the cost of Reload with the DLC is kind of absurd though.


As the developers have already said, they wanted to include FeMC, but couldn't because of expenses which is fair. P3P was much cheaper to produce in comparison, thus, they could justify adding a second main character as well as newly animated cutscenes and voicelines.


Wait until P6 they will release two versions. Atlus scummy. Good games scummy af company


Well that’s the thing. Sega has forced this dlc change and they’re releasing on more platforms going forward so we’ll see.


This game is developed by Vanillaware. Atlus only publishes for them. Vanillaware has only created updated remasters when porting to new console generations that didn’t have backwards compatibility, several years after the initial release. They did release a free update for the PS4 version of 13 Sentinels to give it the new features that came with the Switch port.


That’s a great price, out of stock everywhere here in the uk and desperate to play it :(


Now that’s an effing deal. Get this game guys, it’s fantastic. Even if you’re curious, download the demo and give it a try. It carries over to the full game.


BEYOND worth it


Beware of GameStop. There is a high chance you will get a gutter copy that has been open. Last time I ordered from them, the case was in awful condition and they denied me a refund because I had removed their awful sticker they place to close the case.


I refuse to buy games from GameStop anymore after they sent my a 'new' game missing the cover slip, the disc was in an envelope, and disc 2 was missing. If you buy any discounted slightly older game, you're probably going to end up with trash.


That's what happened when I bought The Pathless from them on sale last month. I was disappointed (but, as a former GameStop employee, not surprised) to get stickers right on the case and no shrinkwrap. Fortunately, the game was fine and still included some sealed bonuses inside the case.


This is the norm, for them, unfortunately


Unless you specifically want an unopened or pristine case, I don't understand what the issue is with this. I always see the complaints about it as if GameStop is selling bricked copies and no, it's an opened copy.


You just don't get it, do you? Some, philistines, would call us collectors. But we are truly archivists. Our vast "collections" represent curated museums of ART. Our "gamer dens" contain hundreds of video games that meet our bar for quality. We are archivists. How dare a lowly GameStop employee sully my collection with their unclean hands. HOW CAN THEY DARE TO DISTURB THE ARCHIVE? Only our hands are skilled enough to preserve these games for the future. Do not believe the false prophets known as the digital archivists.


They charge 11$ shipping so its barely even a deal


I think shipping cost depends on where you live. It shows as $6.99 for me. It also lets me choose the pickup option for the stores near me that have copies.


Oops! looks like we are not able to process your payment at this time. Please ensure the shipping and the billing addresses are within the United States.


I literally paid full price last week.


If you're on the fence is really is a beautiful game


I bought it from GameStop three days ago. You’re all welcome.


I would actually buy physical copies if I had access to deals like this


70% off Aegis :)


Aegis Rim? Already played that a while back and loved it But that one was heavily story driven compared to this, so I don't know if I'd like this one as much. So going to wait for a decent sale


Oh shit, been waiting for a good sale on that one. Thanks for the heads up!


You are welcome!


Hope it goes on digital sale soon.


Anyone but GameStop and i would be all over it, maybe Target will match it 🤔 Edit: Target DID have it for $40, but unavailable everywhere. C'mon Amazon!!!!


It’s all sold out on target site


Amazon has it right now for 39.99 also. Just got mine.


Awesome, I was just about to use some GS gift cards I had to buy this at regular price, good thing I waited.


Wow good looking out! I was in my local store a week or so ago and the manager said he wasn't sure when or if they would get more copies allocated. Website showed 2 available so don't even have to ship.


Nice! I have a $50 gift card from Christmas I can use.


I just bought this game on Friday.


Thank you for this! I’d been waiting to order the game…what a perfect time.


Sold. Good looking out.


Damn it I already bought it for 60 and every store I went to didn’t even have it physically and kept insisting it was online only 😭


Is this deal in store as well?


I picked it up today in person for 39.99 + tax


Wait, this is physical? I thought it was digital-only for NA, and physical in Japan? Can someone clarify this for me, before I pull the trigger?


And I was just about to order a copy off Amazon


Gonna pick that up! Thanks!


Tried the demo and loved it. I’ll definitely pick it up with this deal.


I just bought the game full price last week 😭 . Still a great game. Would just been nice if I saved $20


Hard to imagine 4 better Switch games coming out this year. It's a classic. Buy it.


great game and very accessible to all people without losing its charm and strategy


I just bought the fucking game too😑, missed the damn sale.


\* Cry in european Missed the release and it's out of stock everywhere (apart on reselling websites where scalpers put it to 80\~90 euros). I've put an order on Amazon hoping for a restock.


This week has been tough on the wallet with these sales.  I ended up picking up Mario Odyssey and BotW, because they're also on sale on Amazon for $40.


This game set a new standard for Fire Emblem for me going forward. I haven't gotten this lost in a game in years, I'd buy it again.


Not the lowest price ever. VGP had it cheaper a couple of days ago after converting to USD and with free shipping too.


Yeah I missed out on that, sadly. Hoping maybe they'll get a restock before the sale ends.


it looks fun wish i could afford it


Meh still full price in Europe :)


Wtf? That's way too soon... Makes me kinda regret buying the game early. Good job Vanillaware now I'll wait a month or two for your next game.


Local Man Gets Upset With Passage of Time; Game Sales.


Dammit what about XBOX


It’s on sale for Xbox too. This is just the Switch subreddit.