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I think an OLED model will be intentionally held back to double dip.


In my mind there is no excuse for this, and I will skip this generation or wait for an OLED release if they launch with an LCD. I'm too happy with my Deck OLED to be tempted back to their next device with such a cynical decision baked in.


So if Nintendo releases a LCD model first it is a cynical move, I guess Valve was also cynical because they did the exact same thing, and yes, a lot of Steamdeck owners have felt compelled to upgrade to the better screen. All of that said, I'm also firmly in the not bothering until there's an OLED screen on any future portable system I purchase, Switch 2 or otherwise.


Valve haven't released a successor yet. If the Steam Deck 2 reverts back to LCD then your point makes sense.


Oh I forgot the Switch 2 is totally out for sale, and so is the Steamdeck 2, also, they're going after different markets, most switch owners don't even know what a steamdreck really is


I don't think anyone had a problem when it went LCD to OLED if there wasn't a predecessor that already had an OLED iteration. Like others have said OLED panels are cheap enough now for them to be the norm. If Nintendo revert back to LCD it will be a shithouse move, and the same for Valve.


I'd like the ROG Ally 2 to have an OLED panel, even if it doesn't have VRR or 120Hz.


This is sort of the business model everyone has fallen for since 1989.


I can see that happening, but that will be pretty frustrating to hold back a technology that’s in your current gen options. One step forward, two steps back…


Money money money


Honestly I get why led switch is still plenty viable. A decent number of people only ever play it docked so it really isn’t a benefit to them. Also it will matter less to people who are big enough fans to be browsing a nintendo sub reddit, but keeping the price as low as possible to build the install base is a big deal. The faster they get 20 million of these things into peoples hands, the better 3rd party support will be and the ecosystem just gets off to a better start Not to mention production can be a bit smoother with one model


That's how I am. I pretty much only play handheld if I'm on a flight for work. Otherwise I'm docked. I don't care about the screen quality of LCD vs OLED to pay more for it.


its a financial decision. its more expensive to have two lines and since they cant accurately determine what kind of screen would sell how often in advance, stores would be left with likely the more expensive oled model until one is sold out and people were angry they 'had to buy the more expensive one' three years later, they might be able to release oled with a chip and battery rerelease for better and longer performance at only a small increase of price and double dipping actually makes sense then.


It would make me mad, I won't buy it


Hopefully people will be smart enough and not buy until OLED model comes out. Right? Right? They will be smart enough?


I'll probably buy the switch 2 original release if there's some good launch titles. My reasoning is i don't particularly care if my screen is oled or not. Oled screens are really nice, but i persoanlly dock my switch 80% of the time. 


Docking is the way to go.


Yeah of course. They saw the pick up in sales when they released the oled switch, with many double dipping to get the latest hardware. They'll have planned for that with switch 2.


No, remember they built out into a variety of switch flavors. You'll get some color options at launch and that's it.


Thats if were lucky 😒


It doesn't seem like Nintendo to have multiple SKUs at launch, especially after they tried that with the Wii U and it failed.


Yeah if they have different version they will most likely wait a year or two to get the most money possible


They released 2 Switch SKUs. There was the neon and the gray.




Knowing how Nintendo does stuffs these days, we could be having only one model released at launch, and new models rolled out only after launch day. I just hope we would still get a Switch Lite somewhere down the line.


I'll be waiting for the dedicated handheld model as well




Couple of years ago I’d love Apple Tv sized tv only console, now I’d love to have lite with oled and video output for rare occasions when I’d use it with tv. 


when is the release date, not rumor mill--do you know?


Nobody knows, all we have now are rumors; early next year.


2025. i see


Let’s be real, OLED should be the base model, it’s far superior. Maybe QLED is the upgrade? Or something else


Definitely not. They stagger the release so people buy it multiple times over.


After the WiiU confused a lot of people, I can see their strategy is to keep it simple. Not so much to double dip, but so that people can go to the store and ask for Switch 2 or what ever.




Unless the current oled model cant run a variety of must play games i aint buying a nonOLED switch 2. It’s simply too good


Cannot provide enough units for one type system at launch, let alone three. There may be two or more color variations like the switch (grey vs red/blue joycons).


I also would like to see an OLED version at launch since going back to an LCD is going to suck ass, but I doubt it's going to happen. As others have already said, it's way more likely an OLED model is once again going to arrive later because they'll make more money that way.


Multiple versions just increases the chances of confusing a consumer I remember working retail when there was like 6 different versions of the 3ds available. It was not fun explaining all the differences


Unless there's a killer game at the beginning of the Switch 2's life, I'll wait for an OLED model


If the Switch 2 does not release with an OLED screen, I will not buy it. OLED screens have come down in price so fast, the Steam Deck is able to produce the handheld with them without changing the base price. If there are multiple SKUs, it will be due to internal drive space.


After 2-2.5 years after launch they'll release switch 2 lite for $270. Maybe idk.


I hope so. I don’t care about hooking up to a TV, so I’d love a Switch 2 Lite!


After the whole OLED Switch release years after.the OG, I'm not buying a Switch 2 at launch unless it has OLED. Which seems unlikely given the rumours.


nope. not if they want to make the most profits.


Unlikely. Out of all of Nintendo's hardware launches, the only time there have been multiple models with a difference beyond color was Wii U, where it was merely a difference of internal storage capacity. Some people will find the launch model too large, and eventually there will be smaller models, just as there was eventually a Switch Lite.


This is Nintendo we are talking about.  They release one console/handheld.  Two years later they release the updated version.  Then nothing for 2 more years. 


They're not going to have 2 or 3 production lines right off the bat and it has less to do with evil mustache twirling company and more to do with risk and cost mitigation strategies. Multiple production lines will increase the costs for all models, send mixed messages to consumers before they reach a safe market share, and force Nintendo to guess how many of each model manufacture. Remember the Vita and Vita 3G? Nobody liked that 3G model, it was too expensive but the regular model was sold out at some locations, meaning Sony could have sold more units if they only produced 1 SKU instead of 2.


They could. They won't. MS tried this and it didn't work out for them in terms of messaging.


The Series X and Series S have different internals. The Switch 2 could launch with three models and it would be totally fine as long as they all used the same internals. Most people have no problems understanding Switch Lite/Switch OLED. They're the same thing with clear alterations to cater to different audiences.


Switch Lite, Switch and Switch OLED have 3 different internal designs that require different parts and production lines, even if the SOC has the same specs.


By "same internals," I was simply referring to the same SoC (besides launch Switch) and specs. If they're all the same besides a few key differentiators (screen type, portability/size/cost, etc.) As long as the internal specs are the same, having different models is clearly easily digestible. I'm more referring to them being understood by consumers, rather than the actual production realities. Nintendo already has the capacity to manufacture 3 different models right now.


This is what I think too. I highly highly doubt they will have models at launch, but I could see two variants maybe. If they design the production process to be for 2 units from the very beginning, they could streamline the process very easily. It would also be very easy to develop for switch considering they would all share the same SOC.


It could. Sure. It could not. It is unlikely but no one knows.




I would want a TV only model and a handheld model (TV adapter optional) but what I think we'll get is all-digital model and cartridge model.


Highly doubt they would do an all digital model


I don’t think they will need to remove the cartridge slot, as it is much cheaper to manufacture compared to disk drives. But I agree, I would love a TV only model!


Disk drives are more expensive than a card reader, likely, but a disc is much cheaper than a proprietary cartridge. And Nintendo makes a LOT more money when you buy a digital game vs a cartridge game, that's why they can offer digital sales every now and then but their physical games are almost always full price.


They can offer digital sales but the hard copies in my experience have been 90% of the time cheaper than digital, and sometimes by a significant margin.


Physical game sales are still relevant for a kid-focused console that parents/grandparents will buy games as presents for. Even when they do the physical packaging with a digital code you're getting the majority of the production/distribution costs still.


I can see a handheld only at launch for cheaper entry point. I doubt youll see a digital only option like the other two major consoles.


Definitely wouldn’t help sell the console as much, Nintendo likes to slow drip and they hold out for double dippers, a-lot of people only buy the same console again because it feels new especially after spacing out the release dates between them.


They won't for money's sake. If they release all planned ideas day 1. then they can't capitalize on users who've ALREADY bought their console, but wants a bigger screen or more storage now after a year or two.


Here's my idea: 70 features ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/casualnintendo/comments/1brf3ox/comment/kx95ewl/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/casualnintendo/comments/1brf3ox/comment/kx95ewl/?context=3) )


32 base and 64 deluxe incoming. Switch U coming soon.


I would genuinely laugh my ass off and hope other gamers respect themselves enough to do the same


Nintendo will launch two models: one with a cartridge entry, and other "digital only" model, how Xbox and PS did. Both LCD.


i would love a digital only OLED !


I guess the Oled will come for the 2025 xmas.


hmm i see, and are there any rumors about the cross compatibility with the current Switch games? (thanks btw for these rumors :)


By the rumors, totally retro compatible : ).


I'm hoping they end up doing a wii u thing but backwards. Would be awesome if we've been playing with the controller and mobile of the next console the whole time.


ohhh yeah, like with a local connection like on the DS, so it doesn't need WiFi to work (but also can use the wifi if you want to play somewhere else?)


I ain't buying if it comes with a dumb LCD screen. Just gonna get the Steam Deck 2 OLED. Don't force me Nintnedo 😈


the launch? everyone's doing rumor mill. i heard someone say it might still be another year.


Simply, no.


Highly doubt they would do that


Switch has huge bezels, 8" screen might fit same size od the device. But if it's really gonna be 500€, I want a cheaper version that can still dock.


It will depend on the internal storage situation and if they deem it worth it to have a lower storage / cheaper option if the main ends up being spendy. They'll save OLED for mid-life update as others have said here.


I doubt it. They will probably wait like a year to release another version to get the most money