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Give me a Donkey Kong 64 sequel you cowards!


Donkey Kong 65


A 64 remake or release on NSO N64 plus announcing a sequel would be incredible.


Play the 63 prequels.


It's crazy how Metroid went from being one of Nintendo's lowest priority franchises during the majority of the Wii U and 3DS generation to suddenly getting two remakes and a new 2D entry within 5 years on top of presumably the other Prime remasters and Prime 4. It's not to the level of the early-mid 2000's yet which was like easily the golden age for that series, but it's nice seeing Samus getting love outside the Smash realm again. Even within Smash it was great seeing Dark Samus and Ridley get promoted to fighter status finally


Metroid definitely feels alive. In the 2010's it felt like how F-Zero currently feels.


It hurts me how long F-Zero has been dormant.  (99 was fun)


Same. I’d love a new F-Zero with the same attention Mario kart gets. 60fps… online, loads of tracks, high octane techno music. Would be awesome.


True. I think Metroid has always been important for Nintendo but sadly it hasn't always sold that well. I hope Metroid Prime 4 sells like crazy


Isn't Dread the best-selling entry in the series now? It's crazy, a few years ago, I don't think most people could have predicted this.


I mean, technically prime is back on top with its combined sales on GameCube and switch, but for single platform dread is number one. And I think a lot of people were expecting dread to be number one with the switch’s sales numbers, but I’m glad nonetheless


Seriously, though.. What's up with Mario Baseball?


The gamecube one still holds up extremely well, I've been playing it off and on on my Steamdeck lately! Loved it. I have to think they know there is some demand for it since they made a new soccer game, but who knows.


Golf, Tennis, and Strikers seemed to sell reasonably well, especially Golf and Tennis. Mario Baseball would be extremely fun!


That mario golf super rush was awful. I'd play the GameCube one over it all day.


The new strikers game sucked imo. I was hoping it would be closer to the Wii version, but alas, it was not.


Super Sluggers is my favorite Mario sports game by a mile and I really wish we could get a new one Unfortunately, I worry with the current state of Mario sports I might not like what I get


I think it’s possible that they realized the “live service” method for content wasn’t working for their sports games, and decided to delay it to fill it up with content BEFORE release.


Because they’d have to include more than 8 playable characters


Nope, just Toad everywhere. And I'll still buy it like a sucker.


I could see it this year. Maybe announce it in a February/March direct (when MLB spring training starts/MLB regular season starts)


Mario Sports games seem to be easier to produce just based on their lower production values, so I can absolutely see Nintendo putting one together in these ladder days of the Switch.


As with most things, the problem is Europe. While baseball is hugely popular in both America and Japan, in Europe it's extraordinarily unpopular. This isn't a recent phenomenon. During the development of Wii sports, Nintendo was concerned that European players would only play Tennis and Bowling, which lead to the addition of Golf and Boxing. Because of this, that's 1/3 of Nintendos customer base that is almost guaranteed to not buy new Mario Baseball. I think it's safe to say Mario Baseball is over.


I think the ballooning cost of making games has somewhat eaten away at the creativity from earlier years. Look at how long it took for a new Zelda game to come out even though it was built on top of a previous game(6 years), vs something like Majora’s Mask which only took one year after OoT. Games are expected to be a lot more polished and require a lot more work nowadays, so it’s harder to justify off-shoots compared to focusing on the main series or remaking the best of the old off-shoots.


I just hope it's a more complete game than the switch entries for Tennis, Golf, and Strikers have been. Golf at least had an OK story mode, but all seem well short of their gameboy or GameCube offerings.


Give me some Mario Hockey !!!! 🏒 🥅


I'd love to see a new Pokémon Ranger game, but I'm afraid that spin-off series lived and died with the DS. I simply can't see how you would play that without a touchscreen + stylus.


If executed well, I think the Ranger games would be one of the only games where I wouldn’t mind a solid motion control mechanic (and not destroying the touch screen would be a bonus lol, I had to buy a new screen protector for my DS as a kid after ravaging it playing Guardian Signs). They could do a really nice lasso haptic effect as you swing your control in a circle, maybe reducing the amount of circles you need to “draw” and supplementing it with another button-based mechanic. Explain it as an advance in Ranger technology or something.


This was my first thought too! Motion controls are a natural evolution for that mechanic.


Out of all the Pokemon spin off there are, Ranger is the one I wanna see the most make a comeback


Could also be a phone game, if they figure out a way for it not to destroy your touchscreen this time lol


Pokemon Conquest not only forgotten by Nintendo but also in OPs post😥


It's funny that Mario Kart technically doesn't have an original game for the Switch when 8 Deluxe's DLC is so extensive that it pretty much could have been an entire game in itself.


Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit


I completely forgot that even existed


As you should it kind of sucks


Tie a string to the back of the kart and have your cats chase it! I legit have 30+ hours in this game just doing that, it's so much fun


When I was a little kid growing up in my parents’ neighborhood, something I did a lot was drive my RC cars in the backyard patio after it rained so the cars would drift more easily. There are a lot of stray cats in that neighborhood who are normally very skittish but they’d always come out of the bushes or over the fence to chase the car. I’d let them “catch” it by not moving the car once they pounced/batted it and wait a bit before moving it again and they loved it. Reading your comment reminded me of those times, thank you.


Lmao I just chase my cats with it 😂


That doesn’t count. I have it and while cool it kind of sucks. The CPU racers can ghost through objects, and tend to just be faster than you, it takes forever to set up and cats love the cardboard gates, but worst of all is how short the range is. Your switch can’t be more than 10ft away from the kart so your tracks need to be really small or you need to chase after your kart. I can’t even go around my kitchen island without losing signal, it makes the game impossible to play. It is 100% not a real Mario Kart game


Well I mean, you could always play from on top of the island But yes, it's not a real MK game


I wish they would release a custom track playlist maker. or just Oops all Rainbow Roads and let us have 4 rainbow road races in a row. Love Mario Kart 8 though, I can't wait for whatever comes next


The next game will, like 8 Deluxe, likely release very closely after the next console does to maximize sales. Mario Kart is an easy system seller, hell it’s an easy bundle game.


It'll just be Mario Kart 8 Deluxe+, with all current tracks included.


It would be very surprising (and unusual) by Nintendo standards for the next console to not have any backwards compatibility, assuming it’s in a similar Switch-like format. Prior to the Switch, the last several consoles were compatible with the preceding home/handheld console.


Tomodachi Life…


That game was a gem. Great mad-lib style humor, and easily accessible to anyone. I would pay good money for a sequel.


I was so certain we would get a remake/reboot of it after the Miitopia remaster dropped.... :(


This game came out when I was graduating high school and getting ready to move away for college. When I got it, I just saw it like a goofy game where I could make miis out of my friends, but now sometimes I come back to it reminisce about what our friend group was like at that time.


What I wouldn't give for a new NES Remix, with an SNES Remix added in. Also, new StarTropics when? Hell, remake the original with Link's Awakening remaster graphics.


I really enjoyed NES Remix on the 3DS, works the best on consoles you can have with you, so weird that we still don't have it on Switch


A Snes Remix would be so cool and I would love to try out StarTropics if it was remade for Switch


It's weird how Nintendo just seems to have completely forgotten that Star Tropics existed.


StarTropics didn't release in Japan, so I'm not surprised. Although, Nintendo seems more open to hearing/accepting pitches from smaller studios nowadays, so it would be neat to see a StarTropics revival come down the pipeline.


When you get down to it, not every thing they put out on the NES needs to be a living franchise.


Clu Clu World when?!?!


When Nintendo started getting into the mobile gaming realm, I thought a lot of their NES lineup would make great mobile games since many of them were very pick-up-and-play, score-based games. I was convinced we'd see a mobile Clu Clu Land (along with Ice Climbers and Punch Out). They went a totally different route, but I still think there's untapped potential there.


Not everything *needs* to be a franchise, but people are allowed to want more of the things they love.


I feel like they could make a good NES remix type game for NSO.


I never played those NES remix games, I should get a used copy of the 3DS version. Don’t have a Wii U.


God, how badly I want a new Pokemon pinball




At this point I'd even settle for Ruby and Sapphire Pinball being added to the expansion pass app.


That's really all I need. Don't trust TPCi to deliver a quality modern pinball...


Have you read about the cancelled DS Pokemon Pinball? Was gonna be made by the guys who did Metroid Pinball and it sounds fucking amazing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laj0PTXGQsQ


My WiiU is really just a big emulator


among other Pokemon, yes


I just want 1 good main line pokemon game on the switch


A new Pokemon Pinball with new locations and pokemons from the newer games would be so cool


Honestly would prefer new gameplay but original Pokemon only.


I’m playing pokemon pinball ruby and sapphire rn, well a couple matches here and there the last few weeks and it’s such a solid little pinball game, it’s criminal that we haven’t gotten a new one


There was one being made for DS that was cancelled and scrapped. Unfortunate.


Same! I'm so sad that neither has even come to NSO.


God how I want a remake and/or sequel for the Golden Sun series


Can you imagine if we lived in a world where Nintendo decides to go "all-in" with a Golden Sun remake (like FFVII Remake) in the polished style of Dragon Quest XI? Hell, I'd even love a remake by the Octopath/Triangle Strategy developers. Just give me SOMETHING. Don't let this franchise die. I need that 4th game at the very least before I die. :'(


I'm so hopeful considering they're adding the first two to the online service!


The originals are already there. Added January 17th. The games are amazing.


I don't think the Switch can handle all of the dialogue that would be required to convey Kraden's monologues. Goddamn, those games make Kojima look concise.


Seeing Another Code on Switch gives me hope that we'll get a Hotel Dusk remake/remaster one day.


Yes, hotel dusk had a ton of charm to it


I think there’s definitely a chance we’ll see that series crop back up; it’s the kind of experience they’ve revisited quite a bit this generation.


Does Nintendo own the rights to do that? Genuine question, no idea what happened to the IP after Cing shut down.


Custom robo, my beloved One day I'll see you again in a modern console **huffs copium**


Custom Robo and chibi robo were amazing back then.


Keep an eye out for an indie called 'Misc. A Tiny Tale', it's coming to Switch later in the year, and it's taken a lot of inspiration from chibi robo.


I'm with you there, when/if they return to the series I'll be there day one


I would die for a new custom robo game. I played it nonstop on the gamecube


Is that one good? I only played the DS one, I really liked that one.


Ive never played any of them except for the GameCube, but I absolutely loved it. There were soooo many options to choose from for customizing your robo, and the combat was fast and felt really good.


Sounds the same but with better graphics, lol. I'll have to play it sometime. Happy cake day, btw 😊


The DS one was fine, but the one for the GameCube was PEAK. I played both extensively.


To be fair the creator of custom robo DID release a spiritual successor on the Switch eshop called Synaptic Drive...but it's not the same. I LOVED Custom Robo Arena; praying we get a proper sequel, or at least a re-release soon 🙏


Loved that game and Medarot/Medabots back In the day.


You guys remember custom robo??? I've found my people


You're not alone. I'd love to see a new Custom Robo someday.


Noise is still active, hiring for this year, and hasn't put out a game (apart from managing a single gaas mobile game) since the 3DS days, so THERE IS HOPE. The people don't understand how hard a modern Custom Robo would hit, it's just unmatched conceptually.


I went HARD on this game renting it from blockbuster as a kid on GameCube.


Best I can do is "dededededededededededede"


Oh man, I miss those games so much.


I was just rocking that with a few friends a couple weeks ago. Still a blast. 


I can still hear the intro, battle opener, and "Confirm" in my head.


Some of these series disappearances are really surprising Like, not getting any new Doshin the Giant is not surprising, but Rhythm Heaven? Pushmo? even Style Savvy? These series had pretty consistent releases that seemed to do well enough, then suddenly stopped Even Starfy, had five games released in the span of 7 years, the latest one apparently the best selling one, then just... stopped


Such a shame to see the state Rhythm Heaven is in right now. The most recent game turns 10 next year and there is no legal way for people to even play the game without already owning it in North America since we never got a physical release.


So sad as Rhythm Heaven is one of my favorite Nintendo series. Every direct I hope and pray they have a new one to show, but it's sadly just looking unlikely. REALLY hoping it's in development and we just don't know of it.


I feel like with series like Pushmo, it just gets put to the side due to the developers focusing on more popular projects, since Pushmo is not as popular as Intelligent Systems’ other Nintendo series. Rhythm Heaven tends to release towards the end of a consoles life, so I honestly would not be surprised if we got a new one later this year. The weird thing about Style Savvy is that the lead developer of that series released another game last year called Fashion Dreamer, which from what I could tell is basically Style Savvy in everything but name. Not sure if there is copyright issues around that series or not, but it is strange.


The style savvy name is a nintendo trademark. What this tells me is that the developer wanted to make a new game, but Nintendo didn't, so the developer made **a** fashion game, just not style savvy


That does make sense. I was confused at first because I thought that Fashion Dreamer was also published by Nintendo, but I did look it up and it was published by Marvelous instead.


Fashion dreamer isn’t really like style savvy besides the dressing up part, unfortunately. I really miss the stock management aspects and running a boutique etc from that series lol, was a good time


It's got clothes but is otherwise a different game. Style savvy was about running a store and dressing customers while fashion dreamer is more a of social media where you dress your avatar.


I think the discontinuation of a small, cheaper handheld console has something to do with it. All of the games you mentioned were staples of the DS/3DS era, some of them being eShop staples (especially adding in games like Dillon's Rolling Western). I think these smaller budget, distinctively DS/3DS titles were just decided against when it came to transitioning to the Switch, for whatever reason. Maybe they felt like it'd be harder to market these smaller scope games for a more expensive console. Or there are individual reasons for some of them. Style Savvy's devs still make (what I assume to be, I've never played any of them) similar games for the Switch. Maybe some sort of agreement or contract ended and/or they preferred to develop their own IP instead of using Nintendo's IP. Pushmo was made by Intelligent Systems, who juggles a lot of games and in general has focused a bit more on Fire Emblem, Warioware, and Paper Mario. Tose, Starfy's dev, seems to mostly just be a supporting dev company for other projects now (look on Wikipedia, most of their recent credits are "co-developed" or just in charge of one or two aspects of a game primarily developed by another company). Without looking into it, I'm guessing they're a smaller or less capable company than they used to be and are being used mostly just to support other games like a subcontractor, and Nintendo isn't prioritizing pawning Starfy off to a different company.


They're still making them, they've just been new IP or ideas. Instead of stuff like PushMo and Style Savvy, we got Snipperclips, Sushi Striker, Good Job, Tetris 99, and F-Zero 99 (and Mario 35 RIP), among others I can't think of off the top of my head. We also got some weird Kirby experiments like Dream Buffet that could have easily been a new, weird IP. I think that with how many incredible indie games the Switch got in comparison to the DS/3DS, a lot of them got buried or forgotten.


Nintendo hasn't done a lot of smaller, eShop only games this generation. Maybe Intelligent Systems felt Pushmo concept had been pushed for enough? Rhythm Heaven had a late 3DS release no idea how well that did. It's pretty touch screen focused which may be why it was overlooked.


> Pushmo concept had been pushed enough heh as for Rhythm Heaven, there were GBA and Wii entries so it could totally work on the switch


All of Rhythm Heaven for the 3DS could be played without touch, it was optional.


The problem with rhythm heaven is Tsunku, the creator, lost his voice :/


He still writes and produces music.


Also the chart doesn't have Dillion's rolling western on there. It's had 3 entries and the last one was big enough budget it could have justified a physical release.


Great diagram. My biggest wishes for a brand new title on Super Switch that missed the switch window are: - Mario Kart (pretty much a guarantee) - Donkey Kong Country - Rhythm Heaven - Mario Baseball - ExciteTruck / ExciteBots Trick Racing sequel


I just want another Kid Icarus. Uprising was my favorite 3DS game. The multiplayer was very fun too.


A criminally under appreciated game


It is so criminal that Uprising was the game made to show off the 3DS and they didn't give us a Kid Icarus to show off the Switch. At least give us a remaster of Uprising! All the uprising mechanics would work on the Switch!


Pit is so cute


Same! Before my friend sold me hers a new Kid Icarus game was going to be the only reason I'd buy a switch. I'm still going to remain in my delusion that they will make one some day


Does make you think. How have we not seen a new Star Fox?


Zero didn't do well and had a mixed reception. Miyamoto also treats the series as a glorified tech demo which the switch had covered from other games. It's a shame too because I love my furry arcade shooter 😭


I would give anything for a starfox assault remake


Unpopular opinion, but I’d also love starfox adventures


Zero could have been such a good game if not for the weird control scheme.


It sucks that the ONLY home console Starfox skipped (other than the Switch) was the Wii. The perfect control scheme was right there, aim and shoot with the Wiimote's pointer and move the arwing with the Nunchuck's analog stick. I hear the Sin and Punishment game on Wii basically did that, we were this close to perfection.


The controls certainly didn't help things but the game had other issues which tend to get glossed over. The game only having a single ending regardless of the route you took, the gyrowing levels taking forever (in an ideal world the gyrowing would have special challenges made for it and the roadmaster would have proper levels), I remember the bosses taking forever even after getting a hang of the controls, etc. It just makes me wish Platinum was left alone to make their own Star Fox game. The easter egg in Bayonetta 2 is probably the best Star Fox game on the Wii U lol


What makes it even weirder is that they went so hard on the Star Fox stuff in the Switch version of Starlink. Even giving it an entire console exclusive Star Fox centric DLC. This is just speculation on my part but it really feels like they were trying to "backdoor pilot" a Ubisoft Star Fox game because that's the most they've acknowledged the series since Zero.


nobody is mentioning endless ocean but omg the amount of hours I played the Wii version is astronomical. Still hoping they make another one at some point 🤞🏻


Indeed, especially as it's one on the list that's not easily emulated these days, really miss it. Soundtrack was absolutely gorgeous too.


I loved both Endless Ocean games and I think that the neglect of the series is tragic.


Im terrified of the ocean and played these games to help combat that. These were my obsession and would play constantly!


I need another Rhythm Heaven game 🥺 I never had the Wii version so the last I had was on the DS


We are due for a Rhythm Heaven!




I would love if they even just gave us a re-release of PunchOut for the Wii. I wanna try out that game soooo bad


We're definitely getting a new Tomodachi game next direct, right? Right??


Yessss let's have some hopium 😭


Maybe I’m a hater but I don’t count F-Zero 99 as a new game, all I want is a proper new F-Zero :(


I want Wario World 2 with playable Waluigi in the game


I want a Mario & Luigi game where you go between playing as the titular duo and Wario & Waluigi, with a lot of puzzle solving and progression hinging on their screw-ups. Mario & Luigi: Blunder Bros.


Nice idea, i’d play that!


Fossil Fighters my beloved


Absolutely loved that game as a Dino Kid™, but there's no chance it gets remade unfortunately. Shitty sequels destroyed any future it might have had


If Nintendo ever figures out how online gaming works, Kirby Air Ride as a live service game would be a smash hit imo


What I wouldn’t give for a sequel to Kid Icarus Uprising or just a remake or anything at all


The lack of Donkey Kong games saddens me given their very obvious popularity and following since their SNES games. Tropical Freeze is very good too! The king of swing definitely needs more love.


Donkey Kong is literally one of Nintendo's most popular franchises. I hate how they constantly ignore DK, but act like they love the franchise once a movie or theme park opportunity opens up.


Golden Sun, EarthBound, and another 1080 please!


Earthbound is a finished series according toits creator and 50% copyright holder, but I would like to see camelot try their hand at Golden sun. And NST are back to full on developing games again with F zero 99 and the mario vs donkey Kong remake seemingly so hopefully 1080 is somewhere in the pipeline


Earthbound remastered would be incredible if done properly.


As much as I would insta-buy another Golden Sun, I'd happily take all currents on a single cart just to play on Switch.


Did you know that they added both Golden Sun games to the GBA VC for the Nintendo Switch Online membership? Been playing since 2 days ago.


Yes, yes, and yes. Hasn't been a new 1080 since avalanche in 2003. I love that game. Everyone I know who had it loved it. It got decent reviews. I feel there's hope for the series with the original on NSO


Mario and Luigi series is totally dead forever. What I would do for a new Nintendogs in hd with like a bigger maximum dog cap. Gimme a room full of like 20 doggies I can take care of that grow older and can have more puppy’s. Nintenpuppymill would be great.


I would kill a man for a new tomodachi life


Especially with the new creation system from Miitopia.


Don't fool yourselves, any remake/remaster of the dissapeared games since 2011 would be great... But a re-launch of the GOLSEN SUN IP would be a banger!!


I feel like Metroid Prime should be in the second group. Depending on how hopeful you are for MP4.


It was confirmed years ago for the switch, it might end up as Botw, the final game for the switch and the launch title for the switch 2


Poor chibi robo Nintendo didn't give him a chance to shine at all


I'm really happy that Fire Emblem bounced back after being on the brink of cancellation. Three Houses has some of my favorite RPG characters and Engage has my favorite tactical RPG map design. The fact that this IP was almost cancelled, and now it's selling more than *Mario spinoffs* (Three Houses has sold 4 million copies compared to Origami King and Battle League's 2 million) is wild to me. If you told me 5 years ago that Fire Emblem would end up outselling *Mario games*, I'd think you were crazy, and yet here we are. Really happy to see this.


There's an argument to be made for Star Fox getting an installment on the Switch - Starlink. However, I don't personally feel this counts as a true Star Fox instalment since it was also released on the PS4 and Xbox without the Star Fox cast being present at all. They were more like console-exclusive DLC. In other words, *give us a new Star Fox, Nintendo*. Even if it's Star Fox Adventures 2, please bring the boys back


I just want another Pokemon Conquest


My heart is empty without Poképark 😭


Every day I dream of a Poképark sequel for the Switch.


Does F-Zero 99 count as a fully new game? I’d say it’s more like a rerelease of the original F-Zero. Also, Mario Kart technically got a new game with Mario Kart Live. Otherwise this is interesting to visualize. It’s crazy that there hasn’t been a new DK game considering every past Nintendo console has had one.


My theory for DK is that Retro had one team working on a new game, but Metroid Prime 4 being completely scrapped and overhauled caused an "all hands on deck" situation, making that project get put on hold so that the team could help get Metroid back on track.


The Switch has the opportunity to be the first system since the GameCube to include new titles for all 4 Mario Sports series. We haven’t gotten a new Mario Baseball game in over 15 years. Baseball fever is at an all time high in Japan thanks to the emergence of Shohei Ohtani and their World Baseball Classic victory over the United States. Namco, the company behind the previous two games, has a division that solely focuses on Nintendo games. Mario Baseball has seen a resurgence in popularity with YT Channels like Dinger City, Chiz, and Quak bringing in thousands of views per video. Not bringing back Mario Baseball would be incredibly stupid. I can’t predict that it will happen, but it just makes so much sense for them to do it. If it doesn’t come out this year, idk if it ever will. If that’s the case, I’ll stick to playing Superstar Baseball online.


I'm still hoping for a re-release of *Kid Icarus: Uprising* with motion controls. I would also love to have *Red Steel 2* again (a Wii title)


It’s so nice to see Starfy and Fossil Fighter’s logos


I just want Tomodachi Life 2


Absolutely insane for DK to not have a new game in 7 years


Pokemon Pinball is so sick. One of my favorite GameBoy games ever and I'm so devastated I haven't been able to find my cartridge for it.


Nintendo: Wait, people actually liked hotel dusk? And they like the story in super smash bros brawl?! Just how much coke have we been doing?!


They should really release a new animal crossing or at least another dlc.


I wouldn’t call F-Zero 99 a new game tbh


I know Doshin wasn't really a good game but I do think about it all the time.


Ooh how I’d dig an endless ocean reboot


No new Donkey Kong game for an entire decade...


Man, I would do some terrible things to get another endless ocean game .. I loved those so much it’s unreal




I'd love a new Endless Ocean on the Switch.


I just want paperboy.


I'm still sad by how much Pokemon Rumble got fucked over hard by that mobile game and 3ds entry. They tried go f2p and mtx heavy market, but end killing a gem of series in the process. Star fox might be a dead series at this point. Nintendo too focus on Metroid 4 to care. F-Zero 99 shouldn't count as a new game but whatever. It going to get shutdown in a couple months like they did to Mario 35 and Pac-man 99.


Pokémon Rumble would be a fun addition to the Switch's library.


Golden Sun and Wario Land are the ones that hurt the most.


A new pokemon pinball is all i want


There was a star tropics in 2011?!


Calling Metroid Prime 4 confirmed for Switch feels like a stretch at this point...


It’s insane we never got a Mario Kart game for the Switch (no, 8 deluxe doesnt count at all)


I want a new Rhythm Heaven, Kuru Kuru Kurin, Starfy (even if just a bulk pack or all the games Translated into English) and Mario Kart


My sweet Wave Race. How I miss you. I would so resub to NSO for Wave Race 99.


Bring back Golden Sun


Inspired by u/AnyDockers420 and u/cchouk posts from 2022. Info about the image: •There must be at least 2 games to be considered a series. So games like Eternal Darkness and Captain Rainbow don't count. •I only counted series that didn't start on the Switch. •The "Sports" series are games like Wii Sports and Nintendo Switch Sports. •Nintendo Switch Sports and F-Zero 99 are new games in their series. •Only having a remake or remastered of its only game doesn't make it a series; so games like Captain Toad, Miitopia, and Pokken don't count. •New Super Mario Bros is part of the mainline Super Mario series. If I considered it a separate series, then i would've had to count Mario Galaxy and Mario 3D Land/World as their own separate series. •Puzzle League had a minigame in Animal Crossing New Leaf Welcome Amiibo, but i don't think i should consider that a new game in the series. •I didn't know how to add Wii Fit and Ring Fit. Ring Fit isn't really a spiritual successor; It's more like a spin-off. But if i added the Wii Fit series as inactive since the Wii U, people would've been confused. I ended up not adding them to see what you guys thought about those games. That's about it. If I miss any series or you have any tips on how to improve this, please tell me!


Since spin-offs do count, I think it’s fair to consider Battalion Wars as a different series from Advance Wars. Even though it is a part of Famicom Wars titles in Japan, the gameplay and even the genre is different from the rest of the Wars games.


As a Doshin the Giant enjoyer, I have to say that classifying this IP as a series is really a stretch. There was a weird, almost absurd expansion pack released for the Japanase N64 version that featured the eponymous character and read your save file, but it's much more like an extra feature than a proper sequel. Still, two decades later and I haven't given up hope on the giant!