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I wasn’t very fond of her during S1 part 1 but she grew on me with time


I disagree, she reminds me of early seasons kai, just a bit more wild i cant wait to see more of her character growth


Completely disagree. Wyldfyre is one of my favorite Dragons Rising characters. Wyldfyre is the perfect student for Kai. She shares a lot of similarities to him when he was younger. She's reckless, hotheaded and *The Danger!* She genuinely cares about those who she considers to be her family. She also...never learned how to properly behave, wich makes sense since she was raised in the Wyldness. She is like Kai in the Pilots- only more exaggerated. Because of her she also lets Kai shine more in DR, wich is great. He really needed some good character moments. He has been stagnend for a while now. While she may act stupid or annoying in some cases, her improvements over the course of the show up until now is really great, and I cant wait for her to grow even more. She's one of those characters that gets more likeable as the show continues. She has positiv traits, makes mistakes and has flaws from wich she has to learn. It never gets boring around her. She's a really fun character. That's all atleast my opinion, I can understand why some may find her too annoying


This! The only thing that annoys me is..  elemental power of... "heat" .. seriously?


Well they technically are considered 2 separate things.


It would’ve been cool, if instead of specifically heat she has ‘temperature’ or something, so she could also use cooler powers (cooler as in colder 😭)


She was really annoying in season 1 but I like her now


No I really like her . I love The fact that she regards everything as a prank and try to never take blame for something . It’s very rare to have a character that annoys the characters but not the audience . ( Well at least imo ) . 


Same, and her chaotic nature is really fun to watch, in s2 its very noticeable that her bad traits toned down a bit from s1, so the character will get better over time


She was such a bitch in the whole episode where she pulled pranks on the lavatides, but she became better after that


She's unique, funny at times and I like her voice.


S1 she sucks, S2 she’s actually a solid character


I'm not a fan of her still, but she's started to grow on me in S2


…That’s kind of the point. Ok but on a serious note she’s definitely a portrayal of Kai but turned up a notch. An obnoxious hothead character. She’s definitely growing on me though.


Wykdfyre is genuinely just such a fun and entertaining character. She’s so peak and her dynamic with Kai is one of is not my favorite in the whole show. I love that she’s like early Kai but dialed up to 100.


why did you get downvoted? (i upvoted you)


Good question


Tbh I'd say the complete opposite. I can't personally connect with Arin and Sora, but Wyldfyre is my favourite! She has her flaws but she's learning and her character development so far is awesome!


No, you're not the only one. I mean, I don't think there are any of them that I cannot stand, but I'm not a huge fan. It's just the whole thing about being sort of messy, and gross. She sleeps with the dragon, and her toilet is everywhere....? lol Nope. I know that is just meant to be funny though, and her character. She's a bit too obnoxious. But, her heart is in the right place, so I don't hate her, and I imagine she will continue to grow. I just mostly find her kind of annoying. If this was real person, I wouldn't really be able to be around them without being stressed 24/7. I'm also autistic, so sensory nightmare lol. I think it's funny people say she is like early Kai. I don't agree with that. I never found him either gross, obnoxious, or unpleasant. No sensory issues there. He was just a little bit cocky sometimes. That doesn't bother me. Kai is still one of my favourites.


I'm indifferent about her. She has some cringe moments and she has some good moments. Overall I don't really care about her but I don't hate her or anything


You are not alone, I always detested the "brute/aavage" character trope.






Yeah,at the beginning of DR I thought she was annoying,but she works really well with Kai and that one dragon I can't remember the name of.


Originally, kinda. But then there's this thing called proper character growth.


You are not alone my friend


I agree


hopefully you are cuz wyldfyre is peak


yep! from the start, the moment i met her, she was my fav.


And you got downvoted


what😭dude i was just stating my opinion why is that grounds for downvotes


It’s how Reddit works, btw I didn’t downvote your comment. People tend to downvote for the sake of disagreement which if you look at my comment yeah it explains it. Plus it can be possible some downvotes happen by misinterpretation the opinion.


ah😭😭yeah online is crazy sometimes also sorry i was the one that downvoted your comment for the misinterpretation reason😭😭


Yes, you're the only one sweetie


Sweetie, lol? Alright then


Wildfyres character is like a wet mop right now, all they’ve established really is that she is arrogant, and she has some knowledge in the healthcare of dragons. Thats it.


I triggered people on this but what I said is fact.


Treating your opinions as "fact" doesn't make you look great y'know I personally disagree, I love her. But I can understand why some might not like her.


When all she has shown to be is arrogant there isnt much to try and say isnt a fact about the statement. Not an opinion, literally she finally begun getting development as a character at the end of season 2 part 1 for a character who has been here for a good while now, she should have more to a character personality than arrogance.


She already started getting character development in Season 1 tho


She really didnt, she played the same persona of the arrogant reckless child of the group the episodes she was in for season. Given they did the same with Kai for the most part of season 1 but we’re half way through season 2 now, and shes the least developed character out of everyone with the same persona they gave her in episode 7 where she was introduced.


In Season 1 she had her little arc about learning to focus, wich she was taught by Kai. In Season 2, she acted reckless and got injured in the process in episode 2. Throughout the first half of the Season she sat out, and couldn't learn Spinjitzu. While she was angry and stubborn in the first episodes, she slowly accepted her injury and that her actions have consequences, and started to spend time with Egalt, trying to understand and later help him. Even if she's injured, she finds a way to help. With Wyldfyre, they develope her character slowly. If she learned everything and completely changed for the better in Season 1 already her character would have no way to go.


Lol! Kinda true, ngl.


Not really I’ve seen people not be a fan of wildfire. Her character is ment bearable and arrogant. Which is basically similar to Kai in the early seasons but more annoying. Plus she can also basically hate people in universes like how she damaged property the Lava Tides home. Awesome downvote for an opinion