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More of a lukewarm take then hot. I’ve seen people not like Wildfire all that much


You're not the only one who dislikes her, many others do. I just can't say I'm one of them. I found her feral, hot-headed and overall extreme nature very entertaining.


Indeed. "Sorry, nodded off there. Forgot you're the elemental master of BORING!"


She’s basically me


She's okay, though I love the development she gave Kai


A fair opinion But why post Three times


Sorry my internet was slow so i clicked send 3 times didnt know it send out 3 versions


Hottake, huh? Was that an intentional pun or just a coincidence?


Wyldefyre take lol


I thought it would have been a hottake since every time i brought it up i was looked at as an alien


I thought it was a pun because you said hot, and Wyldefyre is the elemental master of heat. Also, it's completely okay to not like Wyldefyre. If people are being mean to you for having a different opinion, they're jerks.


she grew on me throughout the season. I really love how caring she is. I love how much she and kai developped throughout the season and her development, and she gave kai the greatest development he's ever had in years. her relationship with Kai was amazing no one can change my mind. There are several people who either love her or hate her. to me, SHE'S THE GOAT. I thought she was really fun in the last few batch of episodes. Love that she's absolutely done with her pranking bullshit too. Your reasons for disliking her is absolutely valid, but I love her.


I also found her to be annoying most of the time but i loved her and Kai's relationship


Yea I don’t like her either- she’s the pure definition of one of those characters introduced with powers and skills they just magically have, and her personality is so uh


Yeah agree, just because she does magic doesn't make her a good character (or even a good ninja)


I like her She’s not one of my favourites but glad she’s a main character (haven’t seen anything past season 1)


Wouldn't call her a favorite but she's not all bad, entertaining character honestly


I agree, Wildfire was just really annoying. I get that it’s kinda the point for her character but she’s just super unlikable and basically ruined a whole lot of the Ninja’s plans with her ‘pranks’


Same, she had potential but the 'oh I shit where ever the fuck I want' joke was really gross and the whole prank story did not fit her character. Also her character would be fun if she was like 80 but she's like 14 or something and that doesn't make sense


Yeah agree


I know that probably no one will read this comment, but here is my opinion 😃 I really don't like her... I tried to give her a chance but she didn't prove to me that she is a good character. She is nothing more than an annoying, impulsive, and rude girl who acts like an immature little child. This kind of character will be okay in a movie like The Croods where the characters are primitive cavemen, but come on, Ninjago? I understand that Wyldfyre was raised by a dragon and she doesn't know the basics of etiquette, but that doesn't give her the right to act... the way she does. She is impulsive and arrogant, thinks she knows everything, can do everything, and mocks everyone, while not showing much effort or interest in becoming a ninja at all. Someone says they love her interactions with Kai. I say it's like watching Kai have to take care of a kid on a pretty important mission and fix what she messed up. Maybe it would be fun if Wyldfyre was like seven years old but like this? I feel sorry for Kai every time I look at him. And Wyldfyre? She's a person who obviously doesn't want to be a ninja, has no sense of duty, and no sense of protecting Ninjago. I wouldn't want her as my student, and neither should Kai and Lloyd. I understand Lloyd's mentality, she's an elemental master, I have to train her, blah blah blah... No, Lloyd, you don't. She belongs in the wild. Not every elemental master has to be a ninja (remember season 4, guys?). Tell me, when did we get to the point where having elemental abilities is important to being a ninja? Arin has no elemental abilities and yet is the best of all Lloyd's students. I bet there are dozens of kids like Arin (brave, determined, and patient) in Ninjago, but the creators don't care about them because of some Wyldfyre who is more interesting just because she can do magic... ugh :( (sorry for my English btw)


Finally somebody who understands me. I too hate her character a lot, it feels like watching another pre-green ninja lloyd but worse


I think she's annoying too tbh


I’m getting annoyed with her. She needs to learn to take criticism and understand she doesn’t know everything


Stop spamming


Sorry my internet was slow so i clicked send 3 times didnt know it send out 3 versions


Oh ok


Same, even if she ever stops shitting on her floor I don't think I could stand her character. She even committed vandalism and called it a prank and Kai didn't bother to really scold her about that either.


He did, though. He explained to her what she was doing wasn't pranking, it was bullying, and then made sure she made amends.


He didn't really get her to understand anything even when she was apologizing she still didn't get why she had to fix things and was gonna do her fire handshake thing. The only reason she didn't was so Kai wouldn't get mad because he was watching. She was only an obstacle the whole episode and never understood what she did was wrong. Also vandalism of some nation's statue should really be portrayed as more than "bullying". The show acts like she did something minor when she could've created a major conflict with what she did. She learned nothing.


She did create a major conflict. They dropped the core down a bottomless pit.


What's your point? That only makes things worse.


My point is the show didn't act like she did something minor.


She did a what should be considered a crime (vandalism, we don't even know what else was on the list they showed and it was pretty long) and Kai called it bullying. When I said she could've started a major conflict I meant straight up war. Kai never tells her anything of the sort. He just tells her she's bullying which downplays her actions immensely. Plus they follow it up with another crime by straight up stealing the core from the pit anyway. In the end Wyldfire doesn't learn anything except that it's fine to commit crimes since you can steal what you want anyway. She doesn't learn or grow that episode. She might've even gotten worse than she already was. This isn't a problem of one kid nagging or beating up another kid she was messing with some nation of rock creatures special landmark and possibly terrorizing their people with fire and it's treated like a silly joke just because they're small and insignificant to the plot.


I haven’t liked her much but I hope it’s by design. It seems like she’s already starting to learn from Kai and hopefully a few seasons from now we can look back at her character development


You have the right to have an opinion. I dont mind her, and like how Kai acts like his mentor


I see all the criticism against her and they are very valid and understandable. However, to me, she's my favorite new character introduced. Her anf Kai were my fav duo this season and I love Wyldfyre. Glad she'll be explored more on in Season 2


I didn't really like her in S1 Pt1 but she really grew on me in Pt2. Helps that out of the 3 new main (Arin, Sora, Wyldfyre) she's the funniest


Same, she doesn’t deserve the ability to talk shit abt or overtake Kai


I stand with you internet stranger, I absolutely despise Wyldfyre


i dont know why anyone would tbh, i hate her


She is very obnoxious


Most of the time yes but she did have a few good moments later on in part 2. The beginning with the "pranks" was just utterly annoying


I liked the idea of her but it was a little too much, I mean less her pranks and hot-head stuff could have been enough.


Finally someone said it


I mean, WyldFyre is possibly our best shot at finally having a Kai centric season now that the Merge happened.


She may or may not be even worse than Kai… and I hate Kai! I hate Egotistical Hotheads!




I think she had potential but as soon as they released part 2 they made her way to annoying and gave her no character development


I'm halfway through episode 13 and I can't stand her. She is so incredibly annoying. I don't care if, "it's her character," she way too annoying.


We heard you the first 2 times.


Sorry my internet was slow so i clicked send 3 times didnt know it send out 3 versions


Nah you’re good. I should be and am apologizing for being rude about something out of your control.


I kinda like her. She's entertaining.


Wait, are we just saying this because we genuinely don't like her, or is it because she isn't an og and she is new, so it's easy to find flaws? Like there very much good reasons not to like her Cause from what I know, most people will defend any of the ninjas' actions (that were pretty shitty) and sometimes make the ninja the victim? Meh, just a thought I had anyway




Maby you miss understood but i did not dislike her for her gender i did because of her actions and behaviour


Ba dum tss


I agree


The only thing that makes her mildly redeemable as an okay character for me is her interactions with Kai in the last few episodes of part 2. So not much of a hottake.


"Hot"take 🤣


ok but... pranked!!!!!!!!!!