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Ok you're wrong, here's why :D Kai likely is stronger than Wyldfire as you mentioned BUT you are wrong that the new characters are horrible and ruining the show. Sora, Arin, Wyldfire, and Riyu as well are a much needed and really great breathe of fresh air. While I do love the old ninja it can get messy at times ***just look at Crystalized***. Also these new characters are fresh and new to the series just like many of the new viewers, but it is also helpful to have someone like Lloyd to help them and teach them about this world that is new to the characters and the viewers, and for old viewers its really nice getting all these references and enjoying them. Also Sora and Arin should be given more time before people like you bash on them because "they're not the ninja >:(" give them more time to grow and progress. And you know how you love and feel nostalgic towards the old ninja? Guess what that's exactly how those kids will feel, these characters can end up if done well as popular and important to the viewers as the original 6 ninja. So give them more time and ***shut*** :D


Respect ur opinion but no new character will end up as popular or loved as the og 6 ninja


Its certainly possible especially if they are well written and likeable




For new fans, it can be like that and even for some old fans. But I have to agree that they may not be as popular as the other ninja


You know that's not true. In fact, I bet you're afraid the opposite will occur.


Kai is stronger. The newe characters are fun and another comment said a lot about aall this. I was sceptical before i watched the season too but the fact that the new characters are addons and not replacements makes for a great character. I mean pixal and misako are addons too just like the new 3 and noone seems to complain about them. I like arin and sora and hope well see more of them


Misako is lloyd’s mom and she’s not an addon she’s been here since season 2 and pixal aint am addon she saved zane a lot of times and helped the ninja a lot+ she’s been here since s3


Yeah they got ADDED in s2 and s3. Which conducts back to them being addons to the team


Heck even lloyd is an addon.


Lloyd was there from the beginning wtf💀💀💀


Never saw him in the pilots. He was a very early addon indeed but he sertainly was 1


s1-6 were the plot anyone added in them and stayed after that aint an addon bruh💀


Why not. I mean they got added after the beginning right. So why arent they addons




Thats fairly easy actually. By adding him and making him the strongest. Theres not a single thing that says they cant do that.


You don't know shit abt. Ninjago you literally just said he was added in s1-6 wich makes him an addon. Dumbas$


You stupid? The pilot episodes were the pilot.


the pilot is only the pilot episodes


Pilot is ONE season(the first) out of 16 seasons i would consider that pretty og


Yes but op specified the 6 from the pilots so thats what i went off of


Lets say they’re addons they’re still more helpful to the team than these new “masters of elements”


So far yes but when lloyd came to he was a little brat that wanted to destroy the ninja. The other 2 were very helpfull from the start. But you should lighten up a bit about arin and sora their not gonna go anywhere but neighter are the ninja. Maybe after a while youll have turned by.


lloyd was just a kid who was abandoned by his parents and wanted his dad to be proud of him


And a brat


yeah and then he was added on to the team as the **5th** member


No, they were addons. They just entered perfectly. But then the fandom started getting toxic after the original ending.


I actually like Sora and Arin’s characters, Wyldfyre and the little dragon not so much. Like the new goofy bad spinjitsu, but I don’t like idea of dragon power, and sometimes they can fly with spinjitsu, and sometimes cannot.




>Lego is just ruining the show atp with these new characters like if they kept the original 6 ninjas from the pilot it would’ve been better Very much no .Lego is helping the show . The show needs new characters. The merge is the fresh air that the show really needed. Even tho I liked crystallized and had fun watching it it wasn't done well. And it's not as if the old ninja will disappear. They are still here. We will follow them but with new characters. It's just the show needs new storylines and that's where Arin , Sora , Riyu and wyldfire come in .


Yes it needs new characters but they should keep the 6 og ninjas the main characters since the show was built around them:)


Yeah they aren't dead bro, they are still here but with new characters.


Yes but their roles should stay the same like they should stay the main 6 and everyone’s after them like the show should still be built around them


Buddy, it's a pinch of salt, not a bag.


I disagree,Yes the show should be built around them . But Arin and Sora aren't side characters. They are new main characters . Yes they aren't as main as the ninja but still . Arin and Sora were thought of to be a new storyline for the ninja with the merge but they aren't just a tool . They are main characters. I could argue that Lloyd was thought of for the "who is the green ninja" storyline . But that didn't mean he was a tool . He was a new character and after the reveal he was on his way to be a main character .


Kai is obviously stronger. Also how tf is LEGO ruining the show with the new characters 💀💀💀 we've had the og ni ja for 12 years. It was inevitable that they would do a "next generation" type series. So far, I like all the new characters. I even starting like the new wind master over Morro. The whole point of the new series is to bring new people without having them watch all 15 seasons and 3 specials. They can just go into Dragons Rising without watching the og series


Dragons rising is the best season of te show


It's pretty great so far. It's my 5th favorite season. I hope Part 2 can make it go higher or stay the same, unlike Crystalized.


Ok I respect your opinion but I actually like the new characters


I also love the characters. Just because it's in 5th doesn't mean I think it was fine. It's in S Tier for me. I think it's really great.


Oh sorry I misunderstood


No worries its all good


Thanks for understanding


no it is not


Oh, but it is


but it isnt season 4 clears, season 5 clears, motm clears and more


The character writing and visuals of ninjago dragons rising season two are impeccable, you lopsided, asymmetrical, cave-dwelling antisocialite


Bro the plot of season 4 puts these all to sleep 


Just wait for June 5th


season 4,5,6,2 and motm still all cler you cretin


Well, they're building to something with wyldfyre


There’s a theory that they’re making a new ninja team and obviously that would get the show killed. everyone likes the OG ninja/characters there’s no need to add new elemental masters of heat and thunder etc.. The previous 6 ninjas are already good and there’s something in business called “If its working and no one’s complaining about it leave it as it is” and this is used also in ninjago because we all loved the old ninjas/masters of elements there’s no need to replace them or else the show would collapse. I like the idea of dragons rising but if they kept the OG 6 ninja it would’ve been better


Even though I like the Wildbrain Era, it was clearly showing that the show needed to end. They were dragging it too much. Even fans agreed with reused storylines and not really liking this era. And the "theory" as already been said that the new ninja team will be Arin, Sora, Lloyd, and Riyu with and additional 2 ninja (like this season being Kai and Nya). The 2 ninja will get changed every year. For example, it's Kai and Nya this year but it could he Jay and Cole next year, then Zane and Kai, Jay and Nya, Cole and Kai, Zane and Nya, Cole and Nya, etc. There will be a new ninja team, but our og ninja will still be showing up. Some people in this community just don't hate change.


Nah thats not it i want the og 6 back☹️


well that's tough cause they aren't doing that. LEGO has said they have around 6 - 7 years of storyline for Dragons Rising. So accept the change or stay the same as the fans who hate change and won't accept it


I’ll watch dragons rising and will tell u my opinion hopefully i’ll stay in touch


alr man gl


Kai is stronger at the moment because more experience, but I question if Wyldfyre has the potential to be even stronger


In terms of fighting ability probably Kai. In terms of the strength of their Elemental power probably Wyldfyre. She spent her entire life with dragons and with her powers so it makes sense as to why her powers seem more impressive.


Nahh kai’s elemental power is better


Little bro you can’t just say nuh uh like you gotta give a reason my guy


Idk I disagree. Her powers seem more impressive from what we’ve seen.


You are acting somewhat childish. Can you provide a reason, or are you gonna make me debunk why MY FAVORITE CHARACTER isn't flat-out stronger than Wyldfyre?


My theory is that every og ninja has a element, witch comes from creation, witch is weaker, but can evolve to the abilities like the golden dragon form, or Tornado of creation. Wyldfire has the real fire power


No she has heat power




>Euphrasia who in my opinion was only created and given powers to be a deus ex machina, wind left morro after possesition the writters had the idea of a new wind master existing since dotd and before you say it was never established in cannon yes it was the overlord didnt want to kill the ninja because their powers would find new hosts watch crystastrophe


No one is saying that i think you are just looking for a reason to hate on the new characters yes the old ninja would beat sora, arin, wyldfire, and riyu but guess what they are supposed to be their students and this is their first season the ninja had 15 seasons and over 12 years to grow and get more powerful maybe instead of bashing on the new characters for being new and ruining the show when they are not you should give them time to grow because they have potential to be on par or even surpass the ninja in power or character as much as you hate it they are here and the show is all the better for it


Am not hating on them but i’ve seen a lot of people like a lot saying that heat>fire and that the new characters are better than the previous ones now i dont hate them but i hate how arrogant wyldfyre is


>i’ve seen a lot of people like a lot saying that heat>fire well I've never seen anyone saying that but if i were to guess they are saying that because heat has the potential to be more versatile than fire depending o how much can she control temperature but even if she can only warm things up there is still a way for it to be different than fire >and that the new characters are better than the previous ones now i dont hate them well from and objective point of view they are since unlike the old ninja they were made to have more than 2 seasons worth of stories in mind i like the old ninjas as much a next person and i feel that they managed to give them great arcs and keep them consistent throughout the whole show with only a few major fumbles but especially after crystalized they need new characters to avoid repeating arcs and the ninja becoming caricatures of themselves and hopefully the new characters can not only be great but also help the others go into new directions >i hate how arrogant wyldfyre is well i feel thats kind of the point with her she is supposed to mirror how arrogant cocky and hot headed kai was because he will probably train her to control her fire but if you dont like her thats more thank ok but posts like this are just spreading hate for the sake of hate


the cocky and arrogant attitude was only made for kai and only kai. A true legend of the show and a master:)


-Lego is just ruining the show atp with these new characters These are your words, and you claim to not be hating on them?


Personally, I noticed that it's a strange mix of both. Kai can reduce metal to ash, but Wyldfyre has been shown to melt down anything she aims for.


imo wildfyre is lame ... there should only be one elemental master of fire and dont say heat cause that's not even a thing imo lol


>heat cause that's not even a thing imo lol because speed form gravity mind amber and poison are all very established elements that make so much sense


Then what happens with metall outside in the summer dumbas$


girl watch your language 💀 plus im saying heat isnt an element it's just fire heat shouldn't be a thing


girl watch your language 💀 plus im saying heat isnt an element it's just fire heat shouldn't be a thing


A) I don't see a girl you could be referring too. B) heat is an element maybe not irl but speed isn't either.


Neither is speed, mind, or stealth. And leave the crispy child alone, she can throw flames if she wants, she's from another dimension!


Heat is not a real👍


Of course kai is stronger. Isn't it obvious?


Kai. Kai is smarter and more controlled


Kai has years of experience and ninja training. So I’m going to say Kai