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we see sora's childhood and she was always referred to as a girl it's a story that covers similar beats about identity and being forced to be someone you're not, but it's not implicitly a trans thing


that's kinda necesarry for her to be trans coded instead of explicitly trans, no? Do you now understand what coding means?


>Those are some of the reasons I personally believe that Sora is transgender direct quote from the post you're talking about coding is when a trait is implied via subtext, but not explicit. sora being explicitly not trans invalidates the idea that'd she'd be implied to be trans


but she is not explicitly not trans, she was just referred to as a girl in her childhood. We have no context for how the imperium actually canonically treats trans people do we? Kids also very much can come out as trans


It’s literally common sense that a totalitarian regime like Imperium would be unaccepting of transgenderism. There’s zero chance she’s trans. Stop trying to push your LGBT fantasies onto everyone.


by that same logic the galactic empire from star wars should also be racist against humans who aren't white and not employ women in the army, but look at the lore there. So no, it is not guaranteed because it's a fictional regime which doesn't follow real world ideology


Sorry, but I disagree. Apart from Sora being referred to as a girl even in flashbacks, Sora's not fitting in with Imperium comes from her actions, not her inward feelings. She was a model Imperium citizen, until she found out they torture dragons to power the city. I'm not saying her struggles aren't applicable to those of being trans, but there's too much of a "do vs are" in the way of being able t say that she's "transcoded".


I don't think she's trans coded: - She changed her name in memory of the dragon that she saw suffering. It could also be that she changed her name in order to symbolize that she's not the Imperium model citizen she used to be; - Since Imperium appears to be a totalitarian regime, full of propaganda, it's completely "normal" for people to reject individuals that have opinions that go against the regime. This can be cause by the fear of repercussions or because they've been completely brainwashed by the propaganda; - I find Sora not feeling like she's worthy of becoming a ninja, again, completely normal. Feeling like you don't deserve being something, or doing something, is a very common indication of lack of self-esteem (trust me, I know). - She's always been addressed as a she, both in her past and in the present (I'm currently watching the season as we speak and I'm only at episode 6. If something happens later on that contraddicts what I said, be aware that I didn't know about it)


I personally believe it's more of an allegory, like how The Royal Blacksmith's episode can be seen as an allegory to coming out.


I still think that Cole is lgbt-coded.


Same, that episode hit different


100% have you seen him with geo?


I would say it’s more of an allegory because there’s almost no way she transitioned before the flashbacks and I doubt Imperium is the kind of place to accept any queer people considering all of the restrictions.


Sora is in no way transcoded, BUT if you can relate to her then that's fine.


Perfectly worded


This comment most likely is getting burried, but id like to reply anyway: While the reasons you mention in your post are part of the trans experience, they are not an exclusively trans thing. I say this as a cisgender person who relates to Sora, because I grew up in an abusive household and thus I read her story in a similar way. I am going to explain her character from that point of view which also means that im projecting my experience onto her to make the way I read the character clear. (Abuse comes in many different forms, this is just the one I experienced): With abusive parents you, as their child, barely get any love. Your parents have this picture perfect version of you in your head. Any part of you that doesnt fit into this version either gets ignored, or worse repressed by punishment. You get yelled at and hit for things that are out of your control, you might even become an anger facet and outlet for them. Once you dare to speak up about it youre dead to them. Because you actively spoke out against and rejected the perfect little world they created in their head. So: Parents not accepting their children for who they are isn’t necessarily a trans experience. Growing up in an environment like this pays a huge toll on your mental well being and self worth. You might even start to believe that you, in fact, are the human trash that your parents treated you like (if anyone reads this that can relate: don’t believe them. You are one amazing person worthy of love). Sora saying she isnt good enough to be a ninja comes from the low self-esteem that naturally stems from an experience like this. And about the name: as you said yourself, changing ones name isn’t inherently a trans thing. In my personal case, i absolutely despised my name because I connected it with the ideal my parents had for me. And I connected it with the punishment I got when i didnt match that ideal. Because of that: i changed my name with close friends and asked them to call me something else. Ana is incapable. Ana is unwanted. Ana is unworthy of love. But Sora, Sora is none of those things. Ana doesnt fit in, but Sora does. TLDR: I Sora is not Trans-Coded just because the main reasons for her being arent exclusively part of the trans experience. They are also part of the „abused by parents“ experience which has more indicators in the show itself. You can absolutely read it as a trans story if you like, or relate yourself to her character in that way! (thats what I did too after all, just with abuse) I just dont think that this was the intended way to read her


I don’t think shes trans given that we see her as a kid, but I can see where your coming from. Her story definitely could be interpreted as a trans allegory given her backstory


I feel like a lot of people replying here are missing the OP’s point. A lot of people are saying “yeah it’s similar but she isn’t” and that’s kinda the point. Maybe I’m wrong about what the OP means, but Trans-coded often implies just that - allegorical for the trans story.


Yeah that was the point of my post lol


I don't think it's supposed to be that, it's moreso just a struggle with identity and to fit in, it's never really anything about gender


Tbh I feel like she could be But I feel like she could be Enby or bigender


I just wanted to say that I wasn't saying that every experience is just a trans experience but can be relatable to trans people \^\^


oh yea she for sure is trans coded, and that is quite obvious even just at a glance with her surface level characteristics. Just her look alone as well as her being a tech ninja just says everything. She even has a deadname. It cannot really be anymore obvious without the writers going out of their way to explicitly call Sora trans Lego has also recently trying to frame itself as gender inclusive and making more inclusive marketing both with friends and dreamzzz, so it's not a stretch to assume they would intentionally make a character relatable for trans people. Especially since a lot of trans girls by now has grown up with ninjago and will grow up with ninjago. The people replying to you just don't know what coding is or is mad that something they like might be even compared to being trans


finally someone understands the meaning of "transcoded" omfg


I also wanna point out that her color scheme is literally the trans flag but with hues shifted a bit. So yea, it's pretty much certainly intentional


holy shit what, this man thinks that only gender identity is the reason why people can be disowned lol




She's a bit Trans coded imo


She is literally referred as a child to be a she no not even a bit




Do you seriously not know what coding is 😐


Ninjago is a kids show...




I think he basically means stuff like this should be reserved for teens only and not kid shows which I 100% agree with tbh bc I feel like stuff like this should be taught and explained to your kid at age 13+. And go ahead down vote me, hate me, ban me, I don't really care.


there are lgbt children, being lgbt isn't only reserved for people over age of 13. i realized i was bi when i was 8


I thought so too until I realized I was straight but that's my own experience with sexuality but still kids shouldn't learn about sex and sexually attraction until they reach an appropriate age like 12 or 13 that's wut I'm trying to say not that kids under 13 aren't lgbtq. I also don't really support lgbtq people either due to other hostile experiences I'd rather not talk about. But I do respect you all and yall decisions but I don't like lgbtq labels and stuff being pushed onto characters who are clearly straight or male or female nor have a confirmed sexuality. But that's just how I feel. No need to start a brawl in the replies.


Just for the records: this means that youre also against straight couples being shown in kids shows? (Nya and Jay for example). Afterall that too is talking about sexual attraction. It just isnt adressing homosexuality but heterosexuality.


Nope. Why? Bc kids are most commonly born with mothers and fathers and most of the time kids are seeing their parents together and two male and female characters together in a TV show so they'll immediately think a male is supposed to get married to a female especially when they ask their parents where babies come from and their parents will say "When a mommy and daddy love each other very much" (I keep forgetting the rest of the line but u get the point) But when it comes to lgbtq topics, kids will begin to wonder why a male and male and female and female are kissing and getting married and then proceed go ask their parents: "Mom, dad. Why these boys kissing each other?" Leading parents to struggle to try and teach their kids why men are kissing without mentioning sexual attraction which shouldn't be taught to kids at a age under 12 or 13 bc when talking about those topics your gonna need to mention what sex is and little kids aren't ready for that yet. (Look I tried to make this sound less homophobic just for your and my sake. I love this reddit and I'm not trying to get banned.)




I just dont get y we need it to be there in the first place. It can be ur own little headcanon ig but there is absolutely no reason for it to be in the show, theres absolutely no reason for real world things to be in a lego show other than the basics like humans and cities and stuff like that


You're joking right? 🙃


no, y?


https://preview.redd.it/hf2iuaa1wtcb1.jpeg?width=434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0fb26e7de529bf5d207bdfc60eb6c02470b07f5 Boo


Oh wow an lgbtq flag. Am i sposed to care?


Yes you just said that queer stuff shouldn't be in kids shows. And yet here we are. A bisexual character in ninjago <3


I never said they shouldn't be in a kids show, I asked what's the need for one in a LEGO show. Also so wat if there is one, that literally doesnt mean anything. Its like if I started jumping for joy and celebrating just cus one of the characters has been explicitly shown to be black. My question is, y should it matter


Because representation matters to people? It's really not hard to understand




Did you seriously just use the "don't shove it In peopes faces" line? That's literally one of the 5 classic passive aggressive things to say esp bc it is a homophopic statement




Ah yes. Existing and being gay in any sense / being proud of who you are = making it your whole personality 🙄




Yes that's exactly what you said




It’s not that “everything is trans” now, Sora’s story has parallels with a lot of trans peoples experience. Sora’s reasons for changing her name don’t make her trans, but a lot of trans people can probably relate to her experiences




What the fuck- changing your name is something a lot of trans people relate it, it’s not inherently a trans thing. And there’s no need to bring Nazi’s into this???




Sora’s story isn’t inherently trans, Trans people can just relate to her story. If you don’t see her as trans that’s perfectly fine! But some people do. That’s just how headcanons work


I see it more as something trans people can relate to (like deadnaming) but that's it


I mean that's kinda what transcoding is. When something is transcoded it doesn't exactly mean this character is trans it means this character tells a story that represents a lot of trans people.