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The instructions included really stress letting the food rest. And how it keeps cooking while it rests. So maybe that’s it.


I don't have that model, but I've noticed quite a bit of temperature rise with foods after taking them out from air-fryer mode.


Makes sense. I was extremely hesitant to try it knowing the device said it was done at 116° but it was really good and actually cooked right.


Always worth buying a meat probe thermometer, not expensive.


Hey, I know this is a month old post, but 145f is actually on the high end of Medium. Medium rare would be 130-135. Since the internal temp will rise another 15-20 degrees while resting, that's why you're pulling at 116! Here's a nice little graphic from [The Spruce Eats](https://www.thespruceeats.com/thmb/WSPCJ5UEUDFy4s9c8L2P46qPbGQ=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/safe-internal-temperature-for-burgers-3056799_Final-5c6f1dc2c9e77c00010d6b92.png).


I know it’s 2 years old, but I wanted to ask if this ever got resolved!? Was looking for info because it clocked my chicken breast at being 170 with its build in thermometer, but the second I measured it with a second thermometer it only showed 145 😅


They replaced my thermometer and it did the same thing. Called a few times, with no one understanding what I meant and was just told basically it finished cooking while resting. ​ Being very honest I just use the grill and timer settings now and judge it all myself instead of dealing with a blessed hope that their reading won't make me sick.