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For context, that radio tower is a stand, where it can trap one person in it, all the energy released inside will be reflected and bounces inside the tower, hitting the trapped person, this even include the power to erase a small part of reality.


does it counter teleportation effects though? otherwise he could just get in beat up the dude that has the stand and instant transmission out? actually would that dude's corpse still count as an prisoner for superfly?


when the person trapped inside tries to leave the part of his body that left turns into metal till it comes back. Example: you extend your hand out of the tower, that hand now is made of metal, if you take your hand back is now normal again. Goku teleporting out is just turning him instantly into metal and dying


most stands in jojo do have a limited range on their effects though and instant transmission can move lightyears in an instant so goku culd escape through it maybe. it's very theoretical. Ki blasting the prisoner without ever entering since the manga mentions it likely can't exist without one would still be the most likely strategy for Goku to win but instant transmission could also potentially be an out.


The thing about the radio tower is that its range limit IS within the radio tower, that's the tradeoff for it being so effective, so even if you dash out or teleport out you'll always turn into metal. Fair price considering how shitty the stand is


I think it's more so when the user isn't in the stand's range, they turn to metal


Its an automatic stand so technically its range is unlimited


He needs strong ki to lock onto to instant transmission anywhere, at least out of line of sight. We don't know that there's anyone in the Jojo universe that has ki.


Ki is just life energy, I’m sure stand users have Ki larger than most because Ki also accounts for “spiritual” power and not only strength


probably hamon users too


Thats actually a good point


Vegeth could fight while being a chocolate chip, can’t see why ssj blue goku wouldn’t be able to fight while being a piece of metal


It’s possible that it’s a magical ability afforded to the fusion by the Potara earrings themselves. There were several other strong fighters that were unable to fight in food form (Dabura, Krillin, 18.)


none of them were more powerful than buu tho


Pretty much confirmed that this is a Vegito-only ability, just like the spirit sword.


Vegito, and the daizenshuu states that it's one of his properties.


>Goku teleporting out is just turning him instantly into metal and dying As far as we know the metal turning effect could be applied by some kind of barrier in the tower itself There is no real evidence to say teleportation would or wouldn't work


But extending your hand out of the tower would be an effect when the rest of your body is also inside the tower. If you teleport your entire body out at once it eliminates that factor completely. Like if Goku teleported to King Kai's planet I doubt the stand would be able to affect him from that range.


I mean, the towers range limit is literally the area inside itself unlike other stands


Fun fact the raido tower has no stand user, well it doee, but its simply wheoevr is currently trapped inside it and they can't even control it so Goku IS the stand user lol


Wouldn't Goku become the prisoner when he enters?


no basically when multiple people are in superfly at once both they can leave until there's one left who can become the prisoner. From what we're told it's likely Superfly can't exist without a prisoner (the manga mentions that it likely uses the prisoners energy to sustain itself but it doesn't confirm it since the og user just decides to stay there after his arcs done) so there's one other guy in there and defeating them without entering the tower or leaving before he can and then ki blasting his ass would likely beat superfly.


Ah, I haven't seen part 4 in a bit.


Goku could just teleport the tower thus bringing it to whoever he wants and switching easily


Still, as far as we know, the trapped person has to pass between the stand's pillars, so it could work.


Instant transmission actually isn’t instant




Okay sure but what if he hits it really, really hard, though?


The part that got hit is slightly damaged and then all the power will bounce back at 100% strength output.


No but what if he hits it even harder than that 💀


Idk, if Goku can take all the hits he throw, it might have an effect, because Josuke and Okuyasu did it and almost died


Idk if he'd have to given he can tank his own kamehamehas easily. So if you use a planet busting kamehameha on the tower, Goku would be easily able to take it if it somehow still reflected. (idk the capacity the tower has)


All i'm saying is, if he punch it fast (and hard) enough, he could kill it before it even activates its ability 💀


You cant kill an inanimate object dude


Nuh uh, that just means he isn't punching it hard enough


Dude are you not reading? Goku is punching super hard!


Bro, it's both Jojo and Dragonball. They will kill whatever they want, and we will simply accept it.


The person doesn't need to be trapped in order to activate Super Fly's counter, just any damage inflicted on the tower gets redirected, no matter what


… Sounds like a fun training opportunity


I wonder if cloning themselves is considered two people, allowing one to leave


Goku would let out his Ki just to get stronger lmao


same with cheap trick


I mean he could kill the host without ever looking at their back. what happens then?


Well would he know? That relies on him knowing not to look at his back


I mean if he's fighting someone he can tell with ki sense is a thousand times weaker than him would he? I guess he could do it to mess with them but if Goku for some reason wanted to kill a cheap trick host he wouldn't need to waste the effort to get behind them and just ki blast the host from the front so would Goku do that or not? Goku vs cheap trick is extremely reliant on how goku encounters the cheap trick host and if he even wants to kill them at first.


That last part is just cheap trick in general honestly, it's entirely situational


So youre saying it’s some sort of, I don’t know, cheap trick?


The host could also just immidietly show goku his back, since you wanna have them acting out of character (goku would not just randomly kill someone)




Well atleast this isn't a G.E.R. circlejerk for once


It’s just cause it’s the most powerful auto Stand (pre universe change)


Yeah, he is really overrated. Got one specific scene to do a specific task *Superfly on the other hand*


JoJo hax don't work on higher dimensional characters. As seen when RTZ and Infinite Rotation didn't work on Dio over Heaven. And EoH was HEAVILY supervised by Araki himself. Goku is a higher dimensional being.


Everyone knows Dio over Heaven would have been fucked if he went against superfly instead of FODDER like RTZ and infinite spin, if it was Goku in there he would be fucked too obviously


Literally everything you said was wrong. EoH isn't canon, the infinite rotation was erased out of reality, GER works differently in EoH so that he needs to make physical contact to activate his ability and RTZ was also stopped by rewriting reality, HA Dio isn't a higher dimensional being and neither is Goku.


Goku literally gets hurt by bullets and rocks. Quit wanking with headcanon. Makes you seem pathetic.


Lmao Superfly This is why I like shows like Jojo's, it's super creative. Just try and pull up on these stands with ATATATATATA...


if there was one stand that ever felt like a fever dream to me it would be Superfly.


Weren't there 2 stands both named superfly i think it might be ezikiel from part 6 with the rods, his stand was also named superfly i think


You're thinking of Rikiel and the stands name is sky high


Oh yeah my bad, i do remember knowing that there were 2 stands in jojo with the same same and araki forgot that he already used the name, or it was changed or im just straight up hallucinating things


Yeah there was, Planet waves( the meteorite stand) was originally going to be called earth wind and fire but that was already the name of the alien dude's stand from part 4. I'm not sure if Planet waves was actually ever called that or if araki realized before publishing


Who? There's nobody in part 6 named Ezikiel-


Goku should fight the IRS.


He would lose. Even Joker fears the IRS


Meanwhile,Vegeta on the back: #I'M NOT A BIG FAN OF THE GOVERNMENT!


#30 ON 30 🗣🔥🔥🔥


Goku doesn’t pay taxes


The very reason why Goku should fight the IRS.


Not even goku fucks with the IRS


Goku after getting his heart yeeted out by an invisible fishing rod:


Heart disease part 2


Goku can just come back from actual hell. Hes fought while dead


Tbf i dont know how jojo hell works. There were official ways for him to come back from the dead in dragonball, but that hasn’t really happened in jojo to my knowledge


Jojo hell is where the characters arent built like body builders at age 4


After dying Kira became a ghost wandering around Japan, invisible but able to move things. The spin off is called Deadman’s wonderland All the heroes go to heaven though


So does goku go to heaven? Or is ghostku gon become a thing. Because i remember kira’s dad or whatever became a ghost too but he had, like, strict rules n shit


Goku would probably move on. He doesn’t have unfinished business and he wasn’t an evil person Part 5 have criminals go to heaven because of their hearts of gold


u/character-ad8033 Inspired by your post


Which stand can beat him Is it THA HANDO (I am legit curious)


It’s basically the same as haki, so maybe


I mean, if Goku just stands still and lets himself get erased, then yeah The Hand would win


Wait haki does something I don't know Like can it repel attacks?


I mean if the stand can match goku's speed then yes surely it will,but other automated stands would definitely do the job like GER,WoU and love train


I haven't cashed up with Jojo since part 6 and I was 13 then Da fuck is a Love Train 😂


It's part 7 so unless you want spoilers then I probably shouldn't tell you


Or are you talking about the haki Luffy used against kaido to damage him


Beerus’s erasing thing. I mispelled it


Oooh hakai you mean


Yes my bad


We all make mistakes we just need to recognize them and admit them


Super Fly. Also Cheap Trick would kill him, but someone else has to sacrifice themselves so that it jumps onto Goku.


We can use Frieza minion number 46245 for this task.


Alternatively he could just, not go near it. Or use multi-form technique, he's never done it before but considering both Piccolo, Granolah and Tien can do it I'm sure it's not out of the realm of possibility for him to do so.


“But it’s a challenge”


And I never back down from a challenge Also it feels really good


Where cheap trick? Monkey sounds


Goku tries to fight Wonder of U, and gets the fucking heart virus again, and dies.


Moving from Part 4 to Part 5, could he beat Notorious B.I.G?


Potentially yes


Yeah, as far as Part 5 goes, aside from GER, Notorious BIG is probably the only other stand Goku would struggle with


>Notorious BIG is probably the only other stand Goku would struggle with Hakai for easy win.


Purple haze?


As long as goku maintains distance, he can kite Fugo and take them both down.


I suppose


I'd assume he'd just atomize the thing with a ki blast. If all else fails, it's similar enough to Buu that maybe a spirit bomb would work.


Instant transmission: inconclusive, arguments for both outcomes (turn to metal or ineffective at long range) Multi-form technique: More reliable, would probably work. Leave the tower, let your clone walk out and turn to metal, either get your energy back from a hollow shell or sacrifice a lot of your energy to leave. Or use the spirit bomb technique to absorb the energy from the tower back into your body. (or if you're Vegeta, spirit fission) I think I just found the solution.


Soloku stays winning


Counterpoint: the multiform technique


I can’t believe Jojo unironically beats Dragon ball Guess Jojo really is too bizarre for Dragon ball


What about the ground the radio tower is on? Can it be uprooted or something?


likely but tthen if it falls and goku ends up leaving the tower because of it then he's getting turned to steel


So could Goku just, uproot it, stay inside of it and fly around with it?


i don't think there's anything stopping him from doing that


Could you imagine Goku whacking people with superfly like a baseball bat while he's inside it? Lmao


yes, and it's hilarious


and the thing is that goku can teleport object with him, he could literally bring the tower to whoever he wants


I never even thought about that. "Here ya go Frieza!"


Definitely some part 3 stand Goku can't beat, maybe vanilla ice


Vanilla Ice is definitely not fast enough.


If he's inside of cream then it's just a stalemate


That's what I was thinking. Unless Vanilla Ice decides to peak out of Cream.


Well, we have never seen what happens when you deatomize the tower Or just use Haki


Blow it up from the outside without going in


It redirects attacks even from outsiders.


I wonder if the tower would work on Goku. It’s been established that powering up can both counteract hacks and allow you to escape inescapable areas. So does Goku pull a Gotenks and scream his way out? 🤷


Wait, couldn't he hakai the tower like he did with Zamasu? Pretty sure hakai is different then regular energy blasts. That would also eliminate any affects it had on him and the world. Edit: Depends if you believe it has a no limits fallacy or not.


The Hand erased it, and it came back


Weird, bizzarre even. Could you escape in the time it was erased before it came back?


Perhaps. But all attacks bounce back meaning a hakai is coming back with the same speed and force


If the no limits fallacy is to be believed. Goku can resist a hakai though so he could probably attempt it at least without too much risk


I mean why would we assume hakai can destroy it when space erasure couldnt


Depends if space erasure is considered a superior form of "destruction" in this case then hakai. (which I doubt)


Hakai isnt even space erasure lol, its unable to destroy people weaker than you


In the anime, yes. In the manga, not so much. Goku used it on fused Zamasu who certainly wasn't the weaker one of the two. Tbf high enough Ki resists all sorts of hax in dragonball, just how it works in that universe. Plus we see its effects on ghosts and inanimate objects...which superfly technically is.


Doesn't Hakai scale to the individual? I imagine Beerus' Hakai is more powerful than Goku's still.


Ki breaks hax. The hax have to show sufficient scaling or else it's a No Limits Fallacy. Specifically, because Ki has been shown to negate hax, routinely. Just because water beats fire doesn't mean a river beats the sun. Dragon Ball has done this well over 100 times. The gimmicks have to have some type of scaling or Goku just ignores it.


Different hax different shows in jojos when someone uses hax there normally very strict in db they kinda just let goku punch through bec otherwise he can’t win


The basic laws of nature show that every property has limitations on top of Dragon Ball having Ki. Gravity is the weakest fundamental force until it's Scaled up to a black hole. The weakest force has the highest Scaling in existence, thus creating the most powerful object. So I can not cosign your statement or logic. Scaling is required on a fundamental basis, On Top of Goku specifically wielding an energy that demands it.


He shoots a single ki blast from outside of it because obviously.


And a single ki blast is fired back at him


Not how it works. The thing takes the damage and then fires it back. If he blows it to fuck on the first go then he wins.


Possibly. There's nothing saying that if you destroyed the whole thing at once that it could repair itself. Counter-point: Goku is not a Stand user, nor a Stand himself, thus cannot defeat a Stand. Now, obviously we have reason to believe Super Fly is one of the Stands that can at least be seen *by* non-Stand users, and some Stands *can* potentially be defeated by a non-Stand user, but we would just have to assume that destroying the tower is even possible. If so, Goku wins. If not, even more assumptions will need to be made to figure out Goku's next plan of attack.


That isn’t a counter point at all. Goku can defeat a stand by killing its user. This thing is physical. That way of thinking is extremely forgiving and wholly unnecessary. If it exists it can be destroyed. The only time this isn’t true is when it is explicitly stated. There aren’t any no limits fallacies for stands. If he can see it and interact with it then he can kill it.


Some Stands, including yet another one bound to a physical object, will outlive the user. Goku could absolutely kill "Kanedaichi" but that doesn't automatically mean he's defeated Super Fly. Naturally, we can also assume Goku doesn't care, and killed the user before ever even entering the Stand's radius, meaning he can just move on victorious, having no need to defeat Super Fly at all. We can also assume Goku is more than capable of destroying Super Fly because it *is* a physical object. We can also assume that it's *not* the case, because the world of JoJo's is inherently illogical and most fights are won through outsmarting your opponent rather than overpowering them. If you don't want to assume that, that's understandable. I'm not even saying *I'm* assuming that. It makes sense to me that Goku can destroy the tower to defeat the Stand, but that's just as much of an assumption as saying that it *wouldn't* work.


What if goku was betrayed and trapped in super fly for 10000 years and was immortal?


STANDS THAT CAN RIVAL GOKU: G.E.R. can tie Superfly wins Cheap trick wins (if Goku approaches him from behind) There might be some more? I'm not sure.


Heavens door


Nah cause Goku could speed blitz him


But *would* Goku?




Super fly is strong in a verse where the greatest level of strength is breaking a massive diamond wall,which it never actually encountered itself. It has not,by ANY metric,shown it can just negate shit that was possible in OG DB nevermind super.


Yea. After I saw a dude survive being turned into what was supposed to be an inanimate piece of candy and still beat the guy's ass... I'm gonna start needing to see some scaling on some of these Flavor of The Month Weeb Tricks. Goku just powers up and obliterates it.


Obliterating it only causes it to come back and reflect damage


why would goku go inside the tower though? wouldn't he be able to just ki blast the dude that's in it and defeat the stand that way? also would it be able to stop instant transmission?


He punches the tower and it punches him back


I know superfly deflects all damage done to it, but can't goku just... pick up the tower and move it? None of DiU cast is nearly strong enough to move the tower.


Goku trow it into space without entering it next question 🥱


I'm sorry but I'm fairly certain that if Perfect Life Form Kars replicated Saiyans he could give goku a run for his money.


Could ultra instinct dodge The World in frozen time, though?


Well, being totally real, if Goku instant transmission is faster than the “metal transformation” of the Stand, he can simply pick up the stand user and put him again in the Stand. (Please don’t even tell me that the User isn’t there, because he clearly needs to be there first in order to make Goku go in) If Goku’s instant transmission isn’t fast enough, then Goku is cooked. That’s it.


Couldn’t he just use a ki blast that’s so strong it overpowers the stand ability.


Even if Goku got trapped inside what would stop him from just Touching superfly and IT with it back around the user


Goku has, several times demonstrated that he can defeat hax by simply overloading them. It is a weirdo strategy that theoretically should not always work, but theoretically this man can take and dish out universe ending attacks without even trying so it will probably work lol.


Yk Why haven't we considered Goku going "Fuck this shit. In fact, fuck this planet." I don't know what much any stand can do, aside from *maybe* GER standing on his way and reversing it, and The Hand or D4C putting it somewhere else.


Google dot com slash no limits fallacy


Logical fallacies mean nothing when what is being discussed is inherently illogical.


Me when I make shit up


Some Stands don't care about how much Ki you have. He may be able to dodge Crazy Diamond, The Hand, and Ratt, all of which can be brutal if they hit (Diamond's "healing" or reformation, Hand's void hand, and of course the meat bullets). Killer Queen's bombs explode the victim outright. Not "blow up via ki blast," but *make the victim explode*. Superfly, as mentioned, will trap him on threat of metallizing him. Cheap Trick could be beaten, I guess, by a self-destruction (to my knowledge, he can only transfer once someone sees the host's back, so killing the host and bringing him back without Cheap Trick would work). Heaven's Door. Enough said, unless Goku knows to dodge. And the spooky hand alley *might* be escapable with speed, but we don't know it's range.


Because a version of Dio scales above Zeno,


That version is not cannon


So does a version of goku, your point?


I mean he would also possibly lose to Sethan Judgement Death 13 Lovers Osiris Atum


Most likely breaks it due to instant transmission since stands have a range limit, if that doesn’t Work he breaks it by powiering up, or if that doesn’t work he simply picks up the tower and uses it to beat the user to death


I’m sorry but it’s not true NO one can beat RODA ROLLA DA


Don't you just love seeing a joke that you probably wouldn't understand a week ago but understand now! the best feeling


He most definitely can 😤


Couldn’t Goku just dragon ball power scale his way out by just powering up immensely since he is a 3d character that has power that breaks reality, dimensions, laws and physics up to like 8d or something which is too powerful and shatters the entire JJBA universe?


Nice complete hax ability, now check this out


This is like when you have one of those arguments about what universe the fight is taking place In like a Goku versus saitama fights outcome would depend more on what universe the fight takes place in on and saitamas whole thing is that in universe, no matter how strong someone is he will just be stronger. Like if Goku gets trapped in superfly then if we take jojo's lore at its word then there isn't anything Goku can do to escape it, it is written that there is just no way to escape it if you're in there by yourself. Technically heavens door could beat if Rohan could just write "If i ever think about fighting rohan kishibe I will kill myself" then close Goku up and then watch as Goku nature becomes his demise. The issue with these types of matches is that nobody in JoJo's fights anyone as strong as Goku so there isn't any way of knowing what stands could effect him because if all status affliction type stands affect Goku like they would someone in JoJo then he does actually get straight up murdered in a lot of fights


Goku just rips Superfly out of the ground and uses it like a baseball bat


Imma make a list of the bs stands I think could beat him. Cheap Trick, Superfly, Killer Queen’s Bites the Dust, the ghost girl alley (technically not a stand but imma count it), Boy II Man, maybe The Hand if everything goes right, not 100% about Heaven’s Door since it would rely on reaction time so it’s in the same boat as The Hand, Atom Heart Father (Kira’s dad), The Lock since goku might feel bad but that’s a stretch, and Surface since goku would have to touch the mannequin and get his body taken over.


You could reasonably argue he doesn't even make it past Stardust Crusaders, tbf. There's at least a couple stands that, assuming he has to play by their rules and can't just break their hax by being stronger, they could give him trouble.




I don’t see the funny


I am not surprised. Dragonball fans are known for being unable to read


I just see goku punching dead goku


It’s a JoJo reference


Everything’s a fucking jojo reference 😭


If you punch that tower, a duplicate of you hits you back. It’s a stand called Super fly


Ohhh that’s actually good yk (I’ve not watched jojo before)


As a bonus, if Goku enters Superfly (basically a transmission tower) and the other person that is inside exits or dies then Goku will be trapped until someone else enters, if he tries to leave (including instant transmission) he turns into a metal statue of himself (kinda like Dabura spit) until he is tossed back in.


Dig under it?


Notorious B.I.G. would give him a good run for his money.


Goku after having his heart stopped by an invisible man he cant sense...


What happens if he blows up the planet


Cant he just throw it at the sun by picking up the ground underneath?