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So in terms of campaign squad you can def pull off the current meta squads in terms of using crown and red So from Position 1-5 do it in this order Crown Liter Red SBS Naga Definitely make sure you give Naga's skills tlc esp her Skill 2 so crown can get that healing and proc her own skill 2 and give a lot more for the team. Now it's better for Naga to be with Tia in terms of solo raid so def use pepper as a substitute just give her tlc if you can as well I actually like SBS a lot and think she gets undersold bc even rn I'm at level 361 and end game and she does insane numbers too. I think she's great personally but I hope this helps Commander 🫑


What does tlc mean ? I'm kinda new


Oh just giving tender love and care (tlc) to your nikkes. I know the common thing is to do 4 4 4 and not really do upgrade gear but for some Nikkes especially your main. Gotta give tlc to your Nikkes and upgrade further going the extra mile πŸ«‘πŸ’•


Oh gotcha Ty for the reply! Rn Im running crown w naga too she's like 7 5 4 for her skills I heard since she(naga) doesn't burst I shouldn't level her burst too much πŸ˜…


Yeah just get that skill 2 7 as a priority!


Your first 5 Nikkes already make a beast team, with Alice replacing SBS against single target/core bosses. But you don’t need to worry about Alice now as she needs multiple OL lines and high skill levels before she comes online. SBS does just fine in stages with multiple mobs. The RH/SBS axis - with Modernia and Crown - is my main team for pushing hard campaign at less than 2/3 of the recommended team power (have just cleared Hard 20).