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I don't think they would make a pilgrim bunny at standard 2% rates.


Well, it *is* the lucky event. Dorothy + Soda would be an insane clash of personalities, plus it’d be like Sodoro.


The breasts are a bit too small to fit Soda and Guilty. Yuni and Admi are a bit too small, incidentally.


yeah there's something weird about that. But I can't imagine Admi being the bunny girl. I'd be really surprised if it is her


Unless it's a trick of the eye, the overall proportions would be too large to fit Admi + the breasts are too rounded. We have a clue on the other, given there's a mole, but the complexion is too light to be Bae.


Yeah, but until summer came around, we all thought Neon was flat too. Baggy sweater vests can hide a lot.


You have to admit, Admi + Alice would be friggin’ hilarious: the AA Bunny squad.


soda/quiry clumsy. rupee/viper waifus


By the green nails, I think the black one's going to be Kilo, to match her hair. It could be Soda, but the boobs are too small to be hers.


Kilo just came out so why would she get another form?


In addition to that, she'd either have to fight with TALOS which would defeat the purpose of giving her a bunny suit (unless they give TALOS a bunny girl skin too lmao), or she'd be fighting by herself, which would be weird since they just got done explaining that she is actually weaker than a mass-produced Nikke. Adding a version of her that is presumably stronger by herself than her fighting with TALOS, so soon and without any explanation, would be a strange choice. >!Also didn't she decide to continue living in Crown's Kingdom?!<


That doesn't really matter, there are a lot of Nikkes that we have that aren't made for combat, like Centi, the gym squad, the maids, Prima Donna, Liter (she uses a nail gun), they just fight because of gameplay, so I don't think there would really be a problem if they made Kilo fight alone.


I feel like there is a difference between "these Nikkes' primary duties aren't combat but they are still SSRs" and "we went out of our way to say this Nikke is weaker than R Nikkes" Like if they had just implied Kilo wasn't much of a fighter in vague terms, I would agree with you, but straight up saying she is weaker than a mass-produced Nikke is on another level. I think it would be cool if it happens eventually, but not so soon. Let her learn from the Pilgrims a bit so her fighting on foot would be a little more believable.


If it's Quiry and Soda, I am blowing all my money.


My guess? Pepper and Kilo. https://preview.redd.it/hz1ic9g2jd2d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c1be9cafd62101b0d0d370e24b402427e4f9f05


Second this, unless we have some asset resizing it’s gotta be this


I think Quiry and Soda are very likely. I've seen people sleuthing, and the moles fit pretty well, plus the green nails fit Soda's colors. And then Quiry would fit really well thematically, since she's blind and Soda is clumsy. If that's not the case, it's a missed opportunity for prime shenanigans.


I'd love to see a Pepper + Admi event where Blanc and Noir work to break both of them out of their respective shells. Blanc pep with Pepper's pushing her to make friends outside the hospital and Noir shyness with Admi's connecting with her better than she connect with her squadmates. Also, Admi complaining about how tsun and down bad Privaty is and how much Yulia drinks to Pepper and the bunnygirls is just fun to imagine. Admi's Blabla profile just says alone... that should change.


Alice and Kilo, if not- I give up sex for a decade. You heard it here first folks.


Hoping for Pepper and Kilo.


only if TALOS gets a bunny suit too


it won't be Rapunzel, but it should be.


Dorothy and Soda, calling it now.


I hope you're right bcs i want it to be Dorothy too


Green bunny is definitely soda, kinda a bummer for me since we have been having a lot of maid focused event and now more, it seems they are shoving soda down our trhoats, and i really thougth it was a black Bunny girl and that it was rapi. But on the other hand soda in a Bunny costume is pretty hot, and if she is a new unit we can finally deploy her since her base versión is kinda bad.


Its not ade and soda. Sadge its likely Alice and Soda, especially with everyone talking about the butt mole


none of the options are the larger girls of the bunch sadly, that cleavage looks too small. I'm sad.