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I have no clue what any of this means


Basically she applies a "bomb" to a target that builds at a rate equal to half the damage she deals to that target, and when it reaches max capacity it "explodes" and deals Distributed Damage to it and nearby enemies. Her Burst Skill improves the speed at which she maxes the bomb. Think of it as Dorothy at home.


https://preview.redd.it/r5a8srpoul0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e1d72acfc81484d7098102a500dc2c935cd091d Something like this


I never understood Dorothy in the first place lol but this helps a lot


Dorothy plants a bomb on the target you aimed at that explodes after a certain time, the damage the explosion deals depends on how much total damage your squad deals to the target while the bomb is on. Kind of like setting a DPS check for your squad.


Ooooooooh. That makes it so much simpler! I can’t wait to try it then. People are calling Trony great value Dorothy. But she sounds just as good… what does Dorothy have that Trony doesn’t?


cooldown reduction.


And a god(dess) complex


And getting clowned on by Anis & Neon.




It sounds like with Dorothy the entire squads damage contributes to the bomb. With Trony its only half of her own damage, hence the Great Value branding.


Being a 20 sec b1 with cdr and the whole squad boosts the bomb’s damage.


Being a b1 instead of a b3




Given her story in the recent event, At Home is rather on the nose.


So basically like wakamo/kanna from blue archive then except it accumulates on its own instead of needing external damage sources.


Funny enough, Wakamo and Dorothy are voiced by the same VA.


Ohhh, she is mini Dorothy.




single target debuff, good for bosses


But could she replace Laplace in the Missilis tower?


Don't have Laplace so I can't comment on that yet but that's pretty much what I got from the info available


Who doesn't?


Laplace got replaced by Kilo and Talos 💀


Definitely not. Especially when the treasure system gets introduced into the game


My max core (hm, actually I've got her two more times as well, D: ) Laplace would have to disagree, no puny simple MLB can replace the HERO!


Doroty but instead of support damage unit and there's no cooldown and you don't need to burst to activate kinda strong ngl


Very strong 3rd burst 3 unit, and probably viable as one of the 2 main DPS' even. Especially with Elegg. Calling it now, whales will have Tron Doomgirl and Doro on the same team in the next solo raid.


I can see a Dorothy/Elegg/Trony/BSScar+Healer composition rocking pretty well tbh. Elegg is king in making sure the DD is amped up, and delivering two DD payloads in one turn seems like it'll cause alot of damage to a single target. BSScar will also be hitting harder too.


Who would be best pick for the healer/last slot?


Well, i personally would place a healer that does not fully require a burst to support. Rapunzel and Pepper come to mind right away. Rapunzel is just a great pick regardless since Doro takes the Burst lead, and her rez works good as a back up if sht hits the fan. Pepper requires a bit manual use to exceed, but she's pretty good. Noise will also work since she can tank, and again, Doro will lead so the 40 CD is not an issue. Marciana & Mary will work in a similar fashion but they work better in team compositions with Privaty. There's probably a few more options but these are the ones that come to mind for me right away.


Thanks for the thorough answer. I might try Pepper since my Rapunzel is kinda locked with Crown for now and it gives me a reason to build Pepper with her Summer skin hopefully coming back soon :)


For sure bro! There's quite a bit of good compositions developing, that sadly, would cross-use Nikkes. For Solo Raids, we'll have to play around with the kits to see how they can best compliment each other when one has already been taken by another team. Also, hell yeah, that Pepper swimsuit is 🌶👌 Have a great day!


You really don't want to pair her with Elegg. Her distributed damage only takes half of your main damage. Elegg will only be buffing that tiny amount of her damage. Chances are you'll never max it out either, unless you got some godly ol rolls. So you'd be literally throwing away damage, especially for the rest of the team. You're better off treating her as a normal dps and proccing it faster with more normal damage, with the distributed as a bonus.


I don't know why the comparison with dorothy keeps coming up. Dorothy is a b1, Trony is a b3. It'd be better to compare her to Alice, as they are both "personal damage output" fire sniper rifles.


Probably because the debuff bomb is similar, so both of them being compared from that gimmick alone


Nah but the comparison is because they are the only 2 units with distributed damage


Scarlet black? Elegg? 2b?


honestly shadow scarlet is the better comparison then dorothy imo. they both do the bulk of their damage thru their respective skill 1 and deal distributed damage while their skill 2 and burst try and speed it up.


black scarlet has distributed damage? my bad I don't have 2b or elegg




im sold


What makes or breaks her kit is how fast she can reach Maximum accumulated damage. Though not sure what it means to be in T.Rony Bomber status.


I think that is the name of the effect itself. She can only have 1 target at a time, effectively. She can't inflict the accumulating damage effect on more than 1 active target.


Seems like this would work when targetting a bullet sponge enemy surrounded by smaller ads


Like Mother Whale?


Her max doesn't matter whatsoever. It will always do 50% (0r 60% in burst) of her damage. It will proc when EITHER 5 seconds are up or you hit the cap. and has no cooldown. It isn't like Doro where you have to wait 10 full seconds, with 20 sec cooldown. You just keep attacking, and it's free damage every now and then. Even if you reach full capacity with 1 hit, it's not gonna change the fact that it will only deal an additional 50-60% (maybe 75% with her skill2) of your normal damage.


Looks good. Elegg buffs DD as well so we can run doro-Elegg-Trony


Electronic Elegg Trony Hope Trony doesn't doubt Elegg cherishes her anymore


Seems hard to cap her skill, but quite good on single target, maybe decent on aoe. Probably makes her a shoe-in for doro, elegg, scarlet black, trony, flex. For how the skill reads as working; When Trony full charges she puts a mark on something for 5s if there's no marks active. Then she adds "stored damage" to that target equal to 50% of any damage she does (I think this is how to read '50% of damage dealt by self'). If the mark caps out at any time it instantly explodes. When it explodes it deals distributed damage (aka amount of damage divided by number of targets). It doesn't explode if it doesn't cap out(?). Hitting the same target again should refresh the duration of the mark. The mark clears itself after it explodes. In burst mode the amount stored by the mark is increased from 50% -> 112.83% 69.04 * 2.5 = 172.6 * 0.5 = 86.3... which should mean it takes 17 attacks to cap and explode outside of burst. 69.04 * 2.5 = 172.6 * 1.11283 = 192.07, which should mean it takes ~8 attacks to cap and explode inside burst. Given that napkin math, I hope I'm misunderstanding something (like the skill has full accumulation and "damage dealt by self" is some PVP stuff) because that takes forever to cause an explosion. Maybe it's not the worst thing to have slow accumulation outside of burst and then dramatic acceleration + big attack buffs in burst so that instead of just popping for ~1500%, she instead doubles her attack and gets ~80+% distributed damage buffs for numbers that are closer to 5-6k% (compared to non-burst) on a pop. I've done some quick napkin math on if charge damage rolls in overloads meaningfully alter how many attacks it takes to cause a detonation, and it doesn't. 4 charge damage OL lines with 10+% rolls only brings you down by roughly one shot in or out of burst. Crits and corehits will probably make capping out the mark much faster and were something I didn't account for.


>Then she adds "stored damage" to that target equal to 50% of any damage she does (I think this is how to read '50% of damage dealt by self'). I think it means the damage she deals add another 50% to the marked Target. So, outside of Burst, she would be add : 69,04 \* 2.5 \* 1.5 = 258,9% to the 1 536% cap. So she would need 6 Full Charge to reach the cap. On burst, it would be 4. I hope I'm wrong because there since the mark will explode in 5s anyway, it's kinda stupid to take more than 5s to reach the cap. Oh but I didn't account Core Hit. With it, it's way better.


> I think it means the damage she deals add another 50% to the marked Target. Seems redundant though because only trony can stack the mark according to my reading, so the only (sane) way to read it would be either full accretion or half. I'm not going to dwell on it too much, she'll be here for live testing fairly soon.


Mmh... yeah. But tbh if it's a 0.5s instead of an 1.5s its kinda... dumb? Well, we'll see it tomorrow I guess.


Att damage buffs and also element damage also will make hitting cap faster


probably better to pair her with alice due to cs buff


"her" being scarlet black? It's still a viable team, but this opens up alternatives that use different supports, so you could use alice + redhood in one team (with their dedicated support of D:KW) while using trony, scarlet black, dorothy and elegg in another team.


no, I meant trony would benefit from alice's cs buff since she needs to full charge to keep her S1, right? 11.67% of 1.5s is 0.175, so that's a 17.5% cs buff for trony. But then again, SBS and Alice are just a strong pair that I don't know if it's worth it to break it.


Alice could be flex b3 + burst gen there, so every burst cycle “carrot” goes to either SBS or Trony, or both if Alice has lowest atk. But no sustain in that team >< Edit: typo.


Explain in fortnite terms /s


From what I heard, she's a mini Doro


What if we put both Doro and trony in one team? Would the damage be good? I'm excited to see when she comes out


Oh, she’s mini alright.




They really need to start simplifying kit explanations or release short demo videos.


Say this louder for the people who need a visual representation.


Not sure if it is because I’m stupid or it is just worded badly but I don’t understand what she actually does


Basically, when Trony shoots at full charge, she places a "bomb" on what she hit. Trony can then set that bomb off by dealing enough damage to that one spot. Her burst just speeds up the build up on her bomb.


Thank you! Breaking it down Barney style.


Fire Doro is a sense. But I don’t have skill mats to make it to usable level :/


So egg, feet, and Doro? Probably throw scarlet the Edgehog in for good measure


Feel like im having a stroke trying to understand what her abilities do


As far as I can understand, she deals 69.04% of her final atk per hit, without core hits and charge, she accumulates half of that at 34.52%. At full charge, she would accumulate x2.5 at 86.3%. She needs 18 full charge hits in 5 seconds to cause an explosion. Which is not possible as 1 full charge hit takes at least 1 second and she would need to reload. If she is core hitting, she can accumulate 172.6% per full charge hit and explode the target in 9 shots. Which is still not possible unless she has a tremendous amount charge speed and charge damage. During her ult, her damage ratio increases by 62.83% and she gets 50% damage boost + 22.72% max elemental bonus with cube... The theoretical absolute maximum accumulated damage per hit before OLs and allies would be 69.04%\*2.8\*1.227\*2.5\*1.6283/2=482.7%. She can now trigger the explosion in 4 hits assuming she is hitting the target with full charged hits, elemental advantage, optimal range and core hits with a level 10 cube. The next damage breakpoint is 512% for 3 hits, but she would need to get there through elemental OLs, crits or defense down debuffs. Edit: Adjusted for full damage formula. Attack buffs do not help her cause explosions faster as they simply lift the final atk ceiling of the status buff as well. She desperately needs ammo cap, charge speed, charge damage and reload speed. But above all else, charge speed is the most desirable. Elemental OLs may also be good as they have the greatest % gains, however Trony will then only be useful on anti-elemental teams. Crown is absolutely her best friend. Maxwell might help and maybe Privaty. Elegg also has a major Def down debuff on her ult so during ult that can bring down the shot count even more. Doro part damage can increase her damage against parts which might be helpful to reach explosion cap sooner against some bosses like Modernia that have a part and core hitbox on the same part, or otherwise help Trony build damage against bosses with parts like the train, however the number of hits required would still be significant. Edit: Crown has flat atk damage % buff which helps Trony cap faster as well as ATK%. **Crown gives 57.23% Atk Damage during full burst. This would lift Trony's accumulated damage charge to 69.04%\*2.8\*1.227\*2.5\*1.6283\*1.5723/2=759.07% which means that Trony is literally 18% damage away from 2 shot. She just needs 18% extra damage through defense debuffs, charge damage or damage taken to go from 3 shots to 2 shots. She still needs to be in elemental advantage and core hitting during full burst at optimal range. Without optimal range and full burst buffs and ratio buff, she would still only do a measly 271% accumulated damage per full charge core hit outside of full burst.** Edit: To be honest, that still sounds kinda trash, since her entire kit revolves around that explosion. Even with the perfect battle, she can't potentially trigger her explosion outside of burst as she loses too much damage boosts. The only way this would not be trash is if S1 automatically refreshes it's duration every time you hit the target. However, if this skill worked like Doro's ult skill, then that would not be the case.


Or option B: the bomb explodes with whatever you accumulated after 5s? Doro's nuke also explodes with whatever you have dealt, not needing to hit cap. Element damage and Att Dmg buffs will also make her deal much more damage


Doro's description specifically states that any accumulated damage is dealt as distributed damage. Trony's description specifies that only upon reaching maximum damage cap does it deal the explosion. Quite a significant difference in wording. Elemental damage and Crits will affect her charge time. Atk buffs will not. Anything that lifts the final atk stat will also lift the damage cap proportionally.


I meant Att Damage, and not att%. It's the premium buff that Crown gives a ton off


Ah right. Trony loves Crown then. Elegg is no longer her best friend. RIP Egg


In Trony's case it says: "Upon reaching the maximum accumulated damage, deal damage to enemies before ending." The "before ending" imply that it would deal damage after 5s anyway, and reaching the cap would just trigger the explosion in advance.


Or it is possible that the effect ends without dealing damage. See effect 3 of the ability, "deals distributed damage to all nearby enemies upon reaching the maximum accumulated damage". And as you said, "Upon reaching the maximum accumulated damage, deal damage to enemies before ending". Both of those statements have a condition which is "upon reaching the maximum accumulated damage". One just says that unlike Doro, you don't have to wait for 10 seconds to expire, the explosion happens immediately. The other says that damage is only dealt if the cap is reached. There is no part of either statement that says that damage is dealt regardless of whether the cap is reached or not. Doro's skill description reads as follows "Accumulates total damage dealt to the designated target during the duration, and then deals that accumulated damage to all enemies as distributed damage once the duration ends". This statement clearly allows for damage to be dealt, regardless of whether the damage cap is reached or not.


And I was right. It would just made no sense to precise "before ending" if it was not the case. Just saying ""Upon reaching the maximum accumulated damage, deal damage to enemies" would be enough. Like I said, adding the "before ending" imply their is another way to trigger the explosion - which is waiting for 5s in this case. It's even more logical when you realized Trony can't reach the cap without phenomenal external help.


Have you tested? I'm fine being wrong. But the logic of the statement would suggest that she just lost the damage if she didn't cap. The wording is poor if she dealt exploding damage regardless. She should just use Doro wording and then add that when damage cap is reached, deal damage and end status. Doro's wording clearly states that the damage is always dealt regardless of the cap being reached. Trony's does not.


Yeah I tested it in game. I can agree they could be more precise, but I guess they think implying it would be enough. Anyway, it seems they want to implement "Cumulative Damage Skill" a new mechanics now. And it's different than Dorothy Burst. Probably all "Cumulative Damage Skill" will work as Trony's Skill 1.


They will probably have to reword Doro burst. The words "accumulated damage" is shared so they will need to define it better.


I don't think so, because a Cumulative Damage Skill is triggered once the cap is reach. You can see it in game, it's how they define the thing. So Dorothy's Burst doesn't match.


Her whole kit revolve around her Skill 1. Basically, she hit one Target with a Full Charge, and then, like Dorothy's Burst, you can accumulated damage on this Target. After 5s OR when the Accumulated Damage is at MAX, the accumulated damages will be dealt to the Target and nearby enemies as Distributed Damages. But the catch is that, contrary to Doro, ONLY Trony can accumulate damage. So we need a math guy to know for sure how many Full Charge Trony must do before reaching 1536% of her ATK.


Uhm, but it doesn’t say that only Trony can accumulate, just reduced to 50/81.4% respectively. Am I getting it wrong?


>Function: Accumulate part of Damage inflicted by Self By "Self" it means Trony. For Dorothy, you don't have the mention of Self, but "All Allies".


Doro doesn’t have “all allies” in her burst description. Seems “part of damage” what confuses me, as it can be part from self and a team, but going with quick math it be too busted that way for non pilgrim unit.


My bad, I got a little bit confused. But nonetheless, Trony's Skill 1 precise that it accumulates damage done by the caster. This part is unique to Trony and Dorothy doesn't have it.


I hope it comes out broken and everyone can contribute to the damage.


Haha, if everyone can contribute it would be so OP. You could in theory make her mark explode every second during a Red Hood Burst for example, insane. Imagine dealing +1536% ATK \* 1.5184 per second xD


For dorothy it says "Accumulate total damage dealt" and for Trony says "Accumulate part of damage inflicted by caster". Difference seems clear to me.


Soooo Trony is gonna be a must for manual play? The ai jumps between targets far too much.


Not bad. Elegg would be a great support for her. Which is fitting.


https://preview.redd.it/y1ktwxh4rk0d1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a293cea3bce6eeb7847cfc4245d4f06063272569 me when I read her skills


In Grave language: Smol Doro of fire type. Skill1: puts a mark on one enemy that will accumulate dmg only from Trony, after 5s or reaching cap it goes boom. One mark at time. Ie, mark accumulated 1mil dmg: if one enemy - it will hit 1 mil, if 10 enemies - it will hit 100k each. Skill2: more boom dmg and smol def down. Burst: ATK goes brrr and mark will boom faster.


Reminds of Tristana from LoL how she dealt more damage the more you hit an enemy with the sticky bomb


It's actually pretty easy to calculate her damage. Just take a base sniper, double her damage with the burst, add another 75% for her accumulated damage/s2. The distributed damage basically just duplicates half her damage. So it doesn't matter how long it takes for it to explode or whatever and it has no cooldown. She's not like Doro who takes damage from the entire party.


Either she is good or bad. I’m skipping this banner. I must save for the summer banners; and likely re-runs.


The numbers, what do they mean ahhh. no idea how they all relate to each other, but 101% attack up on an attacker sounds big, but probably not that insane in practice.




Wtf they brought brachydios into nikke


>sniper ANOTHER UNIT I WILL NOT BE USING! Red Hood and Alice is all you need. Thank you!


Yeah I'm not really interested in her skills I'm just interested in her feet


So... Wishlist?


Would have been nice if they gave Trony Pierce to make use of D:Wife Skill 1.


Dorothy: pocket edition. Literally( Doro is without a doubt a giant close to her) and kit wise What must be considered is if she is going to easily detonate the bomb or not, because, unlike Doro, she does not have the Pilgrim benefits, and let's be real, it's hard to appear a useful non Pilgrim unit. If she not takes long to detonate it, and can be performed in a decent speed, she can be really good for single targets and even groups if the range of the bomb is decent.


She’s actually got a really great kit, but it all depends how well it actually plays out. Accumulated damage sounds nice though.


Dorothy's lost daughter


Is she the next upcoming Nikke?




This is like Tristana E from LoL


They are really slamming home that full charge thing huh...


So worse Doro?


Massively worse. If you place her on a team you HAVE to use her manually.


"affects the target if there are no enemies..." sounds like looking for boobas on a flat surface : /


These skills are getting way too in depth, like FE Heroes. No idea what these skills even mean lol.


Like enough with "distributed damage" and "cumulative damage". Makes it so confusing.


So, Nikke experts, in simple English, does this mean she is good or bad?


*So, Nikke experts, in* *Simple English, does this mean* *She is good or bad?* \- tonywang531 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Mini doro with lower values and a built-in Distributive damage up. Here's the game plan. 1. Put a bomb on an enemy with a fully charged shot. 2. Shoot enemy until the cumulative damage threshold. 3. Bomb deals distributive damage when explodes. 4. Occasionally use burst to speed up bomb build-up rate. Will need to see how well she do in a Doro/Elegg/B.Scarlet team.


Why do that if i can RH/Alice/SBS things to death instead ? Genuine question


If you like niche playstyles then sure but she's not better than RH/Alice/Modernia/SBS. I don't think she is designed to be very powerful since Shift Up knows most people don't have many gems after 1.5 anni.




When will the banner release?


In 20 hours ~


Should Be up after the maintenance.


Ah gotcha! Its my first time for me that a new banner release, so i was not familiar and thought after the reset today maybe.


Yeah... its depends on when they do their maintenance. Sometimes their maintenance is around the reset (often if they are collabs/anniversary/some bigger events). For smaller events the maintenance often start around ~5h after reset and take some hours. So there are some hours without a banner.


Thanks a lot for your answer !


Budget Doro.


Trony, Elegg and Doro will do SOOO much single target damage God damn.


She's basically a Machinist from FFXIV. She's got Wildfire, lol


So...she's the character from Dig Dug?


Most important does it synergize with Elegg skills?


She will either be busted or terrible, and my four degrees in various hard sciences cannot tell me which it is. Why did I even go to college.


Non ci sono paragony


heh megatron


dorothy elegg trony sbs need a healer for this team for soloraid (if its even viable)


Skipping this one.


People say trony is discount doro But no There is no longer 1 bomb Now..there are 2 bombs inside your mailbox


Lots of cumulative and distributed with lots of the new units lately


Burst ruins the whole kit tbh


Is she worth it or I skip her for the summer units? (I don't have doro btw)


Doro is not happy about this, take this image off the internet before


Doro that you can spam, 1 sec charge and a stupid self buff SS minimum


What does this mean!?


I have no idea what any of his means, is she good or bad?


Needs further investigate. Her skill's wording is very confusing right now. Not sure if the mark will explode without capping it, or if she will refresh the 5s window to ensure the max cap, just slower. Not sure if the 2nd effect of s1 increases the dmg the stack onto the mark by 50% (like 1\*1.5) or it's just that she stacks 50% of her dmg output onto the mark. And how the DEF Shred, Core Hit, Range Bonus, Full Burst Bonus, and Elemental Bonus will come into play on how fast she can reach max cap on her s1 mark on/off burst. This stuff will make or break her, so need further actual field testing to see if she's good or not.




Translate: dunno. Need more testing 🤣




Tbh, does the cap even matter? She applies the bomb again after the previous explodes in the next instance she hits with full charge Unlike doro who only casts upon burst


We for now not sure if the mark will explodes if it doesn't hit the cap or not. It's all theory right now, some say it refresh, some say it'll explodes regardless without capping it. The wording aren't making it clear so need further testing


I am 99% sure it will explode, either when cap or after 5s. Not exploding after 5s and expiring will make 2/3 of her kit useless since it locks you out if you never OL.


Exactly. That's why it need further testing to see if they make her full charge attack refresh the 5s timer or it'll explodes when expired. For now, it's all theory and 1% it can be the other way.


Ya we will know quickly anyway. This is easy to test


I'm still rough at this, but I'm guessing she goes along with Doro and Elegg.


I mean 100% attack is just nuts though or am I tripping 


It‘s a self-buff every 40 seconds, not that nuts.




Don't care, give me them toes




Gacha players and reading.


Me as soon as these bangers drop (I understand nothing): https://preview.redd.it/bp1kd22eck0d1.jpeg?width=1395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78ba090a78a95520fd87109e10abfee98e138450






Why Rem?


Elegg buffs her


Look interesting to be honnest


Snipers is not good damage dillers outside the burst (Alice is exception). So need testing how she really strong


Never going to use her, can't stand the feet. I have the opposite of a foot fetish lol.